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give me gigantic things
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my penis
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Is fake, unnecessary and frail? Jeez mon, my condolences
>when she says she doesn't do anal
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good shit
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mmmm yes pls
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Someone help me. There's an illustrator who is famous for drawing this sort of megastructure in this sort of style. Not unlike Homeworld. Someone very specific. I've been looking for him but can't remember.
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armored core

>all high tech building requiring enormous amounts of energy
>no trees

wow must be like 200C there all the time.
What's going on here?
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Someone asked the artist and got this response.
>ready to settle down
It is a cloning machine, and they mistake it for a teleporter. Her love died, and she will never know.
nice mouse bro
>i'm ready to settle down now
The Line 1
The Line 2
Construction started.
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Are they actually building this monstrosity?
>mirror glass versus a natural sand blaster
This won't end well at all, will it? I mean, imagine the sheer DAILY maintenance cost, nevermind a "bad" sandstorm.
The kingdom has a history of starting and abandoning these sorts of projects. Because they're dumb.
this is fucking cool, man imagine how freaky that would be

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you are aware of what the fi part of sci-fi is right, faggot?
Paul Chadeisson?
>Paul Chadeisson
Illustrations looks right but what I'm thinking is even before digital. I remember watching an interview about Homeworld and it was an artist they cited that inspired them
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nta but 'teleporter' was not an initial thought for me

go back
Why would anyone think two random structures in a field next to each other are teleporters?
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this will make flat earthers have a stroke and i hope it does
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A Starbucks would look really cool right there
Ur Anus
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You're probably thinking of John Harris
>John Harris
i have a mega structure that'll revive me after death
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It's a thing in the world Simon Stalenhag created that there are strange constructs scattered all over this small town. Like a sphere where you can hear echoes of your future.
So if you were into the "Tales from the Loop" and other stuff he does then it then you might guess teleporter that's really just a cloning machine.
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Kuldar Leement, perhaps?
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sauce is SOLSTICE - 5
make sure the student knows these are for him ... clearly academia owns the rights to everything and i could see them trying to take it away from him. filth.

anyways, enjoy your day! live a savory life.
honestly that just sounds fucking stupid. Maybe you should rather read some Vernor Vinge. With him at least the height of stupidity is collectivist dogs and not useless contraptions that have no benefit whatsoever.
I laughed pretty hard, thank you Anon
I saw that short film. It wasn't terrible.
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>original png file (15 mb)
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More like this.
More sci-fi horror.
God I still love Halo's covenant's aesthetic.
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Google H.R. Giger
hypothetically, if they were to make the glass out of alluminum it would be very scratch resistant. hell, i bet thin sheets are relatively cheap so you could put silicon glass underneath with a mirrored surface in between to make it somewhat possible. but im not a material scientist, so theres probably subtleties here.
Aluminum is softer than glas, it should be even easier to scratch.
>Aluminum is softer than glas,(sic) it should be even easier to scratch.
imagine being this dumb.
first off, your sentence illustrates a basic illiteracy. glass is a type of material, it can be made from a variety of things. aluminum glass is one example. silica glass is another (the kind most residential windows are made of). secondly, aluminum glass is significantly harder than silica glass. literal first result on google:
>It is four times as hard as fused silica glass, 85% as hard as sapphire, and nearly 115% as hard as magnesium aluminate spinel.
not only is it harder than silica glass, but its hard enough that sand will not scratch it because its harder than the sand.
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They're going to start work on "The Line" right after they finish their hyperloop. Which is to say never as they're both public finance scams.
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Artist? I like this style.
not poster but I think it might be Shirun Song
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This one pisses me off because it's curved in two directions. It makes no sense for spin gravity.
>Simon Stalenhag
His stuff has gotten worse with ever outing. Tales from the Loop was good, the one with the VR headsets was passable, but the recent one where aliens terraform the earth into an ammonia biosphere was just wasted opportunity, he just phoned it in.
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Very cool
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Imagine the smell
muh...my anus?!
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>give me gigantic things
Nobody replied to this with a wallpaper of their penis, your mom, or even goatse.

1 point for Slytherin

>I'm going to copy-paste Wikipedia to prove I'm smarter than you
Zero points for Ravenclaw

0/10, Hufflepuff. Nobody's this stupid.

Anyways I made this just for you, OP, I hope you choke on it
>misspells your
>still posts
Imagine being this feckless.

ruined by watermark.
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you are kind beyond your environment.
is this the Tales From The Loop artist?
highly enjoyable show
That looks so alien an cool
Would be a shame if it turned out to be a bald pale guy in a suit
The gravitational pull of the disk would totally fuck the planet.
yo momma
More of Niven's Ringworld, please. This one is nice but a bit "abstract" or schematic.
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Cool. I have tried many times to imagine what the horizon looks like on the sides of the ring.

Here it seems very narrow in the distance and at the same time earthly in the front. I remember they tried to fly from the edge and flew for a very long time. But I like how the arc horizon is depicted.
Given the limits of human vision, it probably looks flat. Maybe a little upwards at the edges of sight. Normal ringers don't get hovertech, and are all living subsistence farmer lives. The RW wasn't supposed to have a mountain, either.
it's not covenant, it's forerunner
The Covvys are cheap poser knockoffs of Forrunner tech and styles. "Oh, you can use use to do this. OK, so what about instead using this engineering principle to make some miracle machine, I instead make a helmet out of it?"
Not that anon, but I can agree that Bungie made some cool looking foes out of basic dnd monsters.

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