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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjNNpw2x2dU [Embed]

>Moment of my life Remix
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVyH8POaBQM [Embed]
>Moment of my Life
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>One Step at a time
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>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs
>Previous Thread
>>97222367 →

Reminder: >>1 →
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'gyates'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
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*sip* Ah...
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I want to hear Flare says Armor charm/Power charm again
I want IRyS to finish me off with a boom boom
Who is the best girl in Monhun wilds? Olivia?
yes. the only person who does things
None of these new hoes have anything on the MH4U Guildmarm
Miss smithy
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not wilds but best girl in all monhun
Can you turn off the npcs for these or do they have to be there for story quests?
Because she is a loli?
Man I love this cute dork...
She was talking to me.
IRyS has to open her mouth to exhaust heat all the time. Akajuice should give her a hair vent for heat dissipation
I think I saw whichever animation this came from a while ago
I want IRyS to inside my mouth
That implies something is occurring inside her head to cause heat
It's pretty neat.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lmdn-ExqnhQ [Embed]
You think she understands the differences between the gunlance ammo types?
Ah yeah, they're the one who's working on a final pixel animation for Holo and then moving on to other stuff iirc
Wish there were more (lore-inspired) fanimations. Especially pixel ones
Same, it's pretty sweet when they focus on more action and lore than making memes for a bit of a change.
it's so peaceful today
What was the point in waiting again if they're going to build her a PC she could have built last year?
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>>97265266 (OP)
i thought a hand was groping irys in this pic
Damn, today's stream is so good
HoloEN Monhun Collab when?
can you guys stop raiding /haha/?
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casual with sidetail is always a good stream. it would be even better if that cardigan came off...
cardigan on is better
Nobody even knows what that is
did the brratcuck finally start falseflagging as an IRyStocrat lmao, I was wondering why it's so calm here
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Nude cardigan is best
Keep him. He is your trouble now
>no GuyRyS necklace
it stays on
>>97268406 →
big this
these pretzels are making me thirsty
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What is the most cancer weapon in monster hunter wilds?
THESE pretzels ARE making ME thirsty
my IRyS is a trendsetter
They really should get her a sponsor already
Let me know when Hyte makes a full tower instead of only mid towers. Or maybe a good mini ITX case. Mid towers are shit.
Is R1 effect real?
IRyS is mocking CB.
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Obviously. Artist kinda keep failing on that front tho...
ballsack ribbon
Biboo wants to do a new DMC anime watchalong with IRyS
How about she doesn't
would be cool
go back
Fuck off we already have a shit ton of anime we need to watch Biboo already has other watchalongs with IRyS we won't even get to see. She should stop being so greedy
Neat. IRyS should really get on DMC5 so they can do that other collab too
It'd at least be different from MH
I think Biboo wanted to do DMC3 bloody palace offcollab with IRyS so they could do that whenever technically
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>last mission with two discord crybabies and a jew
yeah okay then
True though I think she wants IRyS to beat DMC5 first. Probably so they can talk freely about it and be on the same page
>no milking
she's a ruined orgasm enjoyer
Where is Wrixne lente? I thought he could get to play with IRyS everytime
went to check and it really is the eternally seething brratcuck, it's even calling them a holoanti thread, can't make this shit up lmao
He got kicked when she left the 2 man mission.
I have ruined many a orgasm for her. She just makes it splurt uncontrollably sometimes.
There's your fag
Funny, he's hosting a shittier version of the quest. The previous one had bonus drops.
That's why cheebs kicked him
IRyS came first...
that’s my preference
And she can keep on doing it
The cringiest fag
i hope the sea Bananafag dies one day
Why are you guys jealous like that? He is just having a great time with his oshi
He's an obnoxious fag that nobody likes
This >>97270861
He's a faggot that knows he's a faggot. Nobody likes people like that.
Wrixine eating shit twice fills me with joy
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it might be time for 3 R1s every day
We are so negative
is Biboo sexo?
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i'll be the last IRyStocrat
People think I'm crazy because I've always been able to put my contacts in without looking at a mirror very easily
Fashion contacts suck. Hate em.
Depends on how dry your eyes get, sleeping makes your contacts really blurry and smudgey though regardless
Is Pokémon Snap even any good? Play one of the mainline games.
I've never wore glasses or contacts
what is she talking about?
why doesn't she ever translate the milk talk?
ASMR voice pack when?
Hopefully never she'd use that to get out of the Q&ASMR she owes us
If you can hop in afterwords just stream again...
voicepack >QNA
IRyS casually hitting on a child
Worship the R1 at the church of your choice
Literally no actual IRyStocrat thinks this
She's a child(at heart) too
Original is one of the most beloved games.
T u T
genuine question, what's so good about pokesnap
you ever just watch an animal fuck around
Ching Chong ni ni
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These posts are racist
28k watching this dope read supers
Even with Biboos raid this reeks of the botting from last year
Good reminder that some retard loves bottong Biboo
It's gonna be Mori and Kronii
wouldn't raiding purge bots
This post is racist.
>no white day karaoke
she hates us
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>that wink
is it time?
Fucking retard
Does Luna has good chemistry with Kiara?
kiara doesn't have chemistry with low melanin individuals
It is chat's fault all along that Monhun streams crashed...
So maybe a stream Saturday? She said she is working tomorrow but said we might see her before Sunday.
yeah, me
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Looking forward to more BibooRyS
She needs to test the lava area again. I highly doubt it was chat's fault.
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didn't she say the game updated
They did not do anything to fix performance, it was a small update
What did they update? It still looks like crap. IRyS' cute though.
Time for a nap.
T6 stream tonight
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no don't g-
IRyS should stream Pokémon Sleep in her bed with her laptop.
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That wink at the end
He's a retard that didn't even listen to what she was saying
This isn't TimeRyS.
No but Kronii was Kaela's oshi before she joined holo
how did she not end up like other kronies?
She said she stopped being her oshi after they got to know each other because they became good friends instead
Best thing to happen to IRyS in a while
Night koianon
respect for kaela --
everyone including cover should fuck off from IRyS so that she can stream consistently
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IRyS' butt is my personal property.
Cheebs Mystery Dungeon
Posted early?
Is this the first 3Dlive that includes undesirables
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The 3D Live includes (You)?
Guys, please pray for Bae
what a good week, sadly you can't die from that little anymore
Both her and Mori have 40 degree fevers
can't get any better, sadly they're probably both going to be in the live as karmic retribution or something
Thanks, he's been seething at the thread for 2 months now, surprised it took him this long to attempt to falseflag
I will pray in front of her tomb after she dies.
IRyS would be sad if she knew we talk about her friends like this
>her friends
everyone loves Flare and Biboo /here/
sorry, its only flare
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I've seen the other version on this
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Towa mama
>using her 3rd to listen to wawa space
dumb bimbo
I think he's saying she tuned in to Kiara's twitter space?
Shit bait
I saw that
stop being retarded on purpose
Literally everyone is getting sick
only the ones that don't drink R1
i fixed it
sadly Japan is medically advanced, we could hope they get turned away at the door though
Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with hiryscucks
This is just how the tranny is, please ignore him
>Please…please like my whore
Fuck off bratcuck
I wonder how cover would handle the death of a talent
You should prepare for your oshi’s funeral instead of shitposting here bratcuck
we almost went a day without a brratcuck meltdown, it was so peaceful
This thread was peaceful until the cuckschizo came back from his vacation
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now it's making up for all the missed seething earlier...
You are a pussy
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Oh wow the schizos get protection
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Jimmy post
hear me out 1.0 with the cutie hair pin
Wtf is this bugle chapter
IRyS 2.0 maid hime cut with glasses
you fucking scared me retards
Shut the fuck up retards and go back to sleep
It's almost noon here pal
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I'm gonna beat your ass Cheebs
eating cheebs ass
Sad news: Musk took away voice tweets. We will NEVER get another microwaveRyS or IRyS jumping on the bed like a child tweet
Fucking when, they were still a thing like 3 days ago
What the fuck?
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Someone pushed her over the top railing and this is 0.1 seconds before she lets go and falls
What am I even looking at
stfu retard
4 hours of sleep is legitimately like for real causing real long term damage to her brain
IRyS is getting early onset Parkinsons...
The memory and speech thing made that kinda obvious
I've been doing it for years and I'm
Michael J. FoxRyS
she won't die right?
IRyS is pretending to live in parkour civilization again and doing a flip over a railing.
>dislocated shoulders
>lock jaw
>early parkinsons
>low short term memory
AneRyS took all of the good genes and left IRyS with scraps
Don't forget the gross fucked up crooked toe, she is all sorts of dysfunctional...
That last one is just called having ADHD
I want to stroke her hand calm
shaky handjobs
bet she fucking stinks
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make yourself useful for once. is she having a 3D live and more importantly is IRyS in it?
She's having a birthday stream in 7 hours, probably call-ins
cheebs inflation
Please god no more Monster Hunter
i just want her to get DMC over with so she can start playing other games
She is literally playing other games
She does that already though
monhun doesnt count its fotm
ur mom is fotm
Going from one Crapcom game to another is just as shit to watch, Crapcom lover.
but then it'll be over
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I jwu...
I like Biboo but I will not ever stoop to liking pebbles
Those Kronii clock people look so fucking stupid, Pebbles are way cuter.
Kronies might unironically have the worst fanbase design in all of Hololive
I have a very hard time thinking of a single one that's worse
Ruffians stole that crown from day 1 of their existence
They are just dogs with kinda stupid looking haircuts plastered on, the walking clocks with mickey mouse limbs and a tophat are more than just a league above.
Just the fluffians
But you can still post a video though, right? I really don't see the point of removing that. What a retard.
We are just a stickman with no details...
I want to hold her hands
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Jehova Witness Union?
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He just like me fr fr
Remember that time we could have been a fat ball? I'm glad we dodged that.
How can IRyS be more perfect than Kronii?
Kronii go kiss yourself in the mirror again.
Remember the meatball?
The discordfags still cling to that yukimin ripoff, I noticed baeRyS shippers also fucking hate guyRyS and that makes me happy.
we are the only fanbase that's canonically male the rest are either onaholes or animal shaped onaholes
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I'm the best
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she forgets easily just like me
The members wallpaper...white day...
as shaky as she is, those strokes are pretty good
What's wrong with pebbles again?
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I asked Chat gpt for a reason because its probably better than the one he'll give
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IRyS... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kfLdwL1t98 [Embed]
bros is she dying
Everyone dying cloud
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Do japs still hate IRyS?
this is a good thing actually you see
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more for lovin'
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Man rust was so fucking long ago that I forgot that the Pekora shit was even an angel.
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Ina dodged the sickness too, IRyS must've given her an R-1 kiss
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what the fuck is a CHIBIRYS?
The cheebii are a lard-based lifeform.
To be fair to him, I made that image back when we still called her ChibiRyS
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(me) well then again I'm pretty sure we hadn't all fully started calling her Cheebs yet. Baker started it I believe and over time it fully took hold
it's pretty funny how IRyS acted as if she didn't know what a cheebs is
Cheebs broke containment a few months ago anyways
even the piggiecord and twitter spam about Cheebs now
Fuck off.
IRyS should make an evil IRyS original like Ina
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohwMi3hWdS0&&t=14025s [Embed]
She will only accept being evil if her evil persona is cunny brat
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Well there are redjuice's omega chuuni ideas. IRyS seems to like the idea of being an alien (and making black holes). Also IRyS pretty much starts out as a blue and violet version of herself
Don't know how'd you fit that in with being Hope incarnate made by the gods if Holo let her do it and they cared enough about said lore to regard it
Her bio pretty much states she (should) be able to shapeshift to some extent at least
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t8Za0T1T8M [Embed]
evil IRyS puts salt in people's tea in place of sugar
Finally some good collab news
Reviewing figures of young girls with Ina next week!
>IRyS for AmiAmi on the 17th at 12JST (likely)
Thanks Ina
Explain im busy pooping
The Hot Pink One will be with Ina for an Ami Ami stream!
IRyS should be allowed to lick Inas flat chest on stream
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That depends on if Ina lets her
that better mean there's an IRyS figure coming soon or I will rape a tako
>This stream got privated
If the guest reveal tonight isn't Mumei i'm going to beat the fuck out of cheebs
The nendo just got shown off, they'll probably talk about all the stuff announced at Fes.
Wait really
No it's still there but the stream got fucked by YT midway so only about 10 minutes of the vod are there despite the full hour being shown on the thumbnail
>Anya live appearance
>IRyS live
>Ina collab
This been one of the weeks of all time
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good things cum to those who wait
It was there on youtube
"Why did I invite IRyS for this special occasion? I don't know, we will see."
Advertising Gundam or Eva merch.
Item grade A means the figure itself is untouched
Oh damn silent hill F release trailer, I hope it blows up so IRyS plays it
It's been a while since she last played a horror game.
Not really
after silent hill 2
I hate pixiv
What happened?
god the silent hill arc was so fucking boring
it was great because they dropped it like everyone wanted
i meant in general
everyone playing the same single player game at the same time is pretty boring
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I just looked and there is an image of Raora's butthole on there winking at me.
It's like it's inviting me in
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