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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Newfag here, why was /vt/ obsessed with le reddit dragon?
Because /vt/ is reddit.
More like global was.
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there was no holoEN back then
no ENbabbies
no brown hordes
it was heaven
>>97276391 (OP)
She had a lot of antis before the Taiwan incident. Then it became kind of like a culture war thing where you HAD to like her less you get labelled a chink. And even then anons would always mock the cringe that was the Leddit meme review, just as a kind of tradition. And now Kson... well, I'm sure you know how it all ended up.
SEAmurai was a thing back then before EN. If anything it was HoloEN who brought in whites.
>If anything it was HoloEN who brought in whites.
You say that like it's a good thing.
meant for >>97276922
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Yonkisei is like the Greeks. Everyone lives in separate cities but gods we were strong, our traditions eternal.
Globaltards are like the Romans who copied us, and /vt/ the germanics that overrun them.
>>97276391 (OP)
because at the time, she was on the only vtuber who was somewhat aware of american culture, so you could send her a superchat about "saturday morning cartoons" and she'd understand and get it. It was a revelation back when EN vtubers weren't a thing.
>>97276391 (OP)
Nobody gives a shit about her anymore
She's lucky if she can get 800 viewers
Literally only brownies like holoJP. Not a single white person would watch that trash.
>>97276391 (OP)
no holoEN so you either had to learn japanese or watch the dragon or haachama
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>>97276391 (OP)
You know how one of Kizuna Ai's first viral moments was "Fuck You"?
Coco is the first full manifestation of that: an unmistakably Japanese anime character but with American awareness and mannerism. Combine that with Covid buff and the Taiwan fiasco and she quickly became the face of vtubing during the 2020 boom.
Fortunately, Coco is smart enough to hold back a lot of her trashy side when she was still employed in Hololive. Unfortunately, some ENs and IDs in this period look up to her and her counter-cultureism and took it as a welcome sign to their wholly unprofessional western mentality. dramas, blatant leeching, thinly veiled hatred to other talents, collabs with grifters, lack of streaming ethic, feeding trolls, the whole basket. It wasn't until Omega was fired and Advent debuted that most of EN culture is fixed, but some cases like Gura and Council and early IDs like Ollie are a lost cause.
Actually I have blue eyes, blond hair and my oshi is Korone
>an unmistakably Japanese anime character
But she's not Japanese and has none of the charm that a Japanese person speaking English has
extremely new and brown hands wrote this post
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>>97276391 (OP)
Because that bitch Artia deserves to be lynched
She looks like an anime character and she speaks japanese somewhat fluently. In those days, that's all that matters.
But she is not an unmistakably Japanese character. Haato on the other hand is, and never really got the kind of attention Coco got.
The thing that actually matters is that she's American. Nobody ever gave a shit about her being able to speak Japanese.
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>She's lucky if she can get 800 viewers
Phasebro you might not like it but she's actually recovering and inclining. Her sub count was stuck at 1.23m for a long time and in the last year it went up to 1.29m, almost 1.3m now.
She also went back up to 1.5k ccv on both twitch and youtube dual streaming (separately, not a sum of both). That one MH stream was 1k ccv because youtube's JP servers shit themselves and her JP viewers went over to twitch.
On average she's pulling at least 50% more viewers than notmel and is on an upward trajectory. Seethe more.
>But she's not Japanese
She's a Japanese born in America who moved back to Japan. How else do you think she's staying there permanently? She's dual nationality, technically not allowed but Japan mostly doesn't care anyway.
She's japanese as much as white americans are europeans, which isn't much at all.
>How else do you think she's staying there permanently?
Tons of Americans have permanent residence.
All of this is bunch of bullshit to distract from the fact that she is nothing like Kizuna Ai saying "fuck you".
zhangchama... she is the only person in her family who can speak english
Why are you making shit up? Her family is american.
>Speaks Japanese
>Is of Japanese descent
>Has Japan citizenship
>You: She's not Japanese!
Lmao trying a bit too hard there seabro. She might not fit your stereotypical image of an anime waifu but she's Japanese nonetheless.
>Tons of Americans have permanent residence.
How fucking new are you rofl. Her entire family has citizenship.
americans who all live in japan and needed her to translate when they went to disney world and also don't teach her niece english?
Keep pushing your red herring. Coco never had the kind of appeal that an actual japanese vtuber speaking english has. She's literally just a plain american.
If her family isn't American how didn't she learn japanese until she taught it to herself? How was she born and raised in Georgia if her parents don't speak english?
they did speak english but have mostly forgotten it because it's not their native language and they moved back to japan over 15 years ago
just give up bug boy
>Coco never had the kind of appeal that an actual japanese vtuber speaking english has.
Nobody claimed that. It was you who said she wasn't a Japanese, and Japanese by definition either refers to ethnicity or nationality both of which she qualifies for.
>"But she's not Japanese"
>"But she's not Japanese"
I know you're a weeb cocksucker who worships MUH JP FEELS, but at least learn to admit that you fucked up by claiming that she wasn't a Japanese. Stop embarrassing yourself.
You keep changing up your story and none of this changes the fact that she has none of the appeal that Kizuna Ai had.
Call me windy big olaf.
I think being married to and having children with kson would be pleasurable and rewarding, and that is something I would like to do.
>Nobody claimed that.
Then what the fuck is this?
>You know how one of Kizuna Ai's first viral moments was "Fuck You"?
>Coco is the first full manifestation of that
Coc is not japanese. Deal with it, ksonig.
watch streams chink
>begging others to watch kson
>Both of my parents are Japanese, but I grew up in America until high school
good point
i think she doesn't want you mainlanders in her streams after what you did last time
>>97276391 (OP)
4chan is literally r3ddit but edgy
Ahahahaha really feeling your "inferiority" there huh. I bet you feel horrible knowing that she's an actual Japanese but doesn't act like one while you're a seakek who desperately wants to be one to gatekeep "muh jap culture"
You can try to weeb yourself up as much as possible but you'll never be a Japanese. How does that make you feel?
Based. ProMyth keks will seethe.
And guess what that makes them? Americans.
Damn, that's a lot of projection all just because I said Coco never had the same charm Kizuna ai did lmao
Why does that statement make you so angry?
OHNOOHNOOHNO BTFOED, how will this >>97279639 loser cope with his loss now?
of course yankees would think a reddit youtuber would be from over there lol
>none of this changes the fact that she has none of the appeal that Kizuna Ai had.
>The Nationality Law (Law No.147 of 1950, as amended by Law No.268 of 1952, Law No.45 of 1984, Law No.89 of 1993 and Law.No.147 of 2004,Law No.88 of 2008)
>A child shall, in any of the following cases, be a Japanese national:
>(1) When, at the time of its birth, the father or the mother is a Japanese national;
he won't
he is a hollow bug person who doesn't actually hold any opinions and thus can never reach the realization that he was wrong, and even if he had this ability it wouldn't matter to him that he was wrong
>But she's not Japanese >>97277687
They still Americans.

>none of this changes the fact that she has none of the appeal that Kizuna Ai had.
>this 70 year old japanese man who lived in america for 20 years is american
chinese education, everyone
>>97276391 (OP)
Back when awaraness of vtubers among the English speaking world was mostly limited to vtubers saying "nigga~" in that GTA 5 scene, Kiryu Coco was a vtuber who was fluent, not only in English and Japanese, but most importantly in English and Japanese internet/meme culture. She saw shit like the GTA 5 "nigga" scene or vtubers casually saying FAQ~ and getting their chat bombarded by English speaking users, and the whole perception of "Japanese idols" of being "pure and innocent" compared to them killing people in vidya or saying bad words and she was the right woman in the right place at the right time to turn into a bilingual shitposting machine to capture all that audience and intensify the spread of vtubing on the English speaking Internet. Thanks to that she practically memed the English-speaking vtuber scene into existence.
>I need you all to understand, all you newfags, that the orange woman used to be based as fuck. Go watch some of the old Asacocos, I think she started subbing them in April. They were funny as hell, featured a ton of Holos who otherwise had no exposure, and were well made.

>She was great for getting together collabs, she was the highest earning and fastest growing Holo, and she genuinely cared and looked out for the others. The Holohouse was the greatest idea ever, those early streams of her and Kanata discussing what they would do, and then when Comet joined, hype meters went through the roof. She did english quizzes with Haachama which are some of the greatest Holo collabs to date IMO.

>?She healed Watame of numberfagging. She talked to Aqua after smash autists went crazy. Her 3D reveal was unlike any before or after it, it was a fucking event, and entertaining as hell. And she blew the fuck out of China and rid us of that goddamn bugman branch

>And yes, now all she does is the Reddit reviews and they are fucking terrible and I hate them and I've never been able to sit through even a full clip of one. But you have to understand, that's not her fault. It's management. Management and youtube. Without her, there would not be an EN branch or at least not as you know it, she showed there was an EN base out there hungry for Holos. Without her, the ENs you love so much wouldn't have tried to be Vtubers, you'd have some generic twitch whores.

>That's why I fucking love this bitch. That's why Coco still holds a place in my heart even though she's hopelessly addicted to ARK and her meme reviews are dogshit.
>>97276391 (OP)
Asacoco 1.0 was good everything after that was downhill
>>97276391 (OP)
Lami explains it quite well
https://youtu.be/7629AQmzT-4?si=gTdABafSxR9BhvSp [Embed]
all coco did was help watame get antis that are still going 5 years after that stream.
>If anything it was HoloEN who brought in whites.
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Coco's great, Kson's great. I don't give a shit about what highly strung, anti-social pedants on /vt/ or numbermonkeys believe. She was instrumental in making Hololive what it is today, she can do whatever she wants as far as I'm concerned + suck my balls
Cover really shouldn't have let her say this. I know this wasn't meant for the Chinese specifically, but it was so easy for antis to take this out of context, and it only fueled the flames
Kizuna Ai was EN baby's first vtuber, dumb sheep.
stfu bug
true true
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>see picrel
>"I want to shove a demon possessed jumping cholo cactus up this nigger dragon's ass. sh'll prolly like it anyway or something for her faggot reddit friends"
>see actual whatsherface behind the anime dragon
>"well, now I feel bad for her"
Same guy as >>97286766
>>97276697 I think /vt/ should be deleted. Y'all like your Reddit shite too much. But this post stands true. I still watched streams from time to time just to watch antics, even if I couldn't really understand what was being said. And then EN came in and it was like "Who's the biggest Faggitor?"
Also this too. Watching Kizuna before and during the pandemic was nice.

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