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>numbers aren't important
>>97275823 (OP)
We've seen both Holo talents and Niji livers melting down over various kinds of numbers so obviously numbers are important.
Anyone who claims numbers aren't important either isn't taking streaming seriously, or is big enough that they would get good numbers nevertheless, or is simply lying. Otherwise I'd love to see them trying to stay a VTuber as a 1view for a decade.
It's important since it's their paycheck but people here obsess over numbers and act like everyone's a flop because of it.
Some people clearly are a flop. This board constantly complains about EN not "getting" things and then you look at their view count and it all makes sense.
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>>97275823 (OP)
It's okay when manager does it. Not when SEA "people" does it
>Some people clearly are a flop
I mean, sure. Out of the thousands of people who stream. I see the talk a lot with HoloEN girls and they're always doing fine. This board is just obsessed with witnessing the next big thing to flop so they can say 'I was there to laugh at that'
>I see the talk a lot with HoloEN girls and they're always doing fine
Are they? If they're not getting things that they supposedly deserve according to the people here then they're clearly not doing as good as they should be doing to get those things.
That's ironic bcs some EN managers are SEAsian, like Kiara's is confirmed to be an indonesian. Even the head EN manager is a malaysian
>according to the people here
Yes. Are posts here suddenly irrelevant when they don't align with your narrative?
>>97275823 (OP)
they're doing a bit
I think a lot of people here don't know what they're talking about.
I really wish # was a proper thread about number analysis where one could learn which games are debuffs, how thumbnails affect numbers, and so on
#'s think they are important when ad block exists
>>97275823 (OP)
The only ones that think numbers aren't important are the ones that don't contribute for the numbers
The HoloEN girls are in the top 0.01% when it comes to vtubers and are doing extremely well. Your standards of what "doing fine" is is horendously missaligned with reality from only comparing HoloEN to the top of the food chain (HoloJP) and ignoring the tens of thousands of 1view nobodies that stream to an empty chat ir have already given up on the vtubing gig.
anyone streaming to more than like 50 people is already in the 0.01% of content creation, People /here/ genuinely don't understand how saturated the market is
But they're not in the top 0.01% in hololive. If you're going to complain about JP getting "preferential treatment" and then ignore that EN does worse than JP you're just retarded.
>the top 0.01% in hololive
what's it like being retarded
twapi my beloved
Is this the part where you randomly bring up Gura as if all of EN is her?
Tribalfags will always tribalfag, even if it is within the same company towards different branches. It's only natural that Holo caters to JP more since that's their core audience with a lot of overseas folk also liking the JP chuubas whilst the overseas market is smaller. When you mix in idol/oshi culture into this it's only natural that EN fans get jealous as when they rhiled up if their chuuba isn't on stage as much as the more popular ones. If they switched it to where EN got the spotlight over JP then I can promise you the exact same shitstorm would be happening from the opposite direction if not even worse since the Japanese are a lot more tribalistic than overseas fans due to a stronger influence by idol culture. It's all irrational behaviour from the fans at the end of the day, but all humans are irrational to some extent in different areas.
>If they switched it to where EN got the spotlight over JP then I can promise you the exact same shitstorm would be happening from the opposite direction
You mean like EN getting an entire concert dedicated to their branch? Nobody was mad about that while ENfags keep seething about EN not being front and center at holofes. It's honestly ridiculous.
saar we are most influentials thread you kek bastard
meanwhiile holostars get everything the girls get while having 1% of the views and still have melties over not getting everything they want the instant they want it
They're only getting all the baseline things (that are not actually baseline in JP anymore). Their supposed fans complain similarly about them not being "given" things.
no, there are fewer than 100 hololive talents
you can't even be a top 1% hololiove talent
Oh so you're just being a smartass about the fact that I copypasted the number.
this, if it was just pure number autism, I could post in there, but it's usually a /hlgg2/ with amped up tribalfaggotry to the 150% and holostars and male vtubers shitposts.
>meanwhiile holostars get everything the girls get while having 1% of the views
That's because they're Yagoo's passion project. They can do and get whatever they want. The homos have controversies that would make niji look like angels but Cover has the hush money.
>still have melties over not getting everything they want the instant they want it
That's just what happens when you spoil someone too much. They act like actual babies.
They aren’t important
If subs aren't important, why have two holomems had streams devoted to hitting a sub goal this week? Someone cares about sub milestones in management--even small milestones.
>Peak thread reading
Being this dumb must be painful.
But you're the one being dumb.
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>>97275823 (OP)
>says numbers are important
>continues to do whatever the fuck she feels like regardless
greatest of all time.
Any anti-numbers sentiment is strictly a hololive fan thing from 4chan, specifically /hlgg/. Everyone else, including the streamers, know that it's important to maintain specific numbers. The entire reason for streaming or for a vtuber company to exist to begin with is specifically to make money. The streamers HAVE to care about their numbers because it's literally part of their job to do so, whether corporate or even independent. Numbers objectively matter, it's the entire reason people go online and start streaming or posting things. They want people to watch, and eventually want more and more people to watch and to give them money. This is not an opinion, it's literally what streaming is. I will never understand people that get on fucking 4chan and start their weird little anti-numbers crusade when their favorite vtubers are part of the biggest numberfag company of all time. It's so fucking insane to me, straight up mental illness.
i'm not anti-number, i'm anti-numberfag
nobody is against the concept of numbers or vtubers and their managers caring about metrics
they are against the slum of retarded underage thirdie antis who call themselves /#/
>>97275823 (OP)
shitposting on /#/ back in the day taught me that some people will die on the hill of numbers. But they can always shift the narrative
>High views? What about total subs and supas?
>High subs? High supas? Refer to the other 2
>Have 2 of them? the 1 off is the most important one
>Have all 3? Bots and FOTM famous whore
nice inferior oshi retard
Would you prefer a content creator who makes content because its fun and they're passionate about their craft, or content creators who care only about metrics and money?
That kind of discussion actually used to be more common there, even during the height of NijiEN vs HoloEN tribalfagging
Tempus debuts destroyed that thread and the total collapse of NijiEN finished it off
Didn't she spend like a decade streaming retro games to 40 people before Holo?
>>97275823 (OP)
It's Youtube/social media's fault. Hate the game, not the players.
>>97275823 (OP)
Don't use my wife and our other wife to shitpost, thanks.
The same people who convince everyone numbers aren't important are the same ones that bitch when their oshi doesn't get as many opportunities as other girls do.
did you read my post? you number monkeys are fucking retarded
>This board constantly complains about EN not "getting" things
Are you having arguments in your head with people who posted in 2022 and 2023 or something?
EN has been getting lots of stuff lately. An annual concert every year, new gens, 3d lives guaranteed, merch collabs... The branch is doing better than it ever has in that area by miles. We're in a golden era of Cover taking better care of EN.
The branch was historically neglected especially right around late 2022 when they almost let it die to focus on HomoEN (can you fucking imagine, kek, how retarded), but things are great now. Always room for improvement, of course, but the trajectory is very good.

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