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Previous: >>97280363 →
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>>97286032 (OP)

Hololive sites

Twitch sites
That's our girl
>the other thread
>using bib to shill red
Mogged by IRyS
>the numbers thread is talking about numbers again
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>Wilson's RM openly talking about shit happening to him as Wilson
Is that allowed???
>followed by Lemon
Faggot even tried to bait with a biboo swimsuit.
Dude had to vent somewhere since his company won't allowed him to talk about it.
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>>97285844 →
she's snapping her spine
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lmao even
red got astroturf'd a lots on reddit and twitter for obvious reason. It's annoying.
We already have on thread come on pals.
Who the fuck is red?
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Hail Hydra
Wdym? There's only one red vtuber
>>97286004 →
dont ask me anon, just have a look at the kpop sisters twitter or just search Gojo

>>97285949 →
desu Bettel and Ruze is what holostars should have debuted in their 1st gen. Cover lost most of the female fans with Tempus - ugly models with bland personalities
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Reminds me of the Golden age of Omega
Did he finally change his handle? It used to be HoloFEdevmain before, did he finally realize he was kicked from that game?
>just have a look at the kpop sisters twitter or just search Gojo
I'd rather not. I'll take your word for it.
Niji has been a lot more lenient since they’re trying to keep their organs from graduating
what did he say?
nta but something like
>is there a way to prove I'm not botted
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
>followed by Lemon
...Leaf? Who is Lemon?
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basically that he's mad about people blaming him for the botting and asking what would he need to do to prove it's not him doing it
Unlike cover that doesn’t care if livers leave
>surprised by Nimi following Wilson's RM
dude she follows fucking Jurard's RM
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>nta but something like
>>is there a way to prove I'm not botted
If only there was a place that specializes in Vtubers numbers...
So much about grieving about her cat, she on twitter following other ex corpos for her work still
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those are old follows, retardGODS
They shouldn't have debuted any of them homoning
Kobo kneels to EU audience
https://youtu.be/cFP5AQ6AUwE [Embed]
>its fine she follows homos on Niji and Holo side
This is your cope
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>ReGLOSS 3D Mini Live Sakura Mirage 2025.3.30 20:00 JST
>5th Single Sakura Mirage *new*

>Beyond the way (cover) *new*
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=bYZOxUX_iso [Embed]
>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover)
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=OHQ-npgd2Ok [Embed]
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=YA7QcvdHk70 [Embed]
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=FnAk_ZGfvdw [Embed]
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=efF_c9D-R-A [Embed]
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=vFDysagoQw0 [Embed]
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=VT1on_WaMzw [Embed]
>My Dearest (cover)
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=oxZeLM9rx7s [Embed]
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=BWexRFqs3Wg [Embed]
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=45ZfAdZuaok [Embed]

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=FnRwOG06UtI [Embed]
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
is she going to talk in her strangely rhythmic language or she will kneel to english too?
finally A-chan is vindicated
Lui and Renee would be ok with it
I thought Kobo was ID exclusive
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and the EU audience doesn't care
If for some god-foresaken reason he is on the numbers thread of /vt/ as a fucking Nijisanji EN Vtuber?
Then here's how you prove it is or isn't bots, and if it is, prove that it isn't you doing it:
>start a Minecraft stream that fits the parameters to be targeted
>stream as usual up until you suspect bots have been deployed on you, and can be sure it's started in earnest
>immediately fuck the stream up on purpose but WITHOUT ending it. Force it to "Livestream is currently offline" but do NOT close the stream out entirely. Do what Ame did for Outer Wilds, intentionally.
>do NOT redirect the stream, do NOT send viewers elsewhere officially. If you want to continue playing, just do so offline or jump into another person's POV.
>WAIT AND WATCH THE CCV. Give it BARE MINIMUM an hour of downtime, but as long as possible is preferred.
>if it drops down to nearly zero baseline and stays there, no growth whatsoever? Natural numbers. You're in the clear.
>If the dead stream has a consistent growth curve in spite of being basically offline? Then you've proven that there are artificial bots watching you, and you can then in complete sincerity ask for it to stop and be cleared of all suspicion by all relevant parties
Key to this plan: Tell NO ONE that you're gonna do it. Just do it and hope that they paid out already and that they can't cancel the bots once they're paid.
isn't like only one of them a bird?
one is a bullet and the other is a trez
>English title
ID fags ain’t paying the bills anymore, she wants some EU and North American dollars
with how you cropped the sub this one feels like intended as a cuckpost instead of the usual anon screencap wanting people to shit on homofans/homos
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Sure is a lot of cuck posting happening.
Who even cares? she's in indie
Fuck kiara
If Kobo wants money she should marry me
kys we know what you are
I care because it shows how fake she is because she was happily being a fan of people like Wilson and Jurard without joining Holo
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Naplings who believe she unicorn friendly when she following all the homos they hated. Fauna was probably happy they were getting supported as it meant they asked less of her as they got ignored
It’s like how Anya had to tell people not to “skip ad”
Yeah a Chad Pebble that was right this whole time chumkek
And some people still ask about ID4, your top talent gain nothing from your worthless market
Ban evading again?
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I think we've found where all the homo posting is common from
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I miss mori...
this is what happens when IRyS GOLD
he for sure looks like a Ruffian is interesting to me how Bae, as much as an homolover she can be, dont go around with Ollie's combo, not even ERB, i know she's more of an JP homolover but still
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Filipinos don't look
She’s not really interested in the EN homos iirc
are those two actual cucks? why make posts like those?
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Who's still in japan?
She still interacts with them
what's your actual opinion on Mori's music?
roommate stuff was straight dogshit imo and her early Mori stuff wasn't that much better, but I saw her live and thought most of the songs there were enjoyable
i like her anime insert songs too
Dang I bet shiori regrets not going to japan now
NijiJP is pretty cool, there's a lot that holo could learn from, I wonder how much of it it's just the headstart that they've over Cover, and how much if them being starter in how they invest their earnings
Her latest album and EP are legit good
>There's a lot that Holo could learn from.

...such as?
i know but, Iofi and Risu hang out a lot with some JP Homos yet is like Bae dont want any kind of association with them
in all honesty, what direction should Cover even take with ID?
They seem to earn enough anyway, more than some other whole rival corps even, but I definitely don't see growth protential
so true bvtnegro, Lia
Unless she does and she just doesn't feel the need to share
At this point just go balls to the walls with Kobo and Kaela, have them appear everywhere and on everything, and see if this produces enough money to fund an ID4 debut.
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What exactly is there to learn?
Learn what? All their top talent is botted and everything below that loses or rivals HoloEN. Clearly they arent doing much of anything better.
I'd say debut more girls like kaela/zeta but they could easily pass for english talents so why debut another ID gen when you can just debut another EN gen
>and how much if them being starter in how they invest their earnings
kek, they "invest their earnings" in payouts to their shareholders.
In the latest report they
>allocated x to their investment in the business
>allocated 10x to payouts in buybacks and dividends
How not to be a 3k shitter like the girl you posted
Shiori beat Kuzuha with Portal 2.
Think about it from the other direction. IRyS, as much of a core CGDCT pillar as she was, has done zero solo collabs with Gura, one with Mumei, and two with Fauna. It isn't so strange for Bae to not care about the IDs at all
>new album
>rock, pop, alt
probably why its better than all the previous stuff., no ape music
This isn't practical because the moment he says he crashed the stream on purpose to make a point, it'll cause even more drama, giving more fuel to antis in the process. Why wouldn't he just raid a 2view to see how fast the viewers leave?
Rebrand to HoloSEA and start hiring other SEAs. Thai market is untapped
...he could just fucking ask (lol) Anycolor to report the botting to YouTube so they tighten the controls.

It's what Cover did with Kiara, Bijou, FWMC and Calliope.
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And become a 3 view shitter instead?
>and they legit just doxx her there
WAO! Pirates don't even care about vtuber kayfabe (after not caring about every other aspect of the trade as well), what scoundrels!
Next you say they share members and pay gated recordings!
the entirety of non-holo chuubas can't beat one sioli even if summed together
Love to see Mori performing live on stage.
I'm quite partial to slower songs like Last Days and Left For Dead Lullaby.
Haven't really listened much to her stuff before Sinderella or anything from her RM.
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But we have holoThai in the house
I saw potential in Live Again and some pre-Holo stuff, it took her a bit to start living up to it but right now she's releasing both solid radio tracks and some fun buttrock
also I just like seeing fellow shitposter from /here/ randomly pop on Billboard top artist list
No thanks. Thai and Vietnamese have the worst sounding languages.
It’s just Riku giving himself a pay day since he owns 40% of the stock
Better than indog surely
Biboo being Thai means nothing really considering she grew up in the states, she probably understands more JP at this point also.
Have you heard their language? Sounds like they're on the verge of crying.
You know we really don't need any new regional branches as long as they speak primarily english just stick any girl in the EN branch regardless of nationality
Sounds Chinese, but even more mentally retarded
Their script is even more retarded, looks like Harry Potter spells
Jigoku 6 and Phantomime are her best albums
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KEK the description is hilarious, just talks about the roommate and nothing about Mori at all.
>allocated x to their investment in the business
>allocated 10x to payouts in buybacks and dividends
how can someon still support them and feel good? I don't understand, like they oshi old biz men full of money that probably don't even know what a chuuba is?
As long as their oshi is doing well they don’t care and the majority of fans are concentrated at the top who get all the opportunities anyways.
No need to rock the boat, let them try find their own niche
support the singers every now and then
collab with local brands for cheaper merch + sponsor money
kobo can retake her crown whenever she done her internship/thesis/graduate college
let the indies and microcorp in ID do the work for you and copy their succesful strats
cover can afford to slow down in ID since they're the only game there
...but they're not doing well, no one is NijiEN is doing well.

Take a look at Wilson, the poor guy was so starved of numbers than when he finally got them, he had a melty.
They should get Koreans next but no idea how they'd brand that. Something like HoloAsia(excluding JP)
Most people don't know, most of their fanbase wouldn't care even if they did.
Nijisanji specialized in the 80s "57 channels and nothing in on" strategy and their audience doesn't really get attached to any particular liver.
And in the "competitive" side they even have a "company oshi" instead of a regular oshi
That's definitely NOT it otherwise they would have 145 VERY VERY VERY unsatisfied fanbases for the 15 satisfied ones at the top
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so there is this mega retarded schizo going into multiple threads bringing up holos (it isn't a real fan btw he called biboo as bijou) and blatantly samefagging. i was wondering if /#/ has any clue who this tard might be.
Phase Connect yab is in the oven will be released in summer 2025 or winter 2025
something I've always wondered about "singing/doing X until I reach XXXXXX milestone", like Chama is doing right now:
Are the new subs really new subs or is it just her fans creating a 1000 extra alts in order to subscribe again?
With all of these, not just Chama, I'd just assumed that anyone that was going to subscribe would've done so already. Whenever a holo, or any chuuba for that matter, are the subs really fresh subs? 1000's of them in a matter of hours? Is it just the horde of greynames or nameless lurkers finally feeling compelled to sign-in and subscribe?
Chama has 11k likes and seems to have been at 4k-5k viewers for the past few hours.
Can anyone explain this shit to me? I've always been curious.
You mean botjou right
>flips timezone
probably this schizo here >>97286840
xhe got btfo because it's a regular, uses biboo for holo vs holo often
Yeah, seeing that type of stuff and remembering i probably called her a faggot in kill la kill threads on /a/ back in the day just makes me laugh.
What threads, I have no idea what you're talking about. Link them and maybe our resident janny can bonk them.
No moom today
>just her fans creating a 1000 extra alts in order to subscribe again
All me
the bijou-biboo thing is an unreliable indicator of someone not being an anti, my newfag autism made me say bijou instead of biboo constantly for a while
JP sub endurance streams are always more successful than EN ones because JP fans don't sub/like/comment nearly as much as EN fans unless told to directly.
Our child woke up hungry
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day ruined.....
stupid jets and their lag...
She started as enjoyable cringecore stuff that I'd throw on if I really wanted to revisit my anime club years
Ever since say, 2022? She's been improving at a steady pace, and now she's got a lot of songs I genuinely fuck with, both in the popcorn music sense (like Go Getters and Mera Mera) and the genuinely soulful stuff (EoaL is the obvious one here)
Isn't that just selenfag?
Probably ennacuck
I'm operating under the assumption that Anycolor either doesn't care, actively wants him to not talk about it, or is actively involved in doing it without telling him, and he wants to do something in his own power.
no dorya for haachama?
Probably this too
I'm not saying that he has to announce that it was on purpose, though. He could just say that it was something he noticed because of internet issues on his end causing that situation to happen. Admission of it being a plan is not required for the plan to work.
>JP fans don't sub/like/comment nearly as much as EN fans unless told to directly.
I heard that they also actually bother to un-sub from a channel they just rarely watch or stop watching. What's wrong with them? Nobody else bothers to do that unless the channel did something they expressly disapprove of.
jesus fucking christ, the fucking jiggle physics they added, no wonder the channel got deleted instantly
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They're far better when it comes to organizing events, they had like 12 concerts in just the past 8 months not even counting Nijifes, and they already have 3 more already planned not counting the "tour" and in general the variety of their events seesm to be a bit better than Hololive's, while the Gen5 and GAMERS events are most definitively steps in the right direction, Niji seems to handle variety events in bigger and smaller scales far better, which is probably a plus and something that Hololive should look into, given that not EVERY holo wants to do singing and dancing, but to date, a sololive is "the" things that girls are supposed to work towards. The format of their lives, or to be more precise the differences in formats from their lives is also a little better, and while their technology is, be to direct, garbage, and lightyears behind Hololive, they seem far more willing to experiment with their lives be it in the content itself or the "extras" a concert can have
They also seem to have an edge when it comes to putting forward "alternative" projects or more out-there venues for their talents, there's like 5 Nijis who are published authors, and Nijis seem to have an easier time breaking into things that don't involve singing or hosting; they seem a lot more open to the talents doing [whatever] and projects that could be seem as risky or a waste of time seem to have a far easier time getting greenlit, while in Holo most of them would be rejected, specially for the smaller Niji, that's probably what surprises me the most, while Hololive's peak is massively better, it's the smaller Nijis who seem to have a far easier time actually getting their projects off the groun compared to even the middle-high tier holos. Like Niji is far more willing to put on a smaller and shitter production, if that means still giving them somethigng instead of leaving them empty handed, even if the format is a little out of their general capabilities
The Studio seems a lot more functonal than Hololive's, the 3D is inferior, but the general output of 3D streams is like 2x or 3x what Hololive puts forward, and they do have plenty of variety programming instead of only focusing on lives, which is something that has been lacking from Hololive for quite a while, and it also seems to be a lot more accesible, while Lives require months of planning just like in Holo, the Nijis can just ask with a couple of days of notice and get the studio for an hour or two to get something 3D done quick if needed, and the studio (talking about the whole space for voice, 2D and 3D purposes , not only for 3D recordings) it self seems a lot more capable of handling production at their scale compared to Holos; the whole thing about allowing their talents to just buy themselves new outfits both 3D and 2D also seems like the right call, specially for the oldies. and their in house art time is also a more active than Holos, although that could be debatable or even inversed depending on what you make off the Holoearth manga
I'm not saying they're better or prefect, but Niji does seem to have a far easier time actually making things happen, and their priorities are surpassingly spread based on activity not popularity, as long as they're proactive, it seems like concerts, evens and most projects overall do the light of day, and while obviously the same shill club of Kuzuha and friends get priority, everyone else also gets to flex their creative muscles in whatever are they feel like, it's obviously at the end of the day, just more shit that makes Anycolor more money so that they can give themselves bonuses or have buybacks, but if everything they do with the goal of making money, at least they allow their talents to make, a little less money if it means that they get to be creatively fulfiled, which is one of the major roadblocks in Hololive
Yeah, youtube will even stop pushing stuff to your sub box if you stop watching long enough
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i cant read that much text
I've actually been doing that a lot recently because I was subbed to a bunch of shit that I no longer care about or watch and am trying to get my timeline to only show Holo's that Im subbed to.
summarize your shit you long-winded, tedious asshole
>mumei was hitting those four hour sleeps multiple days in a row in Japan, a country that COMPLETELY BANNED HER MEDS THAT HELP HER WORK
Okay everything about where Mumei has been makes perfect sense now
No, sorry.
I'm watching da bois
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I think you're confusing quality over quantity. Your argument revolves around the idea that Holo should learn from Niji because Niji has done MORE. More concerts, more books, more 3D streams, while acknowledging that Hololive produces a BETTER work.

Of course there is more Niji content than Holos, they have many times more streamers, but that doesn't make them better, that doesn't make them more popular. If anything, Anycolor should learn from Cover something as SIMPLE as "quality over quantity"
I actually took the time to read you, and I'll say this:
Your main pitch for what Cover could learn from Anycolor is how to not be Cover. But that's not very useful advice when their main plan works as is.
It's the equivalent of saying that Coca-Cola has a lot to learn from Pepsi by using a sweeter formula. Maybe it would work! But focusing resources on stuff that they don't really focus on in the first place could very easily be a counter productive waste.
From Ollie's POV everyone is handsome since she is in the top 3 ugliest holos IRL
Nimi going to stream today. I can feel it.
manual summary (fuck chatgpt)
>tons more concerts
>niji talents have more diversification outside of singing and dancing
>niji talents don't have to have shittons of planning for 3d stuff
>talents can spend their own money to get new costumes
>smaller niji talents get a low quality project instead of no project at all
>overall talents get less money compared to hololive but more creative freedom
It's Tuesday you fucking retarded idiot
Bro YT wont even push stuff from people I actively watch. With Twitch I at least SEE everyone who is on but with YT they won't tell me and a lot of times wont even pop up when I see who's live or will after a couple hours of a stream.
>smaller niji talents get a low quality project instead of no project at all

And that's a GOOD thing?!
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this >>97289209 nigga actually read lmao
That's not even sexy, it's fucking ugly as shit.
It's kinda funny how this thread went "Heh, Nimi will win Gold during all of March because Holos are busy with Holofes"

And then Nimi vanishes for all of Holofes, and possibly even all of March
i mean, yeah? it's only a problem if anycolor decides to force smaller talents to pump out bargain-bin events instead of letting them plan and save up for one big epic one
Oh, she actually con pronounce Spanish properly
To be honest have you seen a lot of what they actually look like? There's a reason why they're vtubers because mid is the high end for most of them.
Euros can speak any European language but English

Go to Italy and you'll find a Giovanni speaking Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Lithuanian (?), but no English
Its fucking Thursday
Dont expect any nimi either way
Baby Bean's death did a number on naplings
what a load of shit
>general output of 3D streams is like 2x or 3x what Hololive puts forward
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I don't get it
no nipple, looks safe
I'm terribly unwilling to even glance at your massive wall of unformatted text.
Seems like a solid summary.
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The problem with quality over quantity, is that Hololive also has a ton of talents, and in prioritizing quality they're making it so many girls can't get anything off the ground because they're laser focused on a single or just a couple of individuals. We're nearing 3 years that Mio has been pushing for a sololive, and even if it's happens this year, that's a single person who has moved forwards on the que, when will it be Flare's chance, 2027?
I'm sure a surprisingly big number of girls would be more than fine with smaller less polished event if it means they can get anything done, not all Sololive has to be Budokan live tier, smaller shitty live house concerts should also get to happen. Because at least then they can get to do something for their fans, instead of putting the same goal in their NYs stream for the third time in a row. If anything Cover is the unique position in that as the industry leader they should be able to do BOTH. One of the main driving factors behind Chloe's graduation was the she simply was tired that her shit never went anything, all her projects and goals were meat with rejections or delays, Like I'm sure that it feels amazing for Miko, Suisei and the rest of the first army to have these lovely elaborate Lives that Cover devotes the entire strenght of the creative workforce to, but when will it be the time for Bae, for Mio, for Flare. How about those who don't want to do concerts? Subaru wanted to have a meet a greet with her fans and Cover made her use her 1M wish on it. Smaller shitter concerts, smaller less polished events are needed because the current model is only able to satisfy very few individuals, and while Suisei is not at fault for wanting bigger and better things (she's the one paying for them) Cover needs to sort their shit out because they're clearly no capable of properly helping everyone
i oshi gpt-kun
And the solution is to churn out low quality slop? Don't you think that would damage the image of the brand even further?

Hololive could gain a cheap buck by sending some low rank JP or an ID to have a concert with a poor songlist, poor 3D, poor everything, and then what? Maybe they could do it again and again, but after the people stop attending and the critics on the Internet become too much, what? Just send another streamer to the grinder, because money money money?
too much texto
Any question along the lines of "what can Hololive learn from others" should start with this core premise:
>What is currently seen as something that is frustrating to either fans or talents, and who provides that experience in a way which satisfied fans more?
As it stands, I don't believe Hololive fans are frustrated at the content type being produced by Hololive. They seem content with the options given. Talents seem to only chafe under the capacity to provide support, more so than they chafe under restrictions themselves.
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I guess I just wait for Kronii to start. Is anyone else doing anything tonight? Holodex isn't opening for me and my subscriptions are just showing me past streams.
post cunny and I'll tell you
>And the solution is to churn out low quality slop?
If the girls are fine with it? yeah, why not.
>Don't you think that would damage the image of the brand even further?
I really don't care about the "brand" in the slightest. Like not at all, I care about the girls being emotionally and creatively fulfilled. Plus "low quality slop" seems like a reach, the concerts that the smaller Nijis get are about as good as what Hololive was pushing with some of their first in house organized sololive's, like the absolute WORST Niji group/sololive is Steallar into the Galaxy/Night Feaver 1 tier, they're not bad concerts at all
Think fast chucklenuts
Kobo, Ina song release (and subsquent release chat), and Shiori.
>I don't believe Hololive fans are frustrated at the content type being produced by Hololive.
It's the girls who are frustrated with the pipeline and how long it takes to get things do, if they even happen at all in the first place
>Shiori doing a fucking MonHun stream to overlap a birthday stream
She's reaching into her bag of tricks for this one, but she's slacking. Old Shiori would've used a no-name Indie Gothic walking sim/VN hybrid instead of a FOTM game
Actually this could be a bit of numberfagging by Shiwowi...

Birthday streams end quickly and she could recieve a beefy raid by Kronii if she keeps streaming enough. Could it be...that the Japan trip changed her................?
Yes, that is literally what I said two sentences after that one.
They should invest in more pipeline capacity, but from what I understand, the main chokepoint there is manpower to create 3D studio content, and that the hiring pool is genuinely not large enough to siphon out any more without training them from scratch, which would have a bare minimum of a year's worth of lead time.
She has the capacity to end the stream early, should it get to that point. But maybe. Maybe...
>Japan trip
>Ina song release
will listen to song, but after release party streams are boring
MHslop skip
>4am japan
>watame 27k
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Sir, I'm only attracted to women over 120cm tall.
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So did she actually get the gachiakuta OP or is she fucking with us
>It's real.
>Watame killing tinboy
Thanks I'll check them out. Wait, does Kobo speak english? I've never watched her before outside of a collab here and there. I thought she couldn't speak english.
It's confirmed to be Selenfag. He was having a melty in a catalog thread calling out his own posts. (He also made the OP)
>>97146639 →
>>97146977 →
>>97147928 →
Selenfag does like to do a lot of threadhopping and ___ is melting down
Ok, but did Gigi cheat during the spelling bee or not?
Another day another Miko Gold
>120 cm
Bruh, I know metric is hard but ...
>did gigi cheat
Where the fuck did this come from
It's quite amazing how the Holo vs Niji ALL OUT WARRRRR was won so hard that the few remaining imbeciles still oshing Niji can only go "But Holofans are bad people too :("
wtf happened to dooby, I haven’t checked her out in a while so I went to her channel and saw that her last stream was 2 weeks ago?
Does Kobo's chat freak out if she does EN only/majority streams?
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No it's easy. You just multiply inches by 2.54 and you get cm. And I said what I said.
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Ah never mind 12 days ago with Henya on youtube
She had to do stuff as Amelia in Holofes.
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About as much as if Kaela did a stream in Indonesian or Fuwamoco did a stream in English. People don't like when someone changes the language they stream in.
what did she do at holofes?
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Voiceover work in the entrance gate (saying hi to the people arriving) and it seems that she was also hanging out with the Holo girls during the days before the concert.
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chill thread
>she was also hanging out with the Holo girls
>not candy
Fake image
qrd? She was with the girls?
>I was planning to make my major debut with Pony Canyon, but my manager at the time contacted me to be careful because he had heard that someone was trying to interfere with Mikeneko's major debut by consulting with another label, saying, "I want to stop Mikeneko's major debut no matter what!"

What do you call the thought that everyone and everything is going against you in the shadows?
People who think they're so cool for caring about the girls over the brand get an eye roll from me. You think devaluing the Hololive brand doesn't hurt the girls in the long run? Or it's fine so long as your oshi gets her sloplive, fuck the rest?
Stop spreading misinformation sister.
we sharing fanfics? Mine is that Dooby went to visit Gura since they both knew that Shion was going to graduate. So Ame visited Gura to mourn together.
I like that you think there's no connection between Cover being able to do the big live productions and being able to do Mio's live. Everything exists in a vacuum apparently.
Also why do I think you can't substantiate shit about why you think Chloe graduated?
Bean spoke English and told me in a dream last night
>and it seems that she was also hanging out with the Holo girls during the days before the concert.
what? are you retarded?
Reine is playing Pokemon
https://youtu.be/N5Wl6HgOiuI [Embed]
IIRC this would have been around when the alien freak started suing her so it wouldn't shock me if he actually did this sort of thing tbdesu
Could be mistaken tho
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>>97286032 (OP)
>03/13 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999) | [11 entries]
4.271: Mint (Indie) | Bloons TD 6
4.058: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
2.938: Dokibird (Indie) | Dynasty Warriors Origins
2.250: Clara (Phase-Connect) | Sharks
2.204: Ike (Nijisanji) | MiSide
1.701: Jelly (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.616: Eimi (Phase-Connect) | The Roottrees Are Dead
1.196: Hakka (Holostars) | Just Chatting
1.118: Shiina (Phase-Connect) | Call of Boba
1.115: Rosco (FSP) | R.E.P.O w/ Doppio, Hakka, Nix, Shinri, Ver
1.001: Enna (Nijisanji) | Undertale
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>>97286032 (OP)
>3/13 TALLY:
29,652: IRyS (Hololive) | Monster Hunter Wilds
27,976: Bijou (Hololive) | Monster Hunter Wilds
11,892: Elira (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
9,116: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
8,418: Uki (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
7,807: Shiori (Hololive) | Monster Hunter Wilds
7,662: Luca (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
7,195: Alban (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
7,002: Nerissa (Hololive) | hello ):
5,730: Maria (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted

1) Bijou (Hololive) - 16,359 - Monster Hunter Wilds w/ Gigi, Ina, Raora
2) Hololive English (Hololive) - 13,872 - HoloEN Spring Party w/ Cecilia, Ina, IRyS, Kiara
3) Ina (Hololive) - 16,923 - Monster Hunter Wilds
4) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 14,925 - Holo8
5) Ina (Hololive) - 12,421 - Monster Hunter Wilds
6) Bijou (Hololive) - 14,054 - Handcam Offcollab w/ Cecilia
7) IRyS (Hololive) - 14,718 - Birthday Karaoke + Announcement
8) Wilson (Nijisanji) - 13,200 - Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
9) Maria (Nijisanji) - 13,144 - Cooking Simulator
10) Bijou (Hololive) - 19,622 - Monster Hunter Wilds & Post-Fes Talk
11) Raora (Hololive) - 10,719 - Eating EU Snacks Offcollab w/ Kiara
12) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 22,597 - Karaoke Off-Collab Fes Afterparty w/ Bijou, Cecilia, Gigi, Kiara, Nerissa
13) IRyS (Hololive) - 29,652 - Monster Hunter Wilds

11x: Hololive
2x: Nijisanji

3x: Bijou
2x: FuwaMoco, Ina, IRyS
1x: Hololive EN, Maria, Raora, Wilson

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
24p: Bijou
14p: IRyS
13p: Wilson
11p: Ina
10p: FuwaMoco
8p: Kiara
7p: Cecilia
5p: FuwaMoco, Hololive EN, Maria, Raora
4p: Shiori, Vox
3p: Kronii
2p: Elira
1p: Baelz, Nerissa
Do you actually any of them tho anon?
nijeets tuckered themselves out making excuses for nijiEN's Minecraft bots for two days(just kidding, it's past midnight for them)
Dude Holofes literally gathers a TON of vtubers from other companies and indies. Like all of the large vtubers all know each other and since it's hard to get everyone together, especially on the Holo side since they're always so booked, it's a great chance to hang out with all of your friends. Not on the same scale but OffKai is also becoming one of the big vtubing IRL meet up places also
Mine is that Nimi's cat got cancer and died shortly after she quit hololive OH WAIT lmao
>Dude Holofes literally gathers a TON of vtubers from other companies and indies.
Don't take it as insult against holo but nobody gives a shit about holofes besides holo/ holo adjacent especially in the western scene.
>Dude Holofes literally gathers a TON of vtubers from other companies and indies.
Mostly the Japanese, and Dooby didn't go to Japan, anon.
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Gura is totally not graduating guys. LMAO.
You do know there are other vtubers besides Holo and Dooby right? That's why they said other companies and indies you dumb waterhead
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I have long ago embraced Gura's job as a sort of anti-competition death squad.

She'll stream tomorrow, just to piss on the new Niji's parade.
>Gura is totally graduating guys. LMAO.
>That's why they said other companies and indies you dumb waterhead
Did any other vtuber besides Mint go to holoexpo? In fact did any en vtuber do a watchalong of fes this year.
She talked about a planned date with Urana soon where she was going to bring a bunch of her favorite movies to watch and Mori was goign to cook for her. Sounds like some sort of celebration to me.
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>She'll stream tomorrow
Oh a lot of the other vtubers don't give that much of a shit about it being Holofes and they probably don't even go BUT it's a chance to hang out with all of your friends IRL for several days offline.
>korone is a numbers fag

I wonder how much truth there is in that statement.

Let's take the current heavy hitters in JP and EN: Bijou, Pekora, Miko. If they had a big idea, a big project that requires time, effort and money, would they be able to convince management to go through with it by arguing that currently they have the biggest numbers?
Maybe today. Not in the past, Gura and Mori even at their most popular were blocked every which way from doing things because of management
Bijou isn't a heavy hitter compared to the majority of JP. She's the heavy hitter on EN but she is mid to JP numbers
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thats selenfag right? didnt he get caught (again) for avatar samefagging and reusing the same filenames across different falseflagging attempts
Might work for JP. Definitely not EN
You said the same thing last time
NijiEN gave us the most deranged schizos of this site, there most be a scientific explanation for that
calm down sis
mayo lover
He's trying to summon squirmbeat
Preparing to seethe about the anime OP she will be doing being announced later today eh?
what is this reaction image supposed to convey
Guessing you never heard the last one if you think it's going to be good
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Imagine having this strong of feelings about Mori lmao
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why are you retards so retarded today?
Only Holofags think 38 mil is a lot of views KEKW
what's the best you got troon
That's all /vt/ is bro
Big projects also depend heavily on sponsorships. Part of the reason EN has the disadvantage against popular holos in terms of major projects is that it's a lot harder to get sponsorship deals outside japan due to all the casual anti-japan sentiment in the west.
I think those kjnd of posts are a form of coping mechanism about Mori's continurd existence in Holo from folks that were sure she'd drop out quick
they establish some sort of scenario where they can ensure she's still miserable despite being in a situation their brain frames as successful (being part of Hololive), which requires both her personal projects being a failure and her continued stay to be enforced
Also vtubing literally isn't anywhere near popular. I love it but it's very small in the west and just regular small in JP.
>MiKorone 24H sponsored by Coca~Cola
>HoloGTA RP sponsored by McDonalds
>Sprinkles McD signboards all over the server
None of that involves the west and were all JP sponsorships
All HoloJP Name the Big EN sponsership you muppet.
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Imagine saying all this bullshit when SorAz had their “small club” live and Azki held her 9th live at KT Zepp Yokohama, both last year. Let me guess? Too small to notice compared to big Sololive from the big holos?
Western businesses primarily sponsoring japanese vtubing to advertise to japanese people. Where are the businesses sponsoring ENs to advertise to english-speakers?
Gura had ones with Taco Bell and the Dodgers
Gura Taco Bell
Gura Dodgers stuff
Mori's ASSC stuff is somewhat close, but that's more of a promo than a sponsorship
NTA but Dodgers? Amogus?
Natural selection
I think it's most due to just not having a dedicated english speaking person to look for EN sponsorships. I see normal streamers with like 2-3k average viewers get big brand sponsorships all the fucking time.
Vtubing is for real small but vtubing fans love to think it's huge because they don't stop talking about. A week ago there was someone who was convinced Holomem were larger than TV stars in JP and they weren't trolling.
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>Gura Dodgers stuff
Cover paid for that
The Dodgers thing was basically the same thing as that Niji NBA thing a while back just on a bigger scale. You have to pay the MLB to put your name on their branded stuff and hope you sell enough merch to cover the costs, which Cover obviously did.
The Dodgers was a JP event since the Dodgers are bigger in JP than they are in the rest of the world combined. Gura was tagged on because it was in America
>The Dodgers thing was basically the same thing as that Niji NBA
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Cover was the sponsor in that deal. They paid to promote and sell merchandise at ball games, it was specifically an attempt to grow hololive's western mindshare/business relationships.
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>Gura was tagged on
In her case everyone and everything is going against her
The NBA didn't sponsor niji. It was an apparel company that has the NBA license in Japan
It was effectively the same thing, just bigger. Cover paid for a license to put their name on MLB stuff and take over a single baseball game. Niji paid a license to put their name in NBA stuff
jwu qrd on the seethe?
Niji lost, Hololive won
Same old
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Nijisanji is just doing the chink dumping strategy.
No wonder their audience demographic skewed on the younger, naive side.
This audience leaves Niji after they develop their maturity.
It's not the same thing you fucking twat, anybody with a brain could see the difference
I find this the most likely scenario. Cover is well known to have no concept of Hololive's popularity abroad
It literally was, just bigger and much more successful. Money exchanged to put their name on licensed pro sports products. Niji's being a joke in comparison has nothing to do with it.
>Cover is well known to have no concept of Hololive's popularity abroad
because it doesn't fucking exist
>Covers pays money to put their name on MLB branded products
>Niji pays to put their name on NBA branded products
Doesn't matter if Covers was more high profile and more successful, it was the same type of deal in the end.
You don't know what this word means
Niji has most of their musical organs signed directly to record labels who are most likely the ones doing the actual work to set everything up. In Holo the ones signed directly to a label basically boil down to Sora, Azki, Mori and Suisei. Kobo and Moona are signed indirectly through Holo-N.
How new?
What doesnt exist is vtubing as a concept outside of Hololive, what with all the shitter corpo's in the west collapsing one by one out of thin air, while HoloEN continues to dominate and even compete with NijiJP.
wait the koyo irys 3ds are on the same day
has that happened before
jannies for the love of god, do something about selenfaggot, he has been at this for a whole fucking week
>>97293293 →
>>97293390 →
>>97293541 →
>>97293722 →
>>97293764 →
wouldn't even crack second army in jp, Japanese vtubers are in a whole different league compared to western vtubers
Not the same day JST and that is what matters
>Not really a Holo EN sponsorship
>los angeles
He literally did the same shit with Mumei in global, by the way. Same kind of filename.
Fuck me I mean in /uuu/
did he become a jannie? literally none of his posts are ever deleted
>anon banned for reported blacked post.jpg
Yes he did by the sounds of it.
Who cares even flesh streamers in the west do not get the level of sponsorships Holo JP does.
Why hasn't jannies done anything?
i fucking hate this board, man, literal retards run this shit
why global suddenly anti yuri
He literally stopped doing it in /uuu/ then went to mint to spam CC
>>97292234 →
>>97292268 →
>>97292283 →
>>97292318 →
>>97292367 →
the filename is just that it is downloaded of danbooru like this
Why would the jannies purge their own kind?
My first guess is homobeggar raid.
>Reine 2k
Is Pokemon a buff? I can't stand watching it.
Anon, he literally went "I'll stop here" and then suddenly the spammer showed up in /mint/
That's not a coincidence.
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Take a guess
I mean, it still hasn't been quantified correctly, even if some estimates can be drawn.

North America = Popular on the internet and well liked, but it is still a major surprise to see a V-Tuber collab/product or anything V-Tuber related on the real world.

Central and South America: Well liked on otaku circles but near zero popularity on the Internet, if you see someone with Hololive merch in the real world, do the lottery.

Western Europe = Same as North America.

Eastern Europe = Same as Latin America.

Arab World and Africa = ????????

Southeast Asia = Incredibly popular on the Internet, there have been some successful experiments to bring attention to Hololive in the real world but there is a clear lack of resources.

Japan and Korea = Absolutely popular on the Internet, small and medium size collaborations on the real world have been successful. Some Holos appear on TV but at a lower frequency than real life artists.
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suhur buff
wtf happened to this board, man? this shit is insufferable
Gura Taco Bell was probably offered at a really cheap price because it was the first big EN sponsorship and Cover wanted the recognition. The problem the west is actively anti-anime so they didn't get any meaningful business opportunities after that, and it's better to take much juicier Japan sponsorships than it is to take bad EN sponsorships for the sake of growing publicity.
because global full of twitter eceleb cocksucker >>97293191 →
jannies are actively trying to ruin the board, something needs to be done about this shit
Not really. She's a cosplayer and it looks disgusting when pubes are sticking out.
Shiori had her stream scheduled first. She's asked like 3 different times in different pre-chats if Kronii said anything about when her birthday stream was cause it's not on their internal calendar
he did the same in /haha/ yesterday but he was spamming IRyS
I guess he wants to start some kind of fanbase war
do your job jannies, you fucking mongoloids
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yeah they have bigger market than PH but not as big as ID and we already have EN what the point making HoloSEA if they keep speaking english like EN
Potential meltdown in 3 and a half hours by the way.
This board has always been shit anon.
>queen of kaigai
it never was this blatantly bad
honeymoon period is long gone
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>begging phase allies to purge non-phase shitposts
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I think management had a word with Shiori about her performance. If she's forced to get over 4K and play games she actually enjoys she'll likely graduate.
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i miss raspberry tally
The cold hard truth is that Advent brought in some awful fans
She's fighting this by playing games that aren't exactly debuff but not debuff either.

Portal 2 is...mehhhhh...I don't think it has been categorized yet. Buff, debuff, I dunno. I wouldn't be surprised if her next game is something like Gears of motherfucking War.
>he wants to start some kind of fanbase war
it's never going to work,he is wasting is life away being a massive retard, he has been doing this from right when he wakes up to right when he falls a sleep for a whole week, he literally has no life
t. homobeggar
>it never was this blatantly bad
Council debut.
uh oh melty
True I miss the days of Vesperonii but we could never have that post Advent sadly
wrong thread?
So do we agree that Nijisanji won
Well yeah, FWMC hitting 90k on a birthday 3D live, Biboo getting Gura numbers on games by her own means, without basically ever even speaking a word to her. El Silencio, overall Advent unity is nothing like the other 3 gens. I would imagine all these things combined bring on some schizo antis.
I imagine this board wasn't exactly healthy during the HoloChina incident, Rushia incident, Selen incident, or Holizontal.
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they got schizos before all of that happened tho
Advent is the Holoro of EN
Not to mention Shiori's...everything.

BVTM and his lackeys have detested Shiori ever since her debut.
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the fuck
Haven't caught up on the Biboo vod did she say anything about streaming today?
The New Nijis, brought to you by a poor Yu Q Wilson who is in the middle of a mental breakdown, and the You Could Just Fucking Ask guy
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Here it goes
>52,855: Miko (Hololive)
>42,787: Subaru (Hololive)
>32,913: Pekora (Hololive)
>31,388: Marine (Hololive)
>29,652: IRyS (Hololive)
>29,392: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>27,976: Bijou (Hololive)
>25,867: Watame (Hololive)
>19,634: Okayu (Hololive)
>16,520: Toru (Nijisanji)
>14,963: Vivi (Hololive)
>13,868: Shiina (Nijisanji)
>13,626: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>13,048: Mio (Hololive)
>12,981: Korone (Hololive)
>12,736: Haachama (Hololive)
>11,892: Elira (Nijisanji)
>11,725: Nose (VSPO)
>11,227: Fubuki (Hololive)
>10,713: Towa (Hololive)
>10,559: Tsukasa Tenkai (Indie)
>10,474: Lize (Nijisanji)
>10,223: Wen (Nijisanji)

MikoSuba for gold and silver with their MonHun story arc with Pekora getting silver
>BVTM and his lackeys have detested Shiori ever since her debut.
She's so sweet and kind though? I just don't get it. She's literally the nicest and most genuine member in EN.
holy boobers
If Gura quit, there would be no way for Cover to expand their business overseas and achieve the ideal 50-50.

Fuwamoco is Japanese-only
Mori had to use every trick in the book to sell out a 4k venue in the states
Bijou is a SEAfag who wants to be Japanese and has no talent
and lastly there's no VTubing market in the EU
70k debuts incoming
Should be regular Biboo time, shorter stream then yesterday, not decided what shes playing.
Still don't understand why that Kuro dude ever showed himself on cam. Dude is an actual orc, no wonder he lost a lot of viewers
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Speaking of schizos during council debut
>I imagine this board wasn't exactly healthy during the HoloChina incident,
Anon .... your calendar reps
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They're gaining less than 100 subscribers each in an hour
So we agree biboo is botted?
is it better than armpits 2?
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Raden should sit on my face.
How does this compare to the last wave?
i hate kiara
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Are these sub gains even big? These look like shitter numbers
>29,652: IRyS (Hololive)
>29,392: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
Won what exactly?
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I wonder if any HoloENs are secretly following them?
gura doesn't give a fuck
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See, I always wonder how fucking schizo one has to be that first thing their mind goes to is shit like this? What kind of mental illness is this?
The worst experience on this board was being a deadbeat after the lean incident all the way up to Advent Debut...
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is that some envious 2view seething on cooldown like these fags?
I only became a deadbeat post advent and it's been the best experience
They're doing better than last wave, but they're pitiful compared to Justice.

They're also doing worse than Phase Connect's last generation: Phase-03.
I think CC is going to have the biggest EN yab this year. I can feel it.
I completely forgot about this guy.
It would thwart their western expansion for a long time but the west was always in incidental attempt anyway, never a core of their model.
you're both retarded in distinct ways
Probably someone from Phase, multiple girls already doom posting on their twitter mains.
Cover's problem is tunnel vision. They think of themselves as THE COMPANY, failing to realize that each individual talent is their own micro-company.

It's like as if Sony forced all their studios to congregate in Tokyo or New York, focusing all their developers on producing one or two games, instead of letting each studio work on their own project.

Few talents, like Watame and Koyori, can break out of Cover's control obsession over their projects and make it happen
Yeah, she's going to post videos of your mother getting fucked by dogs. Your new stepdaddies.
hot mic live discord sex with gigi will go pretty hard
Mildly popular at the time, until troon moment hit and decided to crash xir career with those series of tweets, oh and
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as ugly on the inside as on the outside huh
KEK failed the vibe check
>Mori had to use every trick in the book to sell out a 4k venue in the states
lets count up the tricks
>no guest features from Holos
>no guest features from collab songs
>no paired con
>no weekend schedule
Was a literal troon, and thought they could get in?
Ah, the type that seethes the hardest with every HoloEN debut. The HoloReject.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipFGfuxGQ_c [Embed]
ah yeah
What are you doing in a hololive thread, with this corpo-bootlicking mindset?
Keep in mind that a Hololive's "yab" is

A) I accidentally alt-tabbed and the people watching saw that I have a folder called asdkasjfkasjgkdjg

B) I said something mildly annoying on my RM

C) I spoke with a Holostar

D) I DIDN'T spoke with a Holostar

And those are not very big yabs, desu.
did she make being allowed to create fanworks dependent on purchasing a ticket?
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The Harvey Dent of vtubing
Next krofau?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm7vHnTec24 [Embed]
youtube already released the new FG single to yt music I think, not sure how it actually works.
Anyway what do you guys think? I think it's listenable but I liked FG Roadster better
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So she's just a permanent 3 view she really got lucky and got to skip the indie grind
no, she's too dumb for shrewd tactics like that
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That's kind of sexist of her, she should graduate whoever gets passing grades no matter the gender
Her content is nice, I consider her a sort of break room after wild Holo streams, sometimes you just need some midwest girl with a low voice talking about rocks and monsters and shit.
At least she likes games from a glance unlike some people in her family
>Selen incident
The board wasn't exactly bad during the incident, there was an obvious "bad guy" to unify against there, it was the aftermath and type of tourists it brought to the board that made things as shit as they are
Im not going to watch but good for her
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>Calli-senpai, I don't think this one passed the vibe check!

Fuck you man, hahahahahah
They picked a random girl to go all-in on being an anti, and it happened to be her. The “Respect my collab choices” thing was just a retroactive justification.
Imagine being this mad because people were excited about a thing
Its so easy to hear this image.
>A guy with an Otomo picture is one of her members
It's a mystery
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They're mad because it's not them people were excited about
>was probably offered at a really cheap price
Literally any proof whatsoever?
Gura was going hyper viral at the time, they even made a short anime episode with her in it for that promo
The Mori seethe had all but died long before Advent debuted.
Worst you'd get were jokes about Mori 16.0 etc
This is something I've thought about, the famous "vibe chick" that some girl mentions and what it seems to be the reason as to why Holo girls tend to work better than other companies.

What is this vibe check? How can managers and human resources properly filter those that will not work in Hololive? What kind of questions can differentiate one FWMC from one Enna?
Wish she'd stop doing watchalongs and playing this game, the former for obvious reasons and the latter because I have thalassophobia
I've been orbiting towards her streams for a while and it seems that the thick of her audience are Jailbirds (obviously) but a bit more composed, respectful and quiet form of Jailbirds, less...how would you call it, romantic?
They just check the rm accounts if they have unnecessary shit stirring tweets like these
A bunch of different factors. Social media presence and how they act on it would eliminate a massive chunk right away, probably even easier for the EN side.
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How is Nimi still ticking when she's abandoned her channel or 2 weeks
The lack of continuation despite the collab doing well. This means they couldn't agree on a price to continue working together. Compare that with Fes getting sponsored by Bushiroad and Bandai for multiple years.
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CC is going to be the Miko to GG's Pekora
It's actually Choco doing individual vibe checks on everyone who auditions
CC seems to be a bully irl
Haven't watch Kronii since the incident but watching her in Anyas live, holy fucking sex
Only the first 24 hours matter.
wake up, Biboo
gura isn't known for doing sponsored streams, it is very unlikely to do with the price of the collab
What incident?
Pillow is streaming guys...
She really needs to get a non horrible model
Eh her being a 3view is testament to her skill, loads of people get even better exposure and they decline to 2views in like 2 streams because they suck at entertaining
does EN have anything lined up today that can beat nijien minecraft?
Why do you keep trying with this one? She's not even close to being holo adjacent for anyone to care.
Shiori monhun
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why do you keep shilling this literally who?
Nimi, but with a cat.
>flip, tranny, too extroverted, didn't talk about some weird topic, didn't have any awkward moment during the interview, too composed or has a healthy lifestyle?
it's that simple
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDld3hX0ywA [Embed]
Where are her 10k streams
She's Nimi with a cat right
Hahahahahahah, touche.

Although I like to believe that the girls don't show their true...quirks until they pass the interview. I don't think Nerissa broke down crying and moaning in the middle of the first rounds.
>EN is a collection of shitters carried by 1 5-view
really shows how manwhores sucks as an audience, only shows up for ASMR
That's doing numbers
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Looking back, was this the most seethe a vtuber ever generated in the west? I don't think it's ever gotten as bad as this again.
>JP ultrabuff game (for some fucking reason)
>8 AM in Japan
>Right in the middle of a Bijou hotstreak

Oh this will be fucking delicious.
finally something to watch
who are miki and nova? only ones I dont know
Pillow just mentioned Biboo. EN5 confirmed.
This but Niji except they are all usually 3view without the bots.
If Biboo does get 30k today she's a failure
1 - Hogwarts Incident
2 - Selen Incident
3 - Mori Calliope's entire existence
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People are just starting to find out the truth.
Seeing comments like this pop up on several of her videos from different users. Thought it was amusing, if not confusing.
whatever happened to nerine? I vaguely recall watching a few of her Twitch streams (I think Disco Elysium) years back.
fucking WHO???
Nimi, but eats meat.
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>biboo overlapping ina's original song MV
>shiori overlapping kronii's birthday stream
adventrix wtf?
Koseki Bijou, from Hololive English Advent
Mori has some random niggas threatening to bomb her family house or the horse pic raid under some random tweet, but the Pika stuff was definitely more coordinated
>Got caught tracing
>Twitter account suspended

The click bait clip about Bean dying had a lot of people like "wait this sounds like Fauna?????" So it probably is just like slow on the uptake. I've noticed there's a massive fucking disconnect between YouTube and twitter and that there are actual fans on YouTube that do not touch twitter which is kinda insane to me
Why is Ina in Biboo's timeslot?
ewww what is that think on the right?
The weak will kneel to the golden gen
>Biboo'd timeslot
Biboo usually starts a whole hour later
wtf why isn't kronii doing anything for her birthday?? Is her 3D live being held on another day?
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Maybe Kronii could learn to some organization for her fucking birthday.
They didn't make the short for her. They included her as a cameo. There's a difference
Biboo always starts at 4pm PST though
That clip has 300k views in a couple of days. So yeah probably reached a lot of people.
But yeah there's always going to be people who don't hear about things for whatever reason. In 6 months, even a year probably, you'll still get people like this
>wait this sounds like Fauna?????
And just finding out, somehow
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The thing about Hogwarts Legacy is that it was the first and probably will be the only multicompany incident in V-Tubing's history.

It affected everyone, be Holo, Niji, VShojo, the then newborn Phase, small, medium, big indies, everyone had to deal with different amounts of blacklash, and everyone responded differently.
She's going to get groomed by the /jp/ branch isn't she?
Ironic, Fauna never gave a shit about the saplings and it sounds like most saplings didn't give a shit about her either
Realistically, the "vibe check" is probably just a basic look at their personal accounts and social media, specifically stuff from years ago to see if their attitude is consistently good or bad. I'm guessing the purpose is to see if they can mesh well with the other people they hired more than looking up dirt on them. But it does help if they find out the girl is a massive fucking bitchy cunt before hiring her. They can very easily hire someone faking it, it has happened before and it can continue to happen.
Kronii doesn't put anything on the calendar. It's been like that since debut
mintcucks being holoans deflection post >>97297350 →
>They can very easily hire someone faking it,
Justice in a nutshell
Why did you link your own post? we aren't retarded to fall for something like this Selenfag.
Nothing really happened with Holo. Some people got mad at Kobo playing it, but her fans defeated her and En just didn't play it. JP and Moona had no issues
>They can very easily hire someone faking it
Nah, Justice girls are working nicely with the other gens, they're all playing ball. They like each other? I don't know, but they're working together and that's all that matters.
she quit streaming altogether recently, like just last month. vod is still up on twitch.
honestly not the first time she quit something altogether (like when she was ValkyrieAurora)
Kys, selenfag
>*check thread*
>those two are richfag whores, i hate them
I try not to think about all the cute 2views that were probably rejected by omegay during his homo crusade. Shit makes me irrationally angry.
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"People" are upset at the vibe check thing and try to shit on justice and sometimes Advent and a seethe release. They now know their shitter is not going to make it in
Found the mintcucks lmao
Any specific reason as to why or is it just another woman moment?
>Not Monster Hunter
Thank god, I think I've had my fill of that one.
https://youtu.be/cDld3hX0ywA [Embed]
Mhm, that's why I said "different amounts of backlash"

Holo probably did best by feigning ignorance, they had bigger things to worry about (probably preparing for Advent's debut)
fuck if I know I haven't watched it
>They like each other? I don't know
Yea it's really up in the air after this Japan arc especially, personally I think all the EN girls hate each other
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Not monster hunter TODAY, at least
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1 hour later

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