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File: wiTWM1E.jpg (674 KB, 1280x1024)
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674 KB JPG
Stuff with this kind of fun, youthful aesthetic. Doesn't have to be from games, that's just mostly where I find it.
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3.17 MB PNG
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OG Spyro the Dragon, holy nostalgia
File: Sunrise Springs (6).png (255 KB, 1280x720)
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File: Desert_Ruins.png (246 KB, 1280x720)
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File: Dragon Shores.png (382 KB, 1280x720)
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382 KB PNG
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God what I’d give for a new JSR
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File: Eveninglake1.jpg (384 KB, 1600x900)
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File: Cloud Temples (1).png (266 KB, 608x1080)
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Don’t die ;_;
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Any Catppuccin fans out there?
More adventurous than happy, but I feel it fits
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Thank you based Sonic Heroes enjoyer. Got Team Dark by any chance? I know it doesn't fir the theme of the thread
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431 KB PNG
god i love this thread, please don't let it die
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do you know how to replicate these? is there some sort of mod that allows a free camera within the og maps?
There is a website that lets you fly around freely in classic game levels like that.
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2.28 MB JPG
Good thread

Take me back
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this one I like
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OC, first time uploading a handmade wallpaper maybe somebody will like this
kinda ugly anon but i hope you take some small happiness in the fact that your wallpaper is now forever in my collection. keep on making art
I appreciate that anon. I'm far from where I want to be right now. But I'll keep up my art
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grateful for the memories from this thread :) bumperino
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File: oldman2.png (1.87 MB, 1440x900)
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2.54 MB PNG
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you're """in luck""", buddy
File: Sanseveira colorata.jpg (1.88 MB, 4608x3456)
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1.88 MB JPG
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Only a few will remember this banger
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67 KB
i like the composition and the color balance
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1.64 MB JPG
File: Bumper Garden.png (5.95 MB, 2700x1800)
5.95 MB
5.95 MB PNG
based pape based game

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