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I know I’m breaking the rules by not posting more. BUT please I have looked far and wide for a good high quality pape of some hydrangea flowers. Please help
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The full-sized version of this one is 14 megabytes:
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Uncropped and higher-res version of >>7978662
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562 KB JPG
Full-sized version is just over the 6 megabyte limit:
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Does anyone else think these flowers are exceptionally ugly?
On the contrary. This thread made me think that they're really beautiful.
Finally a good fucking thread.
Agreed. They're not my favorite by any means, but I do kind of like them.
And yeah, for a one-post start, this thread did do really well!
hydrangeas fucking slap
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Hello ma'am
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I now have a love for Hydrangeas thanks to this thread. This photo is beautiful. Thanks for showing me new beauty
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incredible thread tyvm
It's weird that there's a thread here for this, I just figured out what these were called last week. The thread has been here longer but the word Hydrangea has been stuck in my head.
Blessed thread. This is what paradise looks like to me.
I fucking LOVE hydrangeas
Their physical shape is only alright, but the gradient they develop blows my mind every time I walk by a bush
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>but the gradient they develop blows my mind

Having grown these flowers for years now it's worth noting that certain varieties of Hydrangea with coloured flowers are affected by soil pH, such that in acidic soils (pH 6 and below) their flowers will start turning to various shades of blue, while in alkaline soil (pH 8 and above) the flowers will start turning to shades of pink to red, with neutral soils (pH 7) resulting in either purple shades and/or sometimes in blue, purple, and pink flowers all occurring on the same plant at the same time as can be seen in some of the papes in this thread.

So by carefully controlling the soil pH in your garden it's actually possible to control (to some extent) the colour of your hydrangea planting.

N.B. Exclusively white hydrangea varieties however are generally not affected by this and will always have white flowers regardless of soil pH.

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I have some hydrangea pictures from when I went to Japan
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I do not have any with these particular flowers, but here goes semi related bump
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piss off
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1 MB
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Full-sized version is 36 MB:
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here's some oc
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Wow. More? Sauce?
Full-sized version is 9 megabytes:
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Full-sized version is 30 megabytes:
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Full-sized version is 6.5 megabytes:
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4.87 MB PNG
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1.43 MB JPG
best thread on /wg/, bar none
File: hydrangeas.jpg (4.25 MB, 4240x2827)
4.25 MB
4.25 MB JPG

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