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File: girlsrock1a.jpg (1.23 MB, 1920x1200)
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ITT only the brightest and most vibrant SFW hot pink and magenta coloured papes

nothing porn-related, or pale pastel, or weakly insipid, here please
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ooh fun, dump incomin
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4.68 MB JPG
>Original resolution was 6000x4000:
File: Piquet d'incendie.png (4.53 MB, 3840x2160)
4.53 MB
4.53 MB PNG
File: pink-radiant-background.jpg (83 KB, 1920x1080)
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633 KB PNG
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3.53 MB
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2.01 MB PNG
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2.38 MB
2.38 MB PNG
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3.61 MB
3.61 MB JPG
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5.31 MB
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4.15 MB JPG
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3.62 MB JPG
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1.1 MB
1.1 MB JPG
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2.95 MB JPG
what is it about hot pink neon that's just so comfy?

other neon colors are great too, but that hot pink in particular just looks so good on so many levels...
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960 KB JPG
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822 KB PNG
File: pink-hat.jpg (4.93 MB, 3840x2160)
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4.93 MB JPG
>Original was 4608x3456
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You're welcome
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193 KB JPG
fascinating how many Anons can't tell the difference between the hot pink/magenta colors that OP requested and the obviously PURPLE papes y'all have posted

I mean some of the colors being posted are not even close to being vaguely similar to those requested that anyone should be fucking this up as hard as some of y'all have done here

File: Retrology.png (2.29 MB, 1920x1080)
2.29 MB
2.29 MB PNG
purple is still girly.
File: 19835500516_248fb6c855_o.jpg (384 KB, 3000x2052)
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384 KB JPG
"Cute and girly" is a different thread, though. >>8004686 This one is just "hot pink and magenta". >>7994246
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I love kitties
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2.41 MB JPG
File: pink-hair.jpg (4.98 MB, 3240x2160)
4.98 MB
4.98 MB JPG
>Originally 5312x3542:
File: GO TO CAR.png (879 KB, 3200x2048)
879 KB
879 KB PNG
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2.77 MB
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fun thread, that smth that i found similary, i guess
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801 KB JPG
the last one, may be found smth and post later
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Based thread. Pink truly is the greatest color.
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you really should get pro help for your dyslexia Anon(s), you clearly totally missed the part where the OP twice labelled this thread 'SFW'
>nothing insipid

OP, look the the op picture. That is the definition of insipid, "girls rock", lol and cringe.
Can't imagine anyone over 13 years old using these unironically
>Can't imagine anyone over 13 years old using these unironically

good thing this site's mostly frequented by 13yo's of all ages then eh, pretty sure someone out there will like the pape even if you don't
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Is that from a movie?
File: Cold borscht.jpg (3.66 MB, 4272x2848)
3.66 MB
3.66 MB JPG
>Don't be misled by the fluorescent pink color, it's delicious.
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>bump, i like pink
same, the only better colour is orange imho

i'm sure it's very nice, but it looks like someone boiled up a bunch of pink highlighters and served it with a sprinkling of woodland :)
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the best flag
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File: cats.jpg (5.75 MB, 2164x1440)
5.75 MB
5.75 MB JPG
>Originally 4378x2912:
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2.69 MB
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> 5472x3648
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> 5228x3485
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