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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv

Previous>>97239802 →

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>>97282878 (OP)
/vrt/ LOVE!
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>>97282878 (OP)
Jowu love!
/vrt/ unity love!
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>>97282878 (OP)
ongoing streams

Ushimei Momoka is playing Ape Escape

Rina Lucsper is playing pokemon ruby romhack Snakewood

Ronja Peikko is playing Jak & Daxter

Montana is playing Link's Awakening DX

Jennybeans is playing Albert Odyssey - Legend of Eldean

Ririka is playing Onimusha 3 Demon Siege
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4M5XGMWpeE [Embed]

Hoshikuzu Komako playing Mega Man x8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDlLAb6BHPM [Embed]

Lumi is playing WoW Classic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_705ly0Fkjs [Embed]

Hibi Yutori is playing Final Fantasy 7
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13-6krRMWTY [Embed]
A pretty good amount of streams
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>Ronja Peikko is playing Jak & Daxter
Gnomin' the thread! Hoo!
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Lumi gone...
Short Meche stream today, long Lumi
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Miae Lou is playing Half-Life 2
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Paper Mario TTYD
>>97282878 (OP)
I trust the captain’s judgment.
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she's about to start jakking it
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Crash Bandicoot didn't work out so well but pokemon streams are comfy too.
I hope Rina’s medical issues are behind her, throat issues are never fun but especially so as a vtuber.
It would be good for Meche to start getting more sleep. Lumi too honestly, but I don't think her WoW addiction is going to take over again.
Eepiest general
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Momoka's going ape!
Stop concernfagging
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Meche can use me as a pillow
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Mozumi Pichi the wolf ranger/praetor is about to continue her Rome: Total War playthrough
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONXFsJ5pHxM [Embed]
>Meche can sleep with me
Yeah, me
>Momoka didn’t like sushi at first
>Not because of the raw fish
>Because of the cold rice
Silly cow
All the talk of silly cows always makes me think of Star Control 2, I wonder if that is a game that Momoka would enjoy?
SC2 would probably be too complex and story focused for the cow before she goes on hiatus
Isn't hiatus going to kill her momentum from the partner push?
Returns from hiatus often see a bump in numbers, but it'll probably mean an extra two months before she can get it
Ronja could win against Goku
>Most orange
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Spidermom flexing her powers again
my knees are bending on their own
Ooh, that's a really cute Diankers! Good job Ami!
I'm worried about her opening commissions, I hope she doesn't overwork herself
Good stuff, the character reference sheet Alicja made for Dianko came in handy immediately.
Rina gone… and raided Momoka!
/vrt/ unity!
/vrt/ unity!
The reference sheet was only completed recently and the model was probably in the works for some time already
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>The reference sheet was only completed recently and the model was probably in the works for some time already
Nuh uh it was a week ago
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Echo is playing Chibi-robo
Needs more hamsters
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Ami is quaking in 15 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bo9DjJHcknQ [Embed]
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>slippery ice level
What fun
Ami live
Ami showing off the Dianko!
I wonder when Dianko will debut it on her own channel
Next week is what she said on xitter.
That was the timing I expected. It isn’t something to slot into an already existing schedule with no fanfare.
>Amalia is getting a model update too
It really is new model march
Momoka gone… and raided Ronja!
/vrt/ unity!
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/vrt/ unity!
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Only 2h30min yap before gameplay!
Why does the troll have a scar
From the plastic surgery when changing from her previous model
it’s cute and tomboyish
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Momoka was cute today too muu
She's cute every day
Is she really a tomboy if you can't see her armpits?
You could in those overalls if she wasn’t wearing the sweater shirt
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Do you think she smells like orange?
>ai Ronja
I don’t like the sound of that
I liked her "being bitchy" moment. She's so sweet and always thinking of the milkbuds and avoiding hurting our feelings.

How is this cow so cute?
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Miss Fushi is playing Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 Tara’s Adventure
Ronja gonja…
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Ronja Gonja...
ami also mentioned wanting to do a chibi model for someone as a 3rd free portfolio builder but hasn't heard back from them yet
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Yukoob is playing Bully
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD4L7twYSpU [Embed] Shyfruits playing Sonic Adventure 2
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Well, look who decided to show up
Whoa nice, I looked earlier today but didn’t see any stream scheduled
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Ceci is playing Wind Waker https://www.twitch.tv/cecihime/
>Banjo Tooie is making shyfruits look back more fondly on Kazooie
Wait until she tries DK64
Daylight savings time claims another one
She really became a cow
Yumaniacs...bad news...
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Poor Yuma
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Gyaru catgirl Lidia playing Ocarina of Time
blood moon got neighbors acting up
It feels like she has been under a lot of anxiety lately, I worry this will make it worse because she talked about how not being able to stream at her normal times stresses her out.
It is cute that she made a point of reminding about the Blood Moon, she was excited talking about it yesterday.
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Rina was saying so too.
The cow did mention it and feels horrible but it sounds like her life is falling apart so she has no choice but to take hiatus because it's for a big move. I really hope she doesn't be too harsh on herself but it sounds like she has a bit more time until.
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The snek lady Deianira is talking about vidya history again this time the 80s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWtjnkwiKfQ [Embed]
Ami gone...
Shyfruits gone...
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Only a single hamster today
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Yuno cute!
Yuno stream tomorrow, starting another new retro game too.
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Drow girl Busujima Bibi is playing more Morrowind
That's a lot of Yuno for one week
It'll be fun
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Asahina Meiko is playing Banjo Kazooie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOefGaz0lWo [Embed]
she's cute, I sometimes watch her vods. I remember how someone joked she should play Skyrim to get more viewers and she replied with something along the lines of "what for, I already have the best audience". Also her stories about her mom bullying her are fun
She has a nice thick accent too.
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Dragon girl Amalia Solaris is done happing and started up randomized Ocarina of Time
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Jean Faymas is playing System Shock 2 after yaps
God I love tan lines
Her voice doesn't sound very gyaru unfortunately. Maybe I've just been spoiled by Brie's
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Zenya's playing some edutainment games today
Onimusha is not what I was expecting, somehow I figured it would be more fanciful and less monstrous
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Orange Chocolate elf Ria Citrx is koraboing with Mumkey Dee and playing Super Mario 64
It's very much Resident Evil but you're a dude with a sword.
Onimusha 2 is probably more what you're expecting
>It's very much Resident Evil but you're a dude with a sword.
Now that you mention it I see it
uuuu... i miss yuuuuno....
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Wow double mario
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cruelly hidden from us
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I hope Yuma feels better soon
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It's Zuzu's birthday https://www.twitch.tv/zuzumizuchi
She seems to have a sweet spot for shitty tactical RPGs
Tactics ogre super famicom someday
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Myu Abyssos is playing .hack//GU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zmj5aMF4MY [Embed]
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Daiya is playing Disaster Report
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tc_JC5G_Y4 [Embed]
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Silly pon fairy asmr
That’s Yuma alright.
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egg phone
Yuma had ramen, that was important to include in the message.
that was clearly a splice
Are you saying Yuma cheated on her ramen% ponrun?
>Jean is on the rickenbacher and still using the pistol on normal difficulty instead of an assault rifle
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Biologist Beer Bnuuy Misha Pyon is playing Rule of Rose
That model is great but her stream title is really bad if you want to find the vods
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Pastry witch Vanille is starting a refresher Ocarina of Time Randomizer
She planned her build poorly
It isn't an issue if she makes a playlist for it with a clearer name.
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Sarara is playing FF8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFK_ZKTHeJ8 [Embed]
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Kidney hat cutie playing more Final Fantasy Tactics! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miSQMIyUs-A [Embed]
Lumi is hyped for Shinobi
Kanon's doing a 24 hour super mario bros marathon today, she's going to see how many games she can get through in one day.
It is a very hype game
oh nice she's been gone for a bit, i was worried she quit or something.
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/corpo/ is going through our archives
>Kanon's doing a 24 hour super mario bros marathon today, she's going to see how many games she can get through in one day.
On one hand I was thinking she'd be fine since she has beaten harder games like Castlevania and Super Ghouls n Ghosts but then I remembered she was suck on death in Castlevania for over 8 hours
Also on Demon Lord of Ghosts and Goblins for 20 hours
Yes but that was on the 2nd lap and I think is a different tier of difficulty compared to 1st lap castlevania death.
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Mono Monet is playing FF7
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Howdy /vrt/
Why do you care? Go back there
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>Amalia tries to raid frosty
>Forgets the VT and raids a non-streamer offline channel
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Mama Kiki is playing Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island in about 10 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmdZGdNCkbY [Embed]
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Rurika is playing Wario Land 4 for Mascot March
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>Kanon's doing a 24 hour super mario bros marathon today, she's going to see how many games she can get through in one day.
Starting in 15 minutes!
>Showing Super Mario Bros 2 after 1
This marathon isn't going to get very far
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTLNvNEXwug [Embed]
M-maybe she is going to play the American one after 1…
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Kanon live! IT BEGINS!
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Professor Bloom is playing Disney Golf for PS2
Manual reading love
Bloom on a Thursday? Pleasant surprise, he must have something keeping his busy on Friday this week.
That’s our Bloom.
I miss Misha...
Fuck off
More PS2 gaming, the arc is going strong
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Fox girl Shiro Sazawa is playing Backyard Baseball
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_GNFVIwzIs [Embed]
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Sportsbros are winning
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She's cute but her bid rate...
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World 1 done, Kanon's got SMB1 in the bag at this rate.
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When she hears flint and steel one more time
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Hopefully she was able to take it easy today
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bweh... where's Yuno...
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those fucking thighs...
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Probably eeping right now to be rested to stream for her snails today
Zuzu is now playing Hello Kitty Happy Party Pals for GBA
still yapping
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Already posted but it was for her birthday party itself before she even to the game
Gaming is better of course
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I didn't even know Zuzu was Finnish
>Abysmal disney fantasia game
I remember that one
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Reading sengoku literature
Or better yet, Taisho literature.
With weak yen I miscalculated the price for Kratos Ririka one and might have funds for one more skeb...
Do you think Yuno is giggling looking at classic smut of octopuses making love with women?
The more time passes the richer in skebs you get at this rate
Or better yet, Heian literature about lesbian courtwomen.
Lesbian octopus?
I guess I scrambled together >>97312161 and >>97311483
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Marna Popri is playing SaGa 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlnXbmmPPTE [Embed]
Yeah, but what does an octopus have to do with Heian or Taisho?
Well those periods probably had them too, they aren't a new invention...
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Urato Chieru is playing Resident Evil 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xX-IBu8xM [Embed]
Whaat, you don't like yapping?
contrary, im a big fan of yappers
Game starting
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8-1 already, Kanon's doing great so far
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Mitora is playing Dragonquest 7
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijk91a8pLSw [Embed]
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>Mech pilot
>Going around unga bunga hitting everything with pointy crystal
Dark Cloud 2 is almost a golf game
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Game over literally against 8-4 bowser
Is she doing warp pipes/save states?
Yuno is Russian? No wonder Americans love her so much
Yuno how it is
She's from ojouland.
She wasn't doing save states and didn't pipe at first but did this time to get back to 8 quickly.
Mitora's new model is SEX
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Light elemental girl Shining Yin is playing Odin Sphere
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Yuno should be Finnish.
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Easy 1st game for Kanon
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Hard 2nd
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Sly Cooper 1 in a Slump https://www.twitch.tv/slumpneko
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Chacha is playing more Majora's Mask! 1 Heart challenge with no healing
Silly mascot games continue their reign
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>Running around fighting rumblers and psi reavers with a pistol
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The Cloud golden saucer date looks different than I remember it
Mistakes were made.
Jean fell for the "Exotic Weapons" trap and the siren song of spikey melee bonks
>Music of the Night
Gotta say that slaps
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>I miss Misha...
Misha is back and Misha ROCKS
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Zuzu gone... and raided Misha!
/vrt/ unity!
She did it
It’s over
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Hank Hill is playing Pikmin 1
Blue screen of Hank
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Bear faced girl playing Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head to Your Feet https://www.twitch.tv/vtuberneedle
Christ her thighs are so big and soft they look like cleavage
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Shee is playing Super Mario Sunshine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAfbRa60wo4 [Embed]
Thinking about it, it is kind of fucking lame that you can't get the bottle in Majora's Mask for the goron area until after you've cleared the dungeon for the area. It's the only one like that.
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Jowu be playing
I guess her hand is feeling much better now
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Lucky bunny Lettie Luck is playing Earthbound
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That wasn't so bad.
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Lobotomy Bnuuy is playing Pikmin 2
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We're a pettan household here.
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Marisa playing Paper Mario: Black Pit
yo nice it's been a while
Yuma uuuu
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Chocolat goddess in raining Juri Mao is back
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Jowu Be typing for white day in Boys B typing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUBB8VBQPGY [Embed]
I hope she didn't beat herself up about it too much and enjoyed the eclipse.
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Jowu's looking cool today
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hey that's me
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Joru got a new keyboard!
looks nice
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Lumi visited Joru
As she often does
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https://www.twitch.tv/gomi_tan Gomi playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown
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That's late Edo, dummy, 100 before Taisho
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First route done
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Shinobi Lumi in 15 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28lW9-SgxXo [Embed]
Nice ninja art
Lovely slug legs
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https://www.twitch.tv/lovelymontana Link's Awakening DX
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Lumi hay fever and sniffles. Classic Lumi
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She posted a part of it too, Lumi give is the full image
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Anon's Shmup Wife Messa Arisugawa is playing Mappy today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVJR9XUWMw8 [Embed]
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cute cards riona
>Art has her wearing a mask
>She's wearing a mask irl too
perfect really
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Thank you!
The No.19 on her sheath might be my favorite little detail of it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVJR9XUWMw8 [Embed]
My shmup wife is a cat today




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That's so wrong, anon.
Nuh uh
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Myra Mors continuing her OOT Rando
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Tomimi is playing HL2
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Freya got some new art
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And this onsen art with a cow
I thought so too, but she reposted it from 2023!
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She does that sometimes and tricked me this time then
Well the onsen art is new and so is this one (by Riona)
Jowu has finally answered the question on whether or not boys be typing
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Kanon's not the only one, Fuwari is doing a 24 hour game series relay marathon too today but for Resident Evil instead of Mario.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G0if2icbjU [Embed]
according to jowu GIRLS be typing
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She is considering switching to it full time
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There is a card simulator for it available somewhere so you can peek at what all the new cards are for ami and retormantique and the other retro chuubas that are in the new pack
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lock in lumi
Holy boobers
Is gaming keyboard better than the normal one?
The one for this game or one made for gaming? The boys be typing keyboard is cooler than her normal one at least.
Soft bear milkies…
iMac G3 vibes
I wonder if Riona and Karin’s collab tomorrow is related to this
Some have macros or shortcuts or extra buttons that can be configured directly on the keyboard I think.
the main (and really only) feature that matters is how many buttons can be held at the same time.
Ye olde standard keyboards have a limited amount of keys that can be pressed at the same time. Certain button combos are straight up impossible, and if you're gaming hard that's a real problem. A proper gaming keyboard removes those limits. Any other feature is pretty pointless, maybe extra buttons work well for streaming but just get a stream deck.
Artist for Gnomanea skeb just released an art piece. With deadline in two weeks I believe Gnomanea is next
I bet she will love it like Yuno did with hers, chuubas love these cute art skebs especially when they are going through tough times
>Certain button combos are straight up impossible
My P/S2 Mitsumi keyboard doesn't have this problem.
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It's Fighter Friday and Mecha March, Super Meche is playing Frame Gride in 10 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-G4M__ywIA [Embed]
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Important notice tomorrow!
It's Awawa's turn!
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Awawa and Nina were doing some white day karaoke earlier, it was cute
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Ririka is playing Linda Cube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYBrIaS3MWg [Embed]
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Meche is LATE
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Eepiest general
Tbh she should just sleep if she's only averaging 3 hours per night. I average twice that and still feel shitty most of the time. She should just take Fridays off to catch up on sleep and I guarantee she will feel a lot better
Ninja Lumi is having some trouble getting the combo set up to take down this moth
She might not be clearing shinobi tonight at this rate
she actually sleeps during most of the day. i can't get in touch with her during the day (jp time) and then she'll randomly reply when she would wake up at random hours
(work commissions and stuff)
Or perhaps she's working during daylight hours
New bake
>>97332537 →
>>97332537 →
>>97332537 →
We need Lumi Ninja Gaiden, either the NES version or the xbox one. Get her some ninja training
That would make for some exceptionally cute streams of frustration
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She can do it

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