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Why am I supposed to hate her again?
Because she's cuck-coded
Stop digging for truth
no one gives a shit about her? she defines negligible
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How so?
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>>97278783 (OP)
>annoying voice
>shitty personality
>thinks being a cunt is endearing
>inserted the wigger everywhere
>doubles down to 'own the haters'
>>97278783 (OP)
She's annoying
>>97278783 (OP)
She's a bitch.
sounds based desu
>>97278783 (OP)
She suck at signing without post production pitch correction. its why her karaoke streams all sound like ass and she could ever get accepted into a music school. Also she a cuck
will kill people to get ahead
>>97278783 (OP)
She's a fake misanthrope
ruined nijiEN
not a tough job but she did it regardless
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>>97278783 (OP)
Even before all this drama you can just tell how she insults and berates NPCs in game that if she were to say this to real people it's gonna hurt people's feelings.

She was a ticking time bomb and it seemed she had a lot of enablers in Niji, I think she is a funny and has one of the best singing voices but she is radioactive if you slight her in anyway.
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>>97278783 (OP)
foul mouthed bitch
Can you post examples of her berating NPCs in a weird way? i'm unfamiliar with her and I wanna see if I get the same impression.
sure here you go https://vocaroo.com/1fi3j0suuDIV https://voca.ro/132e0hVpjsnf
lmao I fucking knew it would be this why did I even bother clicking
>>97278783 (OP)
Because you were told to. Now, stop thinking and follow the mob.
ok maybe i'll support your chinese whore
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>"parasocial fans are evil"
>flirts with males and invites them to her bedroom
>makes 3D animation depicting parasocial fans as creepy incels
>calls fans incels
>says "no parasocial" all the time
But when she wants money
>I'm such a VIRGIN
>Oh my god please type up this scenario of us on a date together
>buy this voicepack of us on a date together
This is why she attracts cucks. The only people watching are attracted to her, but forced to watch her dating various guys in the company while laying abuse on them on the regular. It's the sort of people with abusive mothers watching this.
Ahe said she votes for the green party, and won't even step foot in America to visit her "bestie" because she hates America and is terrified of guns. She's gone on long feminist social justice rants before and really loves gays/trannies
Enna actually despises vtuber fans and vtuber culture, and in summary her entire career is flipping vtuber fans a big middle finger. She actually despises her own fans and treats them abusively. Her feeling of superiority comes from putting other people down, in particular the kind of disgusting person who watches vtubers.
She never belonged in this hobby to begin with, it's just a paycheck to her
she's the biggest vtuber grifter to have existed on a professional level. no effort no energy and even her singing is shit tier until she gets the one song she has repeated over and over again. hypocritical people are attracted to her and she has a lot of fans in Niji
lmao ok
Not the biggest but up there
if she was the biggest grifter she'd actually have people watching her
I've also never been to America because of guns.
>>97278783 (OP)
Vt told you to. You should always let this board dictate your actions and life decisions.
>tune into Enna stream
Yep, take a guess at why people hate her.
>>97278783 (OP)
She's Chinese.
>>97278783 (OP)
No one said apathy wasn’t acceptable, anon. In fact, it’s probably preferable.
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I will now watch your chuuba.
>Enna actually despises vtuber fans and vtuber culture
I wonder if she was hurt emotionally from all the drama and reflected on it
Hurt emotionally by seeing her career essentially circle the toilet,sure. Reflection? You have a better chance of finding an honest Jew or mainlander.
The irony of this post
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Have Enna and Rosemi interacted much?
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>>97278783 (OP)
Seems like OP has forgotten. Here I will help out!

>Enna meets Kyo and starts hardcore flirting with him, talking about him every single stream like he's her #1 fixation
>Kyo for his part probably wasn't reciprocating but just saw her as his big leeching opportunity
>In December, Enna goes so far that she actually invites Kyo to her house and does a cuck stream holding his hand and flipping off her fans
>She was actually quite popular on 4chan as a shitposter type, but lost all support overnight like a nuke on her fandom
>starts getting tons of hate particularly from 4chan
>members drop, income drops. In early January she actually comes out and complains that she lost emote slots because of memberships dropping and gets her simps to shell out more gifteds.
>as the entire branch is starting to lose popularity, Enna kicks up drama after dram, since this is Kyo's go-to method for popularity
>probably the worst moment was Selen's huge wrestelemania event, where Enna acted like she didn't want to be there and was being nasty. She put 0 effort into her character and just chose an overpowered one from the /hfz/ thread, so she won the event. On the victory stand she snapped and insulted Doppio really badly and basically ruined the event
>Millie is looking for "le creatividad" ideas and settles on the Secret GC stream as her next big magnum opus
>Enna is super asshurt and uses the stream to call out her 4chan haters and shitpost her coworkers like a nasty cunt.
>Millie said the stream went off the rails because of "someone" not reading the rules. Kyo confirmed in Doppio's birthday stream that Enna didn't read the stream prompt and just started shitposting.
>The Secret GC gets Millie suspended for 2 weeks
>Enna is planning for her birthday stream, but takes time out of her schedule to mix pre-recorded karaoke songs for Millie's big comeback, which was falsely advertised as "live"
>This means Enna had no time to finish her birthday stream prepwork
>before the bday stream she's complaining about pulling all-nighters and stressing out on twitter
>the stream is a half-finished mess, cut short, and shittily mixed songs. Although it would be the final highpoint of her career
>after her bday stream, serves her Secret GC "silent suspension", which she somehow got management to agree to delay for a month.
>Goes completely dark for 2 weeks claiming she's "somewhere without internet" (convenient lie) but makes appearances in some some birthday streams anyway. She's only allowed to stay for a few minutes each time and has to "urgently leave"
>Turns her 2 week suspension into a 2 month vacation.
>by the time she returns the branch is a shitshow and numbers are collapsing. Enna said she's completely burned out of music now and won't do any karaokes. She does a couple though for numbers although doesn't take them seriously. This girl has a problem with hard work.

That's basically the series of events. The Secret GC was Enna's attempt to "own the haters", a persistent trait of hers that has gotten her in trouble again and again.

>Enna was the one behind the crude bantering atmosphere that got the males in misunderstandings with their chinese fans
>Enna was the primary individual pushing the breakdown of gender barriers and mixed-gender flirting
>Enna did the cuck streams that killed the male fanbase and made NijiEN a laughingstock
>Enna was the primary driver of the Secret GC stream, she was "slumsaint" the one who named 4chan and spent the whole stream bitching at her haters and mocking 4channers
>Enna did drama after drama when her views started declining to maintain her relevancy
>Enna is probably the one who isolated Selen and encouraged Elira to do the Secret GC stream
>Enna is literally the core member of the clique
>Enna is an incredibly bitchy cunt who hates vtuber fans
>Enna pushes left wing politics and the "owning the parasocials" vibe that predominated the branch
>management for some absurd reason selected Enna as the face of the branch and began promoting Ethyria extremely hard, while throwing Lazulight and Obsydia to the side
It's literally Enna.

>>97278783 (OP)
You don't. Enjoy the vtubers you want not the ones you're told
kek, I love the apex predator clip
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Take this Enna Allouette!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS6tkCSafRk [Embed]
This isn't even a NPC.
She and Elira used to "prank" taxi drivers too on their PLs. They're genuinely awful people.
valid crashout
Yes Enna said she would kill anyone who messed with da Wose.
Enna abusing/mistreating service workers is a constant thing for her.
>>97278783 (OP)
because thin-skinned troons and faggots told you she was le heckin bad and you got peer pressured into it because you have no spine
Based and same
You mean the people she extolls every stream?
You're gonna have to speak up anon, the sound of you being whipped makes it hard to hear you clearly.
nah, the bad kind
Enna said she will name her kids a gender neutral name in case they want to troon out
funny coming from someone who can't think for themselves and only followers the xitter herd
Based ennaschizo
Had me until you brought up nebulous left wing policies.
>Enna actually despises vtuber fans
>>97278783 (OP)
Or ex-fans who really wanted to believe she wasn't as much of a cold-hearted cunt as she eventually exposed herself to be.

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