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I should have bought the dip.
I'd be rich right now.
That's what I get for listening to you guys.
Is this the last buyback?
You should have invested in a brain instead
next one is in 8 minutes
Good financial report.
Same thing happened when the last one dropped.
This feels like reanimating a terminal ill patient in ICU
>>97255534 (OP)
you can buy a giga nvda or tsla dip right now if you're believe in them
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No that's Cover.
Nvidia is always a good bet when they get clowned on. Tesla will go lower before it goes higher, sell when he gets Luigi'd
They made less revenue than cover, Had a SMALLER revision than cover, But because they have literal slavedriver profit margins they get ahead, If you actually care about the VTUBERS at a VTUBER company, That shit should piss you off, But i know this board is just retarded numbermonkey tribalists flinging shit at eachother to try and feel superior when they are, in reality, Nothing but third world seanigger retards with less wealth to their name than a random small indie, And before some nijinigger goes
>hurr durr holoseethe
It's retarded when holofags boast about stocks too
>Holodrones celebrating barely making more revenue than Anycolor while crying that Anycolor double mogged Cover's profit
>>97255534 (OP)
permanently ban all stockfagging threads
it's time jannies
>Inbred seanigger third worldies bragging that their slavedriver corpo made insane profits off mass produced plastic slop and by not paying their vtubers anywhere close to a decent cut
I'd Lmao but frankly i just feel bad for the organs you clearly don't give a single pagpag induced liquid shit about, SEAnigger
Inbred SEANigger, Just as retarded as some trailer trash acting like they're an ubermensch because they own a Tesla logo sticker or something
>by not paying their vtubers anywhere close to a decent cut
Is that why everyone in Holo complains about having no money, work part time jobs and have to pay the company to participate in events? That why Hololive doesn't pay their artists?
Quick question do you watch any nijisanji vtubers, Own merch or have a membership or give them or even just send a superchat to one once?. Cause if not than i really genuinely don't get the tribalist dickriding
>Hurr durr my out of context bait clip made up bullshit is JUST as relevant as every single ex niji on the planet complaining about leaving the company in debt
>out of context bait clip
Kek the government doesn't use out of context bait clips
All of that is literal fiction but keep making up bullshit i guess
Stupid Japs.
>Irrelevant ESL babble that literally makes no sense
that post is irrelevant, but it does make sense.
https://youtu.be/4aNcmY2yydc?si=kZa7JOOXQ9QudvKh [Embed]

Enjoy being vilified by Japanese normies kek
>Is that why everyone in Holo complains about having no money
You mean the ones that fund personal 3d lives that literally only make money off of youtube ads and superchats? (and the occasional random bits of merch)
>work part time jobs
Homos have no fans and thus they get no money, Shocking concept
>And have to pay the company to participate in events?
Literal fiction
>That why Hololive doesn't pay their artists?
Exaggerated nonsense regarding paying for revisions because the artists hired were garbage and retarded, Also a very hypocritical point to levy at cover when anycolor was ACTUALLY guilty of doing that with the artists on selen's projects
You don't understand japanese, And thus you have no idea what this shit meant, It was literally the japanese government promoting a NEW LAW that hadn't even been in the books yet, Regarding companies having to pay shitty retarded worthless garbage artists when they are asked to revise their art because they're so worthless and dogshit at it, They can't get it right within the first 50 tries, This is why AI art is the future
>Hey let me hire you for this project
>Hey wait your work is dogshit i need you to redo it
>You better pay me full price for redoing it, Also pay me each and every additional time i fuck it up until i finally get it right
This is the shit (You) are supporting when you cite this incident, Which wasn't even an established law when that bullshit notice came out, The japanese government literally used Cover as a scapegoat to promote a law that didn't exist yet, And cover went ahead and paid the artists in full for the artist's failed revisions when it had NO obligation to, But go on and keep spamming this like a retarded SEANIGGER who doesn't understand japanese
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>They're broke but it's their fault
>Only homos have part time jobs
>Literal fiction
>the artists hired were garbage and retarded
Holodrones think like this?
>anycolor was ACTUALLY guilty
KEKAROO. The Japanese government caught Hololive red handed and you're still using fanfiction to deflect onto Niji
>Mogged in livestream viewers
>Mogged in superchats
>Mogged in vtubers that are actually entertaining
Yeah okay.. Noombers they only get to because of a 2% merch cut, Meanwhile revenue is lower than cover and will probably continue to be, But because cover actually pays their vtubers and hires sufficient staff to suit their needs, They have lower profits, Ah well... (Insert hurr durrs about the small handful of holo talents that left as compared to the over 100 niji organs that have graduated or been taken out back and shot)
>It was literally the japanese government promoting a NEW LAW
The subcontractor act has been around since 1956, retard. You can translate the video yourself or better yet, read the comments. Those Japanese normies don't seem to be licking the boot as hard as you two retards
>>97255534 (OP)
Apparently Nikkei is collapsing and many stocks are turning red this afternoon while Anycolor stocks can't be sold because they hit limit high

Enjoy this number while you can I guess, if the market doesn't improve tomorrow, this will be a juicy stock to sell
Amazing Holocope when Cover's stocks are in free fall
Retard, free fall means Cover would be below 2.3k, but they partially recovered last week and managed to stay at 2.7k line, which is their average stock price

And honestly I would like them to stay here instead of "flying high" because high expectation comes harder collapse, and it happened once already. They won't take off until Prime status is confirmed and the SGA cost reduced by huge amount
And yet for all the "holofag" bootlicking this thread is literally bragging out fucking stock market numbers for a corporation being high. And the only reason those numbers are high is because anycolor doesn't pay nearly any of the profits they make back to the vtubers that made them said profits..The back and forth tribalfagging is pathetic
>Holodrones when stock goes up
>Spam bait threads
>Holodrones when stock goes down
>"You're all bootlickers"
Kek. And you think Hololive is giving millions of dollars back to the talents? The same talents who constantly complain about being broke and have said non-stop that they don't make as much money as people think? Lmao, poor holobronies
Oh boy, holobrony/drone guy is in this thread now? I missed you, so do you still think HoloEarth was somehow an EN side project? You never corrected yourself on that.
Nah, I mentioned 3 times in another thread how I noticed his "haha Cover bootlickers, Niji is better" attitude and he never mentioned a talent or oshi he likes. Clearly, HIS corpo defending is better than OTHER company defending because he's doing it. Very unfortunate. Also doesn't want me to bring up ChroNoiR, Summer Jam, or Virtual Rhapsody as they're "cherry-picked" obsessions /vt/ likes. I just asked him which one he liked, and he never answered. :(
Bro is fighting ghosts, may his soul be saved.
>"actually we don't make that much, but its decent pay and we can buy a house after few months of work"
Just gotta ignore them. They're just here for easy (you)s, like the "NIMISEETHE" guy.
Okay. Cool. Anycolor had record net revenue this quarter, and more net revenue than their main rival (Cover) despite having lower gross revenue.
Good for the Anycolor suits, and good for the Anycolor shareholders.

How do the livers benefit? How do the livers' fans benefit?
I should, but I got him to get mad at a copypasta in that thread so I sometimes like to see how far the funny can get. It gets dull when his bait gets easily dismissed, especially when, like, 4 people addressed taking (interest-free btw) loans from Cover and he casts his net that EVERYONE in Hololive has no money. Lack of bait change kills the momentum, but eventually, it'll hit that point for me lmao.
More money for concerts and events since Anycolor actually pays them to be apart of those instead of getting paid by the talents to participate
Isn't this what happens before a big crash
/biz/ is down the hall
Christ you type like a third world seanigger
>>97255534 (OP)
and here the nijinog jacks off to his oshi, the jew investors, making money off speculation again
It's because they are
You mean more money for stock buybacks and invester dividends Nijinigger, They don't pay organs more than 2% for merch based on them, They CERTAINLY don't pay for concert appearances, But keep trying to pretend like it's hololive that doesn't pay it's talents, When every organ is starving, In debt when they leave, or crying over spilled soup
SEANigger nijinigger projecting, the only seaniggers in vtubing are nijiniggers and phasefaggots like doxxsagi
getting upset at a stock hike just makes you look bitter
+1 holo graduation next month
Just pointing out the obvious here, That all these stockposting seanigs have no interest or care for the wellbeing of the ACTUAL vtubers working under nijisanji
niji EN has had more graduations than all of hololive put together but keep going off seanigger
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Burgers can't count above 4
There's only seamonkeys here
Seamonkeys colonial self hating in full throttle
shouldn't call them nijiniggers then
call them anyniggers
For all the meming about graduations, Nijisanji had just as many in the same time Hololive did, But because they were all irrelevant shitters nobody memes with them
Per percentage, Hololive has had more graduations in the last two years than Nijisanji
+2 holo graduation
Twisty/Aster double termination deflection
well when you shit out waves 2view nobodies every 3 months i guess it is easy to show no love or care when a few dozen drop off the face of the earth, So on that note you are correct, 1 holo graduation is worth about 50 from niji.. just pray they don't ever lose kanae or kuzuha
>seething hard in a stock thread
That's low
That's some heavy cope
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Anon, we can SEE how much they spend on events, as well as how much those events earn.
They earn -8
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That's absolutely not fucking true.
Nijisanji has had something like a 20-25% turnover rate.
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> If you actually care about the VTUBERS at a VTUBER company, That shit should piss you off,
Huh, then why are you watching Holo vtubers instead of VShojo or Mythic ones or something? Face it you're just salty that Niji is completely mogging your precious Holos.
Nijijp graduations in 2024/2025:
chihiro, momo, utako, aki, naruse, setomiya
Holojp graduations/affiliations/terminations in 2024/2025:
mel, a-chan*, aqua, chloe, shion
now considering that the nijijp member count is 3-4 times as big...
Numbernigger i have a genuine question, Are you in any way shape or form an actual famelira?, Do you have a membership to her, gave her a superchat once or own any of her merch?, This is a genuine question, Cause i can almost sort of get tribalfagging if it's in some way a vague support of an actual vtuber oshi, But i'd bet you the entire net worth of your shit eating third world village (about 10 bucks) That you don't give a single fuck about elira
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>deflects from the question by nitpicking the reaction image I used
Classic Holobrony behavior.
>unironically get mad about stocks you dont own
Mythic isn't a vtuber corpo, It's a glorified MCN like machinima used to be but with even less overlap, By a similar token Vshojo might as well be the vtuber equivalent of the yogscast, Made up almost entirely of 1-2 core members (mouse and melody) and their gaggle of friends and nepohires, Deflecting to "But HOLO" while refusing to defend your ostensible oshi's company is kinda pathetic and gross (Real talk i know you couldn't give less of a shit about Elira you're just using images of her as a misdirection for your retarded trolling)
even pretending to be a nijinigger is more entertaining than actually being one
>SEANigger samefagging and dragging out elira images to try and bait hate her way when said SEANigger couldn't give less of a shit about any actual vtubers and is just trolling
Sad to see, I almost feel bad for elira for having had all other relevance taken from her, Reduced to being nothing but (You) Ragebait
You sound like a retarded kid who just learned the word 'nigger' and keeps spamming it to look cool
>chihiro, momo, utako, aki, naruse, setomiya
Ahhh, you're willfully being retarded by narrowing the scope. I gotcha. You're just gonna lampshade ID, EN, and the other branches.
Yeah that doesn't make the turnover any better.
>In the last two years
Holokeks can't read
They gave money to the talents for their canceled performance meanwhile Cover charges their talents so they can sing and make them money. How fucking grim LMAO
You can add up or include the other branches and the percentage barely changes. Even in EN, Hololive having 2/20 means they lost 10% of their talents last year
>buy a house after a few months of work
How old are you?
HoloJP is what matters. Yagoo admits as much by desperately hiding holostars and the foreign branches behind the holopro label.
How much are holofags crying ITT?
>Money to the talents
roru..rumao.. they gave money to the venue in los angeles, Cancellation fees among other expenses, You shit eating SEANigger retard
If anything it should be nijiniggers crying that all the money their oshis earn for the company get divested into stock dividends and buybacks to inflate a microdick CEO's ego and portfollio, But of course nijiniggers don't actually care about vtubers at all, They just suck corpo cock and project their seanigger corpo cocksucking onto holofans
Even if that is the case, meaning that the amount Cover pays Holos is not enough, that means that Nijis are even worse off, since Anycolor pays livers less. You're shooting your company with this statement.
>holocope making up bullshit
KEK shut the fuck up, holotard.
Enough for the thread to be full of seethe
These are the type of brainlets you are arguing with on a daily basis. What is revenue kekw and you say Phase are the biggest shit posters in /vt/
How's that graduation queue getting along? Is it over yet?
Just wait for the aster investigation roadblock to clear up and you'll see it start up again seanigger sister
>niji mogging holo
>only jp whales have some semblance of profit
>still uses an elira pic
Why are nijiniggers this retarded ?
holy holobro seethe so hard
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I don’t get it
Two more weeks?
? ? ?
Yet after all those buybacks and a new studio anycolor still has more money lol.
To find the ingredients ?
No way SEAsters are still this catty after every humiliation nijikuro has gone through so you are either a ligger or a phasekek falseflagging so HoloGODs keep kicking the dead horse that is nijikuro
>dood it's the phasekeks the nijifags the holofag the jews!!!1
Nice job outting yourself, retard
>we make less money overall compared to company A but we pay whole lot less to our employees and give them shit for support
>”Awesome” - stockholders
>He says as Hololive treats artists as slaves and the talents have to pay to work
No holo has a part time job to get by. You're thinking of stars.
Please point out what was made up. Besides, you aren't a Niji fan, you don't need to defend them.
The best part about this is that all but one of hololive's riggers and artists came out and asked why Cover was singled out in the report, and said that other companies (they didn't say which ones) were worse.
Not that anon but you know that Roboco said it cost her about a year of saving to buy plot, build a house on it, and renovate the kitchen, right?
Even more absurd is that it was supposedly faster to do thag than to find an apartment she liked. Apartment-hunting in Tokyo must suck.
Why are you not counting NijiID, NijiEN, or holoEN?
Do not even you, a self-proclaimed Niji fan, care about EN?
That's Nikkei...
Didn't exist in 2024.
>NijiEN and HoloEN
HoloEN lost 10% of it's total members last year
>talents have to pay to work
You keep saying this but you also try to hude the nuance in order to shitpost.
Now continue and reply with another one of your pre-made phrases. I know you need to fill your quota and I'm taking a shit, so I can entertain you for a bit.
>A single rigger who enjoys being paid in exposure defended Cover by saying everyone else was worse
Meanwhile tons of artists reported them to the government and tweeted about how they should have just followed the law
>Didn't exist in 2024.
And NijiEN?
Reading reps doko? The only rigger who complained about Cover is still working with them.
Had about the same percentage as HoloEN
That's not to say that Cover shouldn't be called out too, it's just funny how the entire sphere went out of their way to ask why Cover was singled out.
You're not Japanese. A ton of artists were reporting them and some they worked with retweeted the report then said that they expected them to get caught eventually
Give me the members and percentage. Not a vague "about the same."
You are not Japanese and you can't just make things up. Especially not when you are trying to use that as your own defense.
5 members out of a total 42 in EN left last year. 2 members out of a total 20 in EN left last year. That's 12% to 10%. That's about the same, retard. Don't they teach you math in whatever third world country you're from?
Why wouldn't they celebrate? Anycolor used to have way superior revenue to Cover, now the positions are reversed.
That has never been the case, retard. What's true is that Anycolor has always had comparable revenue to Cover and has always destroyed them in profits. Making 200 million more yen means nothing when they're keeping double the money you are because you need to pay off loan sharks
Hololive/Holostars: (sans Shion upcoming grad. + not including A-chan)
>Debuted: 113 total
>Grad./Term.: 22
>Total %: 19.47%
>Total retention %: 80.53%
Nijisanji (using table provided, seems to end at 08/2024)
>Debuted: 386 total
>Grad./Term.: 160
>Total %: 41.45%
>Total retention %: 58.55%
One of these is worse than the other moron.
I askes because I have no idea who is in or have left NijiEN, retard. You think I keep up with them?
>Counts closed branches and BilliBilli livers
Holodrones are always so desperate and pathetic
Pretty sure Anycolor used to have greater profit and revenue in earlier reports. Like, Summer of 2022 to 2023. What changed is Cover's gross profit going up.
Anycolor still has a greater net profit, by way of having less deductions due to costs.
It counts holoCN and hitomi chris, So it's a fair comparison
That's like 6 extra girls compared dozens of people who were apart of IN, ID and KR. I don't see why Chris wouldn't count as a normal talent either
IN closing down doesn't mean that those three didn't graduate, and both ID and KR still has livers in the company. If it makes you feel better everyone sans EN can be counted to the JP group instead.
But sure, let's remove China, SLEE, and that last one since they fired everyone, from the equation. That gives Anycolor a 73% retention rate. 74% if you temove IN too.
Who is the retard here? "Never been the case" my ass.
>nooo, you can't count closed branches for both companies!
>Only 5% less than Hololive total
>Hololive having a worse percentage overall in the last two years
Looking grim for Hololive. How will they cope now?
>Way superior
>Shows revenue that's around the same amount
So you do agree that Nijisanji is a worse agency to join.
Yeah. If you prefer having to pay to work, having a significantly shitter fanbase, having almost no money and being forced to record while severely ill, you'd join Hololive
Isn't NijiEN doing worse and worse but it doesn't effect the bottom line since they are too strong in Japan
If you hadn't said "never", you might have a point. It's indisputable that Anycolor had way higher revenue 5+ years ago.
Again with the lies. First of all, you ar emaking things up when you say that they don't earn anything and have to pay to work.
Secondly, you do know that the payout per talent, to each talent, is larger in hololive, right?
Yeah but that doesn't matter. This isn't an NijiEN fanboy butthurt over their fall to irrelevance, nor is it a fan of NijiJP defending their oshi. It's just someone who hates hololive, thinking their small corpo (or indie) will become the top dog if they anti hololive on Twitter and 4chan.
Not a single time have they had way higher revenue, it's always been around the same
>Not a single time have they had way higher revenue
This is still wrong, even if they're "about the same" (which they weren't always).
Using their own statements (2022 to 2024):
Cover: 13,664 to 20,451 to 30,166
Anycolor: 14,164 to 25,342 to 31,996
Notice how Anycolor blew ahead in '22-'23? That's because their merch game was superior to Cover's, and Cover only caught up to (but didn't surpass) Anycolor last year through more merch.

I have some more interesting data though. Net income growth has decreased year by year for Anycolor (197.99% to 139.83% to 30.26%), and increased for Cover (1.94% to 64.94% to 101.55%) due to Anycolor focusing on a large opening when they went public. They created a trust they have only sat on since then, only digging into to do buybacks.
Not a single time has Anycolor ever had double the revenue of Cover. That's a way higher revenue. We know they have a way higher profit because it's literally double what Cover has. Also they haven't only done buybacks, you retard. Do basic research
So you admit nijiniggers are retarded enough to pick up fights with Hololive ?
uhoh, melty
I accept your concession
Gets instantly BTFOd for misusing terms
If you define "way higher" as double you should have stated that. 124% is way higher in my eyes.
Also I never soad that they have only ever spent money on buybacks you retard. I said that specific chest they created when they went public has only been tapped once, for a buyback.
Besides, the biggest reason they have a higher net profit is because Cover has over 4 times the expenditure of Anycolor.
Retards thinking I was the one who posted that. You'll really take any win you can get, huh. Even if it's against a braindead catalogtard baiting (you)s.
>>97291037 (Me)
Cover has between 3 and 4 times Anycolor's expenses, not over 4 times.
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>>97255534 (OP)
Take a look at these before you post:
Long cope doesn't change the facts
Facts are that Cover and Anycolor have the same revenue. I have no idea why Cover cares so little about their stock, but at the end of the day, even if they dropped 50% YoY they'd still have an increased revenue.
The same faggots parroting that niji is better than holo because their investors profit more are the same ones that accuse holos of oshing the company and not the talents
*samefag reply*
*samefag meltdown*
There. Thread summarized.
Now you can go back to watching your beloved livers. If your oshi is still in the company (and not on break).
What, do you think he's already back and working preparing the meal?
"Here's one I cooked up earlier" type shit?
>Didn't exist in 2024.
Then you're intentionally leaving out the ones who got roped into JP as I said, retard.
>one branch has significantly worse retention rate than the entirety of the other company, which only gets worse the more branches you add
Is the alleged sexpest still on break for that external investigation?
It actually does.
For the past few years, NijiEN was their little trophy branch to wave around to investors, "Look! The JP market is saturated! Look how well NijiEN is going to expand overseas and get us more money!"
Then in 2024+ after I think Denauth, they've been completely absent from the presentation slides
niji has fallen so far down, the only thing they are proud of is the stock value that they have and not the talent or content they make.
Uh ooh Holo melty
Uh oh melty schmelty
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It was last year's Q3 report, right after the Selen Shock, that did them in.
See that -40.3% comparing the last year's Q3 with the year before? And remember how the next day there was that 700 yen drop? That's why that was the last time they showed the EN bar graph on its own.

Worth noting is that this year's YOY drop for Q3 is worse than last year's drop, but they hit the upper limit because they showed the investors a massive amount of net revenue on the quarter (read: they paid their staff poverty wages, and threw most of the rest of the gross revenue into the money pile)
Funny as hell. Last year -40% was awful.
Now it's 50% of THAT.
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>>97255534 (OP)
>That's what I get for listening to you guys.
We were telling you to buy the dip, faggot.
Don't forget about the legendary -8 in the second-next report six months later!
Stay mad holobrony! More graduations coming AHAHAHHAA.
>samefag meltdown
Bring back the IP counter.
Hating Holofags is basically vtubing's national past-time now. Sad what has happened to a once beloved brand.
Uh oh melty
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>>97262966 (me)
I just popped in here because I saw this thread was still kicking, expecting further discussion and that guy going "My Niji company better, your company stoopid" dipping. And I noticed a bunch of anons still managed to reply to him. People didn't read what I said in that response. :(
Shame on you anons. Please don't fall for this guy's lame bait, like in my original reply, homie doesn't even talk about a talent or oshi, I suppose he posted some Elira pictures...I guess that's something. Notice he still never answered which event among ChroNoiR, Summer Jam, and Virtual Rhapsody he liked. Do they exist or not? He still won't answer. Oh well. But keep an eye on this behavior, it's one of the most easiest outing ever.
These threads are funny because they follow a self fulfilling prophecy of /#/ trannies ACK-ing themselves any time AC's stocks do better than cover's and these positions flip flop naturally as stocks do trapping the /#/faggots in an endless loop of self destruction
To be fair, Niji is a prime international stock.
It should NEVER come close to Cover's stock in the first place. The fact that it's been overtaken this badly is a catastrophic failure.
You mean holofags.
That's because Japan's mortgage interest rates were and largely still are sub-3% for 20 - 35 year terms.
I've got a friend in Japan who has a 30 year term mortgage on $270k-equivalent at a fixed 0.9%. It was basically nearly free to borrow until a few months ago when the Japanese central bank raise interest rates by a tiny percentage.
Same thing. Perfectly overlapping Venn diagram and all.
>even if we are going to do a concert we still have to pay(the flight) ourselves
Literally why is cover so stingy?
The one takeaway from reading this thread:
hololive fans treat stocks as some sort of team sports and they REALLY dislike being on the loser's side
Gura and Mumei?
Holobronies are actual children. They'll boast about the dumbest shit, be cruel to literally anyone or anything they see as their enemy, and throw a massive tantrum when they get mad.
Holofags are dumber than bricks. Same with phasefags, vshojofags, nijiENfags, and large indiefags. This hobby and this board is flooded with underaged intelligence-deficient losers.
https://youtu.be/XlM8NjkZcFs?si=cYRf9xwBx_6UHR8A [Embed]
uh oh, niji melty
Revenue means shit, investors only care about profits. The fact is that Cover is highly inefficient as a company.
>>97255534 (OP)
You woulda made like $50
Greed? They don't pay their artists, why would they pay for things for their talents?
>Anyone shitting on Holo is the same guy!
Holy mindbreak
Don't pretend, there is only one guy on this website and he is called "Anonymous"
This guy hates Hololive and loves Hololive. What a mentally unstable person.
Hmm, I wonder why you never responded: >>97287701
Stop making things up, especially when you can't even fabricate proof, much less get real ones.
lol irl
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>>97255534 (OP)
so was that a buyback or dividends they did yesterday?
Well then who do you like?
Phasecucks are obvious
>a day and a half late
Also, Yagoo is the last person to care. He holds like 55% of the company and does not care about the value as long as sponsors sponsor them, and fans watch the talents.
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You faggots told me cover would moon because of the TCG, I lost 3k USD because of you scammers
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Buy high sell low
Life must be great when (you) can ignore reality like (you) do.
>1 day
Stop larping faggot, you don't own a single stock.
>taking financial advice from /#/
Let me guess you bought trumpcoin too KEK
It peaked at 3400 with the tcg KEK he got rugpulled HARD

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