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Even though i live quite near the tropic of cancer and carry pure and perfect hatred for hot weather, summer, the mosquitoes which it brings, the sweat...i can go on but i also have awe for the Desert.

I love it's aesthetic beauty, the fight which the creatures and plant life which inhabit it carry against death foretold by nature itself. I love the desert, please help me expand my collection.
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Those look like planets Spaceman Spiff would visit.
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Originally 4500x2793:
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i'm gonna take one and leave another
Ur mum's vaj isn't allowed
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idk OP's mom's vag was wetter than the Amazon last time I saw her
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How in the fuck does a landscape like that form?

Weathering and erosion of flat layers of sedimentary rock that have probably been uplifted. I don't know exactly where this is (probably on the Colorado Plateau somewhere there's a lot of places that look like this there) but the sheer cliffs are probably massive aeolian sandstone or some limestone with a caprock and the chunky base is probably a layered mix of fluvial sandstones and siltstones.
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summer is the best part of the year
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Some of the best sex I had was in las vegas. I'd go to porn theaters and get my cock sucked by men, trannies, and sometimes even gangbang women or fuck couples. Feels good to just be naked with a bunch of other guys rubbing each other's cocks knowing you're all going to blow yours loads. The porn theater I go to now I just get naked and let the old men touch me wherever they want, sometimes I let guys blow their loads on my cock or my body, or I'll let them them rub the head of their cock on my asshole, that makes me cum almost instantly.
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post on-topic papes, not rambling low quality /elit/ about how you keep trying to get aids
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Fallout vibes
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Surprisingly, seems the only one I roughly have, related to topic. Anyways, bump!
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Rachel, Nevada
A cultural and intellectual desert, within an actual desert.
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Great thread!
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the nevada desert is so beautiful. i want to live there so badly
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Ayers Rock/Uluru
Northern Territory
Dungeness. The only part of England that looks like a desert.
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>Original PNG
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That's likely only because you were at the end of the train.
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That's easy, you just move here.
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A little OC. Kuwait February 2003
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>Originally 5568x3712
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Monster mouth of Uluru, Central Australia. It is forbidden to take pictures of this hidden face of Uluru, the face of the rock naturally split open depicting the gaping mouth of a monster. It is believed many Aboriginal children were sacrificed here in prehistory.
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Breaking Bad looks so shit because they shot it on film cameras but in post did DNR on the image because I guess they were ashamed of the grain or something.
Season 1 and 2 didn't remove the grain and those season looked so much better than the ones that came after.
here have your own in better quality.
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its easy to say that during fall / winter. but once spring and especially summer comes you will be begging to leave.
Saved, massively underrated photo
was it shot on film?
do you have more?
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not that anon, but here's something
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I think you should kill yourself (in real life)
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I was told several years ago when this was posted here it was a custom colorize of a rare photo
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Australian desert
ben shapiro's wife
I spent an hour scanning the lower-west african coast because I couldn't believe this was 30 miles inland. Turns out ima bit retarded. Sossuvlei floods around once a year, and I think blue stuff is the dried river bed with the saturation turned up.
Desert plants survive by burying their roots 50 feet underground. That's about the worst place he could've drawn them
Been my background for some time now and I don't plan on changing it
The scale is incredible. Is this a camera trick or have I been underestimating how big the canyon is?
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What is this architectural style called?
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adobe style home built into a partial berm.
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>Desert plants survive by burying their roots 50 feet underground. That's about the worst place he could've drawn them
a few specific ones do in certain deserts, but most do not and have shallow root systems. especially because in most deserts you reach solid rock pretty quickly. you see how in a desert like >>7980537 there are even full juniper trees growing out of small ledges of rock. there are even plants that grow on overhanging rock if theres a seep.
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Posting for anon on /v/ and hoping the file size limit is more than 4 MB here.
This is one of the default backgrounds for Linux Mint 22, by the way.
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I always have to stop and think for a bit that this image was really taken on a different planet. It's kinda surreal
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this is like the desert version of bliss lol
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where is this? or is it an edit?
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Possibly Chara sands in Siberia.
Yeah, it's in Siberia. Here's the source:
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