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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Abomination Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 3/12:
1: https://twitch.tv/filian (6,038)
2: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome (3,843)
3: https://twitch.tv/Silvervale (2,909) *Tie
3: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (2,901) *Tie
5: https://twitch.tv/Arielle (2,476)
6: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,431) *Tie
6: https://twitch.tv/Sweetily (2,412) *Tie
6: https://twitch.tv/nyanners (2,406) *Tie
9: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (2,355) *Tie
9: https://twitch.tv/HeavenlyFather (2,347) *Tie

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (4,358) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (3,943) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (3,040) *Russian / Tie
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,016) *Chinese / Tie

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
March 15th - Henemimi
March 20th - Shirahiko
March 28th - Cyphi
March 31st - Nina Saotome
April 2nd - Honey Goblin
April 13th - Moka & Natsumi Moe

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>97265215 →
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sex with blue
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
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hell yeah
>>97271233 →
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womp womp
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Love my wolf wife
Nigga ew
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Cunny Bunny
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Snummoning The Dumpiest of Dumpster Divers
Boy those sure were words probably
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Chinese woman sex
>ill be dropping you off to mako
oh hell nah
She should draw lewds of herself to really show off her artistic talent
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What? I'll peel them and say that I'm the original chungus?
When did this Anny model debut? Is it just a static discord VC png?
shark teeth women?
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It's just a drawing I got off twitter
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my peaner
I like it because it has the same DA vibe like Snuffy's Birthday model
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moriko citing bat in discord again...
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What is this citing Bat thing even about?
>bat drops off 900 viewers at Makos
>not even a single word of acknowledgement from Mako
Good morning I want to hug Para and sniff her and kiss her cheeks while she pushes me, trashes like a child and calls me gay
pack it up the retard has arrived
Who did Meat end up raiding? I have always seen Callie play enough DMC to not bother with the stream
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I think Giri is very sexy
As in CeciHime?
oh like bad at citations
Too bad she’s so close to the TVA guy. Poison to a career
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Fuuuuuck I'm gonna... I'm g-gonna... I'M CITING BAAAAAAAAAAAT
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All Bat watcher are ESL, prove me wrong
I wish I saved her old twitterposts where she showed off her engagement ring.
bat sighted
no where not
Kokonuts, the Al Sharpton of black vtubers
Bat racism (funny, situational, poking fun)
Phase racism (unfunny, same jokes repeated, malicious)
I'm not aware of whatever drama you're on about, and nor do I care for it
what making you thought that
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No. I'm ETL actually.
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I, for one, certainly am an ESL to the bone. I'm doomed to crawl on this accursed Earth as a lowly maggot, never reaching my desired level in the revered American language.
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She is friends with the guy who runs that dox forum, it’s not really drama, just a fact
>The English language
My blood is boiling
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Pink Cat Good!
That Blackjack cunt?
It's the Brits who are weird
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gn sloppa poster
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French women love
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Do not refer to me as a Jailer
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I'm on a lunch break chill!
Good morning lig I blub my oshi!
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We pinkin'?
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Sleep well
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When is pink Para coming back?
So when is the blue thing going live
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Very pink! brown
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Remove the boobs
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We deserve to have the Pink Juni.
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Pink hours are on
me on the right
Ok but can Pink Juni cook?
Since when do people on this board use fucking base64 to encrypt shit wtf
Good morning Max
what are you talking about?
But then that would be 100% gay
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That's the point
i've seen like 4 post across catalog so far that required using base64 to decrypt archive/catbox links
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I've seen people do that for years
We're professional faggots
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her usual timeslot is in three hours from now
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Yeah but why? Is it like a IQ test to see if you can recognize it's base64
how to cure (actually) crippling social anxiety?
There is no cure
actual picture of the average /vt/ anti
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The only real cure is having enough exposure to social situations but medication can help you to get started.
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It PISSES me off how cute she is
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make this /lig/ related.
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GOOOOD MOOOORNING LLIIIIGGERSS!! i dont like dya or freya, but i want to impregnate nina, nino, beribug and grimmi
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Saru in 2 hours with vidiya because she's to lazy to set up hand cam.
grimmi on the left
gaspar on the right
me in the middle
>links stay up longer with one simple step
Idk it's probably the porn threads leaking out
They say this but you first need to cure your social anxiety to get the medicine anyway so I don't see how this works
I forgot she wanted to do it today, usualy handcam are sundas
By the nine, it's already turdas?
My dream is to be close enough with saru that we could sit and chill next to each other and eat each other's scabs
It's called cuteness aggression I believe
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I prefer my partner without boobs.
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The wobbler is a hag! I repeat: The wobbler is a hag!
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Understandable have a nice day
You don't think it's hot to encorporate your lover into yourself?
I hope you’re ready to get grimmi warm pungent brown love all over you
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Why do i keep clicking on spoilers here...
It could be something very gay
uuuuu where the fuck is Vesper
liggers that would genuinely be scared playing poppy playtime?
>Grimmi related post with black text
What did you expect you colossal retard? I think you actually love that shit if you still fall for it at this point.
In my tummy
Kuu because she absolutely hates puppets and dolls
You like to live dangerously
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Let's not make this official, outlander...
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Except when she got horny for the Doctors voice.
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Go on about your business.
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There's a timeline where Vivi is not obsessed with The Simpsons, but with South Park.
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I didnt read what the spoiler replied to
And clowns. Remember when she played that colonoscopy game and said the worst thing would be for there to be a clown up there, right before encountering the clown? That was so funny
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New Buttslut teaser
pure kino
Zuma on the left
Meicha in the middle
Tob on the right
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I don't think there's a full clip of it since first she explained her childhood trauma with some circus clown and then a couple of minutes after she encountered the clown in the game so it was too long to clip
was it the same story she told cyphi and vesper in a collab like ages ago? good shit
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Go away, pisself
If the clown was a creep and smell of alcohol then yes
If it was about the drunken clown that tried to make her kiss him on the cheek yeah same one
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Giri eats Chinese shabu-shabu in Japan
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Milky is cute!
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I could tell you a thousand times and you still wouldn't grasp the gravity of my words. I miss feemsh, I miss feemsh so very much. You may think you know how much, but you don't. I know.
That drunken clown? Me.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QWnCDYeYH0 [Embed]
Can you talk more about her nasty taco bell shits
Lately I've been watching some of Filian after her collab with Dokibird, Lumi and Pippa
I kinda like it but she's kind of annoying, overbearing and loud when she's got nothing funny to say
She's black isn't she?
We've seen her foot. She's a pasty white girl
I thought Fil was some redhead that was built like a Dragon's Dogma main pawn?
What's that guy's problem
hi meat
I am biggest Onibro and Shadow hater
I genuinely believed that she was a filipino-american and it's still how I visualise her in my head
it's too prevent link scrapers, it's not that deep
Is there a better snack than popcorn for streams? almost no calories if you don't use butter, cheap, fast to make, requires some chewing so you keep yourself busy, whole grain so it's good for your gut, the only issue but also it's biggest fucking issue is corn kernels that get stuck in your gums. Is there anything better? I was thinking about peanuts but those are pretty calorie dense and I want to snack for the whole stream basically
Layna is a pile of garbage in need of incineration
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Our queen
big fan of apples
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dried or just cut?
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The Queen of us all.
I like pistachios. They're very calorie dense for sure, but I just don't eat all that many of them. The simple fact that you have to peel them out of the shell one by one means that I can't just mindlessly shove them into my face like other snacks.
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yeah the Tennessee Valley Authority is bad news
Oh true, I forgot about sunflower seeds, those are nice too
Is Vei an American now?
Some of these women, like Hinabobina, Henemimi, Alienmixture and Snoozy, come across as bitchy women with an axe to grind.
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would you date your oshi if the only sexual act she enjoyed was kicking men in the dick as hard as she can?
I just don't eat during streams
i had a dream last night where i met with Lucy Pyre in a shaggy parking garage because she had information I needed. When she gave me the information I told her I owe her, and then she asked me if I have any special stream requests. I told her I didn't watch her streams and she looked really stunned and hurt that I said that. I really don't watch her so I don't know why I was dreaming about her.
What was the info tho
She's kicking you in the dick not me, so I don't see a problem with that
Need to start a service where I plap the productivity back into these holes with my 13 ouncer
Ok so phoneposting sucks but it is funny to realize the annoying trip user you filtered months ago has still been here the whole time posting 30 times a thread with zero replies
I just bite into them man
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had a dream that i was visiting mexico except it was at inis's place (she lived in an abandoned playground turned crack den (also henry was there)) and then i went to go do work at a pharmaceutical company which after taking a wrong turn i realized was treating the classes of workers differently (my dept worked in a typical boring office and the higher ups had basically a spa level utopia) and then i found the higher ups either enjoying Naiyo or Naiyo Poster on the hologram and when I broke it Naiyo/the former poster used true name magic to trap me in a magical prison dimension (i got out even in dreams i know how to escape)
I had a dream you posted something where I didn't feel cheated for spending the time to read it
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I forgot i have him filtered. I though he was gone. Im using the blue clover app on my phone which has filters
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Coqui is so nice to her coquinuts it almost hurts. She loves us a lot. I wanna make her happy.
She knew the location of some freaking babe that I wanted to find
Not yet
It’s incredible nothing’s been done about him. He does occasionally get replies but it’s mostly people calling him a retard or reminding him he made death and rape threats to vtubers
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Rare Ligger Live

I guess I missed her hanging out in VC after X-Files? What did she talk about?
She is definitely not a ligger but she is really hot
>no mark of approval
>barely above 10 viewers
Get the fuck out retard.
twitter account of the schizo that was having his nuclear meltdown (not only) itt yesterday
Just bullshit chitchatting, which is nice. Some tcg talk, some vcard chat, batman talk. A lot of nothing. She "scammed" more time out of us again with saying the next batman episode was her favorite. She's so cute.
>finds the tall oak tree
I kneel. I hope Shondo can find it next
Coqui is cute.
>4 year old account
>never past 31 viewer average
>followed by a bunch of actual high profile vtuber streamers
networking as a woman really do be like "you identify as a woman? okay bet here's my support"
He flies just under the radar enough to not commit any bannable offenses.
Same, and I hope Meat, Lyra, Juni, Mint (fat), para, Bao, and Inis follow her.
And yet someone got banned earlier over posting a screen cap of a chuuba gushing about a promotional drink related to a certain Hasbro franchise
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wtf is this twitch
who asked for this
shadowmama yourselves hall monitors
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Dino Crisis.
God, pls don't let shadowmama become a synonym like heavenlyfather did.
Any liggers in there?
He doesn't break any rules. He's just annoying
this is just sad
twitch HATES male vtubers
Yeah there are some.
Yeah, CodeMiko and el_xox
anon meant shonschizo
check his replies
he mentiones karma, uses 4chan lingo and shit like that
Nigga how am I a hall monitor? I just read his banal comments. He doesn't do anything even worth reporting, he's just annoying and autistic.
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Double puke
I saw Meicha there one time
When the FUCK are these holes playing dino crisis 2 I love that game
Anons in this thread are retarded. Complain about heavy handed moderation and then as soon as anyone says something they don't like they want them banned.
put your trip back on
She's a 3D modeler who did the models for liggers MintCastella and Merryweather among others, as well as her own. I just woke up a little while ago and didn't realize she was so small on Twitch.
Lovey-dovey sex with Juna BUT you take turns on who's getting fucked, would you? Is there actually any futa dojins like this with futa and male? I only saw like one that was hot
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blue stream in an hour
I'm e pe ting saru political rant
hey gm everyone. can I have a QRD on Elfin? keep seeing her stuff on Twitter and noticed she follows a publishing company I also follow. Is she actually cool??
calm your tits blair
She's 20 years old
>saru actualy goes outside in her 3XL shirts
It came up in Coqui's chat recently and she is planning on it at some point because it is just RE but dinosaurs. I also love that game, it was probably the first horror game I beat as a kid because zombies were too scary
Understandable mistake, her work is really good
literally me (when I was 20)
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Saru wore a dress and brought pink clothes, she's becoming more feminine
Nice tits
I hate how boring male fashion is
Strapping Kuu to a chair and tazing the gay out of her...
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Watch this hole simping for videogame characters.
You can make it not boring

Show us the way
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Saru's bimbofication arc begins.
give me a few hours or a day
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
she already makes porn, dude. she’s crossed the finish line
Making porn by itself doesn't make one a bimbo. It's more of a state of mind.
I really need to get rael head
Post a pic that describes /lig/
Anyone else here going to be in the mission control at KSC during mints ksp stream tonight?
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Egg time
will Saru get this?
Is Lina going live today? Nobody else takes up the weekday morning slot.
is she thinking of getting implants?
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Saru's gonna show her ass in her 2B cosplay.
Pleasde don't get implants.
Saru: I'm not a fighting gamer, I don't like Monster Hunter for example
I don't think I've ever seen a quote from her that doesn't make her sound like the dumbest bitch in vtubing
She has nice hips, but she really doesn't have the ass to pull off 2B properly. Still going to tribute it tho.
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What did she mean by this?
Her model reminds me of botan
Thought I'd dust off the old piano today. Haven't played in donkey's years.
I don't want my Shonshine to disappear.
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Jokes on you
She'll just photoshop it to be bigger which is kinda disappointing.
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Wolf wife live!
I know she photoshoots her tattoos out, but does she shop her body as well? Disappointing if so.
She literally just said she photoshops her ass in pics.
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I want to see Para's crusty loser body trying to cosplay.
She doesn’t fart when she eat egg in japan
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waiting for wife
not watching her right now my 2view ngmi oshi is live
Nope. Next stream is tomorrow
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Saru worried about WW3 not realizing it would only last for about 2 hours.
vespers brb theme if you want
Saru going to try crysis
haha look at his funny little dance
She should know that already. Didn't she used to claim fallout was one of her favorite series?
I reuploaded it to catbox, because I don't want you playing the piano to disappear.
Women caring about war is always strange, it's not like they're ever at risk of being drafted.
Yes fallout is one of her favorite game series despite her never having played FO3, FONV, or FO4, and getting filtered by FONV after a single stream.
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We're at risk of being raped which is something you morons will never understand.
Do you think she'll like Psycho or nah?
And being raped is worse than dying?
No, it's fine if it disappears. I messed up in the middle anyway.
I have a version where I sing it too, but damn if I'm out of practice
but what if I want to be raped though
It's the song sheet
Can't get raped if you get atomized by a nuke.
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bait or retarded
call it
She completed FO3 and liked it a lot, threadreader kun.
Thanka for making me remember a video I saw of a male POW getting raped by two other dudes. Totally wanted to think about that this morning.
Also you're wrong and Saruei is being stupid, kill yourself.
>Saru freaked out by those people who just buy out entire throne lists
More importantly when is the 2Bodega dropping?
Saru doing an a-t-on for her birthday, itsl Ike a subathon but it's free
ironmouse just puked
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[Silver news]
Valentine's day stream canceled due to 3D model not being ready yet
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I forgot about that, she decided to stay home for what would have been their last vacation.
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because its even better
once you take the knot you cant go back
>saru confused by "can it run crysis"
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erm v-day was a month ago
She's old enough to remember when the meme was created. Must be too esl to have understood it.
valentines day was last month tho
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Anny "I'm not gonna stream on Alt anymore" the Fox live on her alt
you only think about yourself
pig live on its alt yet again
Not watching an alt.
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Actually i think pink cat and fox lady got cooked like a boiled egg today
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Yes but Silver was still setting up in her new house after moving so it got postponed untill now
She was too busy fucking Asmongold to stream last month. Please understand.
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standard woman behavior
This looks like souls slop
does she mean white day
Wojak posters really are subhuman
It's a classic resident evil style horror game.
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Guys, i think it time to stop schizo posting now
amazon about to launch their pmc service
I just saw knights and went for a default judgement
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They can't stop me from migrating to Juniraptor's thighs.
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Since we're posting non liggers here's someone at 500 views drawing snail bitch

fucking imagine if schizoposting had consequences
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The brashness of it is what makes me chuckle
The bear vs man argument indicates that potentially being mauled is worse than potentially being raped
molly the salt redeem isnt real
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Where can I sign up?
Why are you black?
You don’t remember being murder
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Did you actually think she'd keep to it with how often she said she'd stream regularly again?
[Silver news]
She's always cold and would steal your warmth when hugging
Im always too warm, but im gay.

FYI The streamer that got murdered recently was pulling a regular loan scam on the perpetrator, this was not a cause of typical streamer/viewer delusional behavior
What would Silver be without GFE?
She should stop worrying and love the bomb
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Lol no
chromu raided her with 600 viewers
I hate her so much
I took my Zinc this morning like Nina said to.
why did chromu stop streaming at eu friendly times?
does she hate me?
Female opinion: Retarded.
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Im honestly surprised she still has a 4 digit viewercount at this point. You'd think people get tired of it. I did get tired of nyan during her menhera episode in 2022, where she ran away from her fans and you had to chase her many alts before she and aethel got together.
callie calico should sit on my face with her big white girl butt
all girls are like that though sadly. the only way to have warm cuddles is men
I don't know man. Her viewers are just really loyal and the neuro connection does bring in fresh viewers
>finished streaming in the middle of the day EU time

when the hell was she supposed to start
My wife
i hope up at 14:30 and she was gone
she used to stream around midnight eu time but i think thats early in the morning for aussies
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Italian women love
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Are you ready for the coming eye tracker stream?
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>one alt vs many alts
anny is also just a little quirky vs the shriveled womb of nyanners bouncing between the largest EN vtuber group to actually no leave me alone I regret becoming an anime girl fr fr
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>midnight is EU friendly
you're a neet
And then what? Would you rim Callie Calico's big butt?
why r u black
Every time I see another artist they're better than me and I feel like exploding, especially vtuber ones
We know, Dya
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https://youtu.be/o5aQdXsCO2w [Embed]
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Actually, it was only 2 alts, rather what i meant to was having to chase her many alt streams.
sorry haters and aunties i did not die in my sleep!!
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>having more than 1 alt
what if kitanya went live and it was sex sounds (with me) and she was screaming IKU IKU IKU IKU IKU IKU IKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
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oops didnt mean to quote that
silvers thigh high fuzzy socks...
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Youtube and Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pinkcatbad
Arax is not better than you
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covering those in my cum
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erm, i think i'm pretty good, might open comissions soon
So? I'm still not as good as everybody else
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comparison is the death of joy
hey people pay Flork so you might make it
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>>97280249 →
>>97280249 →
>>97280249 →
not_anny with evil neuro yay :D
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flork made it by pandering to chuds and then degenerate vtuber watchers who i care for neither
Haven't read the Dexerto article but it could be about the Amouranth thing too

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