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Dumping some mountain still from the videos I took in the alps.
All the images are OC, but post anything mountain related.
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If you wanna see the vid you can check it out at /watch?v=UY66NERCIs4

I can grab more stills with or w/o grain per request, just give me the timestamp
Nice pics anon
Thanks dude
Really beautiful anon, in general I love this board because of things like this. It feels like a lot of people on here are on collective adventures to find nice pictures of people, places, things, etc., and it's something special in the age of TikTok and shit where everyone is after short term dopamine rushes.

I feel like so many of the pictures and videos of places around the world are quickly shot on smart phones and the images seem devoid of any feeling. Idk how to put it, but things shot on film or with a conscious effort to capture the beauty of a scene really stand out and make me feel like I'm in the place they were captured.

Good work.
Good stuff, Anon! saving
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Thank you so much man! One of the nicest compliments of my work I've ever had. Means a lot!

Yeah, I feel the same, also work on myself it took to be able to visit such place took years, which makes the whole experience more meaningful for me which I hope shows on the vid/pics
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Original 3840x2160 resolution:
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can someone post mobile versions
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Cool pics but why .png?
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Who the hell wants to see that whenever you turn on your computer? Jesus, my stomach tightens just looking at it
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this ones majestic
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Unfortunately, you cant fit a mt. in a mobile /s
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>Unfortunately, you cant fit a mt. in a mobile

Challenge accepted...
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Cool kelvin-helmholtz instability
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Any good ones of the Appalachian Mountians?
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Kill yourself faggot.
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you might be the one to kill yourself seeing your affinity for cliffs and high places
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>one fart and I'm dead
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It's not real it can't hurt you.
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yo is this Bergen-Voss stretch by any chance?
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anyone got this pape in actual good resolution?
took me some time to find this specific one but now I can`t find a good res
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Found on a wallpaper website but looks upscaled
The Isonzo game dev logs have had a lot of old pictures of the mountain wars, some real vintage ww1 and interwar period pics would be neat if they are good enough to post.
Mountain sad fact! The King of Belgium from ww1 died in a mountaineering accident in 1936!
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This is what China actually looks like, all those live leak videos are vietnamese propaganda
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Personal one for yall, my trip to Big Bend, this is the St Elena Canyon
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I never got the name of this one
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Big Bend, particularly in the Chisos Mountains, looks like a scrubby Hawaii
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He enjoyed the climb up when i had him tied around my water bottle
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From the campsite in the Chisos
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Last one
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4.45 MB JPG
> 6024 x 4022
File: On the top of Mt. Diablo.jpg (3.48 MB, 6144x2335)
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> 9903 x 3763
Been to the top of Emory peak. Big bend is underrated.
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> Uncropped 9546x4522 (21 MB)
OP here, just returned from another mountain trip. Not alps but still beautiful. Bout to start collecting my footage and editing. Should I post screencaps ?
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> 6048x4032 (12 MB)
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why did the people build a big cock and balls sticking out of the ground, and why is that guy standing on top of it?
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a classic
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Remember having this wp back in 2014 in my first Android phone, great memories.
Rock climbers?
This is Alex Honnold during his famous free solo of Half Dome. That picture, or another version of it, also with Honnold in it, by Jimmy Chin is incredibly well known and a part of climbing history.
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> 5184x3456 (24 MB)
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good thread, would love to contribute but my IP is range banned
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Where's this?

>It is located at the junction of Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela.
This one is so peaceful to look at

Thanks for sharing OP nice pics
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Beautiful location. Been there multiple times
i like mountains
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day of mountain
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night of mountain
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distant of mountain
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glacier of mountain
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garibaldi of mountain
autumn of mountain
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scenic of mountain
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i like mountain
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Now these are surely CGI.
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>>7981111 is CGI, but >>7981110 was taken in Argentina in 2011:

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I do, because I'm not a bitch.
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some OC
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Isn't the second picture just modded skyrim?
So I'm guessing this is what Paradise Falls from Up was inspired by
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Basic bitch normies pose.
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>Originally 4950x3712
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This is gorgeous, damn.

So is this one.
you are truly the GOAT thank you
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I really can't tell if this is an overedit or natural
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I have had this picture as my wallpaper for like... 7 years?

I just love it
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> 5315x3307 (9 MB)
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I wish I were that moss on the left
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