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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: We free ballin this week

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
>Lia is on gorilla schedule!

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia is going on vacation towards the end of the month!
>Lia Valentines Day merch bundles is for sale until March 14!
>A new Lia keychain up for pre-order!
>STREAM WORLD OF LIA: Concert Edition!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2pK-g-UAWI [Embed]

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie WOW!!
>Chibi Lia daki pillow OMG!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins, Stands, Stickers & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Free Lia desktop assistant!
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>97223030 →
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I’m awake, but at what cost
Also happy Friday the 13th
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It's Thursday
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Check your calendar young thug
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
Tomorrow is pie day and I hope Lia smashes 5 pies in her pretty face in honor of it!
is that your sick fetish
I like Lia
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I hope Lia has a good hair day today
I want to stick chewed bubblegum in Lias hair
I want to stick my pen0r in Lia.
I want Lia to ask me if I dance with the Devil by the pale moonlight.
What is Idol now, They are not still the Jews, right? I miss when they were the Jews it was fun to meme
i think the new owners are japanese
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Who is Lia from Phase Connect? to the blind, she is the light. to the hungry, she is bread. to the sick, she is the cure. to the lonely, she is company. to the sad, she is joy. to the prisoner, she is freedom. for the poor, she is treasure. for me, she is everything.
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To me, she is a stinky poopy bitch.
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To me, she is a the brattiest princess with a cute butt.
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>is a the
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God, why do I take this hobby so fucking seriously sometimes?
Is that why you anti'd Lia yesterday?
My point still stands
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Her butt needs sculpting jeans to look cute. The cuteness is a lie.
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My only post yesterday was the spooky candle pic. I only vent my frustrations out of the public eye.
this anon has glaucoma
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proud of my dorky lil sister for signing up for a charity event
some things are greater than vtubing
whats the charity doe
Idol hasnt said yet, but It looks like the teams are playing for charities, and if they win a round the charity gets the cash prize
I hope Lia gets a good one and not some gay shit
what if the charity is for trannies or rapefugees
I won't watch
I don't mind male collabs because men are on average funnier than women.
Probably not her say. Probably was up to cover since her team has their employees on it. Or Mia might be up to her because she organized it
>giggling at another man's jokes
women arent funny
let me guess do you think tina fey and amy schumer are a hoot?
What's wrong with being a little gay?
I don't know who those people are but my little sister Lia and her mom are a hoot
alright cool it with the misogyny
>using stand-up and late night tv as a global metric for funny
oh shit, liker, what are you doing?
Bridesmaids was kinda funny
Boys rule
Girls drool
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Coochie drool...
Rosanne is a lady and was p funny
Lia is the cutest and funniest
Lia is the cutest and flattest.
Not flat anymore she has cake
Worked by sculpting jeans.
Lumi said Lia’s ass looked so yummy in the mocap suit that she wanted to bite it
I mean you can find small butts yummy, too.
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where are her safety shorts
Perfect. I want to sink my teeth into her yummy underbutt.
i am glad it is for charity and not try hard sweaty like Dokibird's apex tourny Lia did
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I miss my boyfriend.
Needless to say, i like Lia a whole lot
I'd like Lia even more if she'd just be honest about farting with that ass.
Lia frens LA Flights are still in snowy Alaska
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUsvyq-AWZ0 [Embed]
I am always jealous of those who get snow around Christmas and New Years.
March snow tho sounds miserable and I am glad I am a southern boy
always thought it would be a neat idea for lia to do her own charity stream around double dollars, where Phase will match every donation dollar for dollar
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the only way they would agree to something like that is if the charity was the Sakana Coffee Fund.
>match every donation dollar for dollar
yeah the fish ain't doing that lmao
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https://youtu.be/U_gfgoNv-QI [Embed]
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What's the best way to g'rahamaxx in order to attract Lia?
First step is be a fictional character. WLW, lil bro.
i will never fall for the lesbian larp
worked into a shoot
Odd thing to say unprompted anon, especially in a thread dedicated to Ashelia "Talks to her therapist about barbed cat dicks" Rinkou.
me and bulju
I like Lia
i literally said she's not working me???
It's called "gayfabe", anon. Learn the industry lingo.
learn to not be an ugly bitch
you are using words that you dont know what they mean
i don't believe she's a lesbian so that means she's not working me???
worked into a shot
>a shot
u work at a call center rakesh
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i'm the skinny one
I've stumbled upon an entire playlist of fart compilations for one vtuber. Is this what fartfags really want out of Lia?
you’re gonna get your ding ding diddly butt kicked
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>ding ding diddly
Wonder if Lia gorillas
Wonder if Lia Gojiras.
Gorillas are all holograms and dudes in itchy suits.
Stop exposing the business.
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Morning, sexy.
What if lia likers were called calilis instead?
I would spill blood for Lia.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwYbTxOZF0k [Embed]
I miss Lia
Jesus, he really does look like a butch lesbian
That is why Lia likes it
Any lia
Don’t know
Get a job, sparkling wiggle
Sparkling wiggles love iPhones albeit
when looking at ff14 yaoi I didn't see a single art where he tops
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Ya got me seething ngl
Why tho
Ain't gimme a kith
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I miss Lia
He could. He has paid for artists for cons
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Does the church condone the coffee?
Episcopalian Church approves
Not feeling this one
they should make the pope a cute girl. way more people would sign up
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ain't nobody talking about no cooking pot
how is that closeupLia related to erp
dutch ovens are cooking pots you sicko
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it's the noise I imagine the face makes "erp"
Lia should rank the girl scout cookies
wonder what Lia doin today
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Wonder what Lia's coochie doin'.
I'd like to know if Lia is gonna stream tonight cause I can opt out of a family dinner if she does
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You should prioritize your family, made the mistake of putting lia above my family and it really fucked with me until I reconnected with them during Christmas.
That is good because Lia would never want you to put vtubing over your family.
You should know this considering how much Lia's family means to her and how family prioritizes everything in her life
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glad you got your priorities straight, liker
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saw this on the WCW boomer stream
thought of the bros
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ine7jjJzoVk [Embed]
ojisans used to get down
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was this considered heterosexual back in the 90s?
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today i will remind them
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Billy Herrington would not look out of place in this at all.
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did she fly to go to holofes or something?
wonder what Lia is up to today?
Where Lia
Lia should play Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines. pic related.
Approaching homeless people in dark alleyways and then stabbing them with her Lia knife.
Should watch the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie
We dont watch movies anymore
can't believe I unironically want Lia to brap on me
I could put this on at 8
Do it!
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Vast improvement. I was planning on skipping, but now I'll cheer Lia on.
>no more boys
>instead collabing with the devil
i'm surprised Elia didn't take the opportunity to collab with more males
You can always just stick to watching Team E. That way you don't have to settle for a 3-2 split like it was originally and instead you get a 4-1 one.
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>Lia on the same team as her oshi
She can't stop winning
Lia I know you’re here. You mentioned being excited/intimidated by the original group so I know you only requested the change after seeing some of the backlash here. You don’t have to sacrifice potential connections and kneel to schizos who think every interaction with a male is NTR, but you do you in the end.
shut up cuck
Niji is across the street
>>97298163 (me)
Honestly you should stop coming here. Stream and live life as you see fit instead of feeling dictated by the possibility of treading over the toes of people who won’t be happy with anything you do. If you want to focus on dancing then go for it. If that requires sacrificing stream time then so be it. If you streamed more, people would complain the streams aren’t as dense or high energy over that prolonged period of time. You should find a circle of friends you trust to give you their brutally honest opinion if you want genuinely constructive criticism, not a den of people who have no intimate knowledge of the industry and you as a person. There is quite literally no benefit to coming here except to feel miserable as you read people who don’t see you as human gossip about you.
Oh my God get the fuck out of here nigger
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and don't forget to live, laugh, love
Some likers were melting down but some of us trusted Lia and look at this, it's nice
Why do you think we have a sign on the clubhouse?
Male vtubers suck retard
ok so can I get a QRD on Lia's new teammates?
faggot of the month
Lia changed teams because she is a lesbian and wanted to play with cute girls. Get a grip.
he's not wrong. Lia needs to stop coming here and should have never been here to begin with.
I agree with that, but the way he's saying it screams parasocial autist and it is cringe as fuck.
Also Lia should make sure she's drinking lots of water!!!
Juna Unagi
>Former Idol member. Lia has crossed paths with her once before in a group collab she did back in like 2022.
Elia Stellaria
>Former kawaii and V-Dere member. New interaction for Lia.
>From the corpo Mythos. New interaction for Lia.
Lan Philia
>From the corpo Aegis-Link. New interaction for Lia.
I don't care about male collabs so I am not fused one way or the other about the teams being shuffled, I am just glad Lia is interacting with new people I like seeing Lia do events like this and stuff. When the ride is over, doing events and the people she met is what she will remember in the end.
You've been diagnosed with terminal waterbroitis
Have you considered the possibility that the change was motivated by Lia having played a practice game or two and having realized that she did not have a good dynamic with the people on her original team?
no because faggots here love to think the world revolves around the thread
i need juna to turn me into her personal pleasure toy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4fx6BjWEqk [Embed]
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replace DOT with .
>white basketball team
its over
both basketball teams are white so it's ok!
did this movie spawn the TV show? or vice versa?
https://youtu.be/heIuP7WOTPw [Embed]
>Elia Stellaria
wait, this is the one who left Vdere?
no, because... it's not that serious... they aren't trying to win any trophies or anything.
Besides, that's obvious, Lia will always have better dynamic with cute girls than with males. No practice game necessary.
I love Lia
this movie was years before the tv show
the Buffy TV show had a GOAT theme song
fangin and bagnin
https://youtu.be/EsFPbVwNJi8 [Embed]
i bet rinmama loved this show like you wouldnt believe
why do they act like women didn't have super heroes before Gal Gadot?
buffy the vampire slayer was sitting right there the whole time
cuz bitches just wanna be complaining
it is the same thing as black people forgetting about Blankman when Black Panther came out.
damn he grabbed all of her ass
that was Ben Afflect
>the Hitcher is the head vampire
Hell yeah, motherfucker.
does he even go to her high school?
imagine going to a slow dance with Miss Lia
Lmao but also I've wanted Lia and Juna to collab so this is nice
waiting room up
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV3qxyWevCs [Embed]
Lia has keen fashion sense
how much you want to bet she has been stalling to play this until the art came back
Those vampires jobbed harder to humans than the ones in Shiki.
Let's just say that a rural Japanese community absolutely fucking cleaned house after a bunch of vampires moved in and started getting uppity.
...did lia ride the shortbus?
what is asbestos and what was the big deal about it?
It's a fire retardant that used to be used heavily in buildings and is a carcinogen.
how bad of cancer does it casuse?
oh shit is that aobsestos?
i want to steal Lia's favorite barbie doll
Rinmama 100% watched this show and probably made Buffy a part of her personality
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What if all the work Lia does off stream is being a Slayer?
is possible
isnt divegrass soon?
I really hope she plays the original. The porcelain doll faces of the remastered version are so fucking uncanny and ugly that they completely suck the soul out it. Also.
>Lia in Yuna's songstress outfit
Be still my heart.
what kind of gay ass name is zander
It's a variant of Alexander used exclusively by men too insecure to share an awesome name with one of the greatest men to ever live.
a to the l to the e x ander
Go home Lia
the movie was first, like in 1991, and then the series started like around 1999
Everybody in Buffy has weird names, like their are medieval knights or some shit
Buffy is the whitest girl name ever
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really nice commissions
im thinking about lia's armpits now for some reason
am i the only one?
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I wonder if Lia is left handed
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sorry, vampire crackhead.
you're not invited
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spoopy but where is the one who bit him?
need to put the cross in michis hand
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almost time
They need a team name


Team Jew Hell
Chances Lia says fuck it and gorillas the live letter?
I fucking love Lia.
Small chance, but a chance. Maybe 5%.
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Blankman wasn't widespread so I can understand, but forgetting Blade is unforgivable.
Lia's hetero life mate Uruka is currently...giving birth?
https://youtu.be/MYV1OqvcK68 [Embed]
Blade I can understand not thinking because he is not traditional capeshit
Blankman literally wears a cape
Meteor Man came first
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Did we ever watch Blade?
Who is Meteor Man?
What about Steel?
I think so yes
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But did he have any cultural impact like Blankman
idk, I watched this in the 90s and still remember it, that has to count for something
Lia is my favorite super hero
Lia can’t even tie her shoes.
Would you kiss a femliker if Lia asked you to?
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I owe her as much for switching teams.
Still super grateful you did that, miss Lia.
It's a certified hood classic.
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Yes but no reason we can't do rewatches.
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I miss my beautiful princess.
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No reason you can't post your toes again.
Please? I accidentally deleted them and almost cried.
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>I accidentally deleted them
I just flat out don't believe you.
I'm not lying to get more pics of your cute feet. =^[
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIDWgqDBNXA [Embed]
Spilled a lot of seed to your perfect feet...
man i'm craving some hot dog flavored water
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WyZ2GcdmCM [Embed]
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0TWTnYZBdM [Embed]
* (brown)
I wish Lia did a Valentine's voice pack...
I wish Lia would get a BBL...
I wish Fred Durst was my bf...
Good taste.
Keep it lit.
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