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They're not all fucking chads on the daily, are they?
>>97276194 (OP)
Why do pillowdear posters cuckpost so frequently?
>>97276194 (OP)
They all fuck chad thundercock once they turn off the stream and use the money (you) gave them to buy condoms. This isn't even a shitpost it's a fact. Look at what happened with Rushia.
There's no way members like Kiara, Kronii, Advent, CC and Gigi are getting dicked down by thundercocks. They just don't give off that vibe.
There are sadly more examples than just Rushia
Wasn't there a /here/tuber that got exposed for the same shit?
>>97276194 (OP)
nah. but during the one time of the year when seemingly every Vtuber in existence all decide to go to Japan at once(like recently) they are
Do Japs even have white fever? It's not like EN is full of stunners.
BVTMcord thread
>>97276194 (OP)
you wish life is some sort of NTR story.
No, my name's not Chad
>phase connect adjacent
>craves flayon's cock
you tell me
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>>97276194 (OP)
They wish they could fuck Chad.
All these failed e-whores just settle for mid/ugly discord moderator looking faggots because that's who started grooming them 5 years ago.
You're right. They get dicked down by betas. End result is the same though
It is an anti
Anons so retarded and mindbroken that they just realized the whole actual version of the story, lol lmfao.
A good chunk of high tier indies with a "healthy social life" probably do. There's simply no way to do that shit alone and manager is almost certainly a partner or at the most a friend, but it's less likely for the latter. It's even less likely they have a minder who takes care of their business and so on, that shit's extremely unlikely unless you're like some high class motherfucker / rich.
At the most people have some financial people and legal, but anything else is likely a partner, just being real.
The ones that stream all day and mention doordash / some other food delivery service / fast food are very likely not in relationships, they trend towards the "turbo hermit" types who grew up online and don't know how to integrate with people beyond friendships. Social retards who collect together in their retardedness.
Corpos is harder to know for sure because they have managers that can help with workloads.

If you're coming in to this expecting some GFE, be wary and be cautious.
But even IRL people that do GFE stuff are usually dating
This, 100% this.

I only wanted 1 love in my entire life and it was denied and I got punished for it even though it was completely fine.

This is why I still live to this day for revenge.
Trying to bait people into anti-ing literal whos i guess
You cant call every indie you dont like phase connect adjacent.
>This is why I still live to this day for revenge.
What mental illness makes a man turn anti? I guess we found out.
>>97276194 (OP)
I'd say most of them have somekbe they call or they find someone during travel and vacations.
Revenge for the girls that I loved and I never got back.
>chad thundercock
>Look at what happened with Rushia
you call that freak thing a chad? damn you have low standards
Regular chuuba - Maybe single, maybe a virgin.
GFE chuuba - 100% taken and/or being dicked regularly.
I personally saw Pillowdear converse with a very buff man who was carrying around 3 vtubers by himself. It was very distressing
>GFE chuuba - 100% taken and/or being dicked regularly.
I don't understand this as a Pillow watcher. She lives with her female best friend and rarely goes outside. How can she be fucking some guy constantly?
>>97276194 (OP)
my oshi fucks chad (female)
Sorry Anon, but uh, Guys can come over. And they aren't going to tell you they go out all the time, they don't want you to suspect anything. Don't doubt, as soon as they get off stream, they got a dick X2 the size of your raring to go for the next hour at LEAST!
i think it was koopa but my newfaggotry is probably getting it wrong
mafumafu is hung like a horse bro.
>>97276194 (OP)
It's probably better if you don't think about it.
Aww, you don't like to think of your Oshi turning off the camera and using your donations to for dinner with a Chad able to fuck her until she forgets she even streamed to you?
Judging from your post you seem to think about this alot. Must fuel your cuck fantasy.
I'd be more annoyed by her being on a discord with her top groomer fans and mods
That's never good for a vtuber
Wishful thinking even all the way back to that Mori superchat. They get blown open raw.
>>97276194 (OP)
They'd have to leave their house to do that in most cases unless they hire a house-visiting escort or something
>>97276194 (OP)
No, because I'm not a chad
It was Denpa
apparently she mentioned her boyfriend and wiped all of her social media. I heard you had to send a dick pic to join her discord and that she made people swear to not cheat on her or something, calling them her boyfriends
Came back a few days later because of course she did.
>>97276194 (OP)
No people don't fuck all the time even with boyfriends. If you have to ask you're doing it wrong
You know why
>>97276194 (OP)
yeah, me
>>97276194 (OP)

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