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Any kind of maps: Contor maps, Fairy tale maps, Ancient maps, Universe maps, Roap maps, City maps.

I'll post what random ones I have!
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There's a map thread on /hr/

Dedicated to real maps, but emphasis on ancient/old ones. Very interesting to see history according to published cartographers. Fun stuff like celestial maps, too.
OP Here. Thank you, I love this stuff.
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While less wallpaper-y, this is the original.
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Noticed some nice digits there. Let's bump this.
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i updated that schizo map i made again
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This one is out of date I'm almost certain
What's going on here?
nothing good
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Got a resolution I can read?
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Found this version in hi-res.
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this is my first time posting I had this in my phone, not sure what is the origen of it maybe French? but I loved the style and saved it for its discovery adventure vibes
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I like these old maps of the U.S. where the states’ borders look all different
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nice digits
nice page
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Get a load of Johnny Harris over here
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Shouldn't there be a massive porn continent?
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Is there one of these for Illinois?
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How about for Pennsylvania?
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I love maps too anon. Just checked and I have over 500 lol! I have almost 200 war maps alone. Anyway, I'll post some of my favs...
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Just realized some probably won't fit here. Also, most probably aren't very /wg/...
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Yep. Just tried to post one that's too big. Too bad, it's really cool but I'm to lazy to resize.
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That's all for now. I'll post some more if I remember.
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Meant to post this too.
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Skies of Arcadia
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iirc some anon made these, it'd be nice if someone has some of his other works.
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i know i saved his boston map
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whats happening in new mexico lol

the master zip is on mediafire /file/ojgywphxa2jq7gy/Google_Map_Stuff.7z/file

also the ones without labels was made by someone based on these old ones, don't know by what method but they are not included here
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Kek. If it was realistic, the parts that weren't porn wouldn't even be legible.
It's neat how this has the landing and last known locations of the various rovers that have been sent up there. Wonder if anyone's made a version where it shows the paths they traveled?
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>Wonder if anyone's made a version where it shows the paths they traveled?

it should be possible to do, there are official maps for at least some of the (more recent) rovers detailing where they travelled, the tricky part would be collecting and manually overlaying all that route data from each rover onto a larger detailed map
long live the confederacy!
post 'em
where's australia
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BROS, I have a very particular interest... I'm looking for IRL map wallpapers. But not the generic kind you find on wayfind or whatever. I want a world map, at least 6 feet tall (ideally like 8), with as much detail as possible. I don't want a regular world map, scaled up in size. I want the text to still be small and the usual empty space filled in with additional info. A world map where smaller sized towns and individual roads and railways are listed.

I will make this myself if I have to, but if anyone knows a place that builds maps like this, help a homie out pls
i was just wondering when someone would post a hr KCD map. thanks anon you have good taste.
Jesus Christ dude...
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>The Simpsons - Guide to Springfield, USA
Doesn't cover the newest 19 seasons, but I doubt anyone will mind too much
They stopped at season 8. Right anon? Right???
I remember when these were all the rage. It's a really cool concept.
bump, got any more Dutch stuff?
Map is wrong, the UK is meant to be in the middle. Silly Americans.
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Does anyone know where this is meant to be?
It counts as a continent and thus isn't shown here, silly but that's the explanation given by the author...
Best guess is a random D&D map.
>Europe equal in size to Africa and much larger that North America

Definitely drawn by some white guy
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its missing israel, SA and more im sure
where is this from?
do you know what separates humans from animals?
Did SA actually detonate a nuke?
There are 8 nations now confirmed to have carried out nuclear testing, these are: the U.S., USSR, U.K., France, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea.

Some other nations are suspected of carrying out their own tests, but there's no definitive evidence for this; this list includes:

*Israel - had/have a nuclear program with no evidence of testing other than two unverified reports from 1963 & 1966 respectively; worked on France's test program for a time before being removed; also suspected of working with South Africa on a nuclear test in 1979 (the Vela Incident)

*South Africa - had a now long-abandoned nuclear program with no evidence of testing; suspected of working with Israel on the 1979 'Vela Incident'

It's unclear, SA did have a nuclear programme that wasn't very technically far advanced when they eventually abandoned it, but they've never admitted to carrying out any nuclear tests.

There's a suspicion that SA worked with Israel on a nuclear test in 1979 (Vela Incident), though the event was never definitively confirmed as a nuclear test despite the double flash of light that was witnessed by satellite which is usually considered a good indicator of a nuclear explosion.

Aside from SA/Israel, other nations were also individually suspected of being responsible for the event though, including the USSR, France, India, and Pakistan, though to this day no nation has taken responsibility for the event.
looks like Dubrovnik / Ragusa
Have you got a map like this for New Zealand?
Loved that game but the world's shape made no sense
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Map of Arrakis
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Wow, does that have a date?

This is way before thunder bay existed.
its been almost a hundred years. its time to let it go.
The Mediterranean, apparently.

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more detail senpai
no britain japan or nz
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square street, square street, square street
Bottom left looks decent, probably where the hood is now. American architecture and infrastructure is a fucking tragedy
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Lol. Do they even teach geography anymore? Lol.
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A comfy map of the US and its cities.
and one of American agriculture
>copyright 1992
>WTC 9/11 2001
you got an unedited version without the fake "prediction"?
it's not a prediction, seemingly an update of the original work
what is your deal anyway?
if it were an update of the original work, i don't think it'd have the towers there anymore.
i don't like these people who say things like "the simpsons predicted 9/11" or "wingdings predicted 9/11" because if the bush admin planned it as an inside job, why would they leave behind breadcrumbs like this to implicate themselves?
i don't know man, it's a nice map i'd just like it more if it didn't have that erroneous footnote.
Nah man, it's real. Look at this higher res scan I found that says the same thing.
>Max file size is 6 MB
Why the fuck is that a thing on a wallpaper board?
Anyway, here's the direct link: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d3/28/ba/d328ba25094839927f3016a4e8cb43ce.jpg
You're mental.
consider a photograph that remarks on someone that has since died
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I made this, is it sovl?
it will make a fine addition to my collection
>>Max file size is 6 MB
>Why the fuck is that a thing on a wallpaper board?

Because the file size limit on /wg/ was put in place back in a time before even 1080p screens were a thing, and so it was probably never conceived that anyone would ever want/need a desktop pape that was larger than 6Mb in size.

That said, even if the limit was larger, there'd still be some jokers who'd complain that it still wasn't large enough... so 6Mb is plenty.
i own this map in real life
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How much of this is canon?
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nice wheel map
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>andy sixx map
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jpegs are such a digital blight holy shit.
I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming the guy who chose this format.
Ukrainesisters I don't feel so good.
seeing as how there's only a few image formats that can actually be posted on here, and we're limited to a 6Mb max. filesize, we're not exactly swimming in high resolution filetype options here

besides which, this is a wallpapers board, and as most OS's are equally kinda limited in which image formats they can use, .jpg is kind of a safe universal format we can all use

if you want high quality hi-res stuff for something other than computer/phone wallpapers however go spend time on /hr/
>Use porn for 10 minutes a day, no commenting, no interaction
>Social media half an hour
>4chan 5 hours a day

How much socializing, talking, takes place on porn sites? It's usually just some Nigerian or Indian in the comments saying "ugh I need to fuck a bitch lik this? Where you!"

sounds like you need to find a better quality of porn site
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those muslim conquests in France are very exagerated
this one is really cool, do u have maps like this for other countries?
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>I will make this myself if I have to
maybe you could use a GIS program to start with, most countries have their own charts and transport mesh but they have their own projections so you'd need to reproject them into a uniform src, I'm not even sure that is possible.
love that they put emperor norton in
Lovecraft's Dreamlands
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Lithografy, hand-painted 1832
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how often do you think about the roman empire?
this is great. anymore of the peninsular
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Never, really. I just like those colors.
please tell me you use this as a wallpaper
wtf is this? it interests me somehow. is it a map how you see the furure?
australia is a continent AND an island, so it should be concluded here, same goes for south and north america, antartica and eurasia
Three times per day
I can generate thousands of maps just like this and with far more schizophrenia by simply playing eu4 with an extended end-date
what's this from anon
dreamlands inspired by lovecraft's and dunsany's stories

hunting you faggots down - surrender at once
why is greenland minecraft?
that's for me to know and you to speculate

post them
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Fyi, you can make these type of maps with osmnx (open street map python package) and matplotlib from anyplace you wish with ~10-20 lines of code if you know what to query.
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It would be like hunter x hunter where the entire "known world" is actually just a tiny archipelago nested within a massive lake separating it from the relatively GIGANTIC landmass surrounding it.
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Made these in 2021 using OSM and Mapbox. Never could get it as good as the original set though, open street maps doesn't have quite the same fidelity.


One of these days I'll take another crack at it.
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>Philadelphia is between freedom and justice
>Rome is between depravity and greed
>Portland, Santa Fe, and Moab are in the nation of Hate
>Osaka Bay Airport next to Unabomber's Cabin in Babel

The closer you look at this map, the less the ideology makes sense. A true schizopost in map format
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Lower res but sharper
what is the name of these kind of maps, how should I search them?
You could try "shaded relief map" or "rendered relief map".
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I never thought the Semenine were in the same Isola as Revachol for some reason, though given how Measurehead believed his people were the true inheritors of the Insulinde, I suppose it must be.
australia is a continent that consists of two main islands and many smaller ones, retard
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its not a fairytale retard nigger
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it hurts the brain just looking at this

never mind all the tiny islands in the middle of nowhere that all apparently randomly decided to be in a completely different time zone from the one they're actually in, but there's whole nations/states that apparently arbitrarily picked whatever timezone suited them in that moment instead of going with the one or more zones they're actually located in... and then there's the regions that decided they'd rather randomly create 1/2 zones out of thin air to occupy rather than going with the one or more actually appropriate whole zones, and then finally you add on to all that unholy mess the seasonal changes to various nations timezones...

no wonder so many people get so utterly confused about timezone conversion, the whole system is now a massive (probably mostly political) shitshow
Wonder if there's a version of this map that also take into account things like Daylight Savings or whatever the international equivalent may be, that'd probably be even more complex.
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> 6000×3915
balkan trash heap
italian built, now it's a museum for rich foreigners to trample, completley useless dumpster fire balkan hick shit hole
serbs should have flattened it to the ground
As an Albertan who Hates Trudope and Dontcario, I pray for this map
this is really cool
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I love that projection because the shapes of the continents are so accurate but that image is too dark. It just needed some contrast and lightness adjustments.
but what do they eat?
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fucking pedophiles, claw back into the shadows
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What kind of maps did they show people that they got results in the middle of the ocean?
Can we have some schizo hyperborea /x/ flat earth maps?
those are pretty interesting but i got none.
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