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Not a skyline
strictly speaking they both are, they're just not the kind of skyline that OP had in mind
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heheh nice
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i am not the best photografer
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i got a good amount of these but here is a nice one
is this chicago?
Name of London street? Any idea? Just curious
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>Willis Tower on the left
>Trump Tower on the right
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save the "well ackchyually" bullshit for reddit
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I would, but I don't use reddit, so I guess I'll keep right on using /wg/ instead
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kill yourself sperglord
Love Chicago, man. Born and raised. Thanks for this pape Anon.
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Are there any skyline wallpapers of Halifax, Nova Scotia?
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God I miss the city
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the photo is overlooking Lavender Bay (most probably with a drone) looking towards Sydney Harbour Bridge and Millers Point/the Walsh Bay piers; Luna Park is the fairground on the lower left side of the photo. Sydney Opera House is across the water hidden by the apartment blocks on the left side that overlook Luna Park.
It's the junction of Edgware Road and Stourcliffe Street back in about 2014

Fuck yourself mate, OP asked for Skylines at night, anon delivered
Not him but fuck off already. Stop shitting up the thread with unfunny shit.
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Your joke still sucks, anon. Maybe it'll be a hit on Reddit though.
I wish I lived in the top floor of a very tall building (or a house on a high hill) so I could watch over the city at night and see stuff like this.
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Forgot image lol
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I hope this fits the thread.
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There is no "well ackchyually".
The car is called Skyline.
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It's "ackchyually" as fuck. Anyone who isn't certifiably braindead knew what OP meant by skyline when he posted a cityscape. So you're either a retard or a faggot. Which is it?

Not even night time there, bro. Try again, retard.
most people would; thats why its so expensive
I also want it to see better views of the sky, especially sunrise and sunset
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does this count?
moscow, novoyasenevskaya district. 2019
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forgot pic
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Kill yourself faggot.
>Original photo (10 MB)
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"Skylines at Night" is the name of this thread. This is a very nice photo, but it doesn't fit the profile.

It never ceases to amaze me how, no matter what the subject of a particular 4chan thread might be, and how easy it might be to understand, there is inevitably someone who just can't quite flip the right brain switches to pull off what everybody else seems to do without even thinking.
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more japan
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I'm curious, whats >>8000000
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just fuck me already
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What's wrong with what I said?
We're in a city thread, why wouldn't I like the city?
The noise is what gave the photo soul
Pretty sure these buildings are in the opening scene of the movie Good Time.
maybe, but as a desktop wallpaper it becomes annoying. for me.
If only there were 4k version of it
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it's sad that we have to photoshop the true sky, light pollution is such a cancer
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>complaining about light pollution in a thread about metropolitan city skylines

fuck off to Iowa, then
lol crybaby.
portland! <3
Didn't even realize this was a screenshot from GTA at first lmao
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Yinzer Furries, What the fuck?
Lmao, it's pixel art. Just scale it up using nearest neighbor and the hard edges of the pixels will be preserved.
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pape (hope nobody already posted it)
there's nothing wrong with what you said, that Anon was just trying to be an edgy troll; best to ignore that kind of thing, otherwise it only encourages them
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More Chi please
Good ol' Portland! Still love living here, even with everything that's happened in the last few years. Genuinely a beautiful city.
Looks like the pic was taken from washington park. I love portland so much, it's one of the few cities that refuses to get so big that it sucks.

Best community I've ever been a part of.
>Genuinely a beautiful city.
>one of the few cities that refuses to get so big that it sucks.

true for sure;

just a shame most of the people living there are what makes the place suck massive donkey balls... I mean imagine setting fire to, and ransacking, your city on a nightly basis for a period of months and/or years because of a bunch of oft-repeated very obvious lies and then being so utterly deluded to think that you're the ones who are in the right...

guess there's no accounting for mass stupidity anymore... certainly not anywhere on the west coast or anywhere else that votes majority democrat

I mean that is literally the textbook definition of insanity, repeatedly voting for the same party every couple of years expecting the party to deliver meaningful change to your area even though it never ever comes and instead only makes things increasingly worse

just saying...
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>literally the textbook definition of insanity
Oh is it really?
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Yes, yes it is.
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anyone got any papes of NYC pre 9/11? The Twin Towers were so cool. The modern NYC skyline is completely boring without them.
Everyone starts off small, keep going, you have nothing to lose.
>all of melbourne
maybe if you're a chink living in docklands

nice photo
Love 'em. Thanks, anon.
That shit where the clouds are so low they reflect the light pollution is MY SHIT.
You're gonna be ok
saved, nice blue
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I hope no one posted this already.
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Those super skinnies really ruin the view.
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Any of Ottawa/Gatineau?
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A photo i took by my self in Aalborg in Denmark
a "whales vagina"
any more of ATX?
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lo-fi soul
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this is amazing, thanks OP
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Damn I miss home
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I lived on the 21st floor of a building once. The views and sunsets/sun rises were incredible, but it actually got really cold up there, your windows would lose so much heat.
i'll assume you're not american and refrain from calling you a faggot
jej nice1
you're wrong hon

this is so me, especially watch it at midnight my brother, so relaxing, a time where being alone with my tune is so just damn peaceful
>He doesn't know about the Kutztown dragon...
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>Originally 10512x3504
God, I miss Madrid. If I had found a job I would've never left
he posted one as a joke and now he's posting more because you're reacting, and you deserve it
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Moved here a few years ago and you couldn't pay me to leave.
Here's the view from my place
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how\s the doughnut shop?
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>posts old photo with half the buildings missing
Still a shithole. Please nuke.
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love this one
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not exactly nighttime but its OC
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More portland
lol all these ratcage cities look the same. tragic
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I'm late to the party but this is for you, whiny non car loving threadrules nazi nerd
Welcome to Winnipeg.
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> 5915x3662
I still they should've built Triplet Towers. I get the argument that rebuilding the same Twin Towers would be unnerving, but Triplet Towers would be the perfect "fuck you"
This thread is a year old?!
Not sure about skylines, but if you're okay with some pictures of photos of India during my travel, I can post that
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> 19.8 MB
next mu core album
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Jesus fuck, you're the kind of charismatic guy who has to roofie his own hand to masturbate without getting arrested on assault charges
no need to be a fag over one cheeky post
lmao junkie scum/retarded junkie supporting scum.

the only good part about Portland's existence is it congregates all of the americans with the worst political ideals into one nukeable area.
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it’s a pretty nice shot, picture quality is the issue.
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Yeah a fuck you to the CIA lol
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not exactly nighttime
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I heard that in the past penthouses were the cheapest, its where poors were crammed
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Penthouse apartments are a relative novelty in themselves. The "houses" right under the roofs of european bourgeois apartment of the 19th c. can't really be called "penthouses". In these, they were indeed the worse part, hot in summer, cold in winter, badly isolated in general. The best apartment would be the second floor ones. The top ones would often be occupied by servants of the lower floors, in mansardes.
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anybody have some seattle pics?

> 4310x2868
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> 4256x2832
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> 4608x2592
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post best png orange/yellow NON led cityscape
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I put my guy Alfredaloha in the train.
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be honest, is this crypto?

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