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▼Phase Connect Links
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Archive: https://youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive
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Previous Thread: >>97265544 →
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hey you were supposed to be dead
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS08G3pAUiA [Embed]
are ya feeling better yet?
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Perceive Her radiance.
Illuminate one and all in Her splendor.
Captivate those with Her light.
Obey only Her brilliance.

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Lumi has a dirty pussy
I hope she returns soon, makinist.
>not getting any younger
Pico is just like me ;-;
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Hag sex
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[Jelly news] she loves coal
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>deal with woman irl
>i am done with her after a few minutes
>open vtuber stream
>I love her for 3 hrs
I hope the captcha admin explodes
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Isle of lumi
it looks pretty clean to me. I like to think it still looks like cunny
Sakana is forcing Pico to work at the JP warehouse and hes got a scammer
that is pretty on point. watching vtubers is like acclimation therapy. only for hating women for ruining everything they get involved in instead of being afraid of heights or whatever
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game sickness? Burn out?
[Jelly News] The next Minecraft arc is upon us
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cute cockbeaters
why does the silly bitch keep breaking her nails? I bet she isnt taking a multivitamin and calcium suppliment with her grass
Spicy Pico voice pack....
if she asks again I'll tell her
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I hope we get a slutty race girl phaser
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Pico likes that she gave Seiso-perv contrast in the voice packs
this isnt too far off. kindmi has better boobs
how about a motorcycle chick in a skintight bodysuit
what difference does it make if she is in phase?
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meant to reply to >>97271812
[Pico news] You are not allowed to use the candle in strange ways, it still burns hot like a normal candle
is it too late to cancel the 365 I ordered?
Pico wants a skirt for her bunny outfit
why the fuck is youtube chat eating up 4 gigs of memory?
it's the chat, I close it and the memory usage for the tab drops dramatically
I would you guys would not steal my posts and put them in her chat
upgrade your browser, restart your browser, do the same but with hardware acceration toggled, restart your computer
stop using chrome, it's literally spyware
it's going to be okay anon. SOMEONE FIND A PANKO POSTER FAST!
mind eating hat
shut up you know what I mean
what is a good alternative that everything works on and what is a good adblocker that isnt also spyware?
If you are asking about Pico, she has motion sickness. She usually endure it and play, but sometimes is too much
that's why she stopped playing Elden Ring
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I'm getting kinda bored I think I'm going to oshihen when the new Invaders come out
I use Brave, I dunno. It's good for adblocking everything, especially when other browsers and adblockers cuck.
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Okay it's time for us to sleep anon, come
Roost well, moomposter
No way whore
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I don't like this world. I miss Pippa
Why does spyware even matter anymore? Did you already forget about the PRISM servers logging literally everything you do on the Internet in the US fed database that you can't hide from?
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If you want the most chrome like experience use brave. There's also firefox and librewolf but those are not that similar with chrome.
Webm was me watching a Lumi stream using chrome and it trying to shove ads down my throat, it's real time, not sped up
PRISM, the vtuber corpo?
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This is very cute I'd let this jelly step on my balls and I'm not into that.
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good argument
why don't you jerk off in the street since your porn habits are already logged?
it either uploads so much info that it becomes irrelevant or so few that it become irrelevant, this is why you must make everything harder for them
very cute
i know which picofams lurk here
you don't
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nini peeceegee
I enjoyed my dogs fishing and yapping
the two people that speak english in her chat?
nini picofam
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Memory news
Jelly news.
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It's already Thursday so we get today, Friday and Saturday with her before she's gone again for a million years.
I'm talking about Runie____________________ and Hime_______________________
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only for good people
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Ni Ni lil Picofam. Sweet Dreams
This pic has been a blessing, it makes me laugh every time.
Do you think Hime and Clara have kissed?
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lol, i switched from firefox to brave at the start of the jelly stream because ff kept crashing, then i see this on brave with no extensions installed.
48gb ram installed btw. youtube chat is just broken.
Works on my machine
>Jelly has baby fever
Jelly news:
She has baby fever
Woman tears nice
>proud w11 LTSC installer
I will cure jellys baby fever
Jelly's baby? yeah me
Odds sleep
Evens jerk off
0 all nighter
Good night anon
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gn anon
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Goodnight rollanon
Yeah, me.
she seriously should date somebody. men in malaysia kinda suck though. she should move somehwere first.
this is the same shit that was happening to me on chrome, the page would crash after 30-45 min but only on streams due to high ram usage, i switched to brave but i also installed ublock lite like i had on chrome and never had that problem again
I have the same issue
Brave has inbuilt adblock etc. YT hates this shit
after ~45 minutes I need to close and reopen the window with the stream because It keeps crashing
getting on the plane right now
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Jelly is entering her bloomer arc, we're so back
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wagmi bros
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I get the same issue but only on certain streams. It makes no sense but for example Uruka and Jelly have been almost unwatchable for a month while others I haven't had issues with.
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>forced positivity
>because it helps others
she will burn out 10x harder now
There's no non futa version is there.
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is it me you're looking for
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I was 9 when MH came out and Yian Kut-ku was very scary
I miss my boy uragaan
jesus christ i'm old
>30 yo
haha HAG
t. 29 yo
The monsters from 3 don't really work outside their original maps, since they doubled down on the ecology thing
[spoler]oh wait never mind i miscalculated. I'm not that old after all
let the hate flow through you jelly
why jelly branch mining instead of finding a vein
This is only true for the underwater monsters, Uragaan was fine in World and DESU I expect them to import most of World's models into the G-Rank expansion for Wilds eventually if only because they're lazy.
windows hate temple os love
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>>97249405 →
Dum Star just wanted to Rant&Play/l00m
Weird Schizo vibes but got on gear when the game started/l00000000000000000000000000000000000000m
As Great as ever. Still hoping for TF3/9001
Good spectrum today. From weird talk topics to great game banter this stream had it all/l9001m
Great Titanfall Finish Stream/l9001m
aren't you a bit late for that?
Maybe he's a VoD watcher.
It was true for Agnaktor. He lost most of his aura without the ceiling. Uragaan might be an OK fight without his half-pipe, but again he loses a lot of cool points. Barroth too without obstacles, and Gigginox without the lighting system.

A lot of their unique features and some of the cooler special moves are lost, so they turn really generic.
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I miss Jelly
Did jelly say why she wasn't ok
Can you make one...?
so is it gay if I'm not attracted to dicks but I really like cumshots? like if I jerk off to a tribute it's not because of the dick but I just think it's really hot to see cum splurting out
idk if that makes any sense.
Her mom found the piss drawer.
Has jelly ever raided a hololive talent before?
fuck off faggot
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Missed the stream.
Had to be one this time.
I should really go to bed but I'm not tired at all and I have nothing to do tomorrow so I might stay up.
her mom found out she was a anime girl online?
I'm looking forward to the bloomer arc
She's approaching the wall with no child. Its always the same no matter the chuuba.
I wonder why the Japanese have been sticking with Overwatch. It's like a whole nation thing. It's like most of them are boycotting Rivals. I mean Rival is steadily dying now, but the Japanese scene never really touched it even at its peak.
No, there was a rrat about it earlier this week but there's no evidence. I doubt she'd still be doing it if that had happened.
I'm a Nasa anti now
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You can use YouTube JS Engine Tamer to mostly fix the memory leak issues and RM3 to further optimize usage. For the chat widget specifically, Super Fast Chat helps with performance but I recommend using a full replacement like Boost Chat or HyperChat.
Has Yuu made comments on this? I noticed she was still grinding ow too and I was curious why.
RATE THE MENHERA we're reaching critical cope masss, looking foward to the melty arc.
RATE THE STREAM felt like watching the first 10 vids you get when you type "motivational" in youtube
Well... Yuu is an Overwatch addict since debut.
Literal sunk-cost cope probably. That's the only reason to still be playing that kusoge on actual life-support
The deadest of dead hours and my wife Pico left me.
Jelly's mom found the cum jar
Take a quick. 3 hour nap
Arranged marriage with her uncle.
Yuu will never abandon OW because it has her waifu, simple as.
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I would cheat on my wife with Muyu.
Kana is live
laying in bed trying to sleep is better than staying up even if you don't get any real sleep
I hope sakana realized now that overwatch is a massive debuff and took that into consideration when choosing the new invaders
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Otsu Jelly tweet?
Phase Friend Kana is quite active. Funny.
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I'm Yuunion cat and I approve of this message.
all will become as cynical and disillusioned as i am
thanks for agreeing with me Tenma
Almost as if the movie is targeted towards consoomer Disney kids and not seething old gypsies
leave asuka alone in a room with me for an hour and I guarantee she'll hate me more than anything
Oh look another dogshit take from Tenma. As expected of a retard vtuber.
The trailer for the live action looks good. Stitch looks good, is voiced by the OG actor, Lilo is a perfect cast, and they used unknown actors and actresses instead of shoving in big names for free publicity.

I screencapped her tweet to make fun of her a week after the movie releases and it earns close to a billion dollars because people are genuinely excited about the movie.
Graduates and suddenly no more mental illness hort.
sakana is still seething about it
Michildren will see this picture and immediately type
>Horse racing and blackjack.
disney shills here?
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femanon is a disney adult
Grim, really grim.
you need to be over 18 to post here
That's because your streams have to have certain level of quality if you're streaming for a company. This pressure agitates the brainworms.
Par for the course
Still grim though
The big M has it's hands everywhere
love u guys
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either stop being gay autistic or triple down into complete autism.
first path you actually like women
second path you ignore everything and it doesn't matter anymore.
If you weren't new you would have known nobody in pcg pays any attention to what Tenma says or does. Except for maybe two or three anons. She mostly plays games.
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Good morning, /pcg/.
Phasers are the best livers.
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Bring your Muyu pellow to work.
Phsae connect for this feel https://x.com/peticu_/status/1847238716990906481/photo/1
I think Versers may be slightly better livers
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Am I on the list now?
phsae connect wish they looked like this
Huh? Why are you getting those types of captchas? I still get the very first ones after the site dropped the google recaptcha ones.
doesn't work, it just makes me hate them more for forcing the good ones to isolate themselves
Always have been doremu
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Airi should do another AMV stream I just found a kino 17 year old Dragonball x Creed one.
>Lilo is a perfect cast
True. Lilo was ugly in the cartoon, so they got that on point.
tenma instead of losing it on twitter you could be losing it on stream instead
Made for mating press
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>disney adult
Who are worse, Disney adults or Sanrio adults?
Phaysers are no longer allowed to stream during designated dead hours.
Damn I thought it was a 'me' problem since my system is old and ff bloated with scripts and addons
I work with like 90% women in my lab and it's kind of awesome. They bring me food all the time always ask if I need a wife every other week. If I'm sick they text me asking if I need anything and I used to have Erina on my keys so some obviously saw a huge tit blue anime woman and didn't mind it. They thought my lumi mug was the cutest thing and wanted one. Life is just good honestly.
i'm jealous
Disney adults can be insane but they're mostly boring underdeveloped pseudo-adults, mostly harmless. They may also be furries but somehow the non-furries Disney adults are worse than the furry ones.
Sanrio adults on the other hand are always insane sex freaks on actual medication.
handsome anon
ugly anon

life isn't fair, guys, keep it in mind
You're their fag hag.
How do I find a girl who likes playing vidya and doesn't have a large friend group
Da Michi in 39 minutes
>Sanrio adults on the other hand are always insane sex freaks on actual medication.
No he is the fag, they are the fag hags.
Didn't the fairy model already give it away?
I believe you only because I have seen that in the place I work. A biology lab, right?
Here. Just ask femanon
For the past 2 weeks I've been feeling sick one day with fever, aches, headaches, and diarrhea, then perfectly fine for 2 days. Then it repeats itself again. Phase connect for this feel?
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When I was born I shouldn't have dumped charisma
All of them in a rotation
Are you Pankoposter? This is common for them.
I narrowed down one of the pcg streamer femanons to one of eight accounts but I never did try to figure which it was. I would have been their top whaler.
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I missed Jelly stream, did she explain why she took a break?
say something like "I am back at school so I will stream if and when I can"
that would go a long way
i pissed in her cereal
If you actually cared you would watch the stream, dramasis
I'm going to have kids with Jelly!
good luck
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No, give serious answers, I was worried about my jelly
I'm at work right now!!
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first lumi and jelly with dicks
now that
for fuck sake
discords are probably the best place since they dont leave the house
>Sanrio adults on the other hand are always insane sex freaks on actual medication.
Jelly and Memory don't really seem that menhera
Lumi and Jelly with small feminine dicks are cute
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We live in grim times.
Think about it, she is just waiting for you to find her and she will be yours. All of her bitchy posts are a provocation for that
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discord, roblox, VRChat
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Aren't those places filled with kids though?
Nope, there's tons of areas that are 18+ and have a lot of adults
It's called a pre-order
Look at Mr fucking picky over here.
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I'm not trying to catch a case, that's wrong, I wouldn't be able to watch Jelly for a while and she would hate me for that
I can save them...
This isn't /who/ .
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you realize Jelly doesn't care about tha...nevermind
Dysentery ch.
>1view views increased from 2 to 5
Fuck off, I was grooming her.
>>97270997 (OP)
good morning frens. i love yuu.
Which Phasers are submissive?
Pippa can literally be kissed in the broad daylight and she won't even report it.
fuck off with your Lumi bait
literally every single one
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Too late, she's cute too
>Verified Accounts Only Chat

Welp nevermind, she's yours!
why in god's name would she do that?? Now she'll be 1view forever!
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I advised her to do it to keep trolls away? Those trolls btw? My alts.
Nice work satan.
would you uhhh marry your oshi
She said you should remember you're the main character of your own life.
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>come into vtubers through Pippa
>watch her for months but never membered her or even typed in chat
>diligently do my reps /here/
>intensely dislike her slop content, shit takes and retarded chat
>find her personality absolutely abhorent
>don't even watch her anymore, except maybe highlights once in a while or clips
>still find her incredibly erotic
>still can't find any logical reason or motivation to anti her
I refuse to believe this girl isn't into some backwoods Wiccan/Injun sorcery to turn men crazy.
No wonder Henri went over the edge.
all of them
in an attosecond
yeah, but she wouldnt marry me
There has to be something incredibly wrong with you to find Pippa erotic (you're probably brown)
Jelly’s back
I am a pedophile
Pippa is a natural witch, it happens without much input or conscious desire from her. It's not that rare.
You should comm Pippa porn then
that explains why I can't leave
I'm neither. I really have no idea what's happening. Only three months ago I found the mere idea of Vtubers embarassing.
I love Pippa. Can't watch her because she streams at 02 in the morning.
I'm indifferent towards pippa
I don't get Pippa obsession. I used to only watch Holo, would occasionally see a Pippa stream recommended to me and saw a Zillow stream and MLP stream a while back that looked cool. Got fed up with Holo then saw the Pippa foot stream and explored Phase more from there. She seemed ok, nothing to go crazy about like people here do though. Even as a footage her feet were ok.
Pippa love.
Watch her postal 2 streams from 2022.
If you haven't found someone by high school (college at the LATEST), then it's pretty much over for you and there is actually just no hope at all. People here talking about Discord and Roblox and shit are just as alone as you are. Virtual internet relationships aren't real, and IRL spaces for heterosexual socialization have been obliterated.

You should always set attainable goals, so I strongly urge you to seek alternative sources of fulfillment: whether it be creative (not consumptive) hobbies, religion, or a pet, or anything at all that isn't the impossible one.
My favorite Pippa stream was the egg stream
Thats the neat part you don't. You need to enter the arena put yourself out there and get rejected a billion times.
>enter the arena
What arena? There is no arena. The arena is gone. Go outside, where the fuck is everybody? Go ahead and enter the "arena" and put yourself out there, you won't get rejected because you won't actually run into any people in the first place.
I run into people. Unfortunately they are Californians and finding a normal girl is impossible. I'm literally about to go date some uglier/more average girls which is a mean fucked up way to put it but they seem to actually care cause they have to try.
My friend married his high school love, got married, then she divorced him and took his family home he inherited from his grandma and his pet dog in the divorce
This thread glows.
Should have raped instead of getting raped. Skill issue.
My friend found someone through a dating app in his late 20s and they're still happily married.
I'm surprised more men don't go on murderous rampages after something like that.
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Watch Michiru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5k-_-uerbY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5k-_-uerbY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5k-_-uerbY [Embed]
How old are they now 29?
They do. You just don't hear about it.
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What was the tweet?
Despite popular opinion, most men are not literal murderers just waiting for an excuse.
I'm still upset about what pippa said yesterday..I post here everyday about raping her and for what...Whats the point of anything anymore.......
Strong incel vibes coming from this thread right now.
Linking michi streams is just trolling at this point
Stressing about unexpected medical bills because insurance didn't cover a blood test
Just rape
What is she playing?
>insurance didn't cover a blood test
lmao america
Everyone saying all of them are submissive.
But they forget about Loki and Airi.
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Just don't pay medical bills.
why, GTA of course
All women will be submissive to the right man.
Which Phaser would have the largest penis if gender swapped?
All men will be submissive to the right woman.
>just waiting for an excuse
Yes femanon men go into these marriages expecting to be cast aside like old garbage and to have their family heritage stolen from them. You're so enlightened and brave.
hahahaha third world indeed
Top 5:
Muyu > Hina > Michiru > Uruka > Rie
But that does not lead to successful relationships retard
kek no
no woman is built to dominate you unless you're a literal gnome, I used to date an athlete and even as a smoker I could not take the bitch seriously whenever she'd try and act dominante for anything
Pippa wants a man in a woman's body it's so cringe lmao.
Morning faggots
Dizzy is canonically a futa with a huge cock. She's stressed this point several times on stream to the point where I no longer think it's a joke and actually a fetish.
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Damn right
Good morning /pcg/ I missed you.
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sup sup
I want to sniff Ember's butt
>people without insurance should expect to spend between $303 and $843
holy moly are they testing with gold?
It's a precise science.
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Well you see there's a simple explanation
full biochemistry suit costs $30 here, without insurance, it's same damn chemicals and machines used as anywhere in the world.
Has Jelly stated this or are you trolling?
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honestly Panko should sit on my lap
Just never pay debt in general. The fuck are they going to do? Debtors prison was abolished like a century ago.
Don't tell me people care about their good goy score? That shit is an experiment in keeping you docile that was only introduced in the 80s.
don't they take all your stuff that can be sold off?
like tv, pc etc

I know a family who's daughter lives in US, her dad had eye problems while visiting, in US they asked 50k for treatment. He came back home and did exact same eye surgery for around $500-700.
What did michi say about romance rp?
That's for loans, which is an entirely different thing from regular debt. Whatever you buy with outright loans, if you don't pay it back, they'll reposess your shit.
Which means don't take out loans, obviously.
What does Jelly smell like right now
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>full biochemistry suit costs $30 here
yeah but there is a difference
tears and cum
Happiness sure is infectious here, it's very reflective of your demographics. I'm sure your talents are doing extremely well too
Nothing concerning
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All we ever wanted
was everything
all we ever got
was cold
Oh no it's started, the thread is now an indy horror game
Just don't go into the Black Cat in VRChat or any FNaF worlds.
you americans can't even put chips in your cards, lets not go into how far back your tech is
you make a lot of patents for new tech, but nobody actually implements it at home, it's bizarre
GM :D hab fun vtubing
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I get it but I actually like her, I'm white trash too so I can sympathize with her upbringing and habits. But there must be some kind of witchcraft going on, she drives men insane one way or the other. A thousand years ago men would have gone to war and killed for her.
[Yuu news] Live2D Yuunion cat model soon.
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What phaser can I watch to distract me from the pain of the slipped disk I got in my back from deadlifting yesterday
>slipped disc
What are you on for it?
Hatsune miku's dead
DESU there's probably only a few people who are really into her. I think they're worth helping. Not like meeting them but giving them some kind of personal care.
Pippa I can smell you in the thread, shut up.
Right now just ibuprofen and acetaminophen. If it's like the first time I did it and the pain gets really really bad, I'll go into my Vicodin stash
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>all the talk about Pippa made me decide to jack off to her
>check her NSFW tag
>70% bestialiity, blacked or futa
Capipis explain yourselves
>still can't find any logical reason or motivation to anti her
Why anti anybody? It never makes sense. This is an attention fueled industry, if you don't like somebody the worst thing you can do is ignore them and not think about them.
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
seems pretty self-explanatory, anon
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Holy fucking shit, that's the good stuff. Man I haven't had one in over 15 years, can't even find the stuff in my area anymore. That shit used to put me on cloud 9 all day.

Doctors won't listen to me about my back pain so I have to source my own shit. Not like I need it all the time but whenever it crops up it helps to have something while it lasts.
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they should kill themselves
hit or miss
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Does she even like people lewding her? I got the impression that she didn't like it.
Nothing wrong with art of girls fucking dogs
She likes it but she's the kinda person who doesn't like to admit it.
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That's a really cute animation
she's almost home
>>97277820 (me) I'm middle class W.Euro so I can't relate to much of her experiences, and her redneck America#1 mindset antagonizes me even more. I have no logical reason to be obssessed with her but I do and I don't know why.
Good thing her streams are at 3AM for me, or I'd probably embarass myself in chat (probably calling her a retard)
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so the holy manko may forgive you for your fattiness
you may not like to hear this but Pippa is a good poster with only classy shitposts
What AI gen do you use for your music?
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I guess it's a mystery. I know everything there is to publicly know about her and it only makes me want her more.
she's a great poster, my content is trash. She calls me out for it too
If I was an artist I would draw jelly rolling blunts in whatever this lingerie she talked about on stream.
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You could try practicing drawing on weekends. It only took pewds like a month to get decent at it
i'm not baking
cool thanks!
i fucked it up last time
Thank you for freeing us
Make some pizza bread if you're bored of regular bread
There is no way a few months will get me the improvement he had, that was kind of wild but I'm working on it.
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Now what?
happiness buff
NICE! Keep it up anon, you'll get there
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That's hot
watch streams and be happy?
new bread or this place will get moldy
>>97281018 →
>>97281018 →
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There is something about Pippa that drives men crazy
I'd kill myself for her. She's worth it
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Get the area around that disk warmed up with a hair dryer or something, and use a massager (not a muscle gun, that thing's too strong) and massage around the disk (but not directly on it) to loosen the muscles and increase blood circulation there. Do it once or twice a day and it'll heal up in like a week.

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