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posting what i've got
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I really love this one -it's just....SO comforting......it's almost like my perfect modern aesthetic sort of apartment :). Thanks for the share, friend!
I have this fantasy that i would only express anonymously on the internet, its me and my crush in one of these spaceships and we make love looking at the stars outside
god im so pathetic ;_________________;
I like the space related ones better, that is just my opinion.
Late 70s/early 80s retrofuturism where everything is chunky plastic and CRT monitors is so cozy to me. It's warmer to me than the sort of sterile iPhone future where everything is glass and touchscreens. I can imagine people, the sort of beautifully imperfect humans that pile up board games and magazines and leave beer cans lying around and do some things for no other purpose than simple pleasure, living day-to-day in this pic. I can only see robots populating the excessively minimalist and utilitarian iPhone future.
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I actually have some like this. I'll post what I got.
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Guess that's it.
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Found a couple more.
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thanks anon
No Prob.
nah, not pathetic & nice digits
I agree, it’s like the space truckers aesthetic of Alien. Seems more human & tactile
I guess we're all pathetic then.
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this is a very good thread
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makes me think of the interior if Lone Star's Eagle 5 Winnebago in Spaceballs. Even though it's a comedy, there was always something so comfy about that weird, lived-in retro-futurism of the 80s that I always wanted to have.
thanks for your submission
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>futurism interiors
I'm thinking this navigator is waaaay lost.
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that will be a trillion dollar apartment in 50 years
but only $200 million in '23 dollars
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Ash, I miss you!
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Bumping for when I wake up. I need more of this.
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anon lives in 2045
I need this
is that fucking jontron on the tv
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Do cars count?
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amazing digits and amazing fantasy

Not pathethic unless you approach her and try
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Triple doubles... it could happen.
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>triple doubles in numerical order

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imagine thinking people would care about boreball in a cyberpunk future
imagine caring about sports so much you make up a special name for them.
>noooo you can't criticize meh bordballz!!11
Wish this one was higher quality
Imagine not knowing the cyberpunk genre well enough to see that it's more about the gambling than the sport
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I think anon lives on a big ship
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that's not pathetic man, i think any girl would find that quite beautiful
Is this real? Isn't this infinity house or something like that all hand-built by one dude in california?
flying saucer house?
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its a model
the devs called they want this picture taken down
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Yea, I've been daydreaming about same bullshit all my life. But wake up to reality man... Imagine being an active outgoing female and then some gross weirdo autistic oddball traps you eternally alone on some floating rust bucket with his fucked up phantasies, millenia away from her friends, family, fun or any other people.. That would be the literal hell for her. Don't be that psychopath.
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this reminds me a lot of chuck's house from better call saul
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are these from soma?
Do you have a vagina? If you don't... man, your mom did a number on you.
This is cool, is it some kind of dollhouse?
Really like this one, i've had it printed out on my wall for years, my running theory on the story is that she is permanently confined in an underground bunker. The look of longing/wonder on her face makes me thing she is trying to experience the world that she has been denied through the hologram
1/12 scale model.
good movies that look like this or give this feeling?
this one is comfy, ty
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The stars wouldn't look that bright due to the indoor lighting making the relatively faint stars harder to see in all their glory.
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Reverse numerical order, dumbass.
I always found it impressive this is from 86
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blade runner and ghost in the shell obviously anon
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why am i such a sucker for this shit
Almost cozy. Those scribbles on the walls do kind of make me question the mental stability of the crew.
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Is that deus ex human revolution concept art? Looks a lot like the office you start the game in.
The in game view from the other angle captures the fireplace, which I think is a nice touch.
thats AI generated
imagine having this view while tripping balls
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The game may not have been the greatest, but man if its aesthetic wasn't so fucking cool.
are these miniatures?
Nope, 3D renders.

WIP thread:
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>Nostromo interiors

>Kitchen area

>Christmas on the Nostromo
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This has been my go-to background music for a while now...

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Remember our promise
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>Literal artist signature at the bottom of the pic
are you being retarded on purpose?
amazing digits and amazing fantasy. keep believing my friend
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IRL i dont want to live in a pod and have goyslop delivered to me, but when i look at these pictures the idea of living in a futuristic little spaceship room and having rations as food seems so pleasant.
you WILL be drafted into the cyber-orgy and you WILL be happy
i had the same feeling
there's some things that don't make sense in that painting and are dead giveaway for ai
if this is really man made it's weird
look closely at cupboards
could just be shitty perspective and change of mind mid drawing
lmao post tits roasty
It is. That's Eliza on the screen in the back
check out Lost in Translation and Akira too
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Bro, Shepard's Cabin in Mass Effect 2 and 3 is one of the coolest video game bedrooms of all time. Imagine having a huge sunroof above your bed but instead it's just a view of deep space with the blue trails of element zero or however they explain FTL travel in that game.
incredible (and it's not cringe anon, it's wholesome)
amazing get confirms you will get this fantasy
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They made a whole movie about that premise, actually.
movie could have been good, but they cast Jennifer "everyone on earth has seen my butthole" Lawrence
>Unhealthy love for piss yellow
>horrible cable management
>Eliza Cassandre 2.0 on screen
>Talking about limb clinics
I couldn't suspend my disbelief when she just ends up falling in love with him anyway, despite him completely ruining her life. Waking her up in the first place is just despicably cruel.
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whoops forgot my pape
where is that from ? Looks kubrickian
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>Silk is a bed restaurant in Frankfurt – a bit inspired by the Supperclub in Amsterdam and the Bed Supper Club in Bangkok. But, to be honest, none of these is so consistent in its approach as Silk or offers Michelin-starred cuisine. Wait, Michelin has awarded a star to Silk (early in 2006), a restaurant without proper tables, proper tablecloths, or high-end cutlery and porcelain – in Germany?

>When it comes to fine dining I am usually somehow conservative in that I very much prefer tables where I can sit and eat properly. But Silk is more than just a restaurant – it is an oasis, a state of mind. It is a place to feel at home, to relax and to abide with all the quarrels of each day. It is even intimate for a romantic and cosy dinner…

>Beds offer enough space for 4-6 people, one has to take off shoes and is offered special sandals to go for a walk… A DJ plays ambient tunes, the light gradually changes its intensity and lets the diners appear at their best. It is a perfect way to introduce fine dining to a different audience. But, guests have changed, especially since the first star has been awarded. One also finds traditional fine diners along with crazy party people who need to be forced to lay down for a couple of hours…

The restaurant and its parent nightclub closed down a decade ago, though.
show bobs
99% of these aren't cozy at all
Same btw, had dreams like that ever since I first hit puberty and it stuck with me
Although over the last couple of years it has gotten a lot less romantic, it's just me somewhere out there
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You are not pathetic, just not rich enough.
What is the point of a living space that is forces you to walk with a permanent stoop? There's even a child for reference.
Simply halving the width and using the available height for storage or subdivision would be a more effective use of space, while also reducing the risk of you banging your head, falling out of your living space and breaking your neck when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
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I reverse image searched searched it. This illustration was uploaded long before AI generation was a thing.
Wakfu ?
lol if AI could do 100% of all graphic designers would be replaced by prompt "engineers".
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that's the vibe
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how is anybody supposed to reach those controls?
is it zero g?
she realizes she would have done it too
I love that video
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is AIslop welcome?
No, your incorrectly-shaped, too-small slop is not welcome.
this is just a modern "luxury" hotel room
what do you mean? it looks 80s as fuck
It's look like an Earthship. They're really neat.
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if you're into tv shows check out Altered Carbon S1
don't bother with S2
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I just wanted to post that these are amazing.
And, fuck me, even the most welfare apsrtments from dystopian sci-fi works like Cyberpunk, are larger than what I ever hope to own and possibly to even rent.

Inb4 claus' retarded motto
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Behold the lost wallpaper from the archives that broke for some reason

I know this isn't ''interior'' but I couldn't find a futurism thread
I made this post. Can't believe it's been more than a year... Jeez.
Did you ask her out? Those digits were pretty nice.
goated post
not really futurist but this one tickles me the right way
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This thread has been in my watcher for weeks, bump.
damn, /wg/ is truly a slow board. Which is great. I hope you asked her out anon.
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I really like these one's, i don't know why but it's always chairs and beds in spaceship windows that i really enjoy, or bridges (pic related)

I just like the idea to go into the darkest corner of the galaxy, go low radar and power, sit down, and enjoy the view of the universe with nothing and nobody to disturb me.
Anon, you should check out when this thread was made
It's still live.
most overrated actress of our era
i haven't
isn´t this the Ishimura Living quarters from Dead Space?
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