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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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File: 23.jpg (1.07 MB, 2048x1280)
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Let's have a thread of cats of all kinds, shapes and sizes.

I'm kinda looking for a very specific one, but this is not supposed to be a request, more like a try if it rings a bell with anyone. I remembered a wallpaper from when I was a kid and I would really like to find it, but my memory is very unclear about the details. It was definitely back in the 90s, as I'm sure it was on Win95. It was a low res (obviously) close up pic of a white kitten with brown or gray patches (it's really a long time ago so my memory is not that clear and I believe the color quality was not even 24bit back then) and I believe it was sitting in some bushes. If anyone remembers or has something close to that, it would be appreciated.

Meanwhile, as I said, gimme all your cats.
I'm saving your tread for you. Even if you're not making a REQ thread, the reason they be frowned upon is they should be start with three or six images for a theme. The single-image thread is the greater sin than the 'unintentional' REQ.
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>white kitten with brown or gray patches (it's really a long time ago so my memory is not that clear and I believe the color quality was not even 24bit back then) and I believe it was sitting in some bushes.
Pretty sure this is similar, but doubt it can be the same. Hopefully it'll get you by until the real thing turns up.
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325 KB JPG
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And my personal Favourite
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I think your cloning software is broken.
do you have this one in a higher resolution?
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913 KB JPG
Jesus Christ, dude. It gets worse the longer I look at it.
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this picture creeps me a lot.
it cant be AI generated since all the details but still...
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This is Ripley and now she's a wallpaper.
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don't know if this counts but i made this, i think it looks cool
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Eye of the tiger
This thread made my whole morning. Thank you, anons, for getting started at the beginning of this year!

Here, I'll contribute as well.
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Ack. Apologies. That last pic looked awful / scaled up. Here's a much better one.
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Rupert, pic provided by his owner.
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5.16 MB JPG
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3.24 MB JPG
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rare tree cat recording.
File: Feline inquisition.jpg (3.73 MB, 4000x2250)
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neat thread guys

lmfao, I still seed that torrent with the rupert pictures
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> 5294x3525
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1.22 MB
1.22 MB JPG

I'm spreading the word of the great thread traveller and his owner.
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> 5472x3648
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Do you like AI generated photos of cats?
Watch this.
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nize puzzy

oooo! doggie-style puzzie yes nize
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I smile everytime this one comes up
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autistic specimen
Saved. I'll massage my cats better soon.
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> 6793x4851
It's been a year since you posted this. I don't know if you're still around, maybe you were mauled by ants. Wherever you are, I just want you to know I think it looks pretty cool too.
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>Strange game. The only winning move is to not play.
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