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with no shondomama
shondo is not going to be our cute and finny cat bunny

she is going to have to become a young woman
>>97272067 (OP)
Girls are extra groomable during times of grief, now is your chance bros
*Michael's chance
>>97272067 (OP)
I wonder if being on stream with her and directly seeing how her daughter became a pedo pandering ethot I what gave her the last push
>>97272067 (OP)
didn't realise shondofags are PDF, are they worse than a chumkeks?
This is the chance they've been waiting for, fair warning sticking your dick in crazy doesn't fix it. Trust me, my old man couldn't fix it.
>>97272067 (OP)
Fuck all of you
weird, thats what Michael does to Shondo
how old is her sister btw?
9 year old sister.
Troll or not, I hope you all get run over by a truck. Good night
Too old
weird, that's what happened to shondomama
it's worse she killed herself and she likely had to find her after her bowels evacuated post mortem
karma for years of suicide baiting i guess
No more cunny oyakodon streams :(
>>97272067 (OP)
She'll be fine
>>97272067 (OP)
>Every family member has mental illness
You could make an anime out of this
I hope you live forever
i could have saved giraffe with my cock but i didn't i is an fool
kys unc you groomeranti
fe is still kickin and shondo says shes pretty attractive for her age
Which makes you wonder; Shondo, a grown woman us behaing like her little sister, doesn't that feels creepy to her at all? I'm just like youuu!
Sge literally has mental retardation, meaning she was unable to grow up due to her fucked life and she is still a 7 year old mentally
sound like it's not suicide baiting at all and a very real family history of catastrophic mental illness. btw you might want to get yourself checked
too soon retard
this is the prime example of if you're gonna be a grifter, don't expose actual personal life issues
No one can fool everyone all the time
>>97272067 (OP)
It's going to be stressful for her because her mom was the one who basically ran the household. Her siblings and grandma are too stupid and/or menhera to do anything.
So how did she do it?
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>>97272067 (OP)
Michael will dick her to console her dw. She won't be alone.
old enough for muhammad
>too stupid and/or menhera to do anything
but enough about shondo
Hi Shondo!

Bumping for more content! Get well soon!
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not really the best phrasing considering...
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Yeah I totally believe her mom killed herself. Totally. Yep it definitely happened, this person doesn’t have a history of compulsive lying that might make me not want to take her word at face value. Nope.
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Anything new in the discord?
You are banned.
oh sorry,
It's hilarious and fucked up how people reacted to her comments on her mum topping herself. Stop giving her sympathy. What type of parents child goes online and says "how could she do this"? Clearly Shondo is a fucking asshole, and she didn't help her mother. How selfish can you be to say something like that? We all know killing yourself is a selfish act that effects all your friends and family around you but these people that top them selves are in extreme physical and mental pain. For Shondo to publicly say what she said goes to show how selfish, ignorant, and self absorbed she is. Fuck shondo, she's a fucking asshole after puplicly saying something like that to get attention. She's a cunt and the sooner you all realise what she did and said wrong the sooner you can all become better people yourselves. Sadly most of you can't be saved at this point.
She hates BPD women.
She hates parents who have children and then treat them like shit.
Shadowmama was a BPD woman.
Shadowmama had a lot of children and did a poor job of taking care of them.

Draw your own conclusions.

Momma done a good enough job for her daughter to be able to stream for edgy fap bait. Clearly her raising wasn't as bad as mine since I can't afford to let people fap over me with behind a PC screen.
>>97272067 (OP)
m. word status?
Everything shondo can afford has been achieved by her sweat and tears (metaphorically speaking); she was quite poor when she started, you can clearly see that in her earliest streams.
>how could you abandon me
that's a common reaction to death
possible that her mom died from neglecting her a malignant health condition or from other natural causes and shondo is blaming her mother for incompetently leaving the family by dying
she never said suicide.
> she never said suicide.
It quite clearly suicide, do reps.
My dick was poor before the girls realised how big and deep it could go.
youre mentally ill
What he said has more weight than what that little whore will ever say. So I suggest you stfu.
Killing yourself is objectively selfish as fuck especially if you have a 9 year old daughter.
Okay retard. Keep saying smart things. It's suits you, it really does. .
Parents absolutely should be shamed for not doing their duty! Whether it's divorce or suicide it doesn't matter, you don't bring little bastards into the world and then kill yourself and leave your mistakes around for the rest of society to deal with.
Can't wait to see how you deal with suicide when it ends up on your door step. And it will. Let's see you remeber those words you said.
These comments defending gotta be guys who are either 16 and/or never got their dicks wet. Either way it's pretty obvious.
I dunno about you guys, but I'm just here for the Shondo suffering.
hee hee shamone

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