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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Omocat × Hololive English

Previous Thread: >>97242526 →
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I love my wife so much!!
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Day 23! Give it up for day 23!
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did you brush your teeth today?
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I love my cute shark daughterwife!
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my cockatiels fear my new hand splint
How long do need to keep it on for bud?
Sex with a fembud.
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Its just one of those wraps on amazon. It keeps me from pulling on stuff with my thumb. Luckily its not as purple as yesterday
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Wife soon?
Good to hear that it wasn't something more serious.
>>97302303 (OP)
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Is Gura a lonely loli god?
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Gura ugly and not cute
Gura is Gawr, and they are both Gabby. Dino Gura is also just Gura in a dino onesie.
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I just got home. I will now watch bleach in the bathtub.
based bleachbud
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Gura wants her chumbuds to get with fembuds and build families together.
ai dino bud should generate sexy dino images
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Moved back in with my parents to save money. My parents don't mind the vtuber stuff. They think some of the gura stuff is cool.
that's good
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It's always nice when parents don't mock your hobbies.
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are you sure you want that?
i'd lose my sanity living with family, but i don't get why it's taboo
Are we all creepy perverts?
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>i don't get why it's taboo
someone or something caused the culture to change in the last 50-100 years, because before that it was normal for generations to live in the same house or in close proximity
Are you a chumbabooey?
>*Li touchí*
It's honestly bullshit that I have to pay rent for some shithole with deranged neighbors instead of just living with my parents saving money for buying a house.
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>I'm a black man, with a deadly weapon
>I'm a real dog, we all go to heaven
>But I’ve been tripping on the steps and I don't think I'll make it
>I'm in this big house, still I'm suffocating
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Where Gura?
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Has Gura become a real boy yet?
Kronii just said her 3.0 model is next.
So no Gura 3.0. She was completely skipped.
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I ate a bag of microwave popcorn. My tumtum hurts
There's no hope for the future. She really is done.
Is Gura a femboy?
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thats the fiber working
you're about to shid your pants
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buds, i had my first nicotine pouch and it made my mouth numb similar to how it feels when they inject you with anesthesia in either gums or cheeks of your mouth...
gura should try them.
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I will not allow gura to put a nicotine pouch in her mouth
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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My gura mat is starting to peel. I haven't been taking good care of it
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I've used small drops of liquid guerilla glue to fix peeling mats before. Maybe give that a try if you're able to.
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I never had nicotine pouches but I’ve tried dip and tobacco pouches plenty. Never liked it once. Always feel sick for 30 minutes after and the taste reminds me of tea leaves mixed with spicy garbage.
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yeah i feel kinda sick like the 40 minutes before dxm starts to kick in after downing 40 capsules
i think i will stick to regular cigarettes.
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I loved ciggys but I’m a big smellfag and I couldn’t stand my fingers smelling like ciggy smoke for 3 hours afterwards. I’ve been nicotine free for 4 years now
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i liked the strawberry swisher sweets
but i hate regular tobaccy
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not reading
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that's real nice bud, keep it up.
>>97307068 →
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I’ve tried their grape flavor a few times. My problem with cigars in general is that I can never rember to not inhale. I always feel sick after 5 minutes into it and end up wasting the thing.
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same desu
i always inhaled and felt sick afterwards, then i learned that you were supposed to just puff with them.
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I think the same is true when smoking pipe tobacco too, you’re just supposed to puff on it, but I’ve never tried that before.
This one time in here chumbody said that 2 girls in 5th grade would queef in front of him to gross him out and I still think about that post till this day.
imagine the smell of gura's queef
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Goob night.
sleep well chumbie
AI is getting better nowadays
I don't even smoke myself, and my fingers smell like ciggy smoke just because my sister smokes indoors.
Yes that was me, we were playing a Korean kid's game, gonggi.
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Gura's tumor is metastasizing.
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what's the source audio track of the claps?
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Bossman needs me to stay in til 6am today thanks to all the demonstrations and vandalism at other properties.
Extra five hours' overtime, neat.
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>extra five hours
I'm sending you energy chumbie
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Cheers for the energy chumbie
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Time to enjoy my last day of sleeping in
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Don't cry little Chumbud. Uncle Yagoo's got enough concert cameos, merch, Biboo streams, Gigi streams and original songs we'll never release to drain your wallet for your entire life~

I'm thinking about Gura
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Enjoy the rest siestabud
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That's nice chumbie. I used to not like living with my family until I tried to live by myself for a while, and the silence was just as loud, if not even louder. Eventually I couldn't take the isolation mixed with paranoia for any longer and moved back in with them. Sometimes having noise in your home is better for your mental health even if sometimes my mom likes to jokingly nag on how I choose to spend my money on things like figurines or merch. I know she loves me so i'm okay with it. Cherish your family chumbies
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I'm really not excited about tomorrow buds. Sounds like the weather is gonna be bad, and I hate when there are potential tornadoes or hail. It's like the worst part about spring weather.
/pol/ is one click away, fuck off
Do you see how your action could lead to the slippery slop now? allow only one /pol/tard and they will multiply
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Hang in there stormy weather bud
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today I found out that helicopter isn't heli+copter but helico (which means spiral) and pter (which means wing)
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What the fuck chumbies I slept for 24 hours without waking up once...
Helicopter enthusiasts hel-i-coping right now.
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Oh..... Were you sick chumbie?
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I'm healthy, I swear... I just went to sleep, and my body chose to enter a coma.
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love you chumbies, ignore the retard that replied to you previously.
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I wish I could do that... I'm a very light sleeper, get easily woken up and have a hard time going back to sleep when it happens
Gura is a faggot
And that's okay! I still love her very very much.
seriously I'm getting tired of Gura's faggotry
>short and small (fucking weak-ass)
>to the point she's even mistaken for a child
>high-pitched sissy voice
>crybaby fag
>shy homo
>humble like some pathetic bitch
>indecisive like a stupid teenage girl
>likes romantic and disney princess movies like a fucking 10yo GIRL
>likes stupid horse cartoons and games for little girls
>loves singing (gay)
>she even cries at some stupid romantic songs (extra gay)
>likes horses (gay)
>likes cats (ultra gay)
>likes gardening (gay)
>likes cooking, like your MOM does
>can't even fucking learn to drive, like an asian woman (the gayest race of women)
>only good at rhythm games, the gayest videogame genre
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i love this faggot shark
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Gura really has been diagnosed with the gay...
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Oh nyo.
you should try bug hentai next if you want a challenge
At least you aren’t Carti fans, chumbuds
I dont know what that is but I saw like 4 things on Twitter trending that I had to kill to keep it from infecting that section more and preventing me from seeing more Hololive stuff
I have a sin to confess.... This is the first time in 45 months. I paused my gura membership...
I've seen (scrolled past, not watched) videos of that a lot in recent months, why though? why now? I don't get the fetish at all
i'm so bummed out, now where am i gonna be able to listen to a black man incoherently mumble about shooting people, selling drugs and fucking hoes over boosted 808s and a fruityloops clap
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Chumbie what the fuck are you even talking about?
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Thanks chumbie. Love you too.
Baguraette honhonhon
But it is tastey
the modern day beethoven promised to release his latest masterpiece tonight but must have dozed off and now his twitter fans are upset
I thought she said something else instead of "neighbors"
Actually obeying the goddamn off topic rule is not retarded.
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No worries chumbie, I ignore retarded anons.
i remember when she almost said it in that gta moment
Gura should collab with panko so they can say the n word together
Love Gura always.
sonic almost made her say gamer words
I'll never forgive yagoo for telling my sharkwife she can't say slurs on stream.
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I just had the coolest idea ever. The Terminator revolution happened and Skynet rules the world. And then a Xenomorph hive gets discovered and the true battles begin. Just imagine Xenomorphs overrunning a Skynet fortress.
that sounds like Necrons vs Tyranids, the Xenomorphs may not need hosts when they have a queen, but they still need some kind of biomass to reproduce or eat right? which skynet lacks, maybe the xenos eat the resistance? also how would the xenomorphs fare against skynet's plasma weaponry? (which can destroy tanks and other terminators)
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The Xenomorph doesn’t necessarily have to use humans to reproduce or feed, and we know dogs still exist in the Terminator universe so maybe other animals still do too. I think the plasma weaponry would annihilate the Xenomorph, but where the Xeno shines is its ability to sneakily ingrain itself in its environment and overrun its enemy just like zerg rushes.
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well I'd watch or read something like that, sounds cool. I just don't see why the xenos would attack skynet besides self defense, they have nothing to gain, just like the tyranids avoid the necrons because they can't assimilate them and only lose biomass since their weapons just disintegrate everything on the molecular level
Didn't Xenomorphs nest around the fusion power plant? They can probably feed on it somehow.
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goob morning
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Tyranids are my favorite species in 40k. Although I never really liked how they can use bio-guns. I think they should be all melee and then maybe the Tau should be all range. Tau mechs are so cool desu-sa-me-desu.
Ok how about this. Maybe the Predator alien is involved in this too. Maybe the Predator wants to overtake Earth because it’s in the habitable zone and they want to turn the planet into a hunting ground ok. And then they find that Skynet is fucking shit up so the Predators seed the planet with Xenomorphs. That way the Xenos can do all the dirty work of infiltrating bases and the Predators can hang back and infiltrate in their own sneaky ways.
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goob mornin bud
I want to create a species like the Zerg or Tyranids, but I think I will give them some ranged attacks like poisonous spines. Just make them insanely deadly ambush predators.
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oh that's cool, I also just read that the dorsal tubes are always pulling in ambient matter from the environment.
that sounds cool too, way better plot than the last predator movie where the predator wants to harvest the autism from a kid to make himself more powerful somehow...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baoLPTgDPQ0 [Embed]
Collecting human DNA kind of ruins the vibes. It's way cooler to think of it as some alien dude on safari.
oh and I do dislike the bio guns too (they're really horrifying though since the projectile is alive and will eat you from the inside out), I think they look stupid, but I don't mind if they spit acid or shoot spines
yeah that's what they're supposed to be, always on the search to find better/stronger prey to hunt, the bigger the challenge the better. young predators hunt xenomorphs to prove themselves and to become adults and so on.
I hate that she likes rap so much. It really bothers me.
I think it’s really cute and funny that she’s trying so hard to keep her voice quiet.
Negotiation tactic and market redirection to in house goods
[/spoiler]Also for everything that isn’t a luxury item, there is a native alternative that won’t incur cost on the consumer. Consumers switch, sellers realize they aren’t profiting from foreign goods, and they switch to national sources.[/spoiler] Ideally.
>>97323947 (me)
Don't want to wake mommy and daddy
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Oh nyo chumbie you fugged it all up. oh nyo chumbie oh nyo oh nyo oh nyo
It's still incredibly frustrating to see a year worth of gains get deleted in just a couple weeks. Hope this shit gets better.
Don't want to wake mini-Gura.
That’s what makes it so funny. While some delinquents are trying not to get caught smoking weed, she’s in her room trying not to get caught acting like a total tard.
I hope mini-Gura becomes a dango.
yeah idk it’s a long term strategy not a short term one
Which is actually a welcome change considering the trend of the past 40 years or so of pursuing short term gain to pander at the cost of more important things
When was this recorded?
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No pain, no gain. The market deserves it for going crazy and trying to replace the economy.
No eye-deer. I assume before hololive.
It's San Andreas music, so that should give you a hint.
moved in with my dad when i went back to grad school. he occasionally quotes korone, i have done irreparable harm.
I hope she dies rather than turn into Ayame.
it's mostly for the people that don't like humanoid monster but still want the monster aspect of- basically they want something new to feel something also there's gore and egg stuff
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Thank you for the recommendation chumbie. I will listen to this on the drive home.
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Hon hon oui oui!
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now make her say "Hoocha!" for stinger
goob morning
i love gura :D
Goob morn, pardner
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Why are so many buds getting up so early today
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goob night
I would like this long term strategy more if everyone wasn't dead set on a war with China. Reducing trade with them makes that more likely.
My cat died and I never slept.
Goob nighto
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I always say goob morning, but I'm actually almost always about to go to bed when I say that.
I'm awake at night.
My eep schedule is fucked. I like watching the dawn though.
play with Gura
that's nice but it would be better without the guy
I’m really sorry to hear that. I wish I had better words to give you. I know you must’ve given your cat a loving life. They are resting now, happy to have had you in their life. Be strong and happy for them too.
Carti doesn't rap about gangs, dumbfucks
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let's go RIP
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Oh dear I got the wrong chummie >>97321708
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Love choccybud
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La basé
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For King and Cunny!
i've been sleeping and waking up earlier lately
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Gura is sedated
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For s’ghetti too!!!
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*laugh track*
I think there's a Paul McCartney/Paul is Dead thing going on with Gura, I think the original Gura died in 2021 and the current one is a skinwalker homunculus. I don't really have evidence it's just intuition
ok rocco botte
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I just bought 25 bucks worth of virtual pinball tables...for Pinball FX3 instead of FX.
At least they were on sale...
Thanks anon. He’s not in pain anymore. He’s happy. I know he is.
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dino sending some love
Stop pretending to be cute, Chumbos.
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i think chumbies are cute and funny
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Gooba thinks I'm cute.
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RIP kittybud
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I slept for 24 hours and got nothing much to do.
I go back to work the nightshift tonight so im always up at this time. Kinda wanna try and sleep through the Afternoon and be up for the evening first though. Never know when the Gwombus will have a prime time stream
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Checking in with biblebud
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What are da chumbies watching this season? I'm watching Medalist and it's pretty good. Yeah there's cunny but also there's just genuinely good characters. I want to protect Inori
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Angel beats. I rewatch AB every two seasons.
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Oh dang, now that i think about it, i've never watched the asmr streams, i'll get into it tonight
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Goob morning.
Goob morning chumbies. I managed to get about 10 hours of sleep
Morning bud. Today I have a couple hours to read. I bet I can get through 10 chapters before lunch
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>>97331029 →
i wanna stick my head under there
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Goob nite
Sleep well bud
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I think it's about time we talk about what we should do with this thread in the future since the graduation might be a very real possibility. I suppose the smartest thing to do would be to just copy teamates and saplings and rename it based on whatever her reincarnation will be called but that's just my opinion and I would love to hear what y'all might think.
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I don't think it's necessary to think too hard about things chumbie, especially not until it actually happens. I'll follow her wherever she decides to be or decides to stay here.
shut the fuck up for once and enjoy the comfy
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>I think
>I don't think
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Thinking will only lead to bad things!
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Ok I played around with Robots on FO4 overnight just killing time until I go back to work tonight and here are the things ive found

>Reaperhead is broken
Auto-decapitate instant-kill happens with dual-gatling laser and cluster bombs tends to trigger constantly and even without weapons doing 10 hits a second its still busted

>Mr Handy with all laser Miniguns andevery Voltic armor piece is good
Not as busted as severing heads but good in a fair non-busted way. Probably the best conventional set-up and really fast

>Hammersaws in melee are neat
Mix Assultron and Sentrybot parts with Hydraulic parts for melee damage and increasing stagger. Assaultron arms for are best for melee damage

>Robobrains prioritize the brainal beam too much
Hate it. Its not a bad weapon but they will use it at range too much kinda messing up the point of having a long engagement range. You are better off with a Mr,Handy or even a mid build with a Sentrybot head

I wonder if Gura would like my killer robots and if I should name it Cecilia
Like this?
T u T
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would carve and eat
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those thighs look painful
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I just finished Job chumbie. I should reread it one day but I think the main thing I took away from it is to be patient and have faith.
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Based FO4bud. I never put much time into it compared to 3 and NV.
>>97302303 (OP)
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So what are the chumbies plans for today?
I'm going to a concert, then get back and order some yummy food and play MHW with friends maybe
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I'm hungwy so I'm going to make an omelette. Probably going to play some hentai prison. I'm finally on the true route.
I'm watching the wc3 tourney while playing wc3 customs.
why does a hentai game havea true route
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Hehehe, all my neighbors are going to listen to Miku whether they want to or not.
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Surprisingly the story is way better than the h-scenes. I laughed a whole lot during the common route.
bought star of providence, decided I don't like star of providence because I am too retarded to dodge and aim at the same time, now I will spend the next week of the current steam sale looking at games before realizing I don't want any of them, again.
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I had my eye on that game for a while. I might wait for the summer sale instead. You should try Cave Story chumbie, its free and you can brush up on your shoot and dodge skills in platformers.
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Would any of you buds happen to remember the name of a steampunk airship game that got posted here months ago? I can't find it.
I played that like... a decade ago? very long ago. dodging in a platformer is a lot easier than aiming a mouse (or right stick) and dodging at the same time. it's not the same as playing an fps either, something about dodging things on a 2d plane while holding a mouse/stick on target is different
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Are you talking about Highfleet chumbie?
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Oh like in Isaac or Gungeon. I see now
Gura is Gawr and they are both Gabby. Dino Gura is also just Gura in a dino onesie.
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That's the one. Thank you. Gonna grab it since it's on sale.
Does it not bother anyone that literally no other member, whether it be from JP or EN, has talked about Gura during fes? So many stories about their interactions between each other and cross branches, yet Gura has not been mentioned by any of them
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like gungeon yeah, but isaac doesn't have mouse aiming and that's why it's the only one of htose game I can tolerate
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Have fun chumbie. I think I managed to beat the game once. I'm pretty dumb but I enjoyed myself.
Are you a fembud?
Don't even bother, people here are used to Gura not having any interaction or mentions from other members because she's practically dead to the them as well
Please show your bushy pucci, fembud.
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Don't reply to it please. Even to mock.
I want to woo this fembud though, she seems really horny and starved for attention.
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I'm thinking about spending 30 minutes to make caramelized onions.
Don't do it, carmelization will give you cancer!
How sad that not even Gura's supposed oshi Shion or remaining friend Kronii had anything to say about her fer fes, some idol she is
I don't think she's going to reincarnate. If she were, she wouldn't want so many of her fans to feel betrayed like this.
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SHUT UP ANTI!!! Just kidding, but to be serious I don't think it's worth worrying about at the moment. If that happens it should be pretty easy to decide what to do at that time.
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Wait is this true?
She's gonna graduate this year 100%, no more coping about "le 2 more weeks sisters." The signs are more clear than they have ever been with her finally collabing with some of the recent EN members and being completely radio silent from fes as well
I want to give your cunny a tongue bath.
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You aren't a chumbud. Not a single "comfybud" is. A day when your wife is missing, you don't know how she's doing, and you don't know when you will see her again can never be comfy. Your oshi is the thread, not Gura.
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I love Goob and the Chumbies
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I'm listening to Chopin's Ballades and started thinking about how CPUs are really amazing. Anyway its time to make caramelized onions.
I don't love Gura, but I enjoy watching her content.
What content lmao
I love Gura and I enjoy watching her content
Gura wasn't in Japan. Just another instance of her lying to her fans by ommission. Who knows where she was or who she was spending her time with, but it didn't have anything to do with hololive. Everyone else here knows this, but is trying not to think about it because the implication is that she is betraying chumbuds, even though she's been doing that for years now.
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I think Biblebud is still asleep. I want him to know that I enjoyed the book of Job a lot
Gura couldn't go to Japan else she'd miss her chemotherapy appointments.
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Chumbies what is your favorite onion to use for caramelized onions? I usually just use the good ol white onion.
Job fits well with chumbuds thematically. You keep believing in someone who deliberately hurts you and cucks you, but you don't care because your wife never meant anything to you.
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Guess it's this threads turn for the schizo to camp in. Just remember to not give it any attention. Also keep on mind that it will frequently reply to itself and falseflag as other fanbases. So hunker down and stay vigilant buds.
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Is that you securitybud? Will do. I'm going to head out to eat lunch
No. She had to take care of miniGura.
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Red onions go really well with a nice burger.
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>keep on mind
The only member that has somewhat mentioned her recently was Biboo, since she was asked on stream if she met Gura there and she basically said no and assumed its cause she was busy or whatever excuse
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NTA but o and i are pretty close to each other on the keyboard unless you're using one of those fancy ergo master ones.
No I'm not the securitybud. Just wanted giving all the buds a heads up about how this thing usially operates.
>Schizo is when you acknowledge that Gura is obviously going to graduate soon
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No problem bud. Its pretty obvious its a raid anyway. I had to keep the thread from dying a couple times earlier
>Just wanted giving
>ESL SEA faggot
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Nta but i and u are pretty close on the keyboard. Are you guys messing with me?
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I wish I had red onions on hand. White will have to do
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those are the shitposters getting upset that the esl bud called out their plans chumbie. Stop replying to them.
Yeah you got it chummie! You guys are fighting the good fight against those schizos, instead of worrying about where Gura was at this year's fes and why no other member has mentioned her at literally the biggest event of the year for Hololive!
>"Who cares, Gura is a mascot for the company!"
>Said mascot only performs 1 song at fes, not even any group songs or one of her originals
Ye I had a feeling
Based Mikubud.
I’ve been so used to headphones that I’m not used to other people listening to my music
what is my oshi doing under the table, silly girl
Just woke up. What happened?
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Did you know that the miku version of nyan cat has a lot of bass?
Goob morning bud
Interesting. I shall test my new headphones on the miku version of nyan cat
Here you go bud, a nice high quality copy.
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Retard here, I forgot the link
Did you just get off a ban cuckbud? We haven't seen you in a while.
Thanks chumbie
I mentionned in global that /ggg/ is ok so he got reminded of it.
NV is way better because its plot makes sense and isnt retarded. I just like FO4 for the post-game wandering the map keeping the roads safe protecting my settlements and all that and the little fiddly things like customizing power armor and weapons
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I'm guessing everyone is waiting until we reach page 11.
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Shut up guessingbud.
I think
Do not
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Sounds fun, let me join you.
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Please don't.
Getting some sleep in before work tonight. Got a lot running around in my head keeping me up though and sleeps been limited. Kinda looking at the stream sale and wondering if theres any hidden gems I can snag too
Too late, they are.
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God help us all.
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Please Gura, stay away from those energy drinks...
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Become a dango.
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I love s’ghetti!!
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Do NOT open

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