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kusa type wwwwwwwwww
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Which one?
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Bae a cute.
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>>97278617 →
Nah, some of them just straight out don't adjust their settings.
>>97278906 (OP)
Naked dogeza now
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>>97278874 →
>>97277995 →
>60 minutes
Lamy forgot to make the frame members only for a few seconds
I'm in
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I love this doll!!!!!
>>97278899 →
post it now coward
>Fake Aggron
>Hell Plant
>>97278906 (OP)
Pekora your team...
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The perms are out and the girls are going full Pokemon it seams. And i'm all for it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Wl6HgOiuI [Embed]
oh god no
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evil raora
Kaela and kronii are off scissoring in paradise and im not allowed to be happy for them because some tumblrina with a stick up her ass told me so, apparently
Pekora is blaming Marshtomp for falling in love with Flannery's Torkoal and costing her entire team
>Your Oshi
>Pokemon Arc or Hello Kitty Arc?
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I really, really love my wife Gigi a lot and I want to play videogames with her while she sits on my lap and listen to her cute endless yapping about her gacha games and her favourite BL shows and
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I know that there exist buyfags that buy EVERYTHING holo. Consider purchasing the blueray of Sora's last solo Live so that Victor-san will consider granting her another.
I didn't see which fossil Pekora picked
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Please god have mercy
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Pekora pillaging and destroying fossils...
>>97278674 →
>Man finds Octilerry on the beach and fucks it
>Comes back the next day and fucks it again
>Comes back next day and finds a baby
>My oshis are dying. Send help.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtTO1HMGjqA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtTO1HMGjqA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtTO1HMGjqA [Embed]
I'm happy now Holo is big enough they can play poke and other big brand games with the cost of some girls left the corpo....
>>97278870 →
>100 damange with no stab
>>97278947 (Me)
I just realized I don't know Japanese and I can't read chat for the translations anymore
way too fat, gross
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Guess what Su is playing next.
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>>97278906 (OP)
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>>97278059 →
How about the next gen name
Hololive EN "Legacy"
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https://youtu.be/6REFGisQwMM [Embed]
good luck with your english reps anon
>An EN starts playing a game I've been hoping for a long time someone would play
>suddenly new MC arc, then Fes arc, then MH arc, now probably a pokemon arc

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*rolls into the thred
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>not already a member for lamy
WoW mogged
can you try that again, in english next time
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so you know how like some people are parasocial and like, view their um vtubers as like their gfs and then like make up fake situations where they think like oh they had SEX with some male vtuber and they get all mad, how about right, what if you had a ntr fetish and like... like you were making up but still actually believing these fake situaitions and like ... getting aroused
dark souls fat rolling
cute roll
Gura has more chances of having a Hello Kitty/Sanrio arc than a Pokemon arc
*defends the thread from the unsolicited rolling threat*

*zaps and kills whatever the fuck this is too*
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90% equip load
>look it up
>It's basically Animal Crossing but with Hello Kitty characters
This is catnip for women

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getting horny now...
holy fuck my ears but thanks roboco
Are we finally experiencing a reverse Holopermscaust after so many years
Has hololive finally realized theyre so big they dont have give as much of a shit anymore
that souns awful
I'll take it over Pokeslop.
when kaela is done eating korean, I pray she goes Pokemon
Makes me wonder what happened to Sward.
Pokemon. I want some biboo x typhlosion art
I can hear the havel fatroll ...
uh why isnt anyone else streaming pokemon
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Go away, copycat wannabe
How the fuck did South Park predict the Hello Kitty game?
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hey man
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> because some tumblrina with a stick up her ass told me so
pokemon, I don't want to pretend I give a shit about hello kitty.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlIkPH0ehaE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlIkPH0ehaE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlIkPH0ehaE [Embed]
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Waiting for the Barbie perms
>kanauru posting about hanging with managers again
every thing that faggot posts is a brag, insufferable
making up scenarios in his head to get mad about
Anon cares about a twitter person's opinion
The cultural impact South Park has had on the western world and especially the online world is extremely understated.
They even predicted the whole tranny debate about 10 years before it became a thing.
I would just like to say that >>97274740 → is really nice screenshot
Post pits, tranny.
need low res pekoroll
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Lapsama my friend
sex with matsuri, haachama, and la+
Sounds like you're jealous.
This weird grem was lurking in the Cecilia split the other day too.
Imagine being THIS starved for attention.
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Calm down, Shiori~n
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>>97274740 →
>Distant Horizons is updated for Minecraft servers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiVtf8_W6JI [Embed]
They really should have it installed.
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Oh its that game Vinny has been playing
You know you can just block his account if it bothers you that much
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What a thumbnail, Kronii
shion already forgotten...
Sup Man
It was fine because it also had earthquake. It was just the only team member that had access to flying moves.
The real jank was my Skill Link Cinccino bitch-slapping everything not made of rock to death.
Flips do anything to feel even the slightest bit of superiority
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlIkPH0ehaE?feature=shared [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlIkPH0ehaE?feature=shared [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlIkPH0ehaE?feature=shared [Embed]
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South Park just points out obvious flaws in our culture that people pretend to ignore, and then suddenly realize is true 10 years later
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Maybe with the perms we can have this great duo back.
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus perms...
I've been rewatching it with my fujo gf recently and it's actually funny how much of the bedrock of internet culture is drawn directly from south park. Wild to think that there are zoomers now old enough to vote who say 'derp' and yet are too young to have ever watched an episode.
I'm Hogechi btw
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3.14? Dumb date for a birthday. As expected of Dumbassronii.
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Pekora chose the gross fossil
NOOOOOOOOOOO, how dare you mention male fleshstreamers
I've been really enjoying Vinny's playthrough of it and I hope he psyops Jerma into playing too
Man dual blades looks fun I should try them
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>sees Anorith
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Because you go against the very fiber of this website: anonymity. We are supposed to all be one mesh of posters, where every post is regarded individually.
You are purposefully making yourself recognizable across multiple threads. You are one step away from being a plain old tripfag.
What the FUCK is this animation style
https://youtu.be/UoKQvL503QA [Embed]
mushi? eh kimoiii~~
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strange how you dont say this to any of the ritualposters... maybe its because of misogyny..
Cinccino is a demon
>everything not made of rock
Doesn't bullet seed solve a lot of those problems?
what the fuck was that
Sounds kino
Ritualposters are not necessarily the same person. I've done many ritualposts that I did not start myself.
Also you can't play the gender card when you don't have a gender. You are nobody, just like the rest of us. You're just an attentionwhore and you are being outed for that alone.
pachi pachi wwwwwww grass
Yes, it's one thing if the girls commission him to make animations with typical back and forth communication but he's in their discord beyond that.
why the fuck is everyone getting sick
based, me too
you#re only mad because of my sex, its like, there was a study where in a conversation whjere women only talked 15% of the time, all the men thought the woman was speaking too much and 'dominated the conversation'
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I don't trust it because it sounds too much like AI.
Like, if it's obviously AI for funposting, that's one thing- but trying to use AI to convince the thread you're grill for attention makes me discard it.

The only one I trust is that soundpost of that female ninner singing about how Ina is the best dope in the world or w/e. Can't find it at the moment, though.
mentally ill gigi wannabe
Very curious you don't mention the jp avatarfags that don't even watch the chuubas
So you're jealous. Got it.
ai isnt that good nona...

https://voca.ro/15Um6Dt0nhsh see... ALSO if it was ai i couldnt do it dis fast
the better question is who is patient zero
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If everyone was based like Nene, nobody would be based.
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Pekora is awakening my urge to play Pokemon... I haven't played since gen4, everything after looks alien to me.
Someone impregnated all the girls into maternity leave and it was all me
>makes a billion posts about like wanting menhera femkroniis or femgrems or whatever
>gets one
Avatarfagging is not nearly as individualizing as attaching a voice message to half your posts.
when in doubt always blame kiara
I really like Bibitan
Many jp were getting sick way before Kiara got there.
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>1 minute
ya I want them to suck my dick not shit up my thread
I'm not the anon who started complaining about kanauru but yes, why wouldn't be jealous? Why shouldn't I be? Because lord 4chan says that's bad? Don't remember allowing a 3rd party to manage my emotions.
Post tits like a real woman, tranny
I like her more
people have been ritualposting since before you started using this website lil bro
Probably had that too. It was so long ago, I don't remember all the movesets and I just have the one picture saved of my HoF record with my starter up
>Aqua Jet, Razor Shell, Swords Dance, Revenge
Not bad
This is the same one that was in the Kronii thread yesterday larping
You can create any delusions you want on why people don't like you, but I've explained exactly why you often receive resistance by your posting style. You can either take the criticism or you can shove it under the rug and blame your vagina.
It all boils down to the age old "tits or GTFO" mantra. The only reason that existed is because on this website, you being a girl has no bearing on your posts. This means, the only reason a girl would want to show themselves as a girl, is because they want more attention than others because they have tits. So, they might as well show those tits, receive the attention, or get the fuck out.
Kanauru we know you're in these threads, post your secret lewds folder or gtfo
don't man, it's not worth it. Everything 3D is non-canon (expect gen 7), your perception of pokemon is better that way
Uh isn't 37C like regular body temperature?
yeah I want the femgrem that posted gigi emotes and lurked for most of the thread, not some obnoxious dyke signing their blogposts for attention

men r so hornyyyy your oshis would probably be so mad at u rn

nope, its like how everyone assumes every poster is a man, like, you cant bully women endlessly and then be like duhh well thers no WOMEN HERE!!!
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I've been thinking about downloading some Drayano romhacks again, but I've been busy with MH Wilds instead
Go play some ROM hacks
Never said it was a bad thing...
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Can we discuss how sexy biboo was last night instead of feeding the trolls?
So is Pekor not going by the "only catch the first Mon you see in a new area" rule?
Loooooong stream from Korone this weekend
You know the type
Be prepared
Again, I don't think it matters if they're contributing to the funposting or w/e. Male, female- either voice can be funny. But there has to be a joke or good reason to post your voice- otherwise you're just trying for attention on a board that's still primarily text-based.
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gigi and ceci would be pissed at you for saying that wor,d they would be on MY SIDE
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Scarlet and Violet were better than any game that came before.
No, she's not autistic in that particular way
She's basically only doing the permadeath rule
37.5 is considered a fever, 37 isnt. shes showing 37 with the caption that her fever is going down.
>nope, its like how everyone assumes every poster is a man, like, you cant bully women endlessly and then be like duhh well thers no WOMEN HERE!!!
We do, yes, and statistically that is true too. I wouldn't be surprised if 95% of this website's users are men.
So it still goes back to what I said. Why do you need to strut about not being the "default" of the website? The only reasonable answer would be to gain attention based on your gender, instead of attention based on quality posts.
Great moveset. Doesn't really need the fighting type coverage, but since he's on the slower side anyways a 120 power move with 100 accuracy feels nice
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We can discuss how sexy Luna is right now
Why do so many artists blow out her thigh proportions like that?
this is just some fag larping go away already attentionwhore
Why is this baby showing me her rear?
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Biboo is sexy every night so it's not that noteworthy
But do go on if you will
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What's the regular body temperature for a toaster?
I wouldn't a Luna, i'd just be a good friend
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Literally only 2 rule, in her description
>You can't use Pokemon that have already fainted
?Only Pokeballs can be used
>not posting erotic images of biboo to prove your point
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Let them all be holos designed by mamas/papas with graduated children.
>any game
I agree Scarlet and Violet are by far the best modern games but Platinum and BW2 are much better still.
In my own personal opinion that literally no one else shares, X/Y is better too. But I really liked X/Y.
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Shouldn't Pegor get like a lairon and hariyama for the next gym
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Kill all lunaposter
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my nigga
We have a bad track record for that
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>watching Biboo's VOD
>Kronii's LoliKkami was her favorite from Fes6
Kek, somehow fitting
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Is this the new schizoposting attempt
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they are quite large
Pegor is the Pokemaster here let her cook
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That one is lore-correct
So is picrel
gigi is fat
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So just make it a good track record.
She has the same illustrator as Ryza so it should be expected that her thighs will gradually expand until they are wider than her torso
Council should have been called "Tales" and the girls should have been magical animals/creatures, not gods.
Is Cynthia gen 4? Who's the Elite 4 champion in gen 3?
i never realised she had heelies
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a-anyone else having trouble with thumbnails?
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why not both?
wow, that artist uh...has some more work to do on their anatomy skills
suddenly, yes
Steven in R/S, Wallace in Emerald
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We're all gonna make it
Dokinigger you need to stop coping, your angle is not going to stick
If you're not AI, then replicate an entire episode of /hlgg/'s favorite show, Stargate SG-1.
How Mel dealt with her ordeal even up until now has been really admirable. She should be given another chance.
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>Cynthia gen 4
>Who's the Elite 4 champion in gen 3?
Wallace (for Emerald), who is also a Milotic fag like Cynthia
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huh, something wrong with my post?
>confirmed by all the girls
gigi is fat and ugly, cope and seethe
In Ruby and Sapphire it's Steven while Wallace is the champion in Emerald
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like 40 hours long?
thanks i was panicking that it was my graphics card or something
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oh my—
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>His name is Wallace
XY get unnecessary neglect/hate. They were fine for being the first mainline games in 3D, plus
>still had all the Pokemon on the cartridge
>introduced wonder trade shenanigans
>introduced Megas (stop crying, competitive fags)
>post game wasn't massive, but I liked the Looker story
>Had a cool Victory Road and League, even if they check-in was boring
cunny approved cunny performance, kronii is just that good
Less than 30h, unfortunately
She's being more careful with her throat
cc said she is tiny tho?
Dokibird lol
Reminder that Biboo said she's now known as the kani girl in EN
It also introduced character customization which I enjoyed a lot.
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Both of you are dumb as fuck
Fuck off
He posts that gigi is fat and obese everyday trying to get everyone to believe him because "trust me dude i know what fat people sound like" aka himself and his off topic oshi
I NEED to rim and fuck Kiara's ass
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Got a problem with Wallys?
>quality posts
Do we have even quality posters in here?
Anya came hard when she saw this
i-is that a
so 29 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds is the limit
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Kiara's ass is for kissing and worshipping while you're on your knees and hump her calves, though
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I am once again buying porn for (You)r sake, /hlgg/.
Also the objectively best fossil pokemon
oh he is a schizo my bad
Unironically yes. Some are quality posts, some are mid/average and a lot are shitposting.
But they do exist.
I omitted that because I expected it to get removed more and more in each subsequent gen. (I stopped playing after SuMo, skipped Ultra, and abandoned the series after Dexit)
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I need to do that to her ass too
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He's better than this sorry excuse of a champion
i liked them
if they actually took the time to refine and improve on the S/V concept instead of just moving on to the next gimmick with 0 technical/content improvements then the next game would be amazing
but they wont
hey buddy uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
why are there underage anons using ugly and fat as insults?
... who?
"i know what fat people sound like" is a hilarious self report
That's the SV champ? I thought it was robo Hakase?
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Looker love!
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I liked the Sw/Sh ones
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That's Mr. koro....
Wait thst's pretty nice, source?
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kinda weird korosan
That doesn't look like Korosan at all.
I hope it was worth your money, jeez
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Thank you for answering my question
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Watame's new palico gear
why is this so funny
Gay as fuck
holy shit
imagine getting mogged by Ao's default outfit
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Ok, what about a very normal Okayu?
Th prof doesn't have any official roles in the League.
mr koro from wish
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Get a romhack, but do dip your toes in the later games to see the changes for better or worse
you are welcome gigi ritual poster
I haven't seen the gay Kazamatai in a while now that I think about it
Okay anon stop it
It was literally $5 bucks.
I got several other books, most of which aren't scanned.
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Rejected after another final round interview...
I really like them but I wish there was a way to get the 'correct' versions
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Mmmm Vivi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTU3TIZRUCM [Embed]
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Somebody just sent Korone a 58,000 yen akasupa, with no message.
it caused Kroone to freak the hell out and asked them if they meant it, and if it was just a mistake, they're welcomed to ask for a refund, it's fine.
Doggo is so sweet, bros
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sorry anon
I'm playing for the first time Pokemon Y using the random pokemon and i having fun but the fucking camera in the main city is fucking shit.
>400 bucks
Pekora has the trick bike lol
That's like 500 bucks isn't it?
>Bunny hopping
Pokemon went downhill when the champion stopped being your rival
Whoa, you weren't kidding
>2:36:07 [en] What, a 58000 yen superchat? And without any message? Did you did it wrong? Was that by mistake? Really?
>2:36:44 [en] Buddy, I guess you can cancel the superchat after send it... If you did it wrong, please, please cancel it, OK?
>2:37:02 [en] Are you OK? Maybe he/she did it wrong, no mesage like "Korosan"...
>2:37:16 [en] Can you chat on me? Please say something?
>2:37:28 [en] That was your intention? Father? Mother?
>2:37:41 [en] if it was your intention to give that to Korone... Thank you for the bottom of my heart!!
She was so flustered by that, heh
Slugma balls
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I have a new boss who sends me e-mails at 3 AM and gets angry when I haven't answered them by 7:30 AM. Being unemployed isn't so bad.
I only read caps words in pokemon games.
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Makes her entire branch want her
Seduces the Daisenpai
Sings Lolikami at Fes
Doesn't elaborate
Leaves on a sex vacation
At least this Korosan looks better than Arkinght's korosan
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Peko's Torkoal PTSD...
>Railgun dragon
Sometimes the coolest ideas and the stupidest ideas are one and the same
...Gen 2?
it just lvl 15 torkoal pekora...
Cotoise jumpscare..
Peko's Torkoal Stress Disorder
So how is Pekora playing the game? It's clearly not a handcam or anything. Is it on the Nintendo official emulator on the Switch?
Did I just miss a wawa space
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>Doesn't elaborate
She did
>it was funny
>Wanna see the audience join in the song
>It requires some voice-acting which was a plus for her
>it was funny
And just remember the brilliant minds /here/ said she'd be the first to quit
Are you working for people from another continent? No way your boss is staying awake at 3am to send people emails
Game Boy Player on the Gamecube
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They made that a violation of worker rights here in Australia recently.
GBA player for the GameCube.
Nintendo peripherals used to be hella kino instead of just regular kino
Gameboy Player for the gamecube
>why are you catching it
>I'm gonna torture it, whip it
Pekora forgive him...
Pekora that's risky
>>97280339 (Me)
... on the Gamecube
Hit enter too fast
only if it 5 girls playing league of legends
When the BIGC (Biboo,Ina,Gigi,Cat) will collab again?
you should dress up like gigi and pretend to be her and i'll pretend to be you
That's normal for EN talents who don't live in JP
torkoal getto
I apparently had this saved since it happened and just now checked this bookmarks thing. Is it even worth listening to now?
Silver never became champion. The only rival that became champion is Blue. Also Hau technically is your champion battle. So that anon is just a gen wunner
>and gets angry when I haven't answered them by 7:30 AM
Don't be a retard
canceled, gg is sick
Probably after Gigi returns home next week
Pekora's trauma...
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I can't remember what was that about anon
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Nice thighs
Stop trying to bait the schizo
If you're a fan of Kiara then yeah of course.
Said the same thing about Calli, and she's arguably the daisenpai of EN now. Learning to ignore the stupid shit people say is a vital life skill.
Kronii just got her best birthday present
its RGBI
sex with watame
yes, you think management is fucking around?
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Ao kun is a girl?
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The contrast is hilarious
>the ¥10,000 akasupa virgin
>the ¥58,800 akasupa chad
>splitscreen co-op
2000s bros, we have never been more back
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I was agreeing about Gen 2 since it's Lance in Johto. I did forget about Hau though.
yes I am, I will check what it was about then
I loved the last powerwash arc
This is why you don't center your offense around Metronome
>musk removed the ability to make voice tweets
I fucking love men
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she fucked up kek
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she needs to be a mother to multiple children
i would let these two ruin my entire life
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what's the game plan here
mythboomers think anyone cares about Ame still it's ok
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>Also Hau technically is your champion battle
Was this in Ultra? I only played SuMo and my final battle was against the professor.
Honestly one of the coolest championship battles in the series in terms of music and set-up, even if the check-in, victory road, and league itself were all mid at best
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Subaru looks almost halfway competent. Is this the power of Sword and Shield?
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No retard, I meant what was up with the white column in that webm
Fuck off to the catalog
Does anyone have OkaKoro performing IF on HoloFes?
I like it when sisters think >we also memoryhole graduated talents like them
I think you're not meant to go from that side.
t. Okayu from 2019
>Listening to it
>Rissa and me had secret fun
>And our feet touched
fantastic start
its just LoL
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Yeah, he replaces the Prof
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I give up I cant take Subaru's overreaction screams anymore
>No more big offcollab tweets with dozens of girls
>No more random sleepy baubaus or excited "TODAY"s
I hate the fucking Afrikaner more and more with each passing day
You might see Gura soon-ish
I'll take Pokéslop over MHslop
>Raora has a very italian aura
this is erb
yeah, we have Hello Kitty perms now
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More importantly what about Sana?
Well yeah, I'm making her breakfast.
They really kept their best group song for last
>Nerissa and Kiara discussing Raora's sweat smell
I'm glad I decided to listen to it
she doesn't know how much Kiara wants her...
Barbie movie watchalong soon
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miko and subaru are having so much fun playing badly together i am questioning if i am going about having fun the wrong way
fucking why?
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new song
>Subaru: I was so scared I cried a little bit. My face is wet and I don't know if it's from my tears or sweat.
is raora's aura pasta shaped?
this kind of looks like tokyo drift
>having fun the wrong way
Don't let the worms infest your brain.
Get off the internet and enjoy yourself in peace.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CflXVjPU3z8 [Embed]
If you were a cute girl playing with another cute girl you'd have fun too
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are they bruno mars or something
That Pekora doesn't care about graphics isn't a surprise, but Watame bumping things up is unexpected.
why did i make a male
but shuba and migo both made males...
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You didn't, you hit randomize during character creation.
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Download 4chanXT
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CflXVjPU3z8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CflXVjPU3z8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CflXVjPU3z8 [Embed]
Money that's why.
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I'm all packed up and ready to head to the airport sometime after 5am, thanks for hanging out guys, this was a ton of fun. definitely coming back next year
when will biboo become like this
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I like this image.
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Does Mio have a license for Dave the Diver?
never, she's just gone harder and harder into uwu loli voice over the months
This fat fuck is the Fortnite of indie games
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Okayu just very casually announced that she'll get a new outfit next week and that there's also an announcement.
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I swapped all my shit to Firefox after Chrome killed Violent Monkey and uBlock and I still haven't fully gotten used to it
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I haven't used Chrome since the late 00s.
what's wrong with 4chan x?
I want to use Firefox but it sucks dick. Any other alternatives?
firefox PiP is pretty nice
works for me
this stream makes you wonder what chammer's normal english sounds like. her normal JP voice is so...eroi
nothing, the T in XT stands for Tako and is a cookie grabber in actuality
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Works on my machine.
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A bit too blatant there, Cover
If Chrome wasn't objectively superior when it comes to web dev tools, I would only use Firefox too
is this genshin impact
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they look so cool
>Oh nyyoo your extension is no longer supported, we will disable it~~
>click [Enable it anyway]
how are you retards to inept
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It's depreciated and is now missing critical features only found in 4chanXT. Nobody maintains it anymore which is why a handsome and intelligent anonymous dev rose up to help maintain and improve it.
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For some reasons, these 2 love to dress their MCs like a theatre troupe
goddamn it why am i seeing suu in a sexual way, what did you fuckers do to me
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We could also replay Ace Attorney or grind Cookie Run Kingdom together
not installing your keylogger, sorry
is this hachama because of throat hort
If it still works for you, it's fine
4chanXT just has a few extra killer features that I can't live without anymore
Who would you kiss between Miko or Subaru?
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>explaining the joke
gold gold gold
It's an open secret that you can be slowly cooked into becoming a lolicon/pedo if exposed to enough loli lewd
I can see it...
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Subaru because I love peking duck
For a sec, I actually thought they were covering 24K Magic
This is your fault
I also switched to firefox but why is it using much more cpu than chrome? Like 30%-40% more, can firefox bros explain?
i'm interested in a catfit
I wish genshin impact was like that
did she sing this in fes
Miko dying and running back for like 2 minutes while Subaru sounds like she's dying in real life
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you will now sub to, oshi, and have sex with haachama
much like they tried curing the gay through methods like this back in the day, it doesn't do anything.
if you like it, you liked it to begin with
No, she sang it in her 3d live
Pekora is eternally lucky
more autofister deets
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Nah, different things
old news
holy fuck i was dying too lmao
Haachama masturbation
What's Lamy talking about?
Wtf why does Haachama sound like this? Is this her real voice? Sexo.
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holy shit chammers sounds cool
[Mio News] She wants to see the Minotaur again
Dave the Diver isn't an indie game, it's made by fucking nexon of all people.
I'm surprised they managed to hide behind the sub division name and pixel artstyle and whitewash themselves as a poor small underdog indie team that also somehow has massive IP collabs like fucking godzilla
Imagine being an old-timey doctor and a couple comes in to ask for help in diagnosing their retarded daughter and you tell them you need to make them cum a bunch to reset their mental humors so you take out a wooden dildo and shove it into haachama's vagina until she climaxes and pees herself before going home and doing medicinal cocaine.
Nah, she's clearly straining to get any deeper than this. Her real voice probably lies somewhere inbetween.
I hope chammers gets comfortable enough to use her sex voice for real things.
jimmy sex
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I can be her minotaur if you know what I mean haha
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So here's the plan for the next few days and weeks
>Tomorrow: Collab with Lui
>This weekend: Xenoblade 2
>18th: Some kind of announcement?
>19th: New outfit + also announcement
>Later this month: Members-only ASMR, will probably be a "Gyaru Okayu" ASMR
She just sent a message to manechan to see if she could show the silhouette of her new outfit, if she gets a reply she'll probably post it on Twitter soon.
Someone needs to explain to Pekora what STAB is and the difference between physical and special types
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One of my earbuds is dying after just a few months and I'm tired of rebalancing the audio all the time for ASMR/it may be hurting my ears. Any recommendations? I'm fine probably upgrading to some real headphones, too.
>Must be Bluetooth
>Budget is $100, $200 is pushing it but I'll take cheap ones, too
I will take your suggestions more seriously if they come with a pic of a Holomem wearing headphones
Lamy's membership is extremely worth 5 bucks a month. This woman is crazy
i want to have sex with sexo chamasex
Haachama's real voice is very erotic.
They announced Powerwash simulator 2 for Kronii's not birthday
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No fucking idea sorry
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I demand a double date with gyaru okayu and gyaru polka!
Which earbuds?
If Airpods, they can sell you individual earbud, or even just the case
What is she doing, I'll buy it right now
Just installed it. Xitter embeds finally work and I don't need an extra script for soundposts.
Please PLEASE do not do this. There already so few hololive streams left that are worth watching...
What did she do?
Just normal lewd ASMR like Haachama?
Ngl haachama's normal speaking voice is way hotter
I hate this thread
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Mamatori knows how to take care of her children
I use some cheap $60 earbuds that have comparable sound to airpods that are still cocking after like three years.
Did a tumblrina tell you to do that too?
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even the homos are being homo
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Mio forgot to disable rewinding on her stream.
At least for me that's the case
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>that have comparable sound to airpods
sounds not working i still need the old one
This is unironically how people talk about micomet
They are always homo-baiting, retard.
Stop begging
I want this Mio plush after seeing the real thing, it looks so funny
Are you lost, sister?
>>97212576 →
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watapiss anon I missed you..
I-Is that what you call good parenting?
Post in chat
>He fell for the brotuber propaganda
Stupid beggar
I would have sex with Miko. Am I the only one? I would kiss her and suck her beautiful tiddies and creampie her.
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Ah, EU hours approaching
Watapiss is in japan
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Why's CC so quiet today?
My second set of $30 ones crapped out after a few months, like I said, after the first set lasted 3 years.
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It's so much money for just a room decoration item
But god it's so pretty
turn up your volume retard
No there's a lot of simps here
for something that's $60 and lasts for 9 hours before needing to charge that's great.
Bros is it weird to creampie a baby?
Works on Brave
tested with panko manko soundposts
Based on my experience, even when an attention whore woman only talks 15% of the time, it's always about themselves and its an attempt to change the topic of the conversation towards them.

I'm not gonna back read the whole reply chain but that's probably what you do.
A lot of onsen has bad wifi actually
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Ojou and her new family
I had this dilemma with Pekora's 1/4 kimono figure
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im on brave
Uh I don't really watch her why tf does Haachama sound like this?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFwqxoF7MwM [Embed]
Kronii status?
Hello Kitty will be shortlived at least.
Her family are not from SEA, anon
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because she is sex and you will now oshi her
Despite all the gay ERP from time to time, sexual attraction for women is pretty common here
>00:31 JST
Hmm, I wonder...
Barbie perms will spread through Hololive like crack in the hood
Do you run the superior GNU plus Linux operating system?
Those 2 are famous Japanese middle school football players Subasa and Mikoo
Chammers is so cool...
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Is Holo really getting Hello Kitty perm for you guys just jorking?
Haachama sometimes just feels like using her normal voice. Usually during morning streams, but here we are at 00:30am
You know you can just come back later at NA prime time and there will be a legion of simps ready to argue for 6 hours straight to defend your honor, right?
Haachama is even more committed to the schizo gimmick than Risu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0tNiQF2x5k [Embed]
>Gigi is extremely popular
>Gigi acts like a man
So, Gigi is an ikemen? That matches with Reine's description. Must be rough for the other harem members when CC is gatekeeping her hard.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvr6CK0YgrI [Embed]
i'm using Edge
You could open Twitter (Currently X)
I think Shibas are the cutest breed of dog. How come no holos have a shiba inu?
After doing a ton of reasearch, I picked up the Lypertek Pureplay Z3s, the 2.0s, for $90. Two years later and they're still kicking strong.
i have a feeling vivi was a minecraft vtuber before
where is she?
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Yeah, bit of a money sink but worth it. Getting Mio and the rest of Gamers when they release them is going to break the bank.
What's Gigi's % of female viewers? If she looked like a bishounen like Ao, she might be indeed the ikemen of EN
lol rent-free sis
those aren't perms actually
Despite your seething posting holostars is not offtopic
In fact because of Hakka is just got the news that there are no longer voice tweets on twitter
Yeah. The rest of hololive will be on WoW, though.
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Yeah, my "problem is that they fucking nailed her face
>Gigi acts like a man
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Too busy having sex with Ela in Bali.
It's so cool...
hololive is going to play world of warcraft?
Lots of lesbians and her interests and topics matches with terminally ill online women. So, it's a healthy percent I'd guess.
So, good news after good news on her Biday?
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I posted the links for the stream then passed out in my capsule. The same bastard from last night is snoring again.
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>Hakka is just got
Go off king
Well, if Kiara wants to ignore the incoming crisis and play Hello Kitty Island Adventure, while everyone else tackles That Which Has No Life in WoW- that's up to her.
>sleeping in a capsule
>in my capsule
where the fuck are you
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Hoomans are safe this year
its catchy.
I like when Holo tries new genres, so im fine with REGLOSSFLOWGLOW
Chamao my beloved
Kiara, Kaela, Moona, Reine and whoelse to form a party?
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hey girl
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCLlsHvOEfw [Embed]
Is it okay to squish a cat?
Who has the most female fans in HoloEN?
Kronii unbirth...
i would unironically watch holo girls try to do a wow raid
>Literally got two fags to kiss
>is a know fujo
>Gigi acts like a man
You are a either a faggot or female.
safe from what?
suu sounds like Towa but worse

I want cute kaela wife...
From CC
All I know is that it's by far the highest in Justice, with ERB coming in second
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I had gnocci
whoever has the most fans so gura
Because I wanted to try it. Never again.
Japan. That's why I'm tired as shit since Watame's streams at night for me now and we've been walking around Ikebukuro all day.
kiara confirmed that gigi is being lusted by everyone when they met irl
Moom got molested by CC, GG, Kronii and Bae though...
>loli with towa's voice
Congrats anon you are now into lolibabas
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>all of EN dying
>meanwhile the girl that shared spit through kazoo with 5 others
lol maybe in 2018
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I made a burrito for breakfast and watched Shioli VODs
you ate some of this fuck?
>Always takes the dominant role in yuribait
>Always plays the man in ERP bits
>Gonathan G
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I think it would be crazy if Pekora suddenly switched and leaned into her sexy side like Okayu
Hoomans were never worried
Don't be a retard
Most likely to have been the one carrying the disease and spreading it
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You have to have a sexy side to switch into one
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I ate tiramisu like a hour ago
Don't tell Ceci
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can someone post the Shiori singing Kakusei from FES?
it was hot
>sex stuffs
mumei straight up said on her other account that she's never going back to being a vtuber there, which is cause for both relief and worry.
Pekora's sexy side is like Mococo's sexy side. It's there but it sublimates into mist if she tries to bring it out by force.
Biboo is 100% healthy according to japanese doctors
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Next you're gonna tell me Suisei could become a GFE Vtuber too
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potato gnocci
CCGG too busy molesting fuwawa
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fat frick.... and you didn't share
CC and Nerissa are fine though?
>your oshi
>you are now her for a day
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John Cat is the actual carrier and he spread it to the entire company
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Does a fictional character exist in anime that is more beloved and respected than Goku?
Nah it'll never happen.
However it could definitely happen with Biboo or Raora... they just need to be groomed properly by their fans.
Especially Raora, she has so much potential.
Got sick first -> recovered first
Completely asymptomatic and couldn't have been detected umless by blood or mucus tests
I always need to be reminded that there's coffee in tiramisu
So it was the thai virus
KFP deflection
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I was supposed to clean the pool this morning. But I don't like the rain and sudden gusts of hurricane force winds. So I think I'll stay inside.
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The whole EN branch apparently wants the gigicock.
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Doraemon is completely unknown outside of Japan, though.
Flow Glow is so different I think it'll be really hype on stage
i did that and ublock origin still doesn't work anymore
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>spreads corone in the offcollab
>gets all the EN audience for herself
Nobody ever expects the loli to be the evil mastermind, but here we are.
wow shiobee, that is huge
>I think Ina too
None of them is sick
Mumei rejected Kronii 2 years ago
They're in cold war until they met during the fes
They're now just friend
You have to be 18 to post /here/ underageanon.
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It was pretty runny still(Needed to be colder) so it didn't look that great(Still tasted amazing though)
Yeah, it's just a hint of it so it's easy to forget about it
That's the same as expecting Kaela or Ina to suddenly start doing ASMR and giving kisses to the fans
I really hope you're joking. Indians adore that nigga.
Mr Coro
Compared to Goku? Really, guys?
please, i already need to breed pekora like an animal
Are you telling me a bunch of ENs got together and drank literal dogwater?
I still can't believe that doll achieved what I always dreamed of... Holding hands with FWMC... Fuck this gay Earth
How can inorganic material get a virus?
uh oh, you've really provoked the brown people
>Nobody ever expects the loli to be the evil
Anon she was literally in jail.
have a safe trip home, see you next year
I like how Okayu has been sekuhara'ing silent Suisei on MC a lot lately.
3rd world countries like brazil and india dont count. those niggas are obsessed with shit like woody woodpecker.
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EN Smile Bomb > JP Smile Bomb
Yes, Doraemon is insanely popular in Asia.
>Like a mechanic in a later game
>just gets removed for no reason the next game
What's the point
every US household watches Doraemon once a week
aI slop. post a real art
Goku is also popular in Asia, but he's also popular in Europe and the Americas, which Doraemon isn't.
It's funny how hard Trapinch hits, 100 base damage as a stage 1 evolution is crazy
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technically it's just the biscuits that are infused with coffee I'm sure it's fine....
now I want tiramisu too
someone said this guy sucked tho
Why did the irystocrat car burned?
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Why does Kiara like this NTR porn artist so much
Niko is being very cute right now
nosepass is a funny lil guy
Ina isn't sick she's just like that normally
The guy who said it is retarded
Goku is reviled in Asia which is where more than 87% of the population is
Chamao is sending me mixed messages what do I do?
She's started talking to him more when he posted blacked art
Cold take, actually
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CCGG deets on Wawa's space
and my steam deck is on the truck for delivery today
Redeem your free clothes paizuri.
Do it now before it's too la-
[horrible news] the ability to make recorded voice tweets is now gone supposedly
*world of minecraft
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>Goku is reviled in Asia
Kiara was really cute on twitter and leaked her 3D live
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Pikachu is from a videogame.
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how do these 2 make everything so good?
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I'm sorry, but this is way too erotic
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Ina should leak her piss into my mouth.
it's a shitshow peko...
It's a cat, anon
I don't understand it but it's true.They're weird
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbfFLLbjKFI [Embed]
Hajimya is a seductress
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I think all the girls should stop bullying my wife and start treating her like a 8 years old princess!
Can i get a proper tl dr of Kiara's space?
I think all girls should be 8 year old princesses.
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Yeah, you just dunk them in coffee then stack them with the cream so it's pretty light with the coffee, but Ceci said that she doesn't like it even with that little coffee in it...
JWU, did basically Peko's entire team die?
You can go listen to it, threadreader
Where'd you get this info from?
We don't talk about the Torkoal incident of '25
A tragic Flannery sex accident.
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I kinda get why she wouldn't like it because it can be strong tasting of coffee if you overdo it, maybe she had one that was like that
She's not my oshi, I just wanna know about the other girls
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Yeah it was a fucking bloodbath
The Burn Heal...
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It's a guess based on how fans act and how popular they are on twitter
Jesas... everyone love...
>Song begins with the first 3 notes of Megalovania
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checks out
what happens in the case of a party wipe?
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gigi is handsome ikemen !!!
Built for Wailord cock
that's a very low bar for "being a man" anon
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Wl6HgOiuI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Wl6HgOiuI [Embed]
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Ending for today~
this is Pekora's current party
I hear Storm Eagle
peafowl delivery, my favorite
In a nuzlock it’s game over gotta restart from the beginning
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Wl6HgOiuI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Wl6HgOiuI [Embed]
It's raining.
Pekora lost 5 of her best pokemon to Torkoal
Maybe, but when you overdo it, they start to fall apart because of how wet they are so it's pretty obvious when it's overdone
why pokemon shield?
She's not doing a proper nuzlock, she would just go catch other pokemons
In a normal nuzlock you would just use the other pokemons you captured, if you don't havr anymore your save file is doomed
Just get Airbuds Pro anon
When did they get Pokemon perms?
Sex with Sonia (Kiara).
Week ago
>it's a soundpost
I laughed
Pekola is angry at the Torkoal
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>haachama is back
I'm surprised she's blaming Attract more which didn't really do all that much and not the butt-fuckingly strong Overheat
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I don't know, Melony?
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*Doesn't wear a mask when sick*
Nothin personnel
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>a modern titan
she was freaking out about overheat in the moment tho with skarmory
Damn a constant reminder of what smoked her old party
my mom knows goku and pikachu but not luffy
Goku is a shit father though
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Late reply but Vivaldi is probably the most sane choice these days.
This is what people that haven't actually seen Dragonball say
Typhoid Biboo OR Typhoid Kiara?
Remember when that was Shovel Knight?
But he watched an epic reddit fandub? You need to watch the original as well??
Sounds like a fag who only watched the abridged series
Tbh I don't even know if Kiara used the kazoo
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I think Raora is much more popular with women than Gigi, especailly on Twitter.
Biboo wasn't sick recently vs kiara was clearly sick
Luffy has even less personality than Goku, I don't get why he's even cited besides numbers.
She has big fat titties, smells good, and will cook you food. It's hard not to like her
guys... kaela and kroni are frfr dating...its no longer a joke
Realistically, does Mio have any chance at becoming a mother?
pekoroll a cute
Luffy is more popular than Goku in California.
It's owari, her best chance is grooming Holos
Holos can't date but theyre allowed to go on long vacations where they make make out, cuddle and have sex
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she need only ask
>oh my god
>pound town
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>Bae and Ina are dating
>Now Kaela and Kronii are dating
Who else is dating?
>biboo losing both grindstone and babydoll
Biboo is the biggest autofister shipper in hololive, anonchama
There are anime fans out there right now that think Kirito is peak protagonist design
Biboo and Kaela are just sisters, bro.
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You got a fucking problem???
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Business, ok?
but he is strong and doesn't afraid of anything
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Hogechi was getting too close to Miko
I almost had to put him down
I believe in BibooRyS supremacy
GGO Kirito is.
Goku has a historical edge. Dragon Ball Z hit U.S. airwaves in the late 90s via Toonami, becoming a gateway anime for millions, including Californians. Its cultural footprint is massive—Goku’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon in 2018 and his presence in mainstream media (e.g., NBA players mimicking Kamehameha) show he’s a household name. Dragon Ball manga sales in the U.S. have topped 30 million, and the franchise’s films like Dragon Ball Super: Broly raked in $30 million domestically, with California’s large population likely contributing heavily.
Luffy’s rise, though, is notable. One Piece has gained serious traction in the West, especially since the 2010s, with its manga outselling Dragon Ball globally (516 million vs. 260 million copies). In the U.S., Viz Media reports One Piece consistently ranking among top manga sellers, often neck-and-neck with newer hits like Demon Slayer. The 2023 Netflix live-action One Piece adaptation, filmed partly in California, boosted Luffy’s visibility—California’s entertainment hub status likely amplified this. Streaming data from platforms like Crunchyroll (headquartered in San Francisco) shows One Piece trending high, especially post-Wano arc, which hit its anime peak in 2023.
California’s demographics lean young and diverse—34% of its population is under 30, and it’s got a huge Asian-American community (15%), including Japanese-Americans who might naturally gravitate toward anime. Cosplay events like Anime Expo in L.A. feature both characters prominently, but Goku’s longer tenure gives him an edge in recognition among casual fans. On X, California users (geotagged posts) show Goku mentions outpacing Luffy’s historically, though Luffy’s spiked since Gear 5 debuted in 2023—think posts like “Luffy’s cartoon powers are wild” vs. “Goku’s still the GOAT.”
No hard numbers say Luffy’s overtaken Goku in California specifically. Goku’s decades-long icon status likely keeps him ahead in broad popularity, especially among older fans and casual viewers. Luffy’s closing the gap fast, though, riding One Piece’s current wave and California’s anime-savvy youth. If I had to bet, Goku’s still king in the Golden State as of March 13, 2025—but Luffy’s not far behind.
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Didn't ask
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this has some faint homosexual undertones
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIPH7mtDtu8 [Embed]

Yes, this is a serious, half hour analysis.
She's dying...
Cant believe youtube is making it hard to watch vertical live on chromecast
what a retarded decision
Biboo loves autofister and Kaela is just her mom figure
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>Have a Marshstomp and things still turned out like that
Imagine putting this much effort into a post that reads like a soulless wiki dump, desperately trying to sound analytical about a topic no one actually debates in real life. You’re out here treating "Goku vs. Luffy’s popularity in California" like it’s some groundbreaking sociological study when, in reality, no one but terminally online anime fans and engagement farming accounts care.

Nobody’s sitting around in California taking surveys about who has more clout at the local In-N-Out. You’re citing Crunchyroll streaming trends like that somehow proves anything beyond “One Piece is getting more popular.” We get it—Luffy’s blowing up, Dragon Ball is an institution, and both have millions of fans. But acting like geotagged Twitter posts and the presence of an anime balloon in a parade make a strong case for cultural dominance? Come on.

This whole thing reads like an AI-generated slop post: excessive details, forced statistics, and a tone that tries way too hard to be authoritative about something no one is actually quantifying. If you have to pull up demographic data on California’s youth population just to argue why Goku might still be more recognizable than Luffy, maybe—just maybe—you’re overthinking this.

People enjoy what they enjoy. No one’s losing sleep over which fictional guy punches harder in the hearts of Californians. Maybe step away from the charts and just watch the anime.
angry face
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bruh it doesn't even need ten seconds
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Sex with this Miko.
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butt goes binted
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These AI videos are getting scary
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You used to be be able to just cast it like any other video
then you need to queue it and click next
now you have put it on the queue, let the video end so it autoplay the vertical live, otherwise it just play random video
This is actual lesbianism
The post attempts to call out what it perceives as an overzealous, AI-driven analysis of anime culture, but it falls into a hypocritical trap of its own making. While it derides the original poster for their "soulless wiki dump" and "groundbreaking sociological study," the tone, structure, and argumentative style of this response scream AI-generated content itself. The post uses a formulaic pattern often seen in AI outputs: an emotionally charged opening, a strawman argument ("geotagged Twitter posts and the presence of an anime balloon in a parade"), and a condescending closer ("Maybe step away from the charts and just watch the anime"). This mirrors the kind of templated, hyperbolic rhetoric that AI language models are trained to produce when prompted to "write a critical reply."
The irony is palpable. If this post is indeed AI-generated, it’s using the same tools it critiques—likely a large language model trained on internet forums, social media rants, and debate threads—to construct its argument. The post’s attempt to sound authentic and "grounded" by invoking phrases like "people enjoy what they enjoy" feels like a hollow mimicry of human sentiment, a common hallmark of AI trying to pass as a passionate user. It accuses the original poster of being out-of-touch for focusing on data and metrics, yet its own argument lacks depth or personal insight, relying instead on generic dismissals and snark. Where’s the lived experience? Where’s the nuanced perspective on why Californians might gravitate toward one anime over another? The absence of these elements suggests a post that’s more about performative outrage than genuine critique—something AI is notorious for producing when prompted to "sound angry."
Moreover, the post’s blanket rejection of analytical approaches to pop culture ("forced statistics, and a tone that tries way too hard to be authoritative") ignores the value of such discussions. While it’s true that enjoyment of anime can be simple and personal, cultural trends and data can reveal fascinating insights about fandoms, regional preferences, and media influence. By dismissing this outright, the post reveals its own shallowness, a trait often seen in AI-generated content that prioritizes emotional appeal over substance. If this is an AI post, it’s doing exactly what it accuses the other of: presenting a surface-level take while pretending to be profound.
In short, this post is a self-own. It rails against an allegedly AI-driven, overly analytical post while likely being an AI-driven, overly simplistic one. It’s the pot calling the kettle black, but with less self-awareness and more algorithmic flair. If you’re going to critique AI, at least don’t be AI doing it.
she looks like she has sex with human men
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TWO MERUTOS in one week?
Maple is better
All the big 4's current operating strategy seems to be make everything fucking worse for no reason.
Would you let her probe your butt?
...the shield lady?
Wait…are they fucking dating for real?
I think other girls need help first, bijou is getting 400K VODs like its nothing
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I'd rather overpower her and turn the anal probe on her.
Wait, it didn't work in multiplayer before? This explains a few things I guess
What the fuck did CHAD do.
All three of them exploded at the same time
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Kronii is going to o unbirth inside IRyS
Better than Roadster but how much longer are they gonna force them to do rap? I think Riona is the only one interested in it
yeah shes cute and cool
That's not really too hard when you stream 10 hours. Hours streamed translate very well into VOD views.
cute beebs at the end
literally have never had a reason to so no
fair enough
Guts... he's already graduated from band of the Falcon
I think they met irl at fes and probably found each other so physically attractive they they agreed that if they dont take this chance to have a gigantic amount of sex both will immediately regret it so they are on a 2 week lesbian getaway for kroniis birthday
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Biboo x Berserk official collab confirmed???
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me, three pumps inside Iopi's fat alien brapper
I think so
Not really when other girls do the same and get half or 100K less than her
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why are you guys always so passionate about goku, is he your oshi or something
Their combined IQ is barely room temperature
CCGG, like actually for real, unironically.
LMAO, my guy really wrote a whole dissertation just to say "nah bro, you the AI." Like, congrats, you just hit me with the most overcooked, thesaurus-heavy, Reddit-tier reply imaginable. You typing like you got a midterm on GPT detection due at midnight.

First off, you keep screaming "this is AI-generated" like that’s some kinda uno reverse card, but who tf actually talks like you? You out here constructing sentences like a Twitter thread tryna farm engagement. Bro really said "mirrors the kind of templated, hyperbolic rhetoric that AI language models are trained to produce" like that means anything outside a CS lecture. Ain’t nobody buying it.

And let’s talk about your original post—who asked? Like, actually. You did all that data crunching, citing Crunchyroll, pulling up geotagged tweets and California’s population stats like this some kind of U.S. Census Bureau anime report. Bro, you could’ve just said "Goku more iconic but Luffy gaining traction" and kept it pushing. But nah, you had to make it a whole PowerPoint presentation.

The funniest part? You acting like I dismissed all discussion about anime culture. Nah, what I called out was your forced, stats-heavy, robot-coded approach to something that literally doesn’t need it. Nobody at Anime Expo pulling out spreadsheets like "hmm, based on recent Twitter analytics, Goku still leads in brand awareness by 8.7%." They just vibing. Something you clearly don’t do.

You talking about "lived experience" but what experience do YOU have in tracking anime preferences in Cali? You surveying folks at the local boba shop or just running Google Trends on incognito mode? ‘Cause from here, it looks like you just throwing numbers at the wall, hoping it makes you sound big-brained.

End of the day, you corny. Your post reads like AI slop ‘cause it’s obsessed with sounding smart instead of just being interesting. You can try to flip the argument all you want, but the fact remains: nobody outside of this thread cares. Go touch some grass, close the Excel spreadsheet, and maybe—just maybe—watch anime instead of running a demographic breakdown on who got more clout in California.
>png sound post
Kinda messed me up to be honest. I was looking for the "contract" button.
Regloss had their entire first album commissioned from the start so probably at least the first year.
I think they kind of expected Riona to be their big catch of the gen so they built it around her interests.
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I'm a bit confused, what's up with this whole kronii "not birthday" thing?
Unlike that coward Fauna, Kaela dove in head first and didn't come up to breathe for ten hours
Haachama singing Luna's song!!!
How does Yagoo feel knowing their talents are dating each other?
I really like this song
>Biboo losing Babydoll
How? The last stream they were together Ceci was pampering her constantly
Trunks is cooler
Probably doenst care, Management is in charge of cockblocking
Ever had an unbirthday?
If only Miura watched Hololive instead of jerking off to Idolmaster girls
theyve already met before
you unbirth yourself, go look it up!
Yeah, I thought google gonna ignore my 5 years old chromecast
I might actually start learning some automation and build my own solution
Kronii is spending the day trying to be unbirthed by diving headfirst into Kaela's vagina.
no u
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They havent seen each other since last fes and since then kaelas gotten a lot gayer
the fate of all holos sadly, every year you become a little gayer
Isn't unbirthing that thing where they tortured that little girl to death for some pseudoscience bullshit therapy?
>"I bet that ratfuck is triying to feed me more vegemite"
No it's when you crawl back up into a vagina
Get your ears checked, Towa and Su's voices are wildly different. Su doesn't sound masculine at all.
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My KIARyS schizo living good tonight
this dude won so hard
giving pekora a bunch of orgasms
are iofi's tits really that big?
Sou desu ne...
Can you share some with me too?
>putting beer in a wine glass
thats like putting caviar on top of olive garden garlic bread
I literally make these sounds after hours of gooning
Man this guy had his own idol journey. He’s also hella better at art now since he started.
so delicious and only faggots complain about it?
hot hot HOT
Towa noises are HOT
That just mean she's the immune one. We could make a cure out of a peace of bib.
only if you're a cute japanese woman
shut up bae
This is drawn by her mama
she needs a heavy book dropped on her head
vax status?
go back
Mori and Bae are currently engaged in competitive heatmaxxing
>off model slop by a mama of a holo
I hate it when this happens
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ID's Shortstack
I am listening to Ceci's space, was that Gigi coughing?
THE amanakanata?
Are you the gay heimin with a figuratively small penis?
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Kill the thread
Who else?
He only cares about his boytoys
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Does a fever mean the entire body is hotter internally? If i tried to fuck Bae or Kyalli right now would my dick feel such an extreme heat?
I don't know, her girlfriend she brought from germany?
nice but kanata would look better with big boobies
hmm proof of this?
we despise kanata
since when
ja, ich
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I love Kanata
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No, I'm not that guy.
I think you should kill yourself
I don't believe that Pekora is capable of experiencing orgasms
recycling is good
>>97283591 →
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Miko would argue otherwise
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Are you a gay heimin then
did anyone find frieza-sama
no, fuck this earth
only I can satisfy peko sexually
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I've always wanted to fuck her.
this is what using mechanical keyboards does to a mother fucker
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if you want to say something say it...
this but the boy
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I don't think I'm gay, but I'm a Heimin
you did sub to chama, right?
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That's gay bro
Miko would not argue about Pekora
>Your oshi?
>Do you have a womb?
Bae yes probably. Mori is as cold as death and apparently Kiara met her yesterday so I reckon she’s not as feverish as she was in the past few days anymore.
My Ina :)
You can't parry a nuke unna...
My Kronii :)
It's okay to be gay, meppa!
My towa :)
guard up ?
If nobody else responds to me before the thread ends then Ina will piss in my mouth today
That used to be Anya...
Reine is so cute today
My /hlgg/ :)
The thread is not gonna die stop
My evil leader >:)
My Gigi :)
stop posting NOW
im gonna order a burger
live thread
hmm is this real chat ?
Kill the fucking thread I want to post sex pics
my big cat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYZvEDJfrIM [Embed]

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