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File: IMG_0217.jpg (98 KB, 1280x720)
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Apocalyptic Thread
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374 KB JPG
And now, because you didn't post 3 to start your thread, it's end is near.

okay, this is a slow board, it will take about a week.
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File: SuperGod.jpg (396 KB, 1600x1233)
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File: Boston Destroyed.jpg (497 KB, 1920x1223)
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File: Crossfire.jpg (3 MB, 1966x2035)
3 MB
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Nice, saved
Love this
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File: GreenhouseGeorge.jpg (416 KB, 1920x1080)
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File: After the War.jpg (3.12 MB, 5138x2880)
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> 8736 x 4896
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This is awesome.

I don't suppose there's an equally awesome remaster of pic related too?
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snapped this a few years ago on probably my 5th new game plus on dead space 3
How about badass apocalyptic.
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humbly i petition this thread

if someone has the artwork of a young girl in a dress approaching a battletank with a suicide vest

muddy ground, shes holding out a flower to them and they are waving at her and the bomb is hidden

with gratitudes

post-apoc africa photo best i have
File: Apocalypse_Please.jpg (187 KB, 1191x739)
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Straight from the artist's portfolio:

super god is such a well done but but barely known comic
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I was just thinking about this pic the other day. I haven't seen it in years. Thanks.
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>Captcha: GAYY
File: Atomic Atoll.jpg (485 KB, 1920x1200)
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