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Fever Edition
Previous Thread: >>97244447 →

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzPU6Pni-XQ [Embed]
>Go watch it again: Birthday 3D Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouQF2A1l_cI [Embed]

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aThUfmKQgaY [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kttt7pb5o6I [Embed]
>3D Debut
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqiU63uqC9U [Embed] [Embed]
>3D Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouQF2A1l_cI [Embed]
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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first for pure bread dog
>>97266025 →
No, we're under the impression that cute girls that follow vtubers will likely sell their bodies for money.
>>97266024 →
Aw... Wtf kind of grooming of femruffians has to happen to get somebody driven out from here?
I thought it was interesting how much more Fuwawa bau baus.
This kinda reminds me of Lamy desu
hinatahirune's drawing bgm sounds familiar...
>>97264015 →
The ruffians in Japan really should have gone to a mahjong parlor or mahjong bar to play a few matches with actual tiles or at least played some mahjong at an arcade.
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>>97266530 (OP)
Fuwawa 3:16
"For Fuwawa so loved the wuffians that she displayed her floofies, that whosoever looketh upon them should not perish, but have everlasting life"
I don't think most ruffians know how to play jong
>>97266024 →
I'd assume it's the clique stuff rather than here in particular. Sneeze tracker still seems to be tracking them though
The staff there can teach you how to play. It's part of their job.
I'm one of the jongffians and I didn't go to Japan
oops meant for
They weren't driven out of "here" they were banned from the discord(s)
>if she thought she was doing something to make you want her goods less than my sister's
>my sister's
Certified MocoPost
>>97266025 →
even ugly women won't have sex with average men because they watch the same vtuber. Just because people here are cum brained gorillas doesn't mean the world is filled with people that'll have sex on a whim if you ask nicely.
jong is shit
uh oh I'm getting swelling in the glands under my armpits I think I've got the cough incoming... fucking fes. I haven't even flown back yet I hope I don't get stuck here.
I had that like a week or so ago. Put some antibacterial cream on it and it'll go away in a week or two. Though I didn't get sick until now.
am I the only one that didn't know icomochi was a guy?
icomochi is a girl
I'm watching an interview of them on B2 and they're absolutely not a woman
How peggable are they? I might give them a pass if they're a twink
Better give a link
I wouldn't get one demon dog's merch without the other since it would seem incomplete, but if I did it would be down to either color matching or design.
NTA but the only reason I know or think icomochi is a dude is because Minto slipped once and said she hung out with him, FUWAMOCO's papa.
FWMC's papa is megajujube
No I know. She was specifically talking about icomochi and their other artwork and called then papa then slipped and laughed before saying oh they call them mama there don't they?
>unironically trusting anything the leech says
FUWAMOCO say icomochi is a cute barely legal woman so I agree with them. Not your random whore.
If icomochi being a dude drives away the psychos and menhera then good.
When did they say that
Seems like a woman to me
i heard it in my delusions
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Araragi becomes more relatable every day
Maybe I hallucinated it but I thought Icomochi posted their female looking hand with merch on instagram
>>97261809 →
I was watching this cause why not and he said that FWMC are cute but Bae's dancing has "shining emotion"
icomochi is a woman
She's a woman I don't understand where this angle of them being a man is coming from suddenly?
Probably the age old adage of tits or gtfo
I've masturbated to that hand. Wasn't my proudest but Mococo gave us permission to fantasize so I wasn't going to ignore her wishes. I dreamed of a hand job in the ferris wheel from the cute hand that created my wives.
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yes she did
that retard doesn’t know what he’s talking about
I don't think JP women have tits usually though...
I know she's a woman but I don't think those are 20 year old hands like some schizos have said.


z z z z z . . . .
m i m i m i m i m i
I'll fuck anything that speaks Japanese and has a pussy. I'm not going to be picky at my age.
i made that age up half a year ago and people went along with it
Why are therr still shitposters at this hour? Are those bastards in Japan really the cause?
#FUWAMOCO bau bau~
It's so good to hear from you! I hope you both are as comfy as possible, recovering best you can Sending all my strength to you, I know you're doing your best today!

I'm recovering today too, behind on things (⤵⤵) but will do my best!

Thank you for keeping so close by my side I want to share all my favorite photos and thoughts and feelings on your dreams coming true at fes this year! I also really want to draw your idol outfits, it's been something I've wanted to do since the design reveal honestly!
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gn ruffians
I thought hinatahirune was a girl
oh so coincidentally it happens to be sick too?
Could still be a guy having his daughter or friend hold items while he takes pictures, either to get a better picture or to better hide his identity.
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Why is it always acting like it's working hard to write up schizo tweets and thoughts? I swear it spends more time talking about writing its "thoughts" then just posting them. Also lmao at it faking being suck to match them too. Is it really that dedicated to being exactly the same as them?
gm euruffians
What is with this use of "it"?
You tell me what gender you think it is.
this is the same freak who adjusts his sleeping schedule to align with JST just so it could feel closer to fuwamoco
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i refer to it as an “it” because i refuse to acknowledge that thing as a human being
Male. Refer to rule 30: Girls do not exist on the internet.
Also, it is standard proper English to use male pronouns for a person of unknown gender. If you prefer inclusive phrasing, use "he or she" or "he/she". Or, in colloquial English, "they" is an extremely common 3rd person gender-neutral singular that's been in common use for over 100 years.
It can draw?
yes and it’s even been retweeted a couple of times by fuwamoco, inciting melties here each time
As much as an AI can draw, yeah. It's pretty soulless slop though and it alleges it takes it months to draw a simple illustration.
A bunch of their senpai are going to play pokemon games later
It's one singular obsession other than kidnapping FuwaMoco is getting its "art" used as a thumbnail. The day that happens is when/baubau/ will have an apocalyptic meltdown.
There is no fucking chance of that happening. I trust that FuwaMoco would never ever stoop to that level. If they're using its "art" then everything else has gone to hell.
They should finally stream Gal Guardians and then Grim Guardians and do a cover of the intro song, maybe with Koyori and Lamy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKIsm-UhAaA [Embed]
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I see why Fuwawa was pissed about the idol outfits now.
She was pissed?
she acknowledged that her floofies were nerfed considerably
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Would you with a cat?
Making them similar sized and something in between the two might actually be a change they requested. They ought to be shaped a bit more similarly if they're supposed to be identical twins.
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Every holo has the same size on the character design sheets for the outfits, from Biboo to Kronii. The actual models had different sizes. Fuwawa was still nerfed and Mococo was still slightly buffed though.
Considering what Fuwawa said, it definitely wasn't something they requested.
There's an old internet saying, "a cat is fine too". But fine for what? Fine for eating, if you leave it up to these dogs, so it may be best not to bring them into this thread.
It makes me sad seeing cats get this fat. It's textbook animal abuse by the owner because the cat doesn't know any better. Shame on them.
Can I go by myself?
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She was just as fuzzy as she should have been on stage
That cat is only fat in the right places.
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I don't know what made these off-topic JP posters feel welcome but no one wants to see your whores here. Go to your own thread you fucking spamming faggots.
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>the cat doesn't know any better
I think this cat knows exactly what it's doing.
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Really? I think it's unhealthy and gross. We can only hope Fuwawa doesn't follow in the same path. She can't be an idol looking like this.
I wonder if FUWAMOCO are OK with sharing him or if they are mad that she's stealing him.
That's fucking hot.
fuwamoco general
fuck off spammer
that isn’t even the first huge W he’s been given by CC
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Whores begone we only BAU BAU here.
If he's monitoring for any other sneezes to count, that's good and will only serve to reinforce Mococo's position as the #1 vsneezer.
Yea, but you'll probably have to wait for 2-3 other newbies to show up if you don't know how to play.
He's busy getting "pinned down" and "hearted" by CC
She unironically hasn't done that for months because otomos were going menhera that he was getting special treatment.
I'm not worried. He's an impartial judge and his sneeze counts can't be bought so easily.
I'm sure she can find a way to make it up to him in private.
loli Ui...
Do we still think there's a chance FWMC are in her birthday live live?
Hold up, that's not even a dog, that's a coyote.
>otomos were going menhera that he was getting special treatment.
Really? Nothing ever changes
sorry locking my account until I'm feeling better
I'll try not to sad post, but in case I do, I don't want my oshis potentially seeing it
I think I might actually need a therapist, but part of me feels like they won't be able to help at all lol
I really just want to quit
Aaaaaaaaaa sorry I'm such a loser!!!!! I hate my brain!! I hate when I get like this!!!
Did anyone really think Ruffians would be the only toxic fans?
only newfags
Only people that are only ever here I guess. Fans going menhera over favoritism happens everywhere
To be fair, she was literally doing it for every single stream and only him. He has 80 hearts from her in 6 months compared to like 10 from FWMC and he doesn't even have her oshimark.
I mean if she didn't have a timestamper before that, why wouldn't she be hearting timestamps?
If it was for posting the only, first, or best timestamps to help people navigate the VOD, I would much rather she heart his comment than my much less useful comment.
Free label for just clicking a heart, women really have it fucking easy.
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What would you assume about a person if this was their oshi list?
good night ruffians don't bite bait
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>man whore
>don’t know much about risu
>fat wigger
>whore with a blacked fetish
nothing good
I'd just wonder how they have the time to watch all of them. I can't imagine keeping up with that many girls and one cute boy
I assume that being in ID and being a homocollaber are equivalent but I've also never watched her besides clips years ago of her talking about nutting.
I can barely watch every FUWAMOCO stream, never mind Biboo too or the rest of Advent. I assume this person doesn't watch any streams and just buys happis of people in the concerts they go to for clout or whatever.
Great, now purityschizo is lecturing others to respect FWMC'a boundaries because they always know what's best for their health. Fuckin rich coming from that asshole. I can't believe still he was openly mad at them for going to that dinner with suisei instead of doing a fwmc morning episode.
No fucking idea how pebbles manage. I'd be drowning in vods constantly and don't think I'd ever catch up
Back in my day people kept their menhera to themselves
this is the curse of that cover, man
thank fucking christ I hope they can the horror slop idea forever.
owari da
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Is halo game night back on the menu? Wait... is halo anon rrat still around to make the lobbies?
Time to mercy kill fwmc morning and never bring it back. Take a hint from the universe please.
Do you think they'd delay dropping it if they can't have the afterparty stream?
He's dead.
They could limit it to one episode per week.
i saw him around last week
The real question is will there still be a garbage pickup?
I think Halo Ruffian is 2 or 3 anons?
With that many, either he has multiple streams playing 24/7, or he doesn't watch every stream that any one oshi does and just watches whoever is playing the game that appeals most to him or that he thinks is going to generate the most entertaining gameplay and yapping.

Watching every Biboo stream all the way through is more a way of life than a hobby or an obsession.
This but also time to stop releasing schedules completely. They're entirely undependable and have lost all reason to be trusted.
I told you guys Mococo morning and Fuwawa nights is a better arrangement. If they need to cancel one, they could still do the other and have Mococo or Fuwawa as a guest.
Well Risu and Ayame don't stream so that's 2 accounted for. But even with that it's too many to follow even causally.
They should only have sex with me. But you ruffians aren't ready for that conversation yet.
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yeah, seriously
she just ended another 10hr
Having that bitch kiara over made them sick, God I hate her she needs to leave already we have a better German Vtuber now.
Funny how she didn't miss a beat, did great at fes and is back to streaming full time while also spending time with all the EN girls in Japan. makes you really wonder what fwmc do all day.
You think she gave everyone bird flu?
Imagine missing on something in a 10 stream. I don't know how I would handle catching up on streams if FWMC did those type of 10 hour streams all the time.
Guys let's watch this stream of the next card game that will sponsor them
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Holy based I love when my fellow ruffians swim in pussy. Good on that lad!
Kiara isn't even sick. If anything if Nerissa and Biboo start getting sick in a few days it was FUWAMOCO that spread it to them.
isn’t it funny how biboo can do an entire week of nothing but minecraft and another of nothing but monster hunter but she isn’t considered a minecraft/monster hunter streamer, fuwamoco?
I wonder how many Ruffians have gotten laid in Japan this month.
Yeah I don't have that kind of strength. I'm too much of a tired ojisan. Happy for pebbles that can manage though
It's also just basically impossible to pinpoint any specific person as patient zero (if there is one) when every holo has met up the past few days
Biboo is a sleep schedule destroyer
Mocochan is crying as of me writing this
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What do I fill the void with now until they return?
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Probably, there was a lot she was looking forward to doing
Good. If she had spent time playing games with the Ruffians instead of gallivanting around Japan with those whores she'd still be healthy right now.
Apparently Biboo told her mane-chan that she barely has enough time to do everything she has to. They were shocked at how long her streams were and suggested shorter ones, but she said basically "but I want to play game, how will I make good progress otherwise" but that she'd try it. The same stream where she told us about that, it was at about 8 hours, she was struggling with a boss, and pebbles were asking how much longer she was planning on playing. And she said she's going to beat this boss whether it takes 1 hour or 5.
I remember how creepy it was being when FuwaMoco were talking about tea time with YAGOO. "What exactly are you doing in there?"
replace Eiji with Yagoo
>It's all Eiji's fault
>We were always there! We needed to see her more!
>We should have always been fighting for her
>Eiji is awful for isolating and pressuring her
>Eiji you manipulative monster
>She was isolated and desperate
>Did we go wrong somewhere...
>Touya should have been strong enough to fight for her
>Eiji isolated her and kept her working nonstop to break her down! TOUYA STOP GIVING UP
>She did, TWICE
>She's been manipulated by him
>He's been messing with her emotions for months
>Yuki what?! he has really messed with your mind
>She's panicking ...
>Pero!! No more pudding!!
>We're back hand-pink-wavinghand-pink-waving
> the jazz hands
>It does look so empty
>And it was with us!
>This might be yeah
>Aw cute, I think it is
(context: they are talking about Eiji while literally on the bed having makeup sex)
>It's true we're the only one she's been with in this way
>She's fluffy and fuzzy
>She was isolated and manipulated by Eiji, now she's safe with Touya, it's messed up but cute
>Aw, that's cute
>This is cute now
>You don't think love scenes are cute?
>He's saying she's her best as the girl being herself right here
>That sounds kind of sad ...I think I understand what he's trying to say
>She was isolated and messed with by Eiji for a long time
>Basically Eiji wouldn't care about her if she wasn't an idol
>We're missing stuff
>I think they have a chance, they need to relax
>This is so calm though lol
>What is happening?
>Their love is messy and imperfect but they're trying
>You two are so silly 草
>Not a knife Fuwawa lol
>Aww they could spend the night together finally
>Oh nice! Yayoi!!
>We should!
>Aggressive?! It's cute
>That's not aggressive at all, they're more normal now
>You can do it, Yuki!
>Yayoi, thank goodness it's not Eiji
>They're closer now
>Aww, she's sparkling on screen
>He kept worrying and not fighting for her
>It took him so long to realize...
>Yes good emotions
>This seems like a good end
>Aw... she seems so calm now
>True, she is so happy and carefree now
>We really still need to face Eiji face-orange-raised-eyebrow
>He's still so rude about Yayoi...
>It's still important to say what needs to be said!
>Aww, She finally made it
>Time to escape!
>AWW that's so sweet... Yuki...
>happy tears... such a beautiful ending
>True End...!
Wasn't that a different mane-chan, not her own? Pretty sure her own mane-chan is used to how long she prefers to stream at this point
godspeed to pebbles
This looks way easier to get into than YGO
Yeah it was a different mane chan she was talking with. probably FUWAMOCO'S
rocks are just built different
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Welp time to rewatch the Fuwawa Hitman stream for the 3rd time.
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Aren't you happy, FuwaMoco. You got a token idol stalker fan just like in Perfect Blue.
Holy fuck I feel sick to my stomach reading these messages. I pray this fucking thing never becomes a threat...
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Pictured: that manager
Fuwawa please...just one more Hitman stream at least...
If FWMC did this, you would go menhera about not being able to keep up with every minute of every stream, and demand they stream less
>Eiji isolated her and kept her working nonstop to break her down! TOUYA STOP GIVING UP
Completely can see purityschizo thinking this about managers if fuwamoco cut back more on streaming. he gets angry when they miss one stream imagine if they have marines stream schedule.
memania a cute
It's too poor to do anything. Otm on the other hand was more of a threat since he had money to travel to Japan.
I tell myself that to comfort but all it needs is a one way plane ticket so I don't think anyone can let their guard down. If it ever even implies it's going to Japan people better be on high alert. I feel sick to my stomach with worry about it.
Is it true? That atm wielded such influence on FuwaMoco that they personally told him to take a step back for his own mental health?
not really, i skip streams i don’t care for all the time. in fact i was planning on skipping the SC reading and minecraft, same with that horror slop endurance stream
He said that but it's hard to trust anything he says when it's coming from someone as schizo delusional as that. This is a guy that threw a tantrum about them not seeing his shitty game when they literally gave it a like and mentioned it on stream.
It was a fair point desu, if she's barely got enough time to do assigned stuff and get enough sleep, the frequent 8-12 hour streams might have something to do with it. Sometimes she starts a stream and doesn't seem all the way awake, and then sips coffee and eats breakfast in-game. She's living the "eat, sleep, play games" meme and then squeezing in idol homework too.
When and where did he say that
same... so it's a blessing to me they are canceled although I wish they'd not even be rescheduled
>White Day tomorrow
they're never playing the Ruffians VN on stream are they
I wouldn't, I'd just have to catchup on vods a lot because there's no way I can keep up with all that live
>trusting anything a schizo says
If that's the case I'll listen to what laughing fox has to say.
cliquecord half a year ago or more. he left the server
>trusting anything a schizo says
kek good point
his farewell message or whateveer
on discord he talked about exchanging dms with them on their other account and they told him the same things there, but i guess that wasn’t enough to stave off his menhera episodes which ultimately led to him oshihenning
start with this

@Aeon0 20 minutes ago (edited)
Its been a long road, but after everything, this dream of yours really has come true
Its as real as it gets, and I'm glad you can accept that you're really here now, you two
I love you so much, FUWAMOCO, and I'm glad you let me be here with you...
At least, I hope you're fine with me staying as I am
I'll keep supporting you as you grow, as long as you want me too!
I uh.... honestly, you two said how much you want us to be a caring community and stuff like that, but...
I really don't know how much I can say that I'm a part of it
I really do feel like I'm not the kind of Ruffian that you both... like that you'd wish us to be...
And whenever I see you interacting with so many Ruffians for this FES, on things like the tag, with them sharing their thoughts
About your performances, their feelings, or whatever, and just...
When I see that I've been left out of that, I just... I really... I know I said thank you for letting me be a part of this, but sometimes I feel like I'm just barely crossing that line Like I'm hardly a Ruffian, that I'm really not a true Ruffian... not to you two...
Like I obviously have good feelings and memories of our time together, too
Of course I do! I still meant it, all those times I said I'd never take you for granted, and I really do cherish every moment we spend together, appreciate everything you do for us! But at the same time, I'm really not sure I'm where, or what, you want me to be.
I feel like somewhere along the way, I've done things to change what you think of me, what the Ruffians think of me, for the worse, and I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to make up for that, or properly put it into words what I meant.
I don't know. I can't explain how I feel.
It's too complicated, I guess.
I've been trying to figure it out on my own the past few months, to no success.
Anyways, assuming you do read this, which I'm honestly not sure about anymore
I know that you went through the twitter tag a lot on Day 1, and I've been making posts, but I really do feel like you saw all the other Ruffians, except for mine...
I'm honestly not sure what's happening, if its twitter or if my account is muted or something, but if you don't see my posts, I promise you, I have been posting! They are there! I just don't know what else I can do, when I feel like I'm the only one facing this problem...
And if it is because of something I've done or said, if my support to you isn't what you want to see, then... sorry. But you can let me know, and I'll just go silent, go back to how things were at the beginning, when I had no intention of chatting here, or even opening my heart at all...
And my alt account isn't functioning either...
And now I'm shadowbanned on youtube again too, so I won't be able to share any of my thoughts with you, except for maybe here, assuming you do read this...
I just don't know anymore.
Sorry, FUWAMOCO, for not being... a true Ruffian...
And sorry for putting this here... I just don't know where else I can.
Yeah... just, sorry, you two. I'm sorry.
Show less
>Fubuki playing Pokemon DX
>Korone playing Pokemon Stadium
what's going on
I can't tell if it's worse if it's true or if it's more of his mental illness. I almost hope he's lying because imagine dming them and actually getting responses when they are insanely busy and reacting by not listening at all while posting a really shitty oshihen message on Twitter about them that you delete almost immediately. What a fucking POS. And to think they thought of him as a long time supporter. absolute garbage human being. He's better never even think of coming back.
Yes please, that was an amazing stream. Normally I love what Mococo brings to streams, but there's something magical about seeing Fuwawa letting the intrusive thoughts win without the human interaction keeping her as grounded as she usually is.
what games or streams do you fags like to watch?
watch the master at work
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvEE6m8p9QM [Embed]
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taking advantage of Pokemon perms in case they get taken away again in the future
So ENreco is in April?
literally almost anything but superchat readings and horror slop. Minecraft I tolerate but it's meh and overdone now. And I don't watch fwmc morning anymore. so as you can fill this was a nightmare week. I still hope they play VNs and retro games sometime.
God damn imagine if Fuwawa had thighs that thick
ones i care to watch
you might want to take down the pinned schedule tweet, puppies.
Sexy slutty puppies need correction.
Neat. The last Pokemon I played was B&W2. I should try one of these newer ones.
Thanks for your keen eye, anon!
This is sacrilege but I’m not phased by it anymore. I missed streams due to vacationing in another country and catching up on 10 hrs of Biboo everyday wasn’t that important. She’ll be streaming everyday when I get back home and that’s all that matters.
post it for real
They're now allowed to play Pokemon, so why should they not? They're still somewhat restricted in which of the old games they can play though since Nintendo obviously didn't give perms to use emulators, but should be able to play all of them without breaking any rules if they go about it the right way. GB through GBA handheld ones are possible if they have original cartridges and Cover has a Gamecube, GB Player and video capture device or GC-HDMI adapter. Cover owns a 3DS with video capture, but it's a JP unit and many games are region locked. However... Gen 4 aren't DSi-enhanced and are region free. Gen 5 are DSi-enhanced and region locked, BUT the US/NTSC cartridges of it seem to work on JP consoles for unknown reasons. (EU/PAL ones do not, as far as I know, but I don't have any to test with.) And the 3DS Pokemon games are all region-free cartridges that play on any console even though most 3DS games are region locked. And even if they were stuck with JP cartridges, beginning with gen 6, any region cartridge lets you choose any language if you clear any existing save file and start a new one.

For console ones, they're probably better off playing N64 on Switch virtual console since the N64 is such a pain in the ass to get anything like clean video out of, unless they want to use Stadium or Stadium 2 with non-rental Pokemon. Gamecube ones can be played on a Gamecube that has the D-Terminal "digital" output, with a cheap Gamecube HDMI adapter; or on Wii (but not Wii U [at least without using homebrew]) with component video capture. Wii and Wii U ones are probably best played on Wii U since that has native HDMI out, though it has ~marginally~ worse video quality on Wii games than a Wii with component output.
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Anon... Biboo is imporant.
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Fuwawa has said gwape enough times that we should have a wape rape soundpost by now. sound god please
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I miss Fuwawa.
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Can this guy please just leave, time and time again he does this shit
Thank god I'm a poorfag. If I had money I'm afraid I might let slip my mental illness leak into my supas...
Pic is Mococo POV

idk how cleanly the leading g sound can be separated off with audio editing, but we can always dream
Time and time again
You think about yourself before you think about me
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Slutty puppy Mococo.
this is AI, believe it or not
Wtf it is? That's a first I've been fooled by slop.
I'd be curious about the parameters used to generate it, because it isn't shitty and broken in the usual ways.
Doesn't bother me. If it's so good that it seems "real", then what's the issue for me?
AI is great for niche ecchi or hentai stuff you specifically want to see too
Is Mococo humping a pillow with Fuwawa getting blown out by a Ruffian in the other room?
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I can respect this in it own way
Yeah say you want to look at 100 images of Fuwawa and Mococo peeing on Pero. Maybe 3-4 of them will come out great.
Pero needs to stay out of my porn thank you very much
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It's getting too good. Still misses the tail though.
this is the source
Pero in FWMC hentai is so you can self-insert without there being a man depicted.
I'm not a fat fuck tho
Pero is all muscle
Never said you are. You're not a cartoon dog either. He acts as a placeholder.
Thanks. I've found the original on that account, and at least as Twitter's app saves it, the jpg file sadly doesn't contain embedded. AI generation parameters. Probably some editing or resizing step done before uploading got rid of them. Or Twitter now strips metadata out of jpgs.
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Okay now you're talking
soulless slop
kill yourself
Is Mococo even trying?
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uh oh melty
Fuzzy looks kinda weird in this...
This was at least edited right? No way it's AI
Definitely take with a grain of salt. I didn't think much of it at the time but with more context gained with time it begins to paint a clearer schizo picture. He always liked to larp as if he was closer to them than anyone else. I remember him saying something like "I have it on good authority that they only check replies to their posts and tweets for an hour after they post." Which I just took as fact, since he's an oldfag and everything, and then they went on to give likes to days old replies. He's always been a bit delusional.
It's pure AI, there's still some tiny mistakes. It must have been trained on koahri's art or something.
go back and take your slop with you >>97230596 →
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Those look good enough to me. Do you really think they look like slop or is this a twitter tranny anti AI social justice thing
Holy fuck my dick.
it’s AI slop is AI slop
there is literally a thread made to spam that trash there
fuck off nigger
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I will never be aroused by AI art, especially not AI art made of my wives. Why would I, when Icomochi’s art exists? This is what happens when your mind is on cumming and nothing but that, you’re willing to digest shit like this. I’d pray for you, but you might too far gone already.
Please kindly point me to Icomochi's illustration of Fuwawa giving Mococo a rimjob
Anime tiddies are anime tiddes I don't care. Also fuck artists
Latter obviously. Some people just can't shut up about how big their AI hateboner is.
baused as fuck
an artist designed your beloved FuwaMoco, retard.
that wouldn’t happen if you just stayed in your containment thread in the first place, slopnigger
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You ever think about how bad the world is but then you remember that these sweet girls exist? It's very comforting to think about them.
Just a random thought.
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Kill yourself.
Yeah but if an AI created those designs I'd still like them and you'd be sperging out about muh slop. Good design is good design
Another troon about to be put on welfare by AI love to see it
kill yourself tourist slopnigger tranny. you and your ilk will never ever be welcomed here
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AI pictures of baubaus /here/ are neither off topic and nor against the rules. Cope, cry, cope some more.
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>whoreschizo is having another meltdown again
Get help chud
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Looks what I got at Nakano broadway
doggy pack post (weal)
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This would be better if it was a Moco-pillow.
That's just nasty
That's hard to believe. They never post anything on membership anymore.
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>Haven't heard their voices in 2 days
>My schizophrenia is getting worse
Please I need to hear Fuwawa's giggles and Mococo's autistic sounds to push the voices out of my head.
Just watch a clip or a VOD
the fuck
hirune is a dude
Subscription cancelled.
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I'm currently watching the Tokyo Racing vod to hold me over. But as we all know vods aren't the same. I miss them...
>Kiara thinking of moving to Japan
God please no you already got FWMC super sick
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Pero is actually female if you think about it.
Wasn't her reason for not wanting to move was of being homesick? Also her cats.
Are you implying Pero is Mococo?
After all these years now she wants to move? Strange.
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don't care bau bau
Puffy fluffy
Shouldn't they be worried of someone stealing their panties when they're hanging out to dry? Does Japan not use dryers?
She is just complaining about fomo and other things. Nothing new.
Her fomo is my "phew, a kiara-free collab"
was kiara confirmed to be patient zero?
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human demon guard dog half breed children and lots of them
They got sick from the con itself, also spread to some jps so unlikely.
>They got sick from the con itself, also spread to some jps so unlikely.
Proof it was transmitted at the con?
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Breeding a soccer team from both of them and both teams vs eachother when older.
nenechi is sexy?
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Raven demon guard dog half breed children and lots of them
To that big nigga who loves her, yeah.
Almost time for Ruffian morning episode 3
No proof per se but many other that weren't at the EN karaoke also got sick. Post-con sickness is also a pretty common thing. So unless it was Kiara she would've done it all the way back at fes.
Fuwawa gave everyone stds...
she flip flipped again?
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I can host another Gaylo night if you want
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She would make a nice Fuwawa
I can tell he' s some sort of skinny Mexican.
How are all these talents getting sick when the fes concert hall was an aerosolized soup of contagion and I'm fine after sitting through them?
Glad he's not black at least
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>happy tears... such a beautiful ending
KEK this feels like a parody of him...
Skipped again...
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Bro you just jinxed it
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How is koyori going to do her live live if she is sick?
it won't be a live live
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Oh Rissa, please don't forget about me... being tied up and watching helplessly while the stud from the gym fucks Rissa's (my wife) pussy
>whoreschizo wakes up
>begins cuckposting
disgusting animal
Nerissa mentioned she might be getting a cold during her stream yesterday, she's probably going to get sick from kissing Fuwawa too much...
It has been 5 days since fes ended.
That's not the whoreschizo, that's your average run-of-the-mill jailbird. The whoreschizo would just "pray for her downfall" like he always does.
Different places with different people. They were at the expo venue on a different date, and they were together in the mocap room during fes.
kill yourself falseflagging retard
That’s the schizo who calls random posts whoreschizo
no just yours. stop samefagging
what is NEKOPARA: Sekai Connect?
nothing fuwamoco related
It was supposed to have a live live section with guests though. Is she just going to cut it?
he's even seksier than I imagined. I understand why Fuwawa is dripping wet for him now.
It is supposed to be live. One of the guest is supposed to perform live. She hired live musicians, including a pianist.
That holoplague has horrible timing. It sucks for FUWAMOCO's schedule, but it's a disaster for Koyori.
FUWAMOCO deserve the plague for choosing holoWhores over the Ruffians. Notice how members that care about their fans like Biboo aren't sick.
It might be live live but it's not like she has a live audience in person right? It's unfortunate but not a disaster, she'll simply have to reschedule the musicians and the guest, but that's better than canceling an actual in person live.
Come home, rratman!
I don't think you can simply reschedule reserved 3D studio time especially not with a live live band too. It would be half a year in the future if even possible to reschedule in the first place.
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You lost
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That's 3 strikes. He is out.
jong is good
Did you think this was refuting me? He looks like a fucking cave vampire.
You’re brown
Post a pic of yourself.
to ugly ruffians like these two >>97280702
he somehow looks "average"
at the very least he isn’t brown like you
I'm actually lighter-skinned than Mr. Phoenix over there and probably you.
That's your response to everything as if it has anything to do with how hideous he is. It's revolting. Mococo loves brown toned men. Not disgusting slobs like that pic.
you’re definitely brown
He either has a toupee by the looks of it or will be needing one soon.
>t. brownnoid seethe
We can't compete.
KEK ugly and balding, poor bastard. And has to trade expensive items for attention because otherwise no one will want to be around the loser. He should just give up.
The only thing revolting is your brown skin and filthy country which thankfully you can never leave from, SEA subhuman. I can smell your envy over white men from here.
this is whoreschizo
Why are most American ruffians ugly? The only good-looking one is the Metal Gear autist. What is wrong with your country's genetics.
Today we jong

>it really is a seething brown from
I'm not the one that has to pay "women" to be near me in an attempt to be loved. I'm sure everyone is his friend and not just taking advantage of his pathetic life for personal profit. I hate his guts so I hope more people exploit him if he's going to be a loser like that.
You couldn’t afford it anyways because of your meme currency, brownnoid. You will never be white. You will never be wealthy. You will never leave your shithole country.
She already had the plush too, kek. I bet he didn't even get a goblin handjob for it either.
>t. seething jealous brownie
Jealous of what? That I have a spine and self respect enough not to give a woman free money because I think it makes me a good person?
>Jealous of what?
His white skin and wealth, because you’re brown and poor.
won't have that for much longer if he keeps posting women for attention, kek. It's pathetic.
Unlike you, he can consider what he has to be chump change. But we all know you can barely afford running water yourself, brownnoid.
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>>97266530 (OP)
Praying for FWMC's downfall
Proof? He's probably in massive debt like all the other retarded paypuppies. But sure the next aka will be the one that gets FUWAMOCO to love him. They think he's a creep and a loser and they are right. You can even tell the woman in the photo wants to immediately get far far away from that loser.
Before you try to delve into someone else’s finances, you should focus on your own, brownnoid. I guarantee you he can buy and sell you and your entire village no problem.
>got a like on my reply to their last tweet
what the heck. it was such a generic reply too
Nice deflection, shartnix.
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fuwawa says legalize wape
If that were the case he would not be taking pictures with such below average women.
No woman would want to come near you, not even the uggos in your village, brownnoid.
Nice thread ruffles
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Fuwawa wants to brutally rape all the Ruffians.
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I unironically think this is just one very mentally ill retard arguing with himself
what's taking this thread so long to die
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It's sad to think there are people more pathetic than me but at least it makes me feel better
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I'm Fuwawa's (sex)slave.
What ever happened to that one Ruffian? The schizo one.
I'm still here.
No I'm not.
What about the one who wants to rape everything that moves?
Is twitter really getting rid of voice tweets?
Will they recover by tomorrow morning JST?
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Yeah, that's me. But I want to clarify something; I want to rape everyone, but I ESPECIALLY want to rape Moco-chan.
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fuwawa is dumb
Fuwawa, where's your chin....
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Fuwawa is DUMB.
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people with an IQ of 180 don't possess chins
How do we fix Fuwawa's brain?
I bet Fuwawa's cheeks are soft like marshmallows
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fuwawa presents her little sister to the wuffians
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Fuwawa gave the Ruffians consent to rape Mococo
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I want to pinch her cheeks
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fuwawa is a true lady

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