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Thread for avant-garde/alternative/horror/weird indie Vtubers!

>VTuber list

>Question of the thread
What is the Freakiest movie you've ever seen?

Previous Thread:
>>97027076 →
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFc3LjvlLeM [Embed] Binka Thread Theme
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https://www.twitch.tv/cvnka still playing Peripeteia
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0PE8yCPzgs [Embed] This masochistic horse is still doing her Monster Hunter Wilds No Armor run
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC2GNDrE3vU [Embed] Tsumiko is playing Dead By Daylight
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wow I haven't seen her in many years
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She's one of the vtubers I often watch and used to post in /jp/ but then never think to post her in this thread where she's also relevant
>>97276979 →
Her disciple is alive
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>You stole my nose? Fuuuck....
>Although I don't think anything would change. I already can't breathe through my nose. You got a bad deal out of this
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTKJkYqU55c [Embed] Mashiro's reading about dead children
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Goodnight /freak/!
https://www.twitch.tv/littolbiibii Biibii is drawing
Goodnight for real this time
cute mouse(?) doll
good night
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Binka butt before bed because of this belligerent board
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Good morning /freak/
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I think I might pivot this project into just game creation. I had it start off as an ARG/immersive narrative to play into my vtuber aspect but I don't think I'm cut out for chuubing, especially if I only feel up for it on the weekends. In any case, here's a link to vote on the next venture.
Going to the gym now
Ganbare /freak/
Best of luck either way!
I like the idea of 3D shorts/videos, similar to what Suraya and Ljot Swanhild are doing
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I love this angel.
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hello again, /freak/! tonight I'm finishing the rest of resident evil 4, we're finally going to end this nightmare of a babysitting job w/the president's daughter!
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cute schizo
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Kiki's playing Yoshi's Island
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmdZGdNCkbY [Embed]
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do you smell that, /freak/......? smells like..... another Hugh Mungus Thursday
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Hugh Mungus what
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nice I forgot about these games
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jesus needle. you scared the shit out of me
I remember playing Freddi Fish at the library when I was very young, and understanding none of it.
Do your best!
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for some reason I always thought she was american
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Great job enduring and getting past that last boss!
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https://www.twitch.tv/nokko Nokko ASMR
She's a tru blu aussie rab
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holy shit I just realized that's Bobby Hill's va playing Sam
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https://www.twitch.tv/sinuuki Aussie zombie is playing Little Nightmares 2
actually pretty entertaining
I miss lulu...
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https://www.twitch.tv/lobotomybunny Lobotomy Bunny is live!
me too
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https://www.twitch.tv/ecto the rat is live
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Needle fucked her headphones or audio setup, can't hear the game and is having chat tell her what's being said in game lol. Her shitting on the path being hidden in what seemed like a non-interactive background was too funny
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Needle raided LobotomyBunny! The bnuy was also in her chat watching her play Pajama Sam earlier
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thank you so much for another fun night /freak/~ remember we're having a sleepover in the whopper hopper on saturday night dont forget your bear mace and your permission slip from a parent (forged signature ok)

shes vitsie :)
thanks for the stream! Enjoyed watching you beat the game and your tangents are the best
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>close and reopen Chrome only for it to have manually disabled and removed my adblock, mass file downloader and 4chanx script
oh you fucking kikes
Oh, yeah
I think Kiki or one of the Champs had the same problem, and there was an easy fix
>>97322339 →
its blocked from the store for me for "not following the best practices". It was blocked before but I already had it installed so I was always on borrowed time but now they've gone and manually removed it lol. I have other ways of using 4chanx but will have to use Ublock origin on another browser. Fucking A that was the only decent way of blocking Twitch ads
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huh, it wasn't auto removed for me, maybe because I have dev mode enabled or something i dunno
i use adguard extra for twitch adblocking tho, maybe you can try that
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Yeah that works too. Thanks. Now I don't have to move everything over to another browser. The Google company is not happy with me! That's alright. I'll still keep using that garbage.
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the rat raided the bnuy
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she's been playing Pikmin 2
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I've always used Firefox and avoided jewgle chrome (and now any chromium based browser) like the plague because word being spread far and wide of their memory hog issues since way back. They're quickly digging straight down to the boiler room of hell with their petty vendetta against adblock.
yeah Youtube and Google in general have gone to shit in the last decade. I think my seething hatred over the adpocalypse alone gave Susan cancer
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Akira & Cina of the Sandbag Experimental Facility is Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gov3wKmxksA [Embed]
with a Saw X watchalong
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bnuy raided this backrooms loving streamer who is currently drawing Molly

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