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Gadsden flag
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Right out of the passenger side, bitch.
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i took this from one of these threads like 2 years ago and i still dont know what it means. does anyone know?
I have no idea how people can call Hoppeanism libertarian and celebrate Pinochet helicopter tossing. It's fascism with a bit less bureaucracy. Just call yourself a fascist.
Those colors look like complete shit together.
"Walk alongside cherry cola"
Your side lost. Deal with it.
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pedophile alert
Hoppeanism has very little to do with Pinochet thoughever. The desire to kill commies may be there, but the Pinochet helicopter tossing is mostly a meme, and they wouldn't actually kill them any more than they would in our current government, at least not actual hoppeans.
Stare long into the abyss. Libertarians have a fascism problem in that they attract fascists who think they're libertarian. And they're let in.
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if someone guising as a libratarian, and is espousing fascist ideolgy, they obviously arent libertarian
That doesn't matter. There are a lot of people who think they are libertarian and identify themselves as libertarians while holding views that aren't fully compatible. Helicopter rides are "just a meme" to you but a lot of people believe it, and they think you believe it too, so they think they're in the right place, and they'll make other people think they're in the right place too. Letting the foxes into the hen house, so to speak, but stupider.
I hate to make the Hitler analogy but do you know why it was called the national socialist worker's party? It started out as a socialist party before it was taken over by the extremists.
To quote Mike Redbar on a more recent example, "The Proud Boys didn't start off as a hate group. It started off as a faggot group of loser nerds." That's what the LP is.
are you illiterate?
>The Proud Boys didn't start off as a hate group. It started off as a faggot group of loser nerds.
Didn't it start purely as a psyop? Weren't glowies in it ever since the beginning? Also, as much as I don't care about the LP since I'm not American, there's nothing in common between the LP and the proud boys besides your subjective opinion (inb4 it's not subjective), quoting a literal who on something marginally related just makes you sound pretentious.
>Didn't it start purely as a psyop?
>Weren't glowies in it ever since the beginning?
not more than any other group. It has to get big enough to be noticed first.
>Also, as much as I don't care about the LP since I'm not American,
Obvious enough
>there's nothing in common between the LP and the proud boys besides your subjective opinion
There isn't. It's a commentary on group dynamics and radicalization.
>(inb4 it's not subjective),
I agree with you, they're objectively different organizations. However the dynamics of how organizations are compromised is the same. The LP has been in turmoil for the last year as a new faction took over and state affiliates have been lost over concerns about radicalization. The LP has had to denounce its own speakers when they've gone against the traditional principles of the party.
>quoting a literal who on something marginally related just makes you sound pretentious.
Being that upset about it makes you sound pretentious. I think it's a funny quote. Low brow humor is not considered pretentious in America.
Are you ignorant?
The party's starting to buckle. You can enjoy your pure libertarianism at home on the computer as long as you'd like. If you want a party to represent those values in public you should be aware the party is dealing with radical influx.
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Here's some OC to memorialize the loss of the LP. The guy in picrel left the party because he said it's too extreme for him now.
No you just ad hominem anything you don’t like as fascism in hopes that normans eventually believe it. Cope.
I'm disappointed you're not willing to have a conversation. The party has changed a lot in the last year. Von Mises is wreaking havoc since they took over leadership because they filled their ranks with Trump stop-the-stealers and literal pedophiles. Every redneck theocrat fancies himself a libertarian and they've been waltzing into the LP for years because they don't know where else to go. I'm not coping, I'm leaving the party. I'm not comfortable with where it's going and you have no idea where it is or where it's going, but at least you can enjoy the petty snake flag. I bet it looks great next to the punisher sticker on your truck.
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ironic, given how they tread all over blacks
fucking cringe. the snake represents the common man. this is literally a flag that says "we will trample all over your rights, because we perceive inequality somewhere." The only good leftie one I've seen makes the snake three-headed, and says "Don't tread on us."
should re-label that one "we will cause inequality wherever we tread", that'd be a much better fit for the kinds of democrat party/leftist/commie-wannabe fanboys that normally use these flags
>filled their ranks with Trump stop-the-stealers and literal pedophiles

So you're okay with election rigging and theft then? Or do you think that kinda thing's perfectly acceptable only as long as it's the party that you personally support who do the rigging and theft and then turn your country into some kind of clone of a third-world tinpot dictatorship where you end up with no rights? Because if you actively support the democrat party/political left, that's exactly where you, and everyone else around you, WILL end up.

Or are you one of those kinds of (mostly anti-Trump) folks with their head firmly up their own ass who still believes everything mainstream and social media tells them about how the system isn't broken and there's no election rigging/theft been going on?

Also, given that democrats/modern leftists are the ones who've been openly advocating for full term, and in some cases post-term, abortion and also using the police and legal system to forcibly remove very young kids from their families so the kids can be trans'd without the parents permission or support; and democrats/leftists are also the ones who've been actively flooding school library's and school curriculums with porn and other woke political bullshit and then tried and failed very hard to cover up their actions, and who've also openly and repeatedly claimed that kids are not just the responsibility of their respective parents, but are in fact "everyone's kids", then it seems pretty clear to me that ALL democrats/leftists are the ones with a serious fetish for kids.
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It wasn't stolen. I'm not going to entertain your gay fantasy. Send another paycheck to Trump and maybe he'll do something about it for real this time.
dont put that commie bs on that dumbass flag
>It wasn't stolen.

If you honestly believe that bullshit then you should probably spend less time watching/reading mainstream and social media and more time actually looking into things for yourself; aside from opening your eyes to new ideas it might surprise you just how fucked up things have really gotten while you've had your head buried in the sand these past few years.
it's a subversion of marx's take dumbass, it's not commie
>"we will trample all over your rights, because we perceive inequality somewhere."
That's modern "leftism" in a nutshell. Workers rights and all that stuff went out the window in the 90's. If a modern leftist had to pick between defending the rights of a white, blue collar man or a black billionaire, they're going to pick the billionaire every time.
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rate my OC
Get rid of the white. Abrasively orange.
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Basically retarded in all ways.
Here you go boss.
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not gay enough for our black and indigenous trans folx.
Thanks for the fix - it does look better.
The Soviets would have you shot for bourgeois immorality.
seethe in your broken system, fag-cysts
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forgot to add flag btw
At least this one makes sense. Gay as fuck though.
The only good commie, is a dead one
>that font
Tы нe тoлькo кoмми-пидop, нo eщё и лишён вкyca.
love it
also checked
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I love how this flag makes leftist faggots seethe so hard.
gotta love a flag that makes poorly educated leftist teachers seethe so much they try to kick a child out of school simply for putting the flag as a patch on their backpack

it's even better when the childs parent then has to educate the braindead jobsworth of a teacher as to the real actual historical meaning of the flag, and does it on camera for all online to see

at this point if you're a teacher, and you're a leftist, you need to go fuck yourself and find a different job, because you shouldn't be allowed to be anywhere near any children of any age, whether its your own or anyone elses kids

>teh leftisht faggets sheete
> >>8009445
who's seething here? :^)
Imagine being this kind of a retard. Pinochet was a fascist and we don't support the executions of communists. It's simply a joke, yet leftists can't understand that.
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It's not a joke. Come visit the south and meet all the redneck theocrats who fancy themselves libertarians now. Republicans and confederates stopped calling themselves republicans almost a decade ago. Now they all say libertarian.
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Leftists hate the common man
I like this one immensely.
I think the heart of the problem is you show your inclination to accept one evil over another. Like you called me a crazed leftist because I won't sit comfortably with fascist atrocities as humor. You're picking a side that does not sit within libertarianism. Left bad right preferable.
If you leave out the dictatorship part Chile is held up as a gold standard Milton Friedman libertarian free market experiment. There are more than enough self identified libertarians who are willing to will accept the atrocities because they can justify the outcome in their favor. Bukele is a hardcore authoritarian but dudebro bitcoin libertarians think he's great. What it comes down to is you and others assuming people are joking when they often are not and you're making them think the party accepts their more extreme views. And in fact it does more and more all the time.
It says "don't encroach"
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What most dumb fuck Leftists don't understand about the Gadsden Flag is that it is transcendent flag. It is on a metaphysical level.
The flag is a warning. It is a warning to all those looking to deprive others of liberty. It isn't a warning to those being stepped upon, but to those during the treading. Something the maker of this boot meme Gadsden flag obviously lacks the intelligence to understand.

The snake is indifferent to who treads. Good, bad, well intentioned, or ruinous, fascist, or commie. The snake doesn't care. He is a snake. You step on a snake you get bit.

The dumb fuck that created this boot meme doesn't understand that the snake represents collective freedom. And when you step on the snake you're not only stepping on other's freedoms but your own freedoms too. Treading on someone else's liberties is treading on your own. Govt just doesn't remove liberty from one. it applies to all. It is collective.That's why you down step on a snake. You retard. Because you're treading on your own liberty as well. Snake doesn't care. It's a fucking snake. It has no conscience. And it is guaranteed to strike if you step. And it doesn't miss. Your liberty WILL be taken away if you take someone else's away. It applies to all. Just as a snake will strike all.

And that is why a snake is on the flag. Not a dog, or a human, or an eagle, or a olive branches. You step, it's you're own damn fault.

Of course commies are too fucking stupid to understand why communism is stupid. So go figure they make a Gadsden flag with a boot. Idiots.
they genuinely do. they hate anything that isn't free
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>another retard that doesn't understand the flag it's using or what communism is about

The Gadsgen flag is not about collectivism you fucking rightard moron, it's about individualistic freedom and is generally used by libertarians for that specific purpose. Communists as you should fucking know by now don't think that individual freedom should overstep collective freedom as someone's individual "freedom" might harm an entire collective, albeit for profit or just liberal retardness.
For example, this flag was widely used during the Covid Pandemic by anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers. Two retarded groups that put at risk and harmed the collective.
For that reason this flag >>8007765 has the meaning it's supposed to have and the one i just posted also has a valid meaning, so stop being a retarded cunt and stop making shit up.

The only good one in fucking forever. Death to fags who can't understand taxes.
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>this flag was widely used during the Covid Pandemic by anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers. Two retarded groups that put at risk and harmed the collective.

Except the evidence, globally, is now in, and it's now beyond any reasonable doubt that, despite whatever the politicians, media, and government approved 'experts' all repeatedly kept stating, mask mandates absolutely did not fucking work and indeed were entirely disastrously counter-productive across almost the entire board.

Similarly with the coof vaccines and innumerable boosters, the evidence is now fairly unequivocal that not only were those vaccines and boosters NOT SAFE, as those same politicians, media, and 'experts' ALL kept widely proclaiming (mostly because they were ALL earning actual cash money for saying it), but the coof vaccines and boosters have infact been the direct cause of countless hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of sudden deaths and other serious and yet completely avoidable injuries.

The fact is everyone was lied too, repeatedly, for at least two years, and the people who did the lying are now actively and increasingly trying to push the same bullshit onto all of us once more as though we've all forgotten the last couple of years ever fucking happened. But as Uncle Yuri said many years ago, some people will never see the truth until the authoritarian boot is firmly stood on their neck.

So no, the so-called anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers were not "retards" at all, rather they were infact actually right on the money; but others sadly still refuse to accept that fact to this day because it means admitting that they themselves might have been duped by a bunch of professional liars.
Isn't there a containment board you should be in?
>the masks did not work and were counter-productive
The masks and social distancing did work, China which is a HUGE ASS country with one of the densest populations on earth had it under control in a year because they enforced it.
>the vaccines kill people!!
No, they don't and there are studies that looked into it, death post-vaccine has no correlation to a vaccine-caused death, the numbers just aren't there.

You all retards are the same, you get offered evidence and you stick to your schizo mindset of "THE WORLDS GONNA GET ME" so why the fuck bother.
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I'm glad you'll be dying soon. Eternity in a lake of fire for you and your communists friends living in the perfect communist utopia, all thanks to your undying allegiance to the synagogue of satan.
File deleted.
There is no point talking to leftists. Their entire ideology is contradictory, even to them. They firmly believe the right to be evil; therefore they must be fascists! Hiltler is literally the worst you can be called. Ask them what fascist means and the answer will invariably be something like totalitarianism. Yet they are the ones calling for censorship and stripping the unvaxed of their rights. Because they believe that someone who does not think like them must be evil, they are justified to act in any way against evil.

Meanwhile, we view leftists as not evil or something that should be eliminated - despite how annoying, obnoxious, and pathetic - but to be pitied. Their entire ideology is based on being physically weak. They need big government to protect them, because they can't do it themselves. They value security over freedom, being fragile and insecure.

The new status symbol is the luxury of virtue signaling. They are letting the world know that they are morally superior and by extension, a better person. They have this luxury because virtue signaling has no consequences for them - they have a corporate job that pushes this woke agenda. They don't have to answer to the public, who may hold different views, like business owners do.
>there are studies that looked into it, death post-vaccine has no correlation to a vaccine-caused death, the numbers just aren't there
Depends where you get your numbers. If you believe everything the media (only CNN, MSNBC, NYT) tell you is true, the government will never lie to you, then it's perfectly safe.

A guy was saying the exact same thing to me the other day - "the numbers just aren't there, there are no side effects, the vaccine works" etc. Yet he had myocarditis and now has a pacemaker. Of course it was from getting covid, not from the vaccine. Imagine the mental gymnastics you have to do to convince yourself of that.
>religious and anti-semitic
Do you ever have anything new to offer to the table?

ok buddy, yes you do

Not an Amerimutt and no, i try not to use government propaganda to base off my ideology. By the way, what do you recommend? Fox News? Alex Jones podcasts? hahahah
I got covid early then a year later got vaccinated then got myocarditis.

The covid caused the myocarditis.

Bless your heart. I love it when someone tries to point out ridiculous view points while simultaneously making their own ridiculous claims. What's more likely? an international cabal secretly plotting and making nefarious and obtuse plans to presumably take over the world AND THE KIDS!? or that some bad actors are profiting off making you angry and simply do not care about truth as long as you're angry and they can weaponize it. Jan 6th is a clear example that these fear mongers are just using you, and as soon as some accountability has to take place they just leave you with the jail sentence. You really think Republicans didn't have the power to intervene, and help get lesser sentences for the folks charged in Jan 6th? just look at our own god damn history. we had LITERAL NAZIS working in the US during WWII, We have MOUNTAINS of evidence of what was going on. There was even MUILTIPLE trials to try and convict LITERAL NAZIS, and Republicans made sure that mostly everyone got away with just a slap on the wrist via public opinion.
These people that are making you angry about everything, do not care about you, they are using you to push their own means. They will turn face if it is not in their best interest to protect you.

Stop telling people to think for themselves and start actually thinking for yourself, learn how to read academic papers and actually determine for yourself if its bullshit or real, read different journalist and understand what a verifiable source is. At some point you have to understand how ridiculous some of these claims are, who benefits, how are these winning strategies? If they are smart enough to have a secret cabal that is bringing about the New world order, how come they pick the worst dumbest plans to do it? who gains from porn in schools? OR is it more likely someone is telling you that because it makes you angry, makes you act.
>ivye nad it witn tnyesye mftnyeyafuskipg spakyes ip moo mftnyeyafuskipg mftnyeyalapd
What did he mean by this?
time for bed
oh look, another /pol/tard thread.
who would have thought.
Cuckberterianism is yet one stepping stone on the path to full blown fascism. You seethe, yet you will eventually join us
No anon, you don't understand. Leftism does have way more evil people than the right, even counting only the leadership. Psychopaths are drawn to it because it is the ideology that gives them more power. At the bottom, you have people larping through it as a way to get power over others, which is also a form of sociopathy, and those who are naive, well, their naivite is so destructive that it borders evil. Don't pity leftists - do try to understand them, understand the logic behind it, try to figure out the leftist individual as a person, but never underestimate and never negotiate with communists. Millions already paid the ultimate price for it.
For context, I'm retarded by the way, forgot to mention that.
except, by your own words, you only got myocarditis presumably very soon AFTER you were jabbed, not before

which means you're just like countless hundreds of thousands/millions of other folks all around the world who've bizarrely all developed the exact same condition in exactly the same way within the exact same set of circumstances

they call that kind of thing an inescapable correlation

the communists playbook literally requires them to divide the kids from their parents by any means necessary; in this case they're using things like the trans agenda and porn in school libraries to actively confuse young children and separate them from their parents, because despite what you might have been taught by your own teachers and the mainstream media, teaching 5yo's about sex is not actually a great idea.

this is also why certain leftist states have been actively and publicly pushing for laws to use the legal system to forcibly strip very young kids away from their parents and start the kids transitioning against the parents wishes. And yes, before you deny it, that IS a thing.

so who gains from porn in schools? the left does

and who gains from using the legal system to steal kids from their parents so they can be trans'd at an age where they can barely wipe their own asses without help? the left does

who gains from accusing concerned parents of being domestic terrorists just for attending a schoolboard meeting? the left does

who gains from weaponising the legal system and making up charges against people and putting their political opponents in jail for no reason? the left does

who gains from constant media misreporting on events such as the coof, jan 6th, election 2020, crime, illegal migration and open borders, etc. etc.? the left does

so are you seeing the pattern yet? I could go on, but I shouldn't need to, anyone with two braincells in their head should see what's going on, and yet you don't seem to see it, what does that say about you?

You're part of the right wing mass hysteria propaganda campaign and you can't even tell. Truly democracy has fallen and the Elites are dumbing their citizens down day by day.

>sex ed is not needed
>them damn commies wanna make my son trans
>the immigrants are taking my jobs! what do you mean that corporate would rather pay cheaper labour for more profit? leftist!

You don't know what Left or Right means, you don't really know what's happening around you and who really is pulling the strings here. You're another cog in the corporate machine that aims to cause more division so people are in constant in-fighting so they don't notice all the inflation, all the capitalist human rights violations, the come back of child labour in the united states, the lower standards of living and the dumbing down of their workers, plus more.

You think the coof really helped the left? How so? Dividing workers? Limiting human interaction? You think the left instead of looking to revolt would want to stay at home and consume? Who really is winning here but profit seeking capitalist burgeoises? What is really the difference between Republican and Democrat? Aren't they doing the same fucking thing? Why are third political parties in the US practically non-existant? How free do you think you are if at the minimum sign of being publicly slightly anti-government you have the CIA knocking on your door or worse?

Are the issues you're now worried about really the ones you should be focusing on when they are incredibly polarizing on purpose?
you're a broken faggot with heart issues after your third and fourth jabs.
Holy cringe
desu I'm more worried about my trans son turning immigrants communist
>so people are in constant in-fighting so they don't notice all the inflation, all the capitalist human rights violations, the come back of child labour in the united states, the lower standards of living and the dumbing down of their workers, plus more.

Who's in charge of the country right now?

Seriously, which party is in charge of the country right now, and has been since the last election? Is it the republicans?

No of course it isn't, it's the democrats. And yet clueless leftists like you continue to blame the party that ISN'T currently in power for all of the countries problems

The democrats have POTUS, they have the senate majority, they make the rules, they're the ones pushing the economy, and the standards of living, down the fucking toilet on a daily basis

bidenomics? what a fucking joke

And that's same economy by the way that was actually doing quite well and was already bouncing back at the end of 2020 despite the coof and everything else that was going on, and yet as soon as the demonrats got power they started fucking EVERYTHING up

Oh yes, and the increase of child labor, where most of those children are illegal migrants, so how did they get into the country when Trump had reduced illegal migration into the US to records lows? That's right, the democrats took power and immediately tore open the borders and flooded the country with millions of illegals at record high levels, most of whom have gone missing all throughout the country, and a lot of whom, particularly the kids, might never be found

And speaking of dumbing things down, the only reason the workers have been dumbed down is because the leftist-controlled education system has spent the last 60-70 years carefully dumbing down successive generations of kids, some of which kids then entered the workforce with heads full of leftist entitlement and beliefs and little or no practical life skills, so once again, there's only one side to blame here, and it's NOT the conservative right
The Chinese quarantined their citizens until they literally died of starvation. Refused to take people to the hospital. Had government drones blaring warnings on loudspeakers and arrested those who did not comply. Meanwhile football players are dropping of heart attacks left and right, people I know personally got horrific rashes, uncommon conditions and heart issues from the jab. Every sane person knows why WHO and CDC publications on how WHO and CDC actions are effective are utter bullshit. You are deluded beyond saving.

When the day comes you will be drowned in a muddy puddle by your "comrades" for your spot in the bread line your shitty government has set up for your dependent ass. Good luck.
unless you've lived with actual communism you wouldn't have the first fucking clue what it's actually like; all you know about it is what your leftist teachers and professors fed you on the subject, their whitewashed hyper-sanitised utopian dream of everyday commie life, but what they don't tell you is how it quietly sneaks into power, and slowly infects and takes control over everything making the people dependent upon it, and how the people are then basically left by the elite 1% as slaves with no rights at all, exactly like the democrats have been trying to do to the US since they stole 2020

fact is the left weren't supposed to lose 2016, but Trump, and all the people who voted for him, fucked their plans up royally, and that's why the democrats and RINO's have spent the last 7 years bitterly trying to take him out by any means possible, and have weaponised the FBI, CIA, etc. and are now increasingly going after anyone on the political right, including politicians, bureaucrats, and members of the public alike, all in a cynical act of political retribution taken straight from the commie playbook

and yes, you're right, barring a few notable exceptions within the republican party in both houses, there's almost zero difference between the democrat party and most of the republican party nowadays, that's why they're increasingly referred to by actually conservative commentators as the Unaparty, because voting either way makes no real difference

thing is, trump stood for the republican party in 2016, but that was purely an expediency, he wanted to win and knew that by being an independant he wouldn't have had a chance against Killary; what he didn't expect though was that the rino side of the Unaparty would mostly turn on him and work against him once he won

this is why he needs to win in 2024, presuming he doesn't get JFK'd/Epstein'd in the meantime, so that he can fully deswamp the system and actually set the country free from the leftist commie tyranny
Well said Anon. Sadly some people are now simply way beyond saving at this point; you could show them all the evidence in the world to counter their viewpoint and they'll still refuse to accept any of it because they're now wholly incapable of accepting that they might be wrong simply because their own government-approved sources might have actively lied to them.
I want this one on a t-shirt.
Fucking saved.

>so you're a democrat huh?
I'm not a Democrat or Republican, i dont consider them "Leftists" I'm a Marxist/Leninist Communist and a Socialist, which are Socio-Economic models. I am not a Globalist, i do not believe that we should open borders. I am completely against child labour but Republicans and Democrats won't stop facilitating these practices.
As i said you don't know what Left or Right is as your options have always been right conservative or right progressive.

Yes, illegal immigration is bad and reinforces inequality. But who are most likely the ones that want to bring Immigration into your country?
Immigrant lovers in their happy world with their pink tinted glasses or capitalist interests for cheap work labour in harsh jobs and more profit?

Why are Democrats the reason for inflation? The reason for inflation was and will always be a natural effect of capitalism, with the 1% hoarding all the wealth for generations to come forcing governments to print more and more money to avoid crashing untill it does and it balances out and you take it in the ass once again as the cycle repeats

>do not believe information from these sources
>brings out information from the same sources
Also, based china, only 22 old people died of starvation (?)sources are not even sure if they all died of starvation or just medical complications.

>you have never lived under communism!
You neither and you dont even know what Communism, Marxism or Socialism is, for you it's all the same, the boogie man and the cause of all your current problems.
A leftist is someone who follows a left-wing political ideology, you claim to be a communist, communism is a left-wing ideology, ergo you're a leftist.

That I even needed to explain that is just sad, but oh well.

>But who are most likely the ones that want to bring Immigration into your country?

See, I note you're trying to play semantics, what the US is experiencing is NOT immigration, it is in fact mass illegal economic migration.

There's a very real difference between the two terms, but only the left (and some rino's) are trying to put lipstick on the pig by calling the disastrous illegal economic migration "immigration", and the only reason they do that is because they full well know how bad things are and so are simply trying to do that most typical of leftist things, deflecting attention from a major issue, you know, like leftist media outlets calling a city on fire in the middle of a violent riot based on a lie a "mostly peaceful protest".

Thing is, given that Trump more or less shut down illegal economic migration during his term, and the Democrats first action when biden stole potus was to throw the borders wide open and thus allow unfettered illegal migration for the last 3 years, to the tune of millions of migrants, I should think it's fairly fucking clear who's been pushing for illegal migration, it's certainly not traditional conservatives and some actual republicans and their supporters.

What you're failing to comprehend, either through ignorance, or deliberately, is that the traditional assumption that the democrat party are the 'party of the people' is not based in any kind of reality, the democrats now only represent the biggest wealthiest corporate interests, the tech and media giants, etc. While they could care less about the average person, whether the person is a democrat voter or not.

After all let's not forget that the democrat party were the ones who mostly owned slaves and actively fought against the abolition of slavery
* they were the ones who introduced jim crow
* they were the ones who founded the kkk
* they were the ones who introduced segregation
* they were the ones who actively fought against the civil rights movement
* they were the ones who went door-to-door encouraging women, and particularly black women, to throw their husbands and/or male partners out of the home so they could spend the rest of their lives getting a regular welfare check from the government, thereby almost overnight reversing decades of gradual improvement and increasing success within the traditional black family home

And no, before you go there and claim that the democrats and republicans swapped sides back in the day, save your breath, that's nowt but a fallacy, it didn't happen, but even if it did it makes no sense given that the claimed swap supposedly happened after abolition (pushed by the republicans) but before all the other evil crap (pushed by the democrats), fact is the democrats were always the democrats, and they've always been about keeping people under their thumb rather than letting folks be free to live their lives in peace free from government control and tyranny

And that's where the similarities between the democrats and other socialist/communist ideologies comes into view, everything the democrats have done, and are pushing for to this day, is taken directly from the traditional communist playbook, everything.

* take control of the mainstream media - check
* take control of the highest seat of power - check
* take control of the legal system - mostly check
* serve any corporate sponsors needs - check
* attack political opponents, either through the media or the legal system - check
* jail folks without charge, or on fake BS charges, often for extended periods of time without access to legal representation - check

>Why are Democrats the reason for inflation?

I know this might be a difficult concept for you to grasp as a commie, but a lot of the time rather than a problem occurring being someone elses fault, it's usually actually the fault of the person who provably caused the problem, and no amount of deflecting and finger pointing can change that fact

Like if you burn down a building and kill someone inside, that's entirely your fault, nobody elses; you lit the match, you threw the firebomb, you didn't check to see if the building was empty first, it's all on you, and nobody else, but a leftist would try and deflect the blame elsewhere, be it onto the person they killed, the police, global warming, or who or whatever just as long as they can deflect the blame somewhere else for long enough to get a slap on the wrist from a sympathetic legal system

In this case though the Democrats are the ones currently in control of the economy, they've been in control of that economy now for the last nearly 3 years, and in that time they've proved beyond any reasonable doubt the old adage that you should never ever leave any kind of a socialist in charge of your nations economy. And credit to most of the republicans for standing up to at least some of that BS, but the rinos in the Unaparty have also helped the democrats screw the economy up more than enough in that time

That's why the US economy is now circling around the fucking toilet bowl; as mentioned previously, under Trump the economy was trending upwards and was looking good again for everyone, despite the coof and all the other bullshit that was, and had been, going on, and yet provably, and despite all the subsequent democrat claims to this day to the contrary about how good things are, more or less as soon as biden stole potus, the economy started sliding backwards, as the democrats increasingly started trying to write cheques for their bullshit projects like money just grows on fucking trees

>You neither and you dont even know what Communism, Marxism or Socialism is

Sorry, not sorry, to burst your bubble here, but I actually have experienced that, so yes, I DO actually know what I'm talking about, so maybe you yourself should stop talking about something you have no practical real world knowledge of.

And no, I really don't care what half-baked bullshit your teachers and professors spoonfed you when they were filling your head full of their own personal fantasies about the idealised socialist/communist utopia, the simple fact is they were ALL lying to you, just as they've been increasingly lying to successive generations of western kids for at least the last 70+ years.

So no, as a long-time student of both history and politics, I know full well what's going on, I can see through all of the attempted leftist deflection and whitewashing attempts, I can clearly see the correlations with past events, I can see actual history actively repeating itself right now, and I know precisely what will happen if the commie-wannabe democrat party win/steal 2024; and don't think that just because you're a self-professed commie that you'd somehow be safe or protected from that terrible outcome, the simple fact is that almost NOBODY anywhere around the world will be safe if the US falls entirely into the leftist globalists hands in 2024.
This is a very shitty reply and is making me questioning if you're even bothering reading what i'm writing lol.

>"Yeah, no, i don't consider Democrats left-wing"
???? That reply made literally no sense.

>it's not immigration, it's ecconomic emigration.
Sure, that's part of what i was talking about, immigrants coming to make the quick "big" bucks at the US and them sending them back to their shit poor countries, sure, still it only benefits the Corporate interests due to the cheap labor. And even if there was a more restrictive market, Immigrants would still be a cheaper workforce for the Capitalist class, specially if they are trying to get their nationality.

>what you're failing to comprehend is that Democrats are in for corporate interests
lol sure, as i said, i dont support either party, i don't know why you keep thinking i'm defending or supporting Democrats in anyway.

>stupid rant talking about Democrats when i already said i do not support them.
Not gonna bother desu

>Democrats are Socialist/Communist because...
>They take control of the Media
Why is this a trait specifically Socialist/Communist? It's a totalitarian trait. The thing is that instead of the News being controlled directly by the government they are being controlled by centrist/right wing billionaries.

>take control of the highest seat of power
Sure, like every fucking political party that isn't anarchist.

>take control of the legal system
Yes, that's something political parties generally independent of ideology try to so.

>they serve CORPORATE sponsors
???????? Are you mentally handicapped? How is this a Socialist or Communist trait?

>attack political opponents
Yes, they do that in politics...

>jail folks without charge or with BS ones
That's, again, a totalitarian trait, not a communist one.

>I actually have experienced that
>doesn't explain further
>inb4 cuban immigrant
>cubans are still riddled with sanctions due to the EMBARGO the US refuses to lift
>the US gives benefits to Cubans for immigrating
You're certainly making your part on supporting the US imperialist agenda against Cuba, not giving a fuck of your fellow neighbors living in a fabricated poverty due to the US sanctions.

The rest of your post are just assumptions i'm too lazy to reply to.
>the democrat party
You mean the south. If you're tricked by word games you're a retard and have no business discussing politics.
Hopefully some good bans come out of this.
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lol that's pretty good
Cubans are only living in poverty because they've been stuck living under a communist regime for the past several decades

If the communists running the place would kindly just fuck off at this point and let Cuba go back to how the country was before the commies entirely fucked the place up, Cuba would very likely quickly become a thriving modern mostly conservative nation once again, instead of it being permastuck in a socialist 1950's/60's timewarp

But no, let's not blame the commies who actually dragged the country back in time from the happy thriving egalitarian society it once was to the socialist disaster it now is, let's instead blame the U.S. for deciding to stand up to a regressive tyrannical regime parked right on its fucking doorstep.

Fucking commie-wannabe muppet, learn some actual facts before you embarrass yourself any further.
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> 7680 x 4320
>the happy thriving egalitarian society it once was
You mean... Batista?
>let's instead blame the U.S. for deciding to stand up to a regressive tyrannical regime parked right on its fucking doorstep.
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God how I hate when faggots like you use cyrillic letters which look similar to latin ones and put them in some shitty soviet larping shit
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Problem being?
>election rigging

No judge has decided in favor of these claims.

No material evidence has been made public in any way shape or form, by any of the politicians, legal workers or whistleblowers in question despite every opportunity and reason to do so.

When Fox was pushed to provide evidence they loudly and repeatedly claimed they concerning rigged votes they provided none. Instead they opted to pay an exorbitant fee totaling three quarters of a billion dollars to please stop asking us to provide evidence.

Other prominent actors in the stolen election claims phenomenon have been called to court and have been given a chance to lay out their evidence.

There has been no material evidence of this conspiracy that is supposed to have involved hundreds if not thousands of people in all layers of society including people who openly support Trump and/or the republican party, some to the point of being willing to commit violence to that end. Not a single goddamned person came forth to speak about it.

And you still expect me to believe this shit? YOU actually still believe it? Beyond wanting his political agenda to succeed...WHY?!
People called Obama the antichrist, but remember that the antichrist is supposed to be charismatic to the point that he will convince christian people to stray from the path. He has christian people defending his fornication, adultery and his untruths under GOD's oath. There is an actual stronger case to make for him being the literal antichrist than for the elections being stolen.

was written by: a christian, right wing, straight white man from Europe.
This looks interesting anon, but since I’m a libertarian I literally cannot read anything that’s remotely complex. Can you put it in meme format?
You do know Google translate has a fiture where you can upload a picture and it will automatically translate any text
This one looks cool, it can also represent freedom of speech, don't try to tuch pen order some shit like that
Too long won't read
>No judge has decided in favor of these claims

That would be because no judge in any of the contested areas had the backbone and balls to even look at the claims, instead they all simply rejected the cases out of hand without looking in any depth at any of the facts being presented

>No material evidence has been made public in any way shape or form

Except it has, but as most of the mainstream media are now simply scribes who are firmly in the back pockets of those who stole the election, none of the available evidence was reported anywhere on mainstream media except as a concerted effort to discredit all of it and the associated claims without actually looking into any of it in any meaningful way like actual unbiased uncorrupted journo's should do

So instead the evidence has had to be presented by alternative means, which has allowed the mainstream media, and clueless dickheads like yourself who clearly believe everything the mainstream media tells you, to claim those alternative methods are untrustworthy and should be entirely ignored

>was written by: a christian, right wing, straight white man from Europe

that doesn't mean a single thing, it doesn't mean you know anything, or stand for anything useful, you clearly believe everything the mainstream tell you or you wouldn't have written that post repeating their leftist inaccuracies and fallacies; no Trump is not perfect, most people, even those who support him, accept that, but he's also not a career politician, he's not an Obama, or a Clinton, or a Biden, or a Bush, and that's why the political class hate Trump and are actively trying to destroy him; he's not one of them, he's inconvenient to their globalist plans and they want him gone anyway they can without martyring him all because he supported them and then he stood against them, so even if you don't like the man, he's still important because he revealed the political class, on both sides, all around the world, for the evil they really are
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>gets his day in court
>gets laughed out of court
kys dipshit.
you're an actual retard that knows fuck all about history if you're about to claim the current day democratic party founded the kkk and jim crow. Read a fucking book you moronic tool
does fox news play in your sleep?
Jesus the amount of crazy ass shit here.
I'm sure you think democrats are drinking baby blood in basements too.
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These people are deliberately retarded. I spent enough time in the right wing to know it's purposeful self delusion. How they're comfortable with that I'll never know.
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it literally says "dont step on my alphabet" falsely implying that cryllic has some kind of value
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I thought it was wingdings :P
except Anon's actually right on every one of those points, so maybe it's you who needs to read a fucking book instead of relying on whatever fantasy horseshit your commie-loving teachers told you to believe
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you really think the republican party of today would be against slavery? lmao
righties in a nutshell, "weak people don't deserve anything"
if you mean the rino faction of the modern republican party, then no, they'd be all for slavery and enforced racial division just like their buddies in the democrat party

the much smaller actually traditional conservative faction of the modern republican party however are definitely still opposed to slavery
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>but think of the weak, who would support them? not me of course!
commies can't comprehend altruism
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I prefer this permutation.
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I've just made a phone version cause it looks better
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Found this while going through my Wallpapers
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Mobile Version too
The grammar is triggering me. It should be "Non calcare me". As it stands this is telling someone that you haven't been stepped on, not giving an order for them to not step on you.
>all your money goes to road toll booths that are legal for private entities to erect in the middle of the public road because of muh lolbertarianism and muh completely unrestricted "free" market
listen man, i love market economics as much as the next guy, but there will never be a truly "free" market. if you have zero government economic regulation then the first rich guy wealthy enough to hire a private militia would immediately erect a new government to control us.

you will never have an unregulated economy, like in the days of olde, in modern times with modern tech and modern culture, unless you live in some kind of backwatered pilgrim village

there are forms of economic intervention by the government that are absolutely necessary to facilitate a healthy market.
comtoids in a nutshell, "the strong must be punished" lmao
close enough
no, i was unaware of this
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Our people are Nomads, we have conquered the entire world for our Yamnayan lviing space. Our Folk tread wherever we want, regardless of flimsy paper 'constitutions'. Brothers! Love yourselves, love your families love your folk. I love all of you and so do the Gods, regardless of your political affiliation by mere virtue of who you are. Hail Victory! (here's a fun pape)
greed is a nice safety mechanism for these situations
other rich guys will be more than willing to temporarily cooperate against the bigger rich guy just to prevent him from taking control
also, having people willing to die for you is so expensive without a government that it's not a viable strategy
"I suck government cock"
"It's my right to fuck your kids"
your head
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> These new vaccines are 99% effective have been thoroughly tested
> Okay they are 80% effective and we tested them enough. The science is understood.
> Well maybe they are 65% effective and we tested them on a couple of people and some rats but it was only designed to lessen the spread of Covid.
> Yeah they are only 30% effective but they were only designed to lessen the effects of Covid. It's not like it's harmful.
> Okay so its only like 10% effective but it was only really designed to help old and sick people. Some people might see some serious side effects but hey there is risk in all vaccines. We are in this together!
> Okay look it didn't do anything at all but we are past that. I know we vilified you over night and attempted to eject you from society (maybe tried to put you in a camp) but now is a time for togetherness and forgiveness. By the way here is an advertisement about children with hearth damage.

Don't let them gaslight you about the last 3 years bros.
> The masks and social distancing did work, China which is a HUGE ASS country with one of the densest populations on earth had it under control in a year because they enforced it.

Brother, using China as an example for anything is not good for your argument...
> No, they don't and there are studies that looked into it, death post-vaccine has no correlation to a vaccine-caused death, the numbers just aren't there.

It's perfectly normal for children to have heart attacks. Children have always had heart attacks. The Minitrue told me so!
you sound weak
homosexuality is inherently harmful to my child's right to not be molested, therefore, remove fags
By that standard, is male heterosexuality inherently harmful to girls' right to not be molested? And if so, what should be done about straight men?
>not about collectivism

The original comic was commissioned by Ben Franklin to urge "american" colonists to fight back against the Great Northern Aggression.
At first they didn't want to because it was considered 'the King's war' and they left all that behind them.
So Benny wrote out an article explaining that we needed to resist the French-Canadian invaders and commissions an artist to include a comic to act as an attention grabber.
The comic depicts a snake chopped up into pieces and each one is labeled with an American colony on it. At the bottom are the words, "Join, Or Die." The coma in the phrase changes the intent to from threatening to ultimatum; we're either together or we're dead.

The use here, the more commonly seen "Dont Tread On Me" flag, was from the revolution era. Pretty obvious in the meaning. But regardless of the current use, a symbol doesn't change its meaning.

And more importantly, using a bunch of people who chose to get together and shout in a big crowd during a pandemic featuring a respiratory infection as a metric is an intellectually dishonest argument. Good day, xir.
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>copypastes entire wikipedia article
>"good day XIR!! XDXD"
love this
I don't have a side I hate everyone I hate all life stop bothering me
This was also a lie because the b**** couldn't come up with anything because you lied duh
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Imagine being individualist in the year of our Lord 2024. Blue square for life, faggots
>I have no idea how people can call Hoppeanism libertarian and celebrate Pinochet helicopter tossing
I don't think Hoppe ever advocated for the helicopter tossing, just ostracizing commies and other undesirables out of your community by market based means. The fact that this got conflated with Pinoche style free telecommuter rides is mostly a meme phenomenon.
If there are bigger losers in human history than commies that would be fascists, since you swine couldn't even keep your statist murder cult going for at least 70 years. The only fascist pipeline I am aware of is the one you where flushed down a long time ago.
>The guy in picrel left the party because he said it's too extreme for him now.
Who is he? Is that the sainfield guy or someone else?
It took the entire world to tear down fascism/natsoc. They always leave that part out when claiming them as the "biggest losers in history"
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>pick a fight with the rest of the world
>get your teeth kicked in like you deserve to.
>kill yourself
Hitler and Musolini should have been awarded the "Darwin award" for the retarded way in which they died. You had your moment and you will never have it again deal with it.
You should read Human Smoke

Also, Hitler didn't understand why the UK didn't back down after the fall of France. He genuinely thought they'd come to the table and figure out a peace deal and eventually work with Germany to defeat the commies in Russia who he saw as a global threat. Can't fault a guy for making a mistake when he only had half the information.
>Hitler didn't understand why the UK didn't back down after the fall of France
The Brits are historically opposed to any power doing expansionism in Europe. Probably the same reason they fought Napoleon and his empire. Besides Adolf already violated the Munich agreement when he conquered Czechoslovakia instead of settling for Sudetenland. Why would anyone trust Hitler and his cronies after that?
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fucking saved to furry fap folder,

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>The Brits are historically opposed to any power doing expansionism in Europe.

Which is precisely why the majority of British folks got so pissed off with the EU that they voted for Brexit, and why so many British people are now increasingly fed up of being openly lied to and gaslit by all the corrupt asshats in both the media and political classes about how Brexit was 'a failure' when the simple fact is that the people never actually got a proper Brexit simply because the politicians in Britain and the EU NEVER EVER intended to implement Brexit in the first place, because that would have not only meant the British politicians losing their seats on the highly corrupt EU gravy train with all the dodgy backroom deals and large brown envelopes stuffed with cash that go along with that, while at the same time the EU would have lost access to their piggy bank and the one economy anywhere in Europe capable of actually propping up the utter disaster that has been the single European currency, particularly during the coof scamdemic, and more so now when the economy in so many EU member nations is, or has almost completely, tanked.
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>>8007671people like you only want communism because youve never seen it for real, you are lazy as fuck and want everything given to youand think thats what communism means.
free tip : go move to a real communist country. it will be far easier for you than trying to turn this country communist.
And if you already live in a communist country, then the only reason you think its great is because you dont know any better.
200+ years and communism has failed to create a fair and productive state 100% of the time.
fuck off with that commie shit.
funny thing is if all of these clueless leftist commie-wannabe's actually got their wish and their ideology finally took total control of the west, most/all of them would quickly find themselves being 're-educated' or just straight-up 'disappeared' for being too high of a risk of rebelling against the very regime they helped install

but do they listen to the warnings?

of course not, nor will they until it's far too late and the tyrannical authoritarian leftist jackboot is firmly standing on their necks too
Holy shit, the amount of discussion on here as opposed to wallpapers over a drawing of a snake on a yellow background. You people are insane
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where my hue bros at
vai tomar no cu eu não tinha visto essa versão genial.

Hue indeed, my friend.
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Fellas, what does this flag mean? What does it stand for?
Please tell me. I'm not American
more often than not, it symbolises you’re retarded and don’t mind anyone finding out you’re retarded. a lot of times that you’re also a pedophile
no text version?
My brother in christ, the text is in front of a solid-color background
It would take you like 3 seconds to make a no text version in the image editor of your choice
Also, reconsider your degeneracy

You can't be this retarded.
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why interact with life at all then
you know the one solution
The *don't* part, in the term, "Don't tread on me"? Just maybe?
Irony is lost on southerners though so you're excused (from high society)
Ale te żubry to na Białoruś chodziły zanim siatkę postawili
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fr fr ong bruh no cap my cuh on top rizz dayumn wyppo fr fr fugg dem slav boiz breh
No one "deserves" anything. That statement belays your entitlement. By natural law you only deserve what you can earn.
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Your dumb ass cant even spell librarian.
Name a case of altruism in the 20th century
You can't even kill yourself.
You're beyond weak.
Urban myth
нe мoгyт гoвopит пo pyccкий, нe вepyют в дeйcтвитeльнyю coвeтcкyю пoлитикy, нo aмepикaнцы пeдики хoтят чyвcтвoвaть кaк cтaли чacтью чeгo-тo вaжнee. мyдaк oтcocи бoльшe члeнa
dont murder children
Subzero fowler
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>You all retards are the same, you get offered evidence and you stick to your schizo mindset of "THE WORLDS GONNA GET ME" so why the fuck bother."

But yet you still tried. Who's the retard now?
Eat shit and die, commie. Individual liberty supercedes general well-being. There is no such thing as collective rights.

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You could just Moron!
Communists are the social sciences version of islamists
Anyone got the Johnny 5 one? (Short Circuit)
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Womp womp
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badger badger badger badger badger badger
I think Ted Kaczynski was right about socialists and capitalists. You're both cults.
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how are you people worse than /pol/?
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Fuck I clicked the wrong one
Schizo ramblings the wikipedia page
I'm disappointed. Nobody posted patriotic choking noises.
This is a great analogy. Leftists are mindless ants, swarming to attack anyone/anything larger and more complex/elegant
you hurt the babies.
this. also meme op should be executed.
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Surprised no one posted this one yet.
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Communist are literally a different species called, homo-sovieticus. Go ask one, he'll tell you he's the new soviet man. Then you tell him "long live Stalin", he raises his hand and you put your knife through his exposed ribs while he's distracted. It's you environmental duty to eliminate invasive species.
>weak people don't deserve anything
Nice strawman. How can you call them weak if through their mafia structures they can rob me at gunpoint on a yearly basis? Am I supposed to apologies that I want to get rid of the parasites that are literally stealing my food and well being? I don't hate them because they are inferior, I hate them because they are aggressors.
>Two retarded groups that put at risk and harmed the collective.
I hope I did my part to assure that your granny died. A good whore is a dead whore. But if the vaccine saved her like you are trying to imply, this is just another reason to try to combat it. Anything that keeps boomer whores alive is societal poison.
>Don't tread on me
Who do you think "me" refers to faggot?
I mean, that’s just accurate.
fucking chileans
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people should be free to access abortions
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I drive a forklift at work and I swear some people have a death wish. Luckily I pay attention.
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You can literally do a 10-second Google search and find the videos of fat Black women in Georgia pulling suitcases of fake ballots from under the tables and adding them to the piles after the polling stations had closed for t he night.
this pape is hard but unironically what ideology is this snake from? never seen b4
Replace the Saturn with the Dreamcast and you'll get more (You)s.
Darryl Perry
I find it kinda funny that leftists absolutely have to invade any remotely non-leftist space, but then they become ban-happy manchildren in their own spaces. Why dont you people fuck off back to your circlejerks in reddit, you don't have to worry about people like me ruining your fun with facts
Conservatives are literally proven to be more altruistic than leftists
I'm not an ancap, I just want to smoke weed, have gay sex, and buy vintage guns without having to pay $10,000 because of the AWB while still worrying about getting raided by the ATF. So I'm like, a lolbert socially but a neolib fiscally?
Communism collapsed on its own. Modern day commies literally cope by claiming communism wont work until the entire world is forced to be communist, since obviously all the competent people will immediately brain drain to the first non-commie country
I open a lemonade stand
your move "anarcho"-socialists
Basically the snake stands for the common man, and it's telling people not to oppress it (tread). The idea is that even if you step on the snake and it dies, it will still bite and poison you in the process so the guy stepping on it dies too. It's a warning to would-be tyrants. Obviously the idea that there are people out there you cant forcefully oppress sends leftists into a blind rage so they always seethe and spam their low effort rebuttals whenever they see the flag
>since obviously all the competent people will immediately brain drain to the first non-commie country

this is why Uncle Yuri pointed out back in the day that if America ever finally falls to the commies then there will be nowhere, NOWHERE, on this planet that will be a truly safe harbour for the anti-commie movement.

that's why it's more important than ever that every single voting-age republican needs to get off their ass and go vote in person for Trump and the republican party across the board in November; there are literally no excuses for not voting this time round, it doesn't matter if you're working, or you can't find a babysitter, or you've been hitting the sherry too hard, or you have to stand in a queue for 10+ hours to get to a voting booth, you ALL need to get your asses out of your seats and go vote; after all the democrats have already publicly laid out most of their plan for how they intend to cheat this time round and so now it's up to ALL republican voters to put their vote in and shut down the democrat party once and for all before they turn the country full-blown communist.

and that's not to say that the republican party are THE solution either, just that the democrat party sure as hell ARE the root cause of the problem, and the problem needs to be stopped asap.
anyone got the "cast satan into hell" variant?
What the hell do these colours mean D:
goverment cock sleeve
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someone please post the black sun wallpaper, the one with people inside like goebbels and von ungern
What’s the source for the original image?
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found it here anon
Thanks man. That's a really good explanation

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