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Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:













Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>97273722 →
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luca rabu!!
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I think Freo has a cute little mole near his penis
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this game was better then i expected
Which of the new boys is most likely to piss himself on stream
I still associate megalovania more with homestuck than undertale
ike play cs2 with me
ike says ruskies are RUDE and AWFUL and call him a faggot every time he logs on
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The contrast between the main character's chad Russian voice and Ike's virgin Swedish voice is so funny
apparently the voice acting for the russian MC is supposed to be a stereotypical "sensitive" guy...
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ikes so into this game woah
He isn't the brightest
I'm trying to nijihub but it's blocked
No matter how much I decode it, the INSTRUCTIONS won't come out and the catbox won't open. Someone help me
Freo because he looks cool and collected but falls apart the moment something bad happens
sucks to suck loser
>japanese in the lyrics
I forgot this was the norm because of all the encounter songs
i get to spend more time with ike because he's retarded yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The power of megane and autism!
theres japanese lyrics in almost every single song since black out you idiot
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Maggie Updates!

>decide of own volition to replay the game
>whine about having to replay the game
if grown adult why stupid brat
>grown adult
If you want to swear at me, at least help me.
Femanon newfag /here/ but not a newfag to Niji. This is not a shitpost or some type of bait. Would anyone know what they're looking for more in the auditions? I've been auditioning every few months with each audition getting only like 3-5 views and average of 3-3.5 mins watched. Should I be showing them everything I got, or what can fit into a persona that they can visualize me there? I know some people ask this in here and can be annoying, my bad. I just don't have anywhere to actually ask.
would you play the swedish dub of miside if ike voiced the MC?
/asp/ exists
watch other livers talk about their auditions instead, there are bunch of clips
they don't want you if you're not already established so give up
Ike is seething at chat retards
oh he's losing his mind
didnt klara have like 2 subscribers
hes so cute when hes angry
can we talk about shota rape again this thread
>pausing the game to talk about microphone autism after saying multiple times he wants to hurry to go eat
ike is a shota and he got raped by mita
freo and gojo should be shotas and they should be raped

Not asp anymore. Since my last audition I went from to 2view to 3view on Twitch with very small corpo exp. Just thinking it might not be enough to make a difference. But thanks anons!
Well Enna's doing a lot better early one that a lot of other vtuber alumni.
don't care
good luck anon!!
We do not need any more channers getting into NijiEN
ike needs to SHIT
Jp fans were saying good things about Chaika's bondage vp and I bought it out of curiosity. Until now I have never thought about Chaika's voice being hot...
wait for me to get in then you dont need anyone else
If Ike guess who'd me I would cry
unless they bring a new flavor of entertaining autism
if they don't think you'll be a fit then they don't think you'll be a fit, it's that easy. some en livers got passed over 4 or 5 times like claude even though he was friends with them, it's not something you can work better to fix it's up to their choices
It's actually hot? I thought it was just memes
DOTA mention
Ike played DOTA?
i have seen some reviews of different bondage vps. curiosity is killing me
uhm ike dota is not a moba its ASSFAGGOTS
myanon unknowingly called ike a subhuman retard faggot noob in dota
Wtf is that genre
ASSFAGGOTS: Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides.
probably not i played dota in pirated wc3 back in the day......
>Crazy Mita
>Kind Mita
>Tiny Mita
>Chibi Mita
>Short-Haired Mita
>2-D Mita
Hi femanon, first of all, good luck!
Second, mind if I ask you a couple questions? When you audition, do you fill the application from scratch every time? Or do you just copy and paste? And do you apply with the same character every time? I've been applying for months too, some times I've gotten views on my video (one time they even watched the whole thing), while others I haven't, even though my answers have been pretty much the same. Do you have any tips? Thank you!
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I love my bird wife Enna!
I love my solar dawns!
fujoshi and shotacon elira ending up hearing gossip at school about something going on with luca’s younger adoptive brothers. She’s curious and tries to get closer to luca, visiting his house to work on a project at one point. She meets one of the younger siblings, alban, and thinks he’s adorably cute. A bit later the cute shota wilson comes home from a mission where he was required to crossdress, a common occurrence. Elira can’t help herself and convinces luca his disguise needed more work, taking him to a separate room to “help” him. Which, of course, is molesting him and telling wilson he’s a good girl. Elira can’t wait to visit again and have some fun with alban (as well as further investigate the odd sounds she heard coming from the room where luca and alban were whilst she was dealing with wilson).
you ALWAYS put off playing fotm games
I'm so sad because they'll have no ability to stream the part where the boy then starts sympathizing with the monster and being all like
why does ike make such high-pitched noises
ike dont start that its gonna get heated.......
Ike WILL admit to wanting to fuck Mita because she isn't real
Finally a wave of boys that can sing
And they basically only want you if you can speak Japanese. Also the fact that you're female means that you probably won't get put in. The last all female wave that happened to take place, took place in 2021 and since then the branch has only doubled down on hiring more males. The chances of you getting in are slim to none.
hot. i want him to need to pee but then get sucked in to some disastrous situation on stream that leaves him unable to take a break for an extended period of time, he keeps thinking he's got it under control for a moment and he can dart off to the bathroom but it keeps getting worse so he keeps being given false hope, eventually the situation and his ever-filling bladder both reach the tipping point and he ends up sobbing on stream
kyousha stopped watching ike and he's back to shitposting
i like satellite its a bop
hot. also this but wilson
god i want to see ike after class
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With egg prices dropping, I do believe it is time to force Finana to ONCE AGAIN, eat all the eggs.
>90/100, come see me after class
God you're retarded.
God you're retarded.
ike think it's okay to cheat on girls as long as they're lines of code and polygons because he is a whore
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Get a load of this happy feesh!
nanpa on ike....
I don't think the branch is going to hire anymore girls.....
The last two waves with girls in them had girls that didn't even last a year before leaving. Boy waves bring in more money and more views. I'm afraid that you're probably better off looking elsewhere
Ike is afflicted with a serious case of "dumb and stupid" (autism spectrum disorder)
enna has been fighting sans for over three hours now
i hope ike raids her stream if shes still playing
Reimu making me think perverted thoughts
>can't speak english
>can't speak swedish
>can't speak japanese
what's wrong with him
you guys always try to blame ike's retardation on being esl but then he speaks his native language and says shit like "have a wondergood birthday"
I speak more than 2 languages, with one being Japanese, but it's convo level at best. I'm a VA, and honestly tempted to even voice a male model (doubt that would fly with them lol).

I have been been copy and pasting but I tweak it every time. I have been auditioning with the same character every time too. For tips, honestly just sound confident. Think of it more of a demo reel rather than an audition. Tell them who you are, everything you can do and show proof, and talk about things you want to learn to do (ie singing, rapping, dancing etc.). If you don't know Japanese, start learning. Are you doing the self introduction before the "stream like video part"?
He's reached the level of hunger that has him thinking about cannibalizing us
You could try and see if you could voice a male model but after Yugo, I'm not sure if they're willing to try that again.
I hope that you find the audience that you deserve
i hope quills are gonna get the prison bag just to put him in there
Makes me wonder if they're hiring girls based off their voice more than who they are as streamers.
i hate femanons
Ike's mane-san won't stop trolling him
then how will you get all your shota hornyposts if they were gone?
>honestly tempted to even voice a male model
only if you make it so hetero they even killed you
ike just headbutted me
and bye ike have a good rest of the DAY i wanna kiss you
>>97281775 →
>raymoo says the boys have a lot of unity that reminds her of ethyria
didn't this bitch bully one of her own wavemates out of the company
Yeah, won't be doing that yaoi baited bs lol.
>don't focus on me
That's an impossible task Ike
I miss Ike
Everything is pointless without Ike
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Snakeanon here, one of the threads most notable failures. And while I rarely like to draw attention to myself outside of management duties now, I figured I'd pass along what I've learnt from the various corporations I've applied for and the many interview stages I've experienced. Two of each I got to the final rounds for.

>Break your statements up into bullet points that directly feed the person watching the information they need. If you want to be personal, you do that when they interview you and see how you actually act away from a script.
Being too personal will also result in needless time taken away from the reel which delays showcasing your selling points. For example, if your intro about yourself is longer than 12 seconds, you've realistically got another 18 seconds before the staff member tasked to watch clicks off and casts judgement. Time is money and they aren't gonna watch all 5mins to get to the "good bit". My best audition tape, the longest viewing was around 2 and a half mins out of 5.
>Again, they need information stat. So a solid intro would be. "My name is femanon, I've been streaming for x years. Average viewership is y. I speak the following languages. I can sing (you do a line that showcases range, not a whole verse)." etc.
It's rapid fire yes, but you gotta imagine the person watching isn't a Japanese business man but a zoomer swiping TikTok. You know how you get like point 3 of a second of audio before the next video? Yeah, like that.
>If you are using highlights from streams as a crutch, remember that this is a VISUAL application. Use this screen space to put up stats and other misc. info when it plays. Data, stats, random info that helps.
For example, let's say you are padding out this video and you wanted to showcase you are good at networking right. Have a collab video and visually with some sort of lower third have it go "Femanon has been apart of and collabed with 50 unique streamers"
>You don't need all 5mins. They do that as a baseline to filter ramblings Andy's who hit "record" and pray. Maximise everything you can knowing they have limited time.

Best of luck and keep grinding. We'll all make it one day.
ill believe in the white day stream if i see a waiting room......
Sucks for you.
That's actually not a terrible theory. I know early on that used to hire based off of numbers mainly, but the last couple of waves have had people who were literal nobodies but whose voices fit the character model very well. Like twistys voice fit her model very well and klaras hers. Kunai and Vivi both were good for their models too.
Ike is messaging me and me only btw, you guys are just spectators
we experienced ikes first time
>Snakeanon here, one of the threads most notable failures
my favorite boyfailure
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I love you and miss you
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test rose please ignore
lol this bud got banned
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Don't listen to these faggots telling you they don't hire girls anymore. Japanese companies are a little bit autistic,they have always hired in a 1:1 ratio, even when someone graduates. Look at this pic, and you'll understand, the next wave will be girls
This is super useful, thank you anon.
shitposters will shit on you but I also do believe that we'll get a girl wave next
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the easiest way to test if you are banned is to go to https://www.4channel.org/banned
Could explain a lot.
I'm pretty sure they had 2 candidates for twisty but it's pointless to talk about it now since shitposters will latch on
Thanks! I'll audition again. But if I failed, I might try the next audition for a male model.
They should hire a 7 girl wave then a 3 boy wave to even things out a bit
I'll be a success one day!
shortening sonny to son is really funny
EN idios believers stay strong
you sure will be, and i will be so happy for you
The best advice you can get for applying is to literally ask Denauth what they did for theirs and if they have any advice or opinions on what to do btw.
Just superchat them and ask.
>t. Vox
ryojisan talked about it in his first radio stream iirc
honestly I find crazy that it’s hard to get in considering I’m pretty sure with nijis reputation that the audition pool would be a lot smaller
theyre probably really picky
Considering the damage a bunch of menhera women have done to the company, I'd wager they're just being way more picky.
milgur got tired of numberfagging
most niji antis are just loud and we're still considered the best bet for male vtubers
Even if only 10 people auditioned, only around half of them would be able to get in every year
time goes on, people have less and less connection to Selen, most of the shitters got really bored since none of them are creative and there's no ammo
i don't find it crazy, why are people surprised the number of people willing to be in niji, have a clean history, have no obligations and thus being able to conform to jp hours and managerial nitpicking as well as travel out of the country several times eventually AND be a singer AND not be a cripple since we already have one AND get along with the preselected 4 others AND be able to stream at least every day until a few months in once they're established
The family pretend to turn a blindeye to it all. She's friendly and chatty and it's nice to have another girl in the house as Yotsuha has been the only true feminine energy. Meanwhile this is helpful for them, they need Wilson and Alban to go undercover and investigate a new club that's recently opened up that's just outside of their sphere of influence. Elira has a bit of gossip on the situation through the girls she hangs out with and they've been using her intel to help formulate their plan as she loves to just ramble about things. They learn through her that there's already been a couple of guys sussing out the place, and know they have to act fast. They first guy they send along, short dress, full face of make-up and wig on is Wilson. He needs to impress to work his way into the favor of the four guys they've identified as targets to work their way in any everyone knows that girls get into places easier. Seible upon seeing him approaching actively calls out to him to welcome him in telling him about an event they've got going on. Wilson plays things up as best as he can, saying that 'she' doesn't know, but maybe a few drinks will help her loosen up. Going inside she notices another presence who doesn't quite belong. Shorter than her but more confident in her heels, she narrows her eyes as Wilson enters. Wilson isn't they only prettyboy with killing skills in the building and as 'she' moves toward the bathroom to 'fix her makeup' she slides a hand under Wilson's skirt grabbing at her ass while no one else is looking. Claude sends a very clear message to him in that moment as Wilson moves to order his first drink.
You couldn't even soundpost it for his whine at the end?
do you think some anons ITT are going to be the cream of the crop for niji auditions?
I'm not trying to shitpost when I say that I don't think they'll hire girls anymore
It took nearly a whole year to debut a single wave and the last two waves with girls in them have had girls that haven't even lasted a single year before leaving. The ratio has been shown to be about 70-30 with a girl majority audience. There's not much reason to want to hire girls anymore because not only do the boys get more in terms of viewership money and merch sales, That's where the audience is.
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I'm lazy...
You got the schizo samefagging replies so be mindful
gutto naito!
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I'm thankful none of them have posted cringe like during Iluna pre-debut
I think you guys just suck at writing job applications
enna's going to fight sans whether or not the stream is up
the shota rape anons just need to write a full fic together at this point, they made a whole AU with roles and ages for niji members..
sans is sabotaging enna's stream
ike you stupid idiot you should have raided into her....
anons can't even open two catbox links
its over
i miss Vivi
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still sad that there was no full chinese stream between her, vivi, peto and claude
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Your opinion about 70/30, viewership, money, bla bla doesn't matter. It's clear they don’t base hiring on these metrics and obviously follow a logical pattern. The girls will be hired next, no matter what
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getting parasocial over anons
watching streams together
wanting to destroy their beds
to cum inside their most vulnerable hole
and everyday, it just gets worse
You'll always have https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDC01CPNexw [Embed]
me too, i wish the nba collab happened for her because i think she would have a different mindset that way
We will really see. Because like I said, boys bring in money, girls leave
Shit not like it matters, the collab got canceled halfway through and nobody said anything. They didn't even sell the fucking Merch in the US
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their inability to understand each other's dialect of chinese was and always will be funny, even if shitposters make it seem like they hate each other
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meanwhile i just wanted the nui
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If you're so parasocial to anons say good night back to me
Good night
love this jobber
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rabu rabu rabu
yeah i know, im just saying if she got included maybe she would have a different mindset towards the company whether it got cancelled or not
some of the ideas are too good to go to waste
Hold on this is just your ship chart
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have you ever even seen a cuter rose?
What a waste of a model.
>Are you doing the self introduction before the "stream like video part"?
Yeah, I always start by introducing myself. I'm actually quite confident in my video, the issue is getting them to watch it, which is the part I'm confused about, since I've written pretty much the same thing every time I've applied but the last two times I haven't gotten a single view. I don't know what I'm doing wrong in that aspect.
TTT just got the short end of the stick in so many ways; they were an experimental wave in a way with no name off the bat, didn't have a part in their own debut song, got shoved out the gate right around when /that/ happened which meant they had to deal with that low morale for most of their career plus their success getting kneecapped. I have qualms with some things about the girls but they really did have it rough. If they toughed it out they'd probably be happier now but I can't blame them for going their own ways and it is what it is.
I'd rather they take their time filtering out menheras and literal double agents(zaion followed falseyeed on her niji account for example)
You found out
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Kindness hurts.. your love is too much.....
Reminder that Claude knew about the collab but Vivi or Kunai knew nothing about it. Talk about unity
>didn't have a part in their own debut song
Didn't Kunai and Vivi choose to not sing their song while only Claude wanted to?
claude really is a soldier for sticking but I don't blame the two girls for leaving
not as big a waste as the other wasted silver hair model
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Nta but chu chu chu pomdog
Slaps your butt
chu chu
yeah Kunai and Vivi were glad they didn't have to sing a song
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it's honestly crazy how perfect rosemi's model is
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toughing it out thug style
Honestly man I think the biggest reason was that Kunai wanted out. I think you could have given Vivi any merch desk she wanted but she wasn't gonna stay, especially not with Claude.
Yes, it was their choice. I didn't really mean that they didn't get the opportunity to do it, just that it didn't happen which made TTT even more of a unique case.
I agree. He had an easier time making friends even outside of the hanamori crew than the girls did though so he probably felt a bit less isolated. When Kunai went on a massive break it basically left Vivi alone because she's way shyer than she seems.
so did pomu actually watch overture or was that one pomie lying
Lying, I'm afraid
literally never said anything about it
Even Elira didn't know why she beat Sans.
Just click the link
enna is making a gamble for her mental fortitude...
For the record to end this once and for all, Mint's made it clear that:
She's moved on from Nijisanji
She doesn't keep in contact with anybody from the company
She's not interested in what any one of them do
Stop falling for stupid bait, stop trying to bring her up whenever anything happens with Nijisanji, stop trying to loop this all the goddamn time. She's gone, everybody's gone their own separate ways; get over it and move on.
If she did, we'll never know. To busy deep throating the holo pussy.
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ill always love my big sisters
if enna doesn't beat sans this stream she's marrying millie and elira
Ike is one of the biggest undertale spergs alive and it still took him a couple hours when he did it
thanks for thinking so highly of me
Clearly, the current one is obviously a stranger to Niji. The past has died, and the new one has decided to be a completely new person with no ties to anything from before. Please don't consider that person a Pomu anymore.
You're so cute.
watch her then?
This post was made by a certified FATASS
Might be that the form isn't niched enough. If you're saying you can do what others are saying, it might be they are looking for those with higher numbers as well with how they wrote it.
>didn't post anything not even an emoji
>was full live posting holo
what the fuck do you think?
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Remember who they used to be, not who they currently are.
It will never be the same.
i miss nina a lot
no its not the same
Nostalgiafags be damned
I like that she uses the bululu as a stream alert. if she hated niji and ethyria there's no way she would have kept it.
>saying people move on means you're a schizo
This thread is so fucking retarded
NTA by the way but you'll call me a samefag anyway
>no ties
why does she complain about nijisanji every other week then
Nina had ambitions to stand out and carve her own niche.
Matara coasts by, never really standing out or doing anything unique anymore. Any goals she had have long since been abandoned
Anon, she's already graduated
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it's kind of funny how many people lurk this thread just to shitpost former livers whenever they're mentioned
this was way more cutesy than i expected but i like it
enner will never be free from the funny skeleton at this rate
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count scapula...
and how quickly they vanish all at once
she redebut
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theres a lot of cute myatama art now because tamako said she looks up to myamya
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Me too but mainly just because I hate twitch and I hate roaches
She never at any point said she hated any of them and even her infamous "I'm only friends with Rosemi" monologue was just a part of a longer tangent about how it's nearly impossible to keep up with a bunch of work friends when you don't work at the same place and send half your time with them anymore. She was basically saying she used to spend her free time with other friends and stuff like that because her "work day" was spent with her friends in NijiEN, but now her limited free time is for other friends and stuff like that + NijiEN, and that's assuming they have the same free time to keep up with her too. Harsh truth is you can't stay close with everyone forever, it's like when people graduate high school with a ton of long-time close friends but a year later only talk to a 1-2 of them if any at all.
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i can't thug it out no more help me chat
i love anon's daughter and myamya!!
She keeps not acknowledging anything from Niji, including the name. That’s why she’s always vagueing shit about the company with 'in my dream,' 'my old job,' 'my old workplace' 'my alternative timeline'
ike always talked about her positively and the stories he shared with her during their hangouts were fun
you think any of the people that talk that shit have any experience having, let alone falling out of contact with, friends?
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its getting colder around here indeed. is he really from the south hemisphere
Wat does she mean by quit
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Aia pls...
Mr John is so cool guys.
dorky just like her
He talks about Mysta, Nina, Mika, Hex, and even Pomu pretty often in a positive light (Yugo too sometimes but usually more vaguely)
quit being menhera
yeah even today he just mentioned pommer
Being american
does he talk about selen?
didn't she just have an offcollab with a cute holo mama last week? why is she so menhera...
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barely anyone watched that, it had like 1.5k CCV
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Nothing more than a rrat, but maybe seeing the EN's in all these events is getting to her.
It could have been her up there very easily, but she gave it up, that sort of thing is beyond the reach of most indies.
seible’s chat rules include no swearing or inappropriate messages..
dramamonkeys will blame this on the company she has been unaffiliated with for over a year now
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the only way ike can save himself from mita is becoming mita
enner keeps losing hp to the easiest sans strats
this stream was so funny genuinely one of the best playthroughs i seen of this game and he enjoyed it so much too
you're late, anons already talked about whether he stays pure and chaste or whether he gets a slutty corruption arc
wtf, jerma got into nijisanji?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdfs6qZK4QM [Embed]
seiso boy, the closest thing to male rosemi
oops.. he should stay pure and get raped then become slutty
I give it 3 months before he has to sit his chat down like they're a bunch of children and give them a talking to.
doesn't doppio also avoid swearing?
He does. Shu, Klara, and Rosemi too, I think
@NewBoys be trigger happy with chat
Maria too
he does but i would not consider him seiso still, he is pretty open about his fetishes when the topic arises
which one of the new boys would you rape?
Why are they so fucking erotic? Sex with both of them
that was AI
not real
there is no proof
But it's REA
what are his fetishes
vox rosemi maria should collab again
Pregnancy makes your feet bigger but since my latina wife already has tiny feet her feet will still be small.
Latina feet LOVE
Asian feet LOVE
theoretically, would anycolor accept pomu back if she ungraduated? other livers have ungraduated, but not nearly with such a long gap. not that it matters I suppose, the western vtubing sphere would crucify her if she did it...
Doppio should invent a personality where he swears like a sailor
there was only one liver that pulled a sasaki and it was only because of nintendo perms
she has and always will have plenty of opportunity to appear in 3D and perform like she's always wanted to, especially with her brownie points from her conveniently timed debut plus the fans she already had before, plus her cozying up to an ex holo, so i doubt she cares all that much about not being able to do things in general. but still she'll never be able to perform to a crowd of thousands in japan being paid for her time with weeks of professional dance lessons, use of a massive multimillion dollar studio and a professional band and stage production budget so high they were dropping tens of thousands of dollars on literal pyrotechnics just for fun
all of them but in particular freo is for aggressive free use and seible is for gentle steady mindbreak
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big feet are hot, preggo fags are mentally ill, you probably like armpit hair too
you’re so based
feet, loli, blood, as in what he's mentioned as doppio and not even mentioning his porn asmrs
>hormones makes her really needy and horny
>bigger nipples
>larger areola
>darker nipples
>breast milk
What’s not to like?
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what the fuck does mint even want, she has like ten times the CCV of most Niji members
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Hard to say really. I think someone said the door was still open for them, but would she want to? Would gaining her niji fans back be worth of the cost of having jilted holofags crucify her?
Would anyone in the company even want her back?
>fuck the dry cleaning!
kino, i think. stay determined, bird wife!!
listening to both enner and rou struggle is amazing
>bigger nipples and areola
>darker nipples
>breast milk
>What's not to like?
The gigantic bloated belly, the baby part
Aiiiieeee stinky gamer bird
Indies have it reeally fucking rough honestly, the friendships in the indie sphere are even faker than the corpo ones, constant every day streaming grind and constantly engaging to get views
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would she have been picked for overture
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I don't mean to alarm you guys or derail, but its possible Gelbooru might be dead for good soon.
If there's any images there you like, better go and save them.
My latina wife would look really cute with her baby bump tho Rosemi would not survive
I don't think Anycolor would be against it, this is more on her if anything. She left on mostly amicable terms compared to those who were terminated.
why would she need to go back? managers would make her unhappy even if she gets to have 3D concerts. if she is sad about nijisanji she can just be friendly with them without having to come back to the company otherwise you all are making mountains out of molehills she is probably sad about other shit like the news of the girl who was killed by her stalker in japan
It very clearly did get to her because she had a meltdown in a membership about two or so weeks before Overture
Wtf my favorite r18 site, danbooru is so shit
i dont really give a shit about gelbooru, its just a shitty site that collects art
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This guy is dead for sure
why do you all still rely on aggregate art instead of having tweetdeck lists
No because the only waves with two people were ones with males in them.
if wilson never ends up pissing himself on stream I will die unhappy
No, Elira always was given preferential treatment over the rest of Lazulight
Does she still keep up with that shit? It's been over a year
doubtful because she would have probably found out before her graduation according to livers who said it was over a year in the making, but the odds of her getting to do something like that still changed from more than zero to zero when she graduated
imagine if Pomu and Mysta were on these stages
i usually use danbooru because better tagging but gelbooru has more art, would be unfortunate to see it go
not every artist is on twitter and sometimes their accounts get deleted, they're not just aggregators but archives
I literally cannot picture Mysta's model in 3D
Hard to imagine considering neither of them would have been chosen
Hard to say between her and Elira who would have been first pick for LazuLight and if it was still Elira, whether Elira would have given up her spot to Pomu like Shu did for Vox.

This has been the funniest shit ever, not even Zaion could be seething about Niji for this long
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always love rose
only love rose
forever love rose
Saito-san is right there.
>whether Elira would have given up her spot to Pomu
She definitely would not. I genuinly can't remember Elira ever doing anything nice for Pomu.
It'd be incredibly disappointing if that's what her meltdown is about considering she makes a ridiculous amount of money and she's as close to being an unofficial Hololive member as any Vtuber will ever be
Because twitter artists are fickle bitches that delete their accounts constantly, or they get bullied by 12 year old faggot tourists screeching pedo at everything.
Well Beatmario was Elira's idea, for one
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It must be exhausting being a wisp with the constant meltdowns, some things just never change
Is it that hard to not curse in chat? I feel like I have to force myself to be that explicit in text.
>as close to being an unofficial Hololive member as any Vtuber will ever be
maybe in EN sphere
even in JP there's basically nothing like her, maybe Shiina with Okayu once a month
>as close to being an unofficial Hololive member as any Vtuber will ever be
just from my memory, hell even myamya is closer to some holo members
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It's not always about the money.
she's just cheating

There will be an Orange Woman / Mint concert in the future i guarantee it
You got to remember taht she left Niji right when everyone started getting their 3Ds and doing special stuff like AR Live and Summer Jam and taking part in NIji music fes and Overture. I think it's donning on her that she gave so much because of something so little in comparison.
>Beatmario was Elira's idea
No, it was staff's (probably Noor's since she was Lazusydia's manager back then)
Amamiya is not close to any holo member what are you smoking
this gave me a good chuckle
But I thought management hated her and never did anything for her though
Mysta would fucking never. He would be underselling himself so hard if he was ever on that stage, that is if he even agreed to it.
i still think it's funny how itt joked about obsydia's 3D clogging up the pipeline for months because selen was waiting on commissions like she did with the outfit delays, and then as soon as she gets canned the pipeline goes full steam ahead
Management during Lazusydia's days was different from management in 2022 which was different from 2023 which was different from 2024 which... you catch my drift
No, I'm happy with what we got, thank you very much.
Literally I'm still upset at a certain someone for deleting all of her art including stuff I commissioned
>even in JP there's basically nothing like her
They should have hurried the fuck up with that, it looked like a dead end job

She didn't even want to stream until Matara dragged her out though, apparently, so maybe she's just mentally broken and can't be fixed
Big selen...
zaion is way more pathetic because she was only even in nijien for like a month while pomu was there from day 1 and actually did something for the branch
she wasted weeks of her life on a freezing cold cramped boat to see some penguins for like 5 minutes and take a million pictures of fanart for her
She's ranting about how much of a scam the AX idol event is now....
I always had a thought AR Live was suppose the grand debut of 3Ds for Niji EN, but when it got cancelled everything got put in the back burner for a whole year. I cannot imagine how that one person who got "covid" feels about the events that led to now.
The only reason Elira went to Antarctica with Pomu was because Pomu paid for the trip
I think Enna will win this round
Zaion was funny because of how transparent the grift was. While all the Selen stuff was happening she was going "Guys look at me I have juicy leaks too!" like a bootleg t-shirt vendor outside of the concert venue
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ToT cuties
>was because Pomu paid for the trip
This is a lie. Hell Finana didn't even go because she couldn't afford it.
Lol melty
KFP is literally the only group that gives a shit about her.
go to the mint thread or discord why do you need to gossip about pomu here?
based AX are fucking retards for trying to get people to blindly pay $30 per day for an idol show without even announcing the lineup
did she pay her for her time though, free or not literally no one wants to go to antarctica unless they want bragging rights for having been to every continent or to make a music video i guess or if they didn't do their research to know how much it a waste of time it is when you could go see the same scenery in an actual civilized country
yeah, we’re supposed to talk about livers pissing themselves here
This but unironically
>They should have hurried the fuck up with that, it looked like a dead end job
She was already planning on leaving when AR Live started back up (wasn't in the all-girls off collab). It was like her motivation to stay was at an all time low at that point.
finally it's my time
My latina wife pissed herself slightly last week, it was amazing.
>3 days of idol stuff
>30 bucks for a 1 day ticket
>no option for a full 3 days ticket
It is a scam. AX has been shit this year, with retarded decusions like not allowing vtubers from last year to participate this year and now this.
thats great to hear, I wish my oshi would do the same..
>She didn't even want to stream until Matara dragged her out though
I don't know why so many people ignore this detail, she originally was planning on stopping vtubing altogether, not just nijisanji, and if she did come back it was originally intended to be months later because she was studying abroad in japan but ended up going home early
https://www.youtube.com/live/sno4SGRxHuo ryojisan playing with men
she was pretty close though
i feel like if it rolled around in filth that little bit of wash didn't do anything
>literally no one wants to go to antarctica
speak for yourself gayboy
It clearly was about Overture but I forget exactly what was said. The money isn't as good as you think and she's clearly not on the level of Hololive fame
sounds like you belong in the third category
sounds like you belong with a cock up your ass
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ryojisan wit da fellas yippee
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sno4SGRxHuo [Embed]
im in
bend over
>he makes a ridiculous amount of money
since the start of the year shes non stop bitched about her car being a piece of shit she also got kicked off her insurance.
enna still hasn't learned the patterns for the gaster blasters...
>but she made money
>she's hololite!
it's funny seeing these points being made as if they mean anything. What's the point if you don't have fans that love and respect you? Also Kiara is the only holo who gives her the time of day.
doesn't change that she makes an insane amount of money, probably more than everyone in EN combined
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I can't wait for finana to stream today!
She literally bought a new car today lol what the fuck are you on? Also how did she get kicked off insurance considering she still goes for her monthly checkup and went to a doctor when she got bronchitis back in January?
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>probably more than everyone in EN combined
Is someone getting triggered NijiEN minecraft has been doing slightly better for them than normal or something? You have people playing Minecraft like Wilson or Maria or Sonny or whatever getting higher usual but believable viewer numbers of like 2-4k or something. Then suddenly it jumps up by 10k or whatever in an instant. Like when people from this board were fucking with Millie's CCV that time before.
logically, I shouldn’t get only a few hours of sleep and wake up early as shit to watch wilson. but what if he pisses himself and I miss it
If you're a vtuber there's basically nothing better than this, something like Overture will never happen again
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is enna gmi against sans?
oh my god we’ve been over this please just shut the fuck up
you'll get a 6 step cipher that leads you to an archive of the moment
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She's gotten pretty good at the other phases of the fight
>something like Overture will never happen again
niji does this literally every year??
sure probably whatever
this post >>97291742
is more ontopic than
this post >>97291740
That doesn't even looks like twitter's font, in fact it looks like 4chan's
1/10 made me reply of how retarded this attempt is
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that's a discord screenshot retardchama
its discord
Is Fulgur graduating
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because shes menhera and deletes every fucking tweet.
>something like Overture will never happen again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr5RRd6JuPI [Embed]
>discordtrannies making shit up
Thanks for confirming lmao
I'm going to make my rat spit milk all over Ike's face

How much do you get paid for hitting your KPI by posting this shit over and over every day?
Imagine wilson pisses inside you while you are sleeping
god inami is so sex in his outfit
do you really believe shes making several million dollars a year
This is what happens when a woman refuses to get a partner…
holy shit yes please
>world tour
>all concerts are in japan
she could have settled for a based pomie like Sonny and be happy
he's not going to piss himself in the first hours of the stream. it's only after he's been going for a while without breaks that the piss chances increase. so you can sleep in
Not for the peasants in EN
>can't read japanese
no en has been invited and might not be
Probably 100k
i did
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the boys are startin
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I'll spoon feed you retard
you’re right, anon
still unfortunate that he has to stream at unholy hours when I literally have the same timezone as him
Check that out Mysta is schizoposting on twitter guys
First time I've seen a 20 minute starting screen
Oh they finally started
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at least try with these baits
MEN are playing a video game
uki needs to explain everything
i feel like it's happened every time ryoma tries to play a big collab game lmao
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Why does Zanny hate Uki?
I can't believe I missed this
she has had one for a long time
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Doppio does swear when he's doing his Saito-san persona. I think the lore for that one is he's a Doppio who never awoke to any supernatural phenomena and grew up to be a depressed salaryman?
only matter if Rosemi is there
this looks like dbd
What happened to that?
She'd absolutely have been chosen for the 2026 concert, but I think Elira was always going to be this year's pick.
ngl thats a bit sad if thats how much shes making now
Speaking of Mysta I forgot to post it but I made a TLDW him talking about his 2 days with Ike for like 15 minutes because I don't want anyone else to have to sit through his awful overstimulating TTS donation twitch setup
>they were trying to find a manekineko together to go to karaoke but Ike was sperging out so hard about something they got lost and walked past the place 3 times without noticing
>he gets pissed off whenever Ike says his japanese is bad because he was easily talking to workers and telling jokes and laughing together with them
>Ike got him a shiba inu figure from a gacha machine as a gift
>at one point they were drunk walking in shibuya in the middle of the night and Ike was extremely inebriated and ranting really loud about anime to the point where Mysta was worried he would get recognized by someone
>they looked at fanart together
>Ike told him he could talk about anything on stream as long as he used an alias
>Mysta said Ike is "one of the real ones" and he has no plans of meeting with the other boys unless it just happens naturally at some point
>at one point they were drunk walking in shibuya in the middle of the night and Ike was extremely inebriated and ranting really loud about anime to the point where Mysta was worried he would get recognized by someone
hokly shit i wish i couldve heard that
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female Doppio persona where (s)he swears and talks like a gen-xer juggling 8 bfs across 6 sex apps
hey thanks
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Seffy talked about 3D today part of me hopes it happens after mechatu-a.
Do tou just want to see him piss himself or do you want to drink it too?
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sans got her like
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wdym she already got her 3d
not sure. I like piss but I’ve never found appeal in drinking it since it tastes bad. if he wanted me to I would, though
Korean feet love
Chinese feet love
You probably only watch Ike. Many livers have that overstimulating twitch thing too. I couldn’t stand Fulgur’s flying emote shits
if enna doesn't beat sans she's playing league
Dudes an unmedicated bipolar, don't take anything he say seriously.
Daryoma - Sandstorm
Prayer circle for Seffyna and Suha 3D this year. I think Hayun finally hit the benchmark recently so maybe him as well?
thought i saw the other blonde in this collab with one of the false's lot a while back. either that was just business or this collab is.
wait you just copied this from twitter kek
EN makes 4-6 million dollars a quarter seemingly quite reliably over the last three quarters.
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I hope she gets NOTHING.
Is that a low number? I was really low balling it
Isn't it fucking pathetic how rosebuds talk about Rosemi here all day yet none of them have created a predictive algorithm that emulates Rosemi's ability to find and like retarded animal pictures on social media?
>Ike is one of the real ones
Yeah, real gay
100k a year makes no sense if shes struggling with health insurance... you can literally get on any plan in the US with that kind of salary.
I want wilson to try and defend rai from a creepy guy, only to be overpowered quickly and get raped
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Could be denied from some for pre-existing conditions. They're quite scummy like that.
maybe something to do with the cancer
Gonna be a tough 2 weeks for you then.
It's just the TTS talking over half the stream that's fucking obnoxious. Some livers have TTS for certain threshholds donos but most only have the little animation popup and even when it plays the message gets replied to instead of disregarded, it isn't twitch exclusive and it isn't everyone but it's some weird cultural thing in that sphere for people to get intrusive noisy bits and dono alerts nonstop and only react to them when they feel like it
I copied it from his vod channel because someone in the thread said he was talking about it but I would certainly hope that whatever twitterfag you're talking about also watched the stream
luigi would beg to differ
My oshi would be such a menhera if he were an american
gmgm anon!! chu
he's already a menhera though
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_hePCuHlJU8 [Embed]
This but with Petra and Danny DeVito as the Penguin
i thought he got medicated a couple months ago
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>Saiki 3D
>3SKM relay
>EN debuts
I'm not ready.
Be ready bbgurl
enna is crashing out
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come back feesh
she does not have cancer you cant get denied for having a gene that puts you at risk, that applies to people in the midst of treatment moreso than someone like mint
people are denied from middle class workers insurances for that, unless youre suggesting no one with any pre existing conditions can get insurance in the US? which is clearly not true. the barrier for entry for most people is the deductibles which she shouldnt have a problem with if shes living alone on 100k+ fuck im fine with my illnesses and my 50k a year and the insurance my job forced on me.
she is not physically disabled and luigi was running around on his familys money and his main conceit with insurance CEOs are the denials of care for example surgery or anesthesia denials when a patient is en-route to the operating room, not the difficulty of actually getting insurance while un-insured, two different situations.
anyway this speculation is dumb bc we don't know how much she actually makes so if it's under 100k then it'd make more sense or if she is sad over losing access to doctors she's seen in-network thus not having doctors she trusts.
Which NijiEN do you think is secretly a thin latex membrane inflated with helium irl?
Pomu needs COCK and all pomies are too beta for her. Maleanons and their monster cocks is what she needs.
Ennaschizo rant worth the Lord of the Ring books coming up
Kek what the fuck is this RP with Ryoma and Rosco
What happened?
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Seibledachis = cute and funny adult cunny femanons ToT
Gojotomos = briskadets but even more underage and retarded
Freodorants = yumes who are cucked by Reimu
Zealanders don't exist
jwu i missed half of ike's miside stream, did he come at all
That faggot only shows up when she isn't streaming
if he was a kiwi id be a zealtomo
he's very passionate about undertale
Yeah he got the bad ending where evil mita puts him in the cock milker for eternity
He busted like 7 times to Mila
as i expected him to be....
>Many livers have that overstimulating twitch thing too.
Only Wilson and Scarle has that shit on for whatever reason, Wilson in particular for how obnoxious it is.
compared to how much she was making in nijien, it does seem s bit low
>Mysta said Ike is "one of the real ones" and he has no plans of meeting with the other boys unless it just happens naturally at some point
So Luxiem reunion never ever is what I'm reading. Because I doubt he'll be the one to reach out to them.
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even my ISP wants me to stream...
do luxiem fans even care about wave unity?
I think I know who she's talking about too
I forgot how to draw porn
Yeah she's definitely talking about him. Kek
I'm glad the dev had the balls to make the Sans fight this difficult
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I drew a cute pose intending for it to be lewd but I don't know where to put the penis
Rosco stop making Alex Jones references kek
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just put it anywhere if guys can get away with putting pussies where the belly button is so can you
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I guess you're right....
Don't date British menhera men who are demons
I love it when the pussy is so obviously misplaced
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denuath is fucking short
ok i have decided i am done being mentally ill, have a lovely afternoon folks
Ryoma got them long toes
Are they all like >185 cm? I hate riku so fucking much
Wait how do you attach human skeleton to non-human model?
the situation has become so dire that even elira has started backseating enna
freo is 171
Seible is 176
Zeal and Kaelix are 185
is this a good time for a shota discussion?
He totally does btw. Caught him starting and he'd look away immediately
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he's so cutieful
so... how long has enna been listening to megalovania
noctyx vtl doko
MV editor fell sick
i cant get over how much i dislike BTB's designs ugh i already cannot wait until they get alts
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6, almost 7 hours
i wanna sleep bro
catching up on 5 hour ve streams. not used to thi s
i hated krisis's designs pre-debut but then they turned out to be really fun guys and it stopped mattering
jesus christ....... is her brain still ok. is your brain ok? 7 hours of megalovania sounds like a torture method prohibited by the geneva convention
i’ve been up since night time… it’s been rough.
whatever happened to that chinese cover that enna and fulgur was doing
i liked krisis though... these guys just don't look like vtubers they look like merch :(
815 videos
finally cock merch…
my shitty keyboard ....
pat pat peep.. hang in there. i only tuned in one attempt ago and i feel like my head is gonna explode
i thought that was in april?
really... they look very stereotypically vtuber-ish to me.
fuck elon musk
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I miss Millie...
first page of the forbidden tome
twisty and klara are the same height.
ennaur........ this is purgatory
Read through and wow its impressive, not a single person in this thread posted about streams all day
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twisty is 145.5cm and klara is 157.5cm
you too
fuck off twisty your delusions will never be true
>genocide sans is harder than elden ring
praying that ome of the boys gets a shota outfit for childrens day this year, heck i'd be happy with an april fools shota outfit
i maintain that alban would already have one if they were allowed to

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