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>While driving the expansion of the VTuber and virtual entertainment economic spheres globally, COVER aims to achieve a 50:50 domestic/ overseas sales composition over the medium-to-long term, or even have overseas sales comprise the majority of its business. We plan to first target the anime economic sphere in each region as our core markets to roll out our content, products, and services. We will also gradually deepen localization in line with characteristics of each region.
So what do you think comes first? HoloEU? HoloES? HoloKR?

HoloDN (deez nuts)
>>97259407 (OP)
I could see a Korean DEV_IS generation working out.
HoloKR is impossible, kpopfags are nutters.
>>97259407 (OP)
>And when you look at VTubers in the context of anime content, what is particularly noteworthy is that by releasing content at a high frequency throughout the year
With the increasing number of graduations, malicious compliance, and long hiatus breaks this guy feels completely detached from Hololive. He knows the correct way to hype up a company so he can talk about unlocking corporate value and increasing brand influence but it's all empty marketing buzzwords. Cover hired over 150 employees in 2024 and the only result is they are becoming more soulless.
>nooooo, you can’t just hire people
>nooooooooo, you can’t have side projects!
>>97259407 (OP)
>So what do you think comes first?
No Hololive its fine. Just make another company or use Cover USA
>>97259407 (OP)
EU hates gacha and it's why every gacha game is banned there except CSGO gambling knives. Many holos openly state they like gacha and I don't want to see some retarded britbong come into the space preaching his retarded bullshit to vtubers when his countrymen founded ubisoft.
>>97259407 (OP)
Sounds horrifying. It's not even going to be hololive at that point.
Yagoo would unironically look at Riku's shitshow and decide that everything will better be in Japan
>>97259407 (OP)
HoloBR kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
If the side projects are more soulless Blue Journey copycats they shouldn't fucking bother about them at all.
I hope this means they stop giving JP all the sponsors and support and move most of it over to EN.
>>97259407 (OP)
>what do you think comes first
Stop coping first. Vtubing hasn't grown at all in the west during the past year. HoloEN new gens didn't bring any new fans
Aren't yuros poor bacuse they are taxed to oblivion?
Actually, I've seen many move on and leave this hobby. It's not gonna die but sure it's not becoming more popular.
This is a hard pill to swallow, but the early days of comfy hololive are over. Their entire point, from the start, was to grow. In order to grow, you MUST become a corporate monster. Profit is everything, it always was. None of the streamers are streaming for the love of it, they wanna make a good living out of it without resorting to a normal 9-5 job on the side and yagoo didn't start all of this out of the kindness of his heart. MONEY is the blood of the world and everything you enjoy in entertainment.
>>97259407 (OP)
>By continuing to create content that appeals to the sensibilities of younger audiences, we aim to have VTubers supported by two or three generations of fans in 30 years’ time. When we see that it will mean to me that the virtual economic sphere that COVER is aiming to establish has been achieved.
My brother in Buddha, Vtubing is still in a bubble as of today, one that could pop tomorrow if Suisei or Gura decided to graduate, this is a very early wishful projection.
Hololive was always selling a product but graduations used to be rare. A growing number of talents though are so burnt out with management they are choosing to quit. Cover hired more employees in 2024 than what they hired in their first 4 years but somehow their employee morale is sinking like a rock.
>Aren't yuros poor
>Cover hired more employees in 2024 than what they hired in their first 4 years
And that's a good thing, antis like yourself whine endlessly about the studio not having enough employees after all.
They’re going to merge EN and ID into something like an “international” branch where English is the default but not exclusive language. From there, they will will use gens instead of branches to pursue new markets like Korea.
>>97259407 (OP)
They already said their plans and the order they plan on branching out. Right now they're focusing on NA while dipping their toes into EU. If Justice and CoverUSA goes well, you can expect europe next.
>HoloEN new gens didn't bring any new fans
Like basically half of EN top CCV feature post-Council member, and they're filling out sub growth as well
Are you daft? Advent and Justice have been phenomenal so far.
I actually fucked up on this pic, forgot to include FuwaMoco
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Hey don't forget us
Yeah I'm still bitter.
It kinda crazy cause even NijiEN could've been experiencing a lot of growth right now just off the back of the budding interest of vtuber within the West but Selen fiasco basically kneecapped them
>four VnU chuubas graduate in March

HoloKR confirmed
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only Belgium outright banned gatcha afaik; and the argument is mostly - they don't want young kids to develop gambling habits. And it's hard to disagree with this one.
Hello Holoearth-kun, glad to hear you're seething today too.
Isegye Idol does fine though.
I've always been conflicted about the vtuber viewership market. Not to sound like too much of a numberfaggot, but it definitely feels like a lot of the market has been tapped out and I can never tell if the influx of subs are people new to vtubing or other vtuber fans finally moving over from myth/promise.
Sub numbers mean fuck all in the long run, especially so if you are in a big corpo. A lot of it is just ‘oh hey they are in the same group as my favourite I’ll sub!’ And then they never actually watch anything.
Fuck no.
That place is an actual time bomb

Korea is a disaster waiting to happen and they should NEVER touch that place.
>I can never tell if the influx of subs are people new to vtubing or other vtuber fans finally moving over from myth/promise.
I'd say it's decent mixture of both imo
I've definitely spoken to a healthy amount of Advent/Justice newfags, but I've also seen a decent amount of long-term fans add newer members to their rotation
NTA but It's not a matter of doing fine.
Imagine everything that's wrong about the JP sisters.
Now, amplify that by 10.
Double THAT and now you have Koreans.
They're fucking awful and DESPERATE to harass both fans and the talents.
That’s not going to stop a company from trying it out if they think they can make money though.
If you mean the total market in the west, then the idol stuff might be in danger of getting saturated if they don't seriously start expanding their outreach.
As for the indies/vshojo/whatever, not really. They have the same audience as flesh streamers/youtubers so sky's the limit, as long as they're both willing to put in the work and lucky enough to get noticed.
Holo though is in danger of cannibalizing its own fanbase if they don't step outside once in a while. Seriously, think about all the times one girl has 2-3k people because another one's streaming in the same timeslot with 10k. That ain't healthy or sustainable for the girls.
You can clearly see in that pic that Gen2 still have more subs, with the exception of the JP LARPers
Sub growth doesn't mean new fans for Hololive, in 98% of the cases it means returning audience. A better indicator would be Gura's sub growth
>You can clearly see in that pic that Gen2 still have more subs,
anon they were around during covid and existed for several years before Advent and Justice.
Of course they have more subs.
I highly, highly doubt that the people watching ERB's karaoke give a shit about the rest of the branch.

If anything, the one that probably hurts the most is Fauna leaving. Her fanbase was clearly its own separate audience from the holobox, and many of them who only followed Fauna likely won't come back. (Though the majority will just watch both.)
>You can clearly see in that pic that Gen2
I mean yeah, they have the benefit of having both a 2~ year head start AND having debuted when Covid lock-downs were still a thing
That's really hard to beat unless you do what FuwaMoco did and basically publicly campaign for people to sub to you
>Her fanbase was clearly its own separate audience from the holobox
I disagree, her viewerbase is still much so depended on HoloEN's box, to the extent that you can often see her CCV fluctuate in real time if they start overlapping
>>97259407 (OP)
Not happening, vtubing is a niche outside of Japan unless overseas means SEA
>>97259407 (OP)
>HoloEU? HoloES? HoloKR?
it says "Cover"
>COVER aims to achieve
COVER has to grow and achieve those goals, not necessarily Hololive, just Cover.
Aren't Americans poor from spending all their money on healthcare and guns to defend themselves from the homeless?
>>97259407 (OP)
Aren't French people the biggest weebs in Europe?
I’d say Niji’s own venture is a good enough reason to not do so.
You mean Hololive....GLOBAL?
That may happen sooner than expected
Healthcare isn't expensive as long as you don't get sick, and guns are generally cheap. Taxes are s recurrent charge to your income tho
>>97259407 (OP)
vtuber is still a niche within a niche
looking at how they still embrace jp corpo autism and their decision making recently, i don't think it'll go that well.
>>97259407 (OP)
This is what they're already doing but worse so you're probably right
A bit on the nose, huh..?
That already happened
The lack of employees at the 3D studio and for HoloEarth development isn't what is causing the recent wave of graduations. Cover is burning money but talent morale is decreasing which indicates that management is bad at settling contract disputes. They are giving Kaela a model redesign but it will be on her 3 year anniversary.

>Korea is a disaster waiting to happen and they should NEVER touch that place.
Cover didn't exactly treat their first Korean talents with dignity and respect. Ina was given the skimpiest outfit in Hololive, a boob window, and high heeled geisha shoes. Kronii was given huge jiggling boobs with a stripper outfit. They sexualized them with sleazy designs far more than average so it's not a mystery why so much of the EN branch does not get along with management. That disagreement could have been settled in 2022 instead of gradually escalating into a war.
Fuck off, outfitschizo
Your resident SEA here, you're mistaken if you assume that vtubing is a mainstream here. Even Kobo with her 2.5M subscribers, you could try to ask locals in Bali who Kobo is, I bet only 1 out of 10 knows her.

Yep, 2.5M is literally less than 10% of Indonesian. And there are 600M of SEAsians.
>>97259407 (OP)
>HoloEU? HoloES? HoloKR?
If Cover wants money then HoloRU is the best option. All weebs there are loners with a lot of disposable income practically begging to be exploited. Not only are they very prone to parasocial relationships and celebrity worship, but are also very vulnerable to online and phone scams, just perfect for Cover.
That would explain why there's been no ID4 so far
They probably can't do business there and SC wouldn't be available.
Shion had a 6 month hiatus in 2024 and is now having a graduation exactly a month after Kaela gets a 2.0 design. If a vtuber with a pedobait model is embarrassed to tell others what she does for her job it's not hard to figure out why other talents in Hololive are not getting along with management. Shion even did a redebut when she returned from that hiatus which in retrospect was likely a sign that contract negotiations had a bad ending.
Quit being an intentional retard. Lots of vtubers are embarrassed about what they do for money. That's why they hide behind anime avatars. And she has "redebuted" multiple times after breaks. Stick to Ina where your opinions are correct.
>>97259407 (OP)
lmao what? Is he high? How on earth would the overseas sales achieve a 50:50?? Western vtubing is a fucking niche, all of us in the EN/ID side are just a broke minority compared to the jp bros
>what are long term goals
>just don't get sick bro
Every wave gets less and less subs than the last, to many diminishing returns.
They'll never achieve this goal and should focus on what works. Dipping your toes into to many things will just ruin them.
No our fault yuros are weak, with dumb allergies and else
>things aren't expensive as long as you don't need them

Good thing healthcare is a total optional luxury I suppose.
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>>97259407 (OP)
HoloES will be the death of the company. Full stop.
Good luck funding uk war, good use of taxes
If you're poor, healthcare is free with Medicaid. The people you see complaining about it in the US are usually just above that line, but not having a good enough insurance from their job. I just wish medicaid was our healthcare system for everyone/
>Lots of vtubers are embarrassed about what they do for money.
Okay, but it's obvious that pedobait will be embarrassing for a vtuber that has been working at Hololive for almost 7 years. Don't be shocked when Shion has an indie debut with a not pedobait model in a few months. That her graduation is exactly one month after Kaela gets a 2.0 design is too much of a coincidence.

>Stick to Ina where your opinions are correct.
The Japanese do have cultural differences but Shion is having an unusually sudden graduation. This feels like another Fauna situation in which contract negotiations fell apart. If multiple talents are moving away from sleazy coombat designs but Shion was told "No, you can't have a redesign" that would everything.
Anon I've known people who literally turned down the ambulance because the cost would bankrupt them and had someone else drive them to the hospital.
>>97259407 (OP)
Keep adding more slop matsuri-ollie tier on holoEN, this will surely work out.
>>97259407 (OP)
They are hiring for Korea and China, those are their goals
>>97259407 (OP)
who the fuck is yosuke
where's yagoo
Surprised there's no korean branch focused on esports instead of idol activities
It’d cost too much, and I’m not talking monetarily.
>>97259407 (OP)
>We will also gradually deepen localization in line with characteristics of each region
to be clear: that means Hololive is going to be fucking over as your entertainment
they literally mean it will enshittify and sloppify to appeal to more braindead normalfags and rake in more MONEY, but not more KINO
your oshi left because she doesn't want to be a part of that by the way
I've suspected they would do this for a good while now. It just makes sense.
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A modern company
I can tell you the girls do not care as much as you think about the beeg numbers. With that said, some of them might notice if certain long-term members fuck off for whatever reason especially ones that are either particular active in chat or do something as regularly superchat.
euros are much healthier than mutts because we dont let companies sell quite as much literal poison
at least RFK is doing something to save you a bit
RFK isn't really doing much more than crowing about "antisemitism" tbqhwyfam
china has lots of people and they have delusions of a chunk of them buying their mmo NFT metaverse nonsense
No they won’t retard.
They had already been dropping for years before Selen dude.
Unlike America which is famous for its pacifism and not mantaining hundreds of military bases across the planet
Cool fanfic. You sound like the kind of retard who whines on xitter and reddit that the female character design in a new game is "too sexualized", even though you never had any real interest in playing the game either way.
I would argue that Kobo's arrival delayed those plans indefinitely. Considering that she's reached Gura-levels of internet fame within Indonesia, it probably changed the trajectory of their plans when she overtook Mori.
Why does nobody watch her stream?
She has around half of the subs that Gura has what do you mean
>>97259407 (OP)
>>97259407 (OP)
I've been saying this. If you think you know drama, wait until a HoloES inevitably turns out to be a groomer. This will happen and you can't stop it
>armchair business seanigger
What type of dogshit, fucking bronze hand is that, jesus christ
>Only new member that does well is specifically the one that abandons their english fans and caters to JP
I'm a Yuro and I'm playing multiple gacha rn, what are you on about?

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