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Chess paintings or chess wallpaper
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this is losing for white
A very flexible opening. It can transpose into so many others.
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Ayy Cracka, you're all bound to loose.
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I'm going to dump a set I took & edited into papes. Two days and different light angles, I'll let you guys decide which ones work for you.
My uncle gave me this set when I was about ten years old. I took it to university with me and played regularly for a long time.
Because I carried the pieces around in a leather bag, eventually one of them broke during transport, not sure where or when or how.
I know for a fact that the board is green marble, the real thing, not dyed like some. And, not malachite. The pieces are most likely alabaster, but the dark ones might be onyx. Theoretically, the light ones could be calcite of some sort.
And, final one. Shot maybe 100 or more pics, these seemed to have the best lighting, focus, composition. Especially these that are lit with the rising Sun, they've all been rotated through my papes.

My uncle traveled into Mexico a lot back when I lived in California. Best guess I'll ever have is that he picked this set up on one of those trips from some small tourist/souvenir shop. But, I've treasured it & loved the style. Always will. Still haven't glued the white knight back together.

Maybe this weekend, finally ...

Well shot, thank you
Really like your pics man, also the set looks like those old Bolivian ones that were all the rage mid-late 90s in LATAM, wish I could get one
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A 3D scene I made years ago in Bryce 7.
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A variation of the same scene.
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So who here hasn't seen this show yet?
I read the book years ago but I've never seen the show.
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I've been wanting to build this board in a bad way for years now. I don't have an "official rules" on how to play the board, but there are at least two different basic rule sets that could be used, plus a few "special case" options that would have to be settled ... either by an official rule set or by mutual agreement of the players before beginning each match. For instance, how to Castle a King? Develop an interesting (and useful) method? Or throw that option out?
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love this one, thanks for posting them all!

>Stockfish says -60
>Situation normal; beginning attack
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she was very popular with the normies a couple of years ago, so i'll never see her because i'm better than them.
>produces a false ego about an actress
>becomes mediocre just as every other that did the same
>"i'll never see her because i'm better than them."

t. lack of copium.
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Not the other poster but my problem with shows like this is them attempting to make an underdog character while at the same time specifically choosing an attractive actress and having her character traits abilities that never for a second make you doubt that they're not going to either be the best by the end or 'morally right' if they lose.

Rey syndrome, if a character doesn't have flaws that actually hinder them to the point where you can see them not coming out on top there's no substance.

Instead any flaws are glorified in a way where it actually is a strength but no one else sees it 'cause they're ignorant.'
When the subject is chess, you can fit almost big part of WGM's in this category. Most of them being both attractive and making their career worth it or ending it rightly morally for the next chances to not stain their career if they're striving for it.

Not to mention that chess was always an "underdog" sport, so it's not a surprise to see people growing up by these means
lol the pieces aren't arranged correctly
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few good ones from seventh seal
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no bobby?
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What does this imply
That whoever put that image together knows absolutely nothing about chess. And they are shit at graphics editing. Spotted a minimum of five mistakes just with the chess pieces. Plus one of the more retarded lighting mistakes (twice) that middle-schoolers make when they first decide they want to be "graphic artists."
Threw a couple of edits & adjustments on this one to get a 2560x1440 pape. Looking at it on a 32" monitor right now and am reasonably happy. Hope someone else likes it ...
we all have to start somewhere with a skill; practice helps a lot; subject knowledge can help too, but that's why we have the internet

what doesn't help though is shitting all over an artist you don't know and what might be one of their earliest attempts at graphic art

either way though, by all means criticise, but do it constructively; simply saying "they are shit at graphics editing" doesn't help anybody
I hope see good shogi wallpapers
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Fiji Sota on right, the youngest person to be awarded professional status, and a genius never seen before.
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>>7982517 >>7982518
>>7982519 >>7982520
I had not posted any shogi content (or Chinese or other chess variations) due to the thread topic. But, if folks are up for it, I can trickle a few in for bumps here & there.
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be glad it was a fairly tame Femjoy artnude pic and not a photo from some other slightly more softcore site like TheLifeErotic where she might have been stuffing those chess pieces all up in her fairy cave or something
>men and women should have different leagues because women are inherently dumber and bad at chess
>proceeds to get ass kicked at chess by a woman
the fuck is that setup
the pieces are on the wrong spots
instead of actual combat with massive bloodshed and death on both sides, all actual wars and conflicts should instead be resolved just like this, on a chess board, with actual people (and horses), and played fairly and with honor
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speaking of GOATs
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Should've been a queen instead.
He needs an opponent to shine though
This image pisses me off to an irrationally large extent
I understand
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So many badly arranged boards... you would think it's easy to check a real game or at least see in any sort of chess article how a chess board is arranged but no.

Amusingly, the Renaissance masters couldn't be asked to do so either, a good half of the classical paintings I've seen have the light square to the left, so this is a theme.

Even freakin' Louis Vuitton did the smart thing of simply picking a real position.

That's not Tal though.
>you would think it's easy to check a real game or at least see in any sort of chess article how a chess board is arranged but no
Drives me nuts, too. I understand the confusion maybe 40 or 50 years ago and earlier, but on today's Internet all basic questions can be resolved in a minute or less.


But, pretty much no article or website even bothers to describe initial setup. They just jump into a 2000 word essay on how pieces move. It really fucks with people's ability to clearly understand how to remember something so simple.

I mean, it's fucking weird as Hell that the White Queen starts on a white square. The logic would be the White King starts on a white square. So, you have to "just remember" some retarded rule and can never be able to logically reconstruct the how & why.

Similar with the white square to the left. Since almost every rule & description starts out with the assumption the newbie is playing white, what is the fucking logic for the back square to be to the left corner? I've never seen, in any book or website, any explanation for why this retarded, counter-intuitive bullshit.

I've played chess for decades and have still fucked something so simple up because there's no logical reason behind it. It's just "remember this useless trivia" in a world filled with important shit that's already impossible to remember.
>I mean, it's fucking weird as Hell that the White Queen starts on a white square. The logic would be the White King starts on a white square.

It's not that weird really, it's more of a coincidence than anything.

Mostly the answer is that it's just a royal tradition (in most countries with a monarchy) for the Monarchs spouse to sit to the left side of the Monarch, particularly in formal situations.

In this case it just so happens that this tradition puts the white Queen on a white square and the white King on a black square.

I'd cue up the rainbow comic sans at this point, but that'd be an off-topic image, so I shan't do it. :)
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Put a brazzers logo on this
Not the other anon but I recently watched this movie and have started getting back into playing chess. So much better than vidya at stimulating my mind
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Chess Set by Charles Hollis Jones
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I never got into chess. And I could never get into someone who got into chess.
That's cool mate, now you can check yourself out and close the door en passant.
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please delete
Please do.
Yet here you are. Odd.
live it
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The pieces are set up incorrectly.
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That's a rad set man. Thanks for sharing.
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oi senpai the kings don't face each other
This is a proper chess board setup. The Kings are facing one another.
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may I add this one
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you should get beat up
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What a terrible opening choice tf?
Eh Benko's opening almost always transposes. However if this was your place after dinner would you really care what opening she played?
>would you really care what opening she played?
Yes. Yes, I would care which opening. There are some I'm not very interested in. If she offers the opening I like, then I'll get interested.

How is this a question?
I'd love to see a Rules for this board and diagrams for how the pieces move. Really neat concept board, it'd be fantastic if it offered at least equivalent gameplay as the current modern board.

This is a set developed during the Middle Ages to improve & expand on standard chess. It almost caught on, but failed to become the new standard in the end. I found a website once with playing instructions but don't know where it is right now.
Maybe this will help the search

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Are there many different mannerisms about how to move the shogi pieces or just like in many japanese things, there's a proper etiquette for that as well?
In chess, it's mostly lift or slide but then...
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Nice, thanks! Are you being taught as such while learning shogi in clubs? Or is this done in the good old japanese, "watch and emulate" "method"?
Rei can really feel like dress-up, especially for such a trivial subject (a bit different in martial arts or for instance chanoyu), but still, this is nice.
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>Are you being taught as such while learning shogi in clubs?
Don't know, never been to one.

>Rei can really feel like dress-up, especially for such a trivial subject
It seems like a healthy way to reinforce sportsmanship. Like "gg" used to be for online gaming, minus the awkwardness about who says it when and whether the game was actually good or not.
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not exactly chess but close
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>not exactly chess but close
>but close

You're an actual idiot, and not even a savant idiot, just a straight-up moron... that's not anywhere even vaguely 'close' to being on-topic you obtuse piece of flotsam.

And here we go again with yet another fuckwit edgelord Anon posting porn to a mostly SFW thread that neither wanted OR needed it...

Porn goes on /s/ dickhead, and if you can't figure that out you're probably too young to be online unsupervised in the first place.
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Thank you anon. These are lovely. Please post more.
what do nipple rings actually do? It seems like the second worst place to pierce in the female body
1.Bf5+ Ke8
2.Bd7+ Kd(f)8

That is a very nice looking set. For some reason metal sets aren't very popular.
if Spassky wouldn't have been such an indolent slob, he would have been unbeatable for a long time. His middlegame skills were superb and second to none.
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playing with that would give anyone a headache
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the fuck is kiggvigg
Well anon was an idiot.
Flip it upside down to get

should rename this to royalty free clipart papes
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Chess set I made.
I have realized some flaws with the design and if someone gave me like $6k to make another set like this the pans and knights would be simpler.
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>Episode 1: The Phantom Menace: a minimalist representation of the opening
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You picked black.
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Putting the King on its color instead of the Queen I can accept since it doesn't change the order of the game, but switching bishops and knights... come on!.
Nice chocolate board though.
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>castling against a naked whore
autism the pic
>cross eyes
wait, there is no hidden image there! lame
that's the end of the Evergreen Game
(agreed, a lovely looking set. The heavy metal pieces probably feel great.)
a small segment of Metamorphosis. I would love to have this as a physical wallpaper, to put at the top of a wall just under the moulding.
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