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Previous Thread: >>97253805 →
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>>97259944 (OP)
>the hammeries
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS08G3pAUiA [Embed]
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What do you want? I'll kill you.
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>>97259944 (OP)
Does Eimi shave?
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*rapes you*
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I love Runie
She a cutie
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So, what's (you)r rrat as to why Jelly felt down?
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*pulls out Uno reverse card*
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Lumi has a dirty pussy
imagine raping pippa mid stream
WonderAI was slop, but god is Pippa loveless for anything that involves her
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>erm, why should they give you money instead of me
>anyways, I have no idea why it's dead in the water
>Rie the most mid
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Eimi cute today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHCmZJWJu5k [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHCmZJWJu5k [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHCmZJWJu5k [Embed]
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Perceive Her radiance.
Illuminate one and all in Her splendor.
Captivate those with Her light.
Obey only Her brilliance.

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Also Pippa
>Has a two year old superchat list
lmao Piratesoftware
that dude was fucking EXPOSED
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I wonder how these stats have changed with Gen 3 and the general shift in /pcg/.
that ferret just got yoinked
Imagine going to your history class and your autistic professor plays a pink anime bunny girl's soundbite.
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Oh there is some things that you are good at holding back Pippa
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why is shiina horny
Nothing. People bitch about how he's a "nepobaby" because his dad helped him get a job at Blizzard.
did anything happen after he released his response video? it seemed pretty convincing and he had some good receipts to debunk some of the more condemning accusations, he's still got a massive ego tho
Demand a refund
>Look at pippas chat
>People endlessly parroting the most half baked "nu-conservative" stupidity you've ever seen
I'm fully aware that my libtard ass side has obnoxious idiots, but god damn I'm really getting so bored of seeing the same "babies first politic" in pippas chat.
Post tits
It looks clean though
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I love Clara
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>tfw no eimi gf
Damn I didn't ask
Eimi should let me pee on her
She saw my name in chat

huh, maybe you should commit suicide about it
this but me and in her
At least you retards can post your political onions, I get banned off every platform when I post mine.
Is Pippa crashing out in real time??
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This but Hime
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I dreamed that my city was nuked. We were watching some shit about diy space ship from plastic bottles on tv with my sis when suddenly tv channel was shut down. We went outside and the sky on the horizon was bright red even though it was late night
Clara pls
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You don't find it annoying?
About what? The vtuber stuff? It's literally just stuff she's repeated for the past half year.
Maybe it was just a dream about the blood moon
I've always wanted to do that
I find you annoying. *kills you*
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>pippa cried to uma musume
Is it really that sad?
perhaps your views are inhumane dogshit then
Come on now, its like kids complaining about Obama on xbox 360 voice chat.
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it's pretty dirty
Rosemi is cute tho
If by "it" you mean (you), then yes.
It amazes me that people anti Rosemi of all things
Focus on being a janny jl7fag
*dumps acid on you*
>It's the haters!
lol shut the actual fuck up DSPippa
The tsunderia girls will likely twist Sakana's arm if he doesn't even try to poach her when the time comes. Though she's big enough to just go solo
I find politics of any kind in chat annoying. I get enough of it everywhere else
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I do but I don't watch pippa so I don't have to deal with retards
well the first thing in the image is numberfagging, so you already know what kind of person made that.
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I'm starting a snowflake chunk locked ironman on OSRS, see you losers later.
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These ferret's live in a larger room then me.....
Clara would say this 100%
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Phaser for this feel?
>Pippa really thought losing 1400 was worse than cheating until the unanimous choice from chat saying cheating was worst
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I swear playing vic 3 feel like shit man
>the horizon was bright red even though it was late night
that just means there's rain coming, stupid
Pets are now ersatz children
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i'm going to fucking jail. I live in Australia and got arrested for a a fight at a family members place, they took my phone and saw the cunny pics I saved from here and /uoh/ and told me I have to go to court for possession of cp. I'm out on bail now but they have me dead to rights
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you cheated!
Aaaaaaah nooooo what about Black Wallstreet?
She has a habit of thinking money/things will fix anything
Actually grim
How are cartoon drawings illegal over there?
Tell them clara deserves the slammer more for this stream
>I want to fuck your women
Is this really an acceptably polite answer
I don't want to believe this is real but aussies laws are so retarded it sounds real, just blame it on a relative that used your phone without your knowledge
Lol serves you right for living in a 3rd world country.
Convert to Islam before the trial and they legally have to let you go.
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The only rules in war are win and have fun.
ask your mom
They're taking it more as
>Oh yeah, I guess it WOULD make sense to come here then, we do have quite a lot of that.
Asians have shit hair. Even Africans have it better.
Be sure to sc your oshi about it!
claim to be 1/128th abo and those white cunts stole your land
Run to Israel quick
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You retard. I only have racist and anti semitic memes saved on my phone
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Australia is so retarded I can't tell if you're baiting so have a free (you) I guess
Come to the usa
Why do you save anything on your phone besides pictures of your dog? Your phone is for calling people.
My mother isn't Japanese
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I thought that was only supposed to be a fine for loli
Stay safe, get a good lawyer, try to fight it fellow uoh
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>I live in
It was at least a good cunny or the tranyslop of Lilyhop?
I remember in the 10s they were talking about flat chested porn being a gray area
Yeah anything you take out in public needs to be clean
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why does Pippa raid Clara so fucking often
>Clara raid
Looks like I win in the end chudtards. Pour acid on me now hahahaha!
bro it's a horse show and she's a girl.
youre not a /jong/er are you? that would be devastating
I thought they actually banned it
Data is one of the most valuable currencies now. Cattle being convinced it's worthless because your app is free is the biggest scam.
>arrested for cartoons
Joke of a fucking country. Don't know how Clio does it.
Uruka is the only one I know of that has hair that is both long and black. Airi said she only keeps her hair to at best shoulder length.
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Love Pippa. Hate Go.
Gives me space travel vibes, these new BGMs Jelly is making are pretty cool! Ill post them tomorrow while you're asleep :)
Uruka should have been trad
Nowadays, it usually is just Clara or Eimi at this hour. Uruka is just too inconsistent
Post bat
*acids your /pol/hole*
Same reason she raids Eimi or Uruka often: the timeslot.
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Irina should phase into my cock
Pippa "I hate committed relationships" Pipkin
I love rant streams more than I should.
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anons last taste of cunny before he goes, one more load
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'ate monopoly
'ate women
luv women
luv pokemon
luv gyarados
luv raitora
luv pippa
simple as

gud night pee cee gee
became gay
minorities are exempt from the law
For whatever reason they get along really well so if Clara is streaming when Pippa is done, she raids her
Pippa is peeblocking Clara
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> my cock
Pack watch
Doesn't Clio like cunny too?
Cute! Angry!
lol, lmao
I wanted to see a bit more of the "game" in action in the video.
9/10, great stream
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Nini weaksauce
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Why does /pcg/ want me to go deaf?
Is Clara still vegan
>tileman doomposts about his rank
>gets arrested for cp the same night
You have to admit, it would be funny.
you made me imagine a looneytoons pippa pugging up clara's urethra with a finger while laughing into the tv screen
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love Pippa/10
both trash games, but fuck they rake in so much money I should start making mobile games, shit/10
angy pippa cute/10

people who actually drop money on these types of games are subhuman imo
People have no problem raiding Clara. Well, except Jelly, for some reason.
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nini pippo
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Sleep well Pippo.
I wish I could kill you by thinking about it hard enough, but I'm going to have to make do with allowing the filthy water you drink do the job for me.
i'm sorry bro
our laws are fucked
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Skill issue
Jelly's chuds...
To spite some people
She never was.
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when is my silly depressed alien coming back
now that's not even close to being true
Vegeproanaian then
His new pfp gives off weird vibes
Reminder that aussy banned small breast in porn because it "cp"
Clara changes what she is every 6 months. One minute she's a vegan only liberal the other she's a meat eating chud.
>Americans in this thread RIGHT NOW are unaware that Australia has fought and died beside the US in every war its been in since Aus's founding
Roo's don't run.
then we get comeback deranking streams
Is Clara in Malaysia or something
You'll be okay anon.
I want to have sex with a leftist, maybe Clara.
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>Lost to a bunch of birds
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Ok? Doesn't mean your laws aren't fucking retarded. I don't even think the UK would arrest you for loli.
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We're not retarded we know they hop.
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pre-emptive "ye"
Wait it's real? I thought he was shitposting, why would a drawing be illegal? How do aussies come here at all? Is it the same for the rest of the commonwealth?
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Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
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cute womanchild melty about retarded slop/10
Really dumb/10
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Goodnight Capipi
Wear a condom
aussies are great, its government is total dog water
>live in the land down under
>doesn't keep his loli in password protected securied folders
Every android phone have this
Any stream where Pippa is angry for good reasons is a good one. Women should never be allowed to control their own finances in a marriage as case in point tonight. Pippa love
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I love my druggie ravewife.
She's getting better so I've gotta be strong.
Jelly I wont post your BGM i was just kiddin' hehe...
I love Pippa
Kind of a boring stream desusenpai couldn't stay focused at all 6.871/10
Rapes you
Loli and shota is illegal in Canada
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What do you think Pippa doing right now
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Dumb gubbermint, alright guys, many such cases. We also beat the piss out each other at least once.
Eating slop
is there a pippo version of this?
This is pretty fucking impressive
Cute dork today
I feel her pain vtubing is going down the tubes.
I do know. you upside-down cunts have a better claim to being our Greatest Ally than some other country that will go unnamed. your govt in recent years sucks balls though.
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Wait you hear stuff on here? You should take your meds
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How is Australia a real country lamo.
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>11.15 These Guidelines also provide that the X 18+ classification for films cannot accommodate fetishes such as body piercing; application of substances such as candle wax; ‘golden showers’; bondage; spanking; or fisting.
only if you live in a 1984 totalitarianism shit hole which Australia isn.....
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Drive safe!

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phase out
https://youtu.be/whqEBR_pdcE [Embed]
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https://youtu.be/whqEBR_pdcE [Embed]
lisa should show her tits during a zatsu and masturbate on stream without acknowledging it
Eimi would go no-bra she's different like that
A Blackhawk chopper just went over my house...
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aussie anons GET DOWN
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np anon
>tfw America is going the way of England and is going to become universally hated
>in every sporting event
>in every multiplayer game
>in every public forum
>in every pub
>in every vtubing sphere
Just look, Phase Connect and Vshojo have been taking over EN. If it was for JP and ID support, holo en would have already collapsed.
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>imagine going to jail just because you have this picture saved
Pokemon Go has always been garbage, so selling it will only make the garbage smell more.
I hate when companies use something as a face, and then it's a completely different product. That kind of shit should be illegal.
It was fine, I was distracted for most of it. Presentation streams are not my favorite, but the topic wasn't bad, and the tangents were good.
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phase in
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What'd you say about Lisa!?
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Imagining the sounds Clara will make when we have make love. also the weird shit she'll say
You can jut offer her some weed at a con for this
she wants to be bred by buff white men
She would be so based if she did this.
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My bad guys
That is an adult woman.
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>just found out my country also has the same laws
so fucking retarded
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yeah, a sexy one
She said she went vegan once and developed intolerances, so quit it and now says she would not recommend anyone ever try veganism
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
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Wait I thought you only go to jail for physical goods
Spring 2025 is close (march 20th) we might get an invaders teaser, a lot of indies have been poached recently, soo i gotta ask, which vtubers you guys think are joining phase? The only one i can safely guess is:
- Yukinoshita Peo: streams on youtube only, still "small" soo probably easier to negotiate, will help the struggling JP side of Phase learn how to make content even through a language barrier and a really correct girl for good PR.
Other guesses are just pipe dreams like Mint, there is barely any indie on youtube that is worth poaching and the ones that are worth it would be extremely expensive to get.
Nimiphobic disinformation
they banned small tit women from porn here
what do you think
>it's real
Wow, that was fast.
>lisa should show her tits
What tits? She doesn't even have mosquito bites.
She'd probably start crying
Hahaha Geimi
Taking advil and obliterating her cunt with her fingers
thats fine, its about her giving in and exposing herself because of her deeply repressed sexuality driving her to deviancy. plus i think she has tits with great potential
HAHAHAHA why are all the commonwealth countries so cucked
Poachbegging is unspeakably cringe.
Now you made me wonder how many of the loli chuubas would be put in jail for having art of themselves.
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spawn of britan
Can't wait for her chud arc
god that's fucking hot
Will she join the imperial Japanese party
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Loli is illegal in Italy
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>they took my phone and saw the cunny pics
how, they still need a warrant to access your phone
flat chests in porn weren't banned per se they refused to classify it, which means you can't purchase or sell it but it's not illegal
I want to chew on Jelly's cun-cunny with salt and caramel
anon that's deepfake shit not drawings
she is going to jail
that is why she has been dooming
She makes up for that with having a nice ass
Reread the second sentence
> Yukinoshita Peo
This flayon's bitch is bigger than anyone in phase except pippa. She's not giving half of her superchats to some fish.
can i rape her there if i were a prison guard
That's Rie
I got lucky gacha pulls tonight :)
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>This flayon's bitch
Reading comprehension is hard, but I believe in you. I know you can do it.
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Phaser for this feel?
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Dead hours avoided!
Eimi will stream until Jelly starts
She is playing the demo for the new game from the creators of DDLC
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHCmZJWJu5k [Embed]
Do they let men guard women?
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Then I will hold her and stoke her hair, then make her laugh and feel better
Cute sheep
Shut your whore mouth
Catalog nig accidentally outted himself
Could we not?
Your mother should have aborted you.
can we should
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Would you go to jail if the police saw the pics you saved on your computer
My whore white mouth is reserved for sucking on Lisa’s clit and tonguing her bleached ass
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Jelly soon!
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No cause i live in a country that’s not retarded in that specific way but the people who make ai deepfakes of kids should be forced to drown each other
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Are you sure you're really all that lucky? Surely you didn't win the most rare thing you could. Ride out this bit of luck and roll again, you could get more.
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>What tits?
They might disapprove on a personal moral level, but no. I don’t engage in illegal conduct.
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about 10-15 years in prison
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oh shit
yeah mine
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I miss Jelly
You think femanon is awake to notice Jelly streaming soon?
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No, there's nothing interesting, just a bunch of Peepa. They care more about what's in my safe.
what's she looking at?
Thanks for proving my point.
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Wait.... if Phase connect is Chinese doesnt that mean Pippa is a white monkey???
Actual perfect tits incredible
Lisa is a man with a voice changer
You just noticed?
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is that so
No, there is nothing illegal on my computer.
Why would I roll more if I got everything?
Does Pippa have perky mosquito bite tits?
Why is she hoeing at lon lon ranch?
It's the west coast, of course they care. too much.
waits for her stallion
If you know what I mean
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Stop liking flat women
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i bought coffee ice cream because you faggots were singing its praises earlier but it's extremely mediocre
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If you have absolutely everything it's time for a new gacha. Greed is good.
>Bragging about enabling CP
Never change Americans
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Coni was better
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That sounds like an audio recording from a ghost hunting show
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Should've got huckleberry.
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Just checked, my country also can send me to jail for loli hentai, what the hell
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Unfortunate. I wish those states would fix themselves so I can move back. I miss the trees.
Not enabling cp, were enabling hot loads of freedom
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i don't even like loli, but that and CP are worlds apart and it's not even close
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I won't miss the yearly region-wide hotbox every summer but I will miss the scenery when I leave.
No but all the pirated anime would nail me for something.
Purin/Muyu is short and chubby and brown and smells weird
i'd rather they crank it to ink on a page then real kids
God she's perfect
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Hell yeah brother
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We've never been more back
Can't believe Lisa is fucking dead
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I can't fix Clara, but we could be broken weirdos together.
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What did they mean by this???
lol, angloids BTFO
That's now how I interpreted that interaction but this way is funnier
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No, but I've got a lit of music production software they might have some questions about.
Isn't muyu just a purple purin?
Why even bother making a new character if she looks the same.
Euroids will arrest niggas for making memes about muslims then turn around and say this shit
Because she wanted to start over and have a proper corpo debut
Purin/Muyu has a cylinder shaped body and is pudgy
Muyu is shaped like a cow.
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Pippa has supple breasts with 3 inch nipples
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>Pippa dumped Lisa when she found out Lisa wasn't a bbw
>Pippa starts hanging out with Kirsche
Purin/Muyu does not a visible ribcage
Pippa will drop Kirsche once she starts chugging Ozempic.
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Muyu is a bit more bottom heavy, Purin was basically a rectangle
small tube shaped with big puffy nipples
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Anons enjoying lolis is a good thing
Muyu doesn't shave
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Goodnight /pcg/
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Sleep well michiposter.
Muyu wears diapers on her period
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Nini michild.
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Nini Michi
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Hag sex
Pads are minidiapers, anyway
Why is she naked?
She has little hairs on her leg
can i borrow her used period diapers if i donate enough????
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I know
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Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
That's probably the only thing peeceegee agrees on a general basis
Pippa being a chubby chaser is endlessly funny to me. After all the high minded comments shes made over the years being critical of overweight people, turns out she likes to pork piggies.
Muyu wouldn't appreciate these posts
Muyu puts mice in mason jars full of water and watches them drown.
nini michi
Muyu is masturbating to these posts
Muyu would make these posts just to fuck with us
That's just not true
Can confirm, I'm watching
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Goodnight Dad
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Goodnight Michiposter
Only if they're women, according to her. Never trust Pippa though
Can confirm, I am watching you watching her
Wrong this leopard is DEAD
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>Something absolutely vile and completely uncalled for.
bratty slut
Stop posting this disgusting traitor. No, I am not talking about Lumi
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Muyu and Wemi should rub their cunnys together
Mating press
Have you ever had a bad dream, /pcg/?
that's unhygienic
Pippa is gooning right now to help with her headache
I'd use this guineabitch to scrub my dishes.
yeah, on me
I dreamt that I asked out jelly and got rejected last night
I had this one where Saya graduated
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nini michild
I do too except I use bigger jars
We reached this conclusion in *December*.
Did everyone forgot that?
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why do you guys talk about rape so much
I had a nightmare where I woke up and my oshi had already been streaming for an hour
I'm going to break you, that is just conflict of pippa's ego and shadow. Anything she doesn't like can be tied back to herself
*rape you*
Pippa should smoke a joint and go to sleep.
While Poko makes out with both of them
If muyu didn't want to be raped she wouldn't be so sexy
This thread is my bad dream.
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Yeah, with me
werent you going sober?
Alright /pcg/, dark skinned loli or tanned tomboy for next phaser?
Muyu doesn't want to be raped she is just a girl who wants to be loved
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She should carry a gun then, that will not stop me
I don't really get them since the dementia started
tanned tomboy, phase isnt ready for a true brown model. The community would be "problematic"
This but girls in general. That's what hijab was made for
had one last night
white skinned toddler please
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tanned tomboy loli
[Eimi News] Bible study stream maybe
I've been picturing the jolly green giant green beans mascot, so whichever works best with that.
Bitch you'd green out before her.
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I just want her to take care of me
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Yes but I'm still stuck /here/.
Alright I'm heading to work now have a good day pcg
>phase get new liver
>winter themed
>they are from Deutschland
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Good job, good luck, and sorry you have to witness /this/
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Later anon.
Sleep well.
Does another CC exist
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Goodnight Gumi
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Nini Gumi
That's an incredible cute Airi
She's going to have a heart attack in the next few years at this rate.
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There are worse places on this board to visit. Sobriety is actually pretty ok, I'm actually glad my body fucked me over.
I was making a joke about dutch Christmas elfs being black face minstrels.
Phase must have been drinking too much if it needs a new liver.
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Goodnight Gumi
Sleepy pon played to much civ. Watching her fall asleep live was very cute
Phasers are the best livers
Remember, you have at least 10 mins before rigor mortis sets in!
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Phaser for this feel?
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Erina and Muyu
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Muyu. Erina doesn't count since arguably she lives in the "civilized" portion
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How many pushups and sit ups did you do today?
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Is this even a real question?
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Pussy doko?
This fag is such an insufferable attention whore.
At least he's willing to burn money on commissions.
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Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
he annoys me too
but at least more art is coming out because of it
Eimi but she's fighting the Philippines within her
in my mouth sorry
She only let's me see it.
Why is panko crying so much?
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>That Japanese streamer that got offed was manipulating people for money

Phasers dont do this, right? They are safe?
She's pregnant
>he annoys me too
And now he has branched out to Panko, Ember and Runie, iirc
lol, lmao
>all the pirated games and movies?
Pippa is having a long goon session tonight
>meeting up with fans irl to fleece them for 25k
No I don't believe anyone has gone that far.
No I don't think any Phasers borrow money from their schizophrenic fans without any intention of paying it back even after receiving court orders
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nini past brother
>He was an unironic schizo too
Not even Ky0 was that dumb. Don't know what she thought was going to happen.
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What does he do
Was she always that brown? Wtf?
not pippa; didn't watch
I guess the next thread need to be cunny phase as honour of our fallen aussie
>click on main tweet https://x.com/TheAn1meMan/status/1899618895742583156
>muh parasocial is bad just because it is!
>all replies are literal whores with onlyfan and "weebs"
surprisingly, the phase girls are not nearly as retarded as that girl
didnt watch not pippa
What happned?
she is white
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hopefully neither are the new ones
Dead hours...
its the lighting
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Then she eats them
Depends if you count begging for money despite already being well off even before they started streaming.
I hate this fucking faggot and his muh japanese takes so much
Deport those annoying niggers
hi femanon
she is Asian, animal cruelty is the part of their culture
now he is stealing Rie's thing
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I missed the first installment of this series but she made many cute noises while thinking about this game/10
I like the aesthetics but that demo did not give me much to go on/10
Jelly cute, Eimi cute, they should collab/10
Low BGM and many sound-postable moments. This stream will be re-watched/10
irl meet up lol asking for stabby
Well, she IS asian. I wouldn't be surprised if this was true.
hi, but i'm not a femanon
I'm surprised a local hasn't gotten annoyed by him and try and get his visa revoked.
With all the red flags she shows, I wouldn't be surprised she actually did this in the past
Japs don't speak English
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lol, I read your post as "deepthroat those annoying niggers", haha
femanon should show her tits before the thread dies
Is this guy even black?
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Well given that slap on the wrist Johnny somali got even all the shit he done in Japan, you have to do some crazy shit like raping someone in the middle of akihabara in the middle of the day.
She has hairy nipples tho
[Jelly news]
Her croquettes all exploded
Japanese-Australian mix
It's not parasocialism if you're in their DMs and meeting up with them in person. I really fucking hate how they've turned "parasocial" into some extreme all-encompassing buzzword just to take the moral high ground in a single direction.
Early bake because I'm tired and want to go nini
>>97265544 →
>>97265544 →
>>97265544 →
I filled jelly's croquet with my sauce
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This guy isn't even Japanese, lives in Japan, and invited Hasan the terrorist supporter onto their anime podcast and talked about how Japan needs migrants.
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>given that slap on the wrist Johnny somali
I wouldn't exactly call it a slap on the wrist. They wanted him gone so chose the permanent exile route. He can never go back to Japan again, which is the politically expedient punishment. Korea looks like it's about to throw the entire library at him and charge him multiple times as a convicted felon and toss his ass into prison for a decade.
begging for money is pretty different from saying you will pay them back and then not.
>WMAF haba goblin
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Goodnight anon
Don't worry, you coming to 4chan to complain about them acting like children when half of them literally are children is totally a good look. You're very mature, much better than them and definitely not just retarded
Pick a struggle
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Sleep well anon.
Japanese-(((Australian))) mix
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq-draHmU30 [Embed]
>made themselves look weak in front of the entire world after Johnny boy was released shit talks them
>streamers now come to Japan to try the same shit
Clara literally talks about how she was annoyed by tourists like a few streams ago
>Japan is like what it used to be in small/medium sized, white towns/suburbs in America from 30-40 years ago
>but we need diversity!!!!
The most brain boggling part is everyone wants to move to these safe wealthy areas but then continues to advocate policies that demonstrably make them less safe and less wealthy. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? WHY DOES NOBODY TALK ABOUT THIS OBVIOUS HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY?
she is a nuisance foreigner herself
Pewds is like the only "influencer" that's moved there and assimilated into the culture instead of trying to change it
Be sure to claim discrimination based on sexual orientation and a violation of your free speech since it's fictional
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Phase Friend Duterte has been extradited to the International Criminal Court in the Hague.
It's happening to vtubing too
The Japanese are a practical people if nothing else. You give them a logical answer than anyone can understand and they'll roll with it
Also traditional girl with long black hair is a cultural trope of it's own there, imagine an Asian dude saying he moved to Texas because he has a fetish for cowgirls, no one is holding that against him. Hell half the people will hope that he takes one of the poser girls with their pink hats away from the rest of us
>free speech
>in Australia
Do Americans really?

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