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>>97273704 (OP)
Isn't this a good thing? They do the same thing in holo too.
>>97273704 (OP)
I don't see the problem with this
>>97273704 (OP)
That's a radio, you fucking retard.
And it's regional
The Japanese are so outdated in so many areas.
>>97273704 (OP)
Holodrones are retarded
>>97273704 (OP)
>starting january 2
>falseflagging shitposter makes shit thread
>corpo+"drones" are retarded
you're retarded
>>97273704 (OP)
Grim. What a downgrade. Meanwhile holos are embassadors of a whole city
This. Fubuki is now the legal ruler of the Nakano district. Hololive keeps on winning.
It's bad because you're giving up being an idol for a boring normie job, even if it is a good job and pays more.
what the fuck
She should become prime minister
regional tempus radio...
>gives up extremely mentally demanding job for a easier job that’s better for your health and pays more
>somehow gets booed for it
And you wonder why she left
Holobrowns deserve to be skinned alive and salted
You literally won’t ever do shit
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCX-a1r1Gzk [Embed]
Sorry I don't understand you.
Same type of person makes these threads as makes those replies.
>>97273704 (OP)
Oh sweet! I wish her a great.time!
Aint that the truth.
and this faggot
>>97273704 (OP)
Is going to necro bump his thread for the whole day every time it reaches page 10, just watch.
She paid her dues be happy she found something she wants to do and seems to be good at.
It's good because she left a fanbase filled with retards like you
>leave [job you don't like] to do [job you presumably do like]
you guys are mentally ill
>>97273704 (OP)
Proving once again that yagoo is not needed.
>>97273704 (OP)
bro this is at least 2 months old
why you bumping this shit thread then?
>>97273704 (OP)
Only 30 minutes
Holo should bring back the sengoku era.
That's just like they call podcasts there
you can listen to it online you lazy fucktards
akutan kawaii
What sorta mental gymnastics lead to the belief that it's better for your health to sit at a computer all day then get regular exercise and interactions with other humans?
I think someone is bitter and missing onions
>>97273704 (OP)
If whatever company are offering a stable paycheck for easy work, why not?
Just goes to show how shitty the work atmosphere is in hololive.
Sounds like a skill issue on your part.
It's not hard to get up and exercise.
Sounds like projection on your part, fatty.
It’s impressive how little she’s willing to work. 2 hours a month (maybe 4 because of backstage shit) and that’s being generous.
But what’s more impressive is how after so many years of her neglecting everything she still has fans. If my oshi became a lazy whore who spends the entire day playing fps with dudes I’d move on asap.
Extremely low quality thread. Waiting for OP's brutal execution
>noooo she should stream for me and my every whim
>nooo play flavour of the month games
>nooo stop it, stop sitting, dance monkey daaance!!!
This was literally announced more than three years ago. Fun fact: you don't give a shit about Aqua. You can't even speak Japanese.
In my autism i said years. I meant months. Still brown.
Real fact...if you taught me Japanese instead of fucking around this would've been prevented.
Bump for reality check.
Stop bumping your shitty bait thread you unemployed lazy fuck.
It's not mine retard.

Who are you even? Be a man or a woman and say it right now or be BTFO for life.
Are you saying you think all the Holos are using standing desks and jogging in place or are you just too retarded to follow a conversation?
hey at least this new job doesn't charge her for using their equipment KWAB
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youre not my boss
I'm glad she found success on her personal endeavors.
Getting my execution ordered by FBK LETS GOOOO
do you just sit in your car in silence the whole trip
apple music. radio is all ads.
>he doesn't listen to the radio
Reminder that Mumei would prefer her family to think that she is a camwhore "health influencer" streamer than a VTuber. A VTuber isn't considered a real job to most people.
the new generation is fucked
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It's a kino radio show. I look forward to it every week. Got a membership to the radio show too. Its very cheap so highly recommend.
>>97273704 (OP)
Anyone who hates this radio show is Mikeneko in disguise and thus should not be trusted.
Fake hype, you don't even understand what she said, other than just murmuring nonsense
But this is the exact same kind of thing multiple members have. A radioshow. Suisei's had hers for what, two years I think?
>Still up
Those are the same normalfags who think all anime is for children
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I want you! (I want you!)
I need you! (I need you!)
I love you! (I love you!)
Atama no naka
Gangan natteru music
Hebii rooteeshon
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See? I was right
He's literally necro bumping once every hour to keep it from page 10.

OP is the most disgusting of faggots.
Uh oh Holo melty
>>97273704 (OP)
I thought her whole thing was she's antisocial as fuck?
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Radio is more popular than ever. People who never watch TV still listen to radio. Me included.
Good luck, Aquna!
Where the fuck did the "all the Holos" part come from?
Pretty damn sure we're talking about Sakana here.
Doing audio only shit means you can do whatever the fuck you want, it's even more freeing than camera-based streaming be it vtubing or IRL.
Radio is stupidly popular in most countries.
It's one of the easiest transmission based delivery systems we've made and it still delivers useful information and entertainment to most of the human race every single day.
Radio is very valuable.
Most entertainers people know of have touched radio directly or indirectly in some form, a decent chunk of them started out in radio to boost confidence before entering visual media.
Most people automatically go to music, but damn near every hobby has some presence there, even pretty visual ones (like sports, literally people listening along to the broadcast and not watching it, even I find that nuts, it's be like listening to an art show, which some people DO!)
So radio is just like live podcasts? But you need a special device to hear it because it's not on the internet? Bizarre.
When a japanese person says "radio" they don't actually mean the device
>>97273704 (OP)
>jan 2
>Isn't considered a real job to most people
>Makes enough money that any of these could could retire in their 20s
>Meanwhile normies have to keep working well into retirement age when they should be enjoying their twilight years
The normie cope against chuubas is insane, it has to just be jealousy and nothing more.
She spend well over 6 years being an idol, which desu is pretty considerable career length for an idol. And very often after idol career girls sidestep into serious music stuff, voice acting or being TV/Radio celebrites.
The thing that she's doing is absolutely fucking normal and ordinary thing for any semi-retired idol and you having a butthurt over it and try to stirr some drama. Are you retarded?
Anime is for children tho
>Isn't this a good thing?
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She's retired and hot, she can do what she wants.
hololive is for normies tho
Actually I can understand Japanese. Not everyone's a shart like you. Go back to watching your justiceslop.
>>97273704 (OP)
This has aired since December and she has still streamed on her Youtube channel since then. I don't know why you thought this is a 9-5 desk job for her. And holos also do radio programmes, so pointing out she has a show is not the own you think it is.
Came here to post this
He's just mad his 3 weeks insult doesn't work.
> But you need a special device to hear it because it's not on the internet?
I listen to radio from internet all the time?
In addition to my car of course, where it's a no-brainer.
Normies don't into idols or virtual girlfriends.If they start to, we're really doomed.
What's wrong with radio?
I would pay for a Mumei session on webcam desu
Online radio websites exist anon, it is the 21st century
Phasetard thread
>>97273704 (OP)
The irony of hololive having live next to their name. The company is dead. Soulless. Nothing but never ending slop. I left the cult a year ago and haven't look back since until recently. Going public was the worst thing they could've done.
when are you going to learn that women lie as easy as they breathe?
>>97273704 (OP)
Too much annoying English spam in her chat BROKE her
People with sit down jobs are actually ones that are not tired physically/have injuries from a labor job able to work out.
Sakutan love
Podcast niggers don't realize they are just listening to the radio with extra steps
There isn’t one
>... says anon, as he's half-listening to some video playing on his second monitor
Ironic, isn't it.
Holo talents also appeared on regular tv shows before you retard.

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