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No /html-css/?! Cozy holidays edition

>What are startpages?
Startpages (in the context of this thread) are locally hosted webpages (as in, the files are on your computer - not a server somewhere) that serve as the homepage or new tab page for a browser. They generally contain some number of links to frequently visited sites as the main element; search bars, clocks, calendars and other embedded items are usually added as secondary elements.

>What browser are you using?
If you can't tell what browser it is, it's probably Firefox, you can theme Firefox using Stylus and finding themes on the Firefox tag of Userstyles.
Otherwise if you won't upgrade there's always Chrome, you can ~slightly~ customize it using Chrome Theme Maker. Vivaldi has custom CSS settings too in a native way.


---Discord link---

---Relevant Sites---
Birb's Ricing
Collection of startpages for modification and use.

--HTML, CSS & JS--

---Colours Related Links---

---Colours Converter---


---Typography Related Links---

---Old Thread---
can i get the pape in the pic?
Is there a way to set a html page as a phone homescreen? This would be much better than using Kustom.
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I'll post my homepage, but I have something different to talk about. I'm making a website and I want to build the webpages with html and images of elements that I've drawn on paper. Even things like borders I'd like to draw myself if possible. What's the best way to do this? Here's my current thought process:
>Draw elements (borders, boxes, buttons, etc. etc.) (likely larger than I need so I can scale to my liking without losing quality)
>Scan elements with printer
>Edit if needed using a iamge-editing program
>Add onto website
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How does the To-Do thingy work?
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Over the last 2 months I wrote Bridge Launcher. It lets you create your own Android launcher using HTML, JS and CSS. The project is free and open source.

Thought you guys might be interested.
just copied it from here: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_todolist.asp

but it does not save the changes anywhere so it refreshes each time when I reload. Gotta fix it so the state of the list is saved to local storage but I dont know how to do that
Anyone have experience making css custom border-images? Can't seem to find any resources on how exactly they work.
you can use anything background-image accepts, just also append "border-image-slice: 1;" to your rules, not sure how that works either
I havent used html since 2006.
But you've inspired me anon, I will work on a custom landing page for my browser.
you'll need localStorage.setItem and getItem.

set the new list when you update it and get from localstorage on page load.

Also, some padding on the 'To-Do' would look better.
just use figma you autist
Being creative is the whole point of this, otherwise I'd play colour by numbers with whatever fagola site like you just suggested me
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I've added some crypto widgets and a welcome message. Just need to add links to the bottom (Unsure if I want them to have small logos?) for the commonly visited sites. I wish I'd just learned CSS a long time ago because getting chat gpt to iterate with it was painful. Anyway, aesthetics are kinda where I want them.
that makes me happy to see my thread inspired others as this general has inspired me in the past.
Why use chatGPT instead of learning to do it by yourself? Isnt a big aspect of creating your own startpage that you learn a skill and also create something nice for yourself? Looking good so far, update us on the progress, anon
thank you
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>inb4 opera gx
its comfy - also the wallpaper is a tiling gif
i use a startpage some anon shared many years ago and update it all the time. now it has a bunch of personal links on it so I can't post it, but, these are a life saver.

A mistake I made originally was I focused too much on the aesthetics rather than function. Now it's not as good looking but is very optimized for exactly what I do day-to-day. Still looks great, but, the minimalist thing isn't practical for me so there are a lot of links.
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Pretty basic, every time it's refreshed, the image on the right is selected randomly from a folder and also gets set as the blurry bg.
Also the black bar at the left is another menu with more links.
the links are really helpful thanks anon.
feels way more comfy than the standart start page from the browser
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man we use that too in our trainee school for computer science, horrible tool
truly, why does a guy obsessed with crypto use chatgpt instead of learning skills? we will never know.
wait until u try ilias
If you are willing to learn a digital art program you can skip the paper part and (kind of) the editing part. Otherwise your thought process is pretty much how it will go.

If you do decide to scan it, make sure you use a high fidelity to do the scan. Otherwise you may have to deal with artifacts.
Is this a firefox startpage? I've been thinking of switching browsers because I'm getting tired of Chrome.
Was considering Opera GX a while back.
nah it is from vivaldi
most epic shit I've heard of in a while
thanks for sharing man
>your thought process is pretty much how it will go.
Okay cool!
>digital art program
I'm not really a fan of drawing with my mouse; maybe I'll get a drawing pad? How does drawing on a pad feel vs pencil on paper?
cheers anon, I lurk this thread so if you have questions or make something, post and I'll see it
Thank you for making the thread, 4chan has been IP range banning and I couldn't make the thread due to requiring the OP image.
I definitely recommend getting a drawing pad, there are those out there that can simulate the feeling of paper but in my experience nothing is as good as the real thing.

If you have a tablet you could even start there. Draw something in like autodesk sketchbook and port it to wherever you want. You might need a separate stylus though (but that's much cheaper than a drawing tablet).
Ahh I was wondering where you were and why there wasnt a General. Its a very important general for /wp/. A catalogue without /html+css/ feels empry
Where's the guy who said he wanted to make a terminal for his startpage in the old thread?
Any progress yet, man?
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thats a nice one mate.

just css and html or some vanilla js as well?
if you have a codepen, I'd like to see. thats a beautiful work
Wallpaper please!
cant you read the first few replies you absolute mong
nice quads tho
I've always wanted to create a startpage without even realizing it had a specific name.

For years, I've been quietly browsing and downloading wallpapers from this board, though not very frequently. It's only recently that I rediscovered this board and stumbled upon this particular thread.

As a webdev working on my portfolio, the idea of a startpage seemed like a perfect fit.

tl;dr: Thanks to everyone on this board, and especially to those who contributed to this thread. You inspired me to take action and create my first startpage, which is the one I'm sharing with this message, crafted using vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS. Now, I'm excited to build a new one with Next.js.
woah, very cool and interesting concept having a desktop startpage! Thanks for sharing anon
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Looking to make a new startpage based off some of the ones listed on the startpage emporium, wanting some advice for my plan
>pic related
>For the yellow box
I would like have it display a random image every time I load into the page. The dimensions will be a perfect square and I have folder of images that are all sized this way already. Presumably I can just call to this folder and use some kind of function to shuffle through which picture is selected.
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This is currently what I am working with
Advice on attempting to recreate this?
I nested 2 sets of unordered lists (<ul>) inside of a <nav> tag. The <nav> tag allows me to align the links so that when I place the gif (outside of the <nav> tag, mind you), it will sit beside them. The 2 unordered lists are what allows me to have two separate columns of links. The gif was sourced from Living Worlds by Mark Ferrari. Lots of really good gifs from there
gib the pastebin please
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Thank you
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I've made a lot of different start pages over the year, but recently started just using one of those browser extensions. Actually looks very nice, especially when using a browser where you can customize the css to your liking.
Thank you for the encouraging words, it is nice to contribute to this board.
New year, new page. Switched to icons sometime in the summer but I had too many, and they were too colourful. I enjoy the monochrome.
Moodboard is updated randomly on pageload, the quote(s) at the bottom are drawn from an array of the Delphic Maxims. The background is a video of smoke in a black room.
Having some trouble with the (invisible) search bar. Autofocus on new tab open stopped working a while back and I can't find a solution. Already tried a mozilla.cfg file. Any ideas? Willing to switch back to Chrome if that matters.
looks really nice anon, inspired me to get back to work on mine ^_^

also what browser you are using? the layout looks nice
pretty satisfied with how this one turned out
it looks great, by what tools did you achieve this?

Happy others like it!

I am using this firefox css theme: https://www.reddit.com/r/FirefoxCSS/comments/19b5vua/shina_fox_make_firefox_a_cozy_home/

In the screenshot I also used the Floorp browser (firefox fork). The main feature is that you get the sidebar to the right. But I switched back to normal firefox after, it's just more convenient.

The newpage is made using nighttab firefox extension.
Page 8 lads
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This thread inspired me to make one, so here's mine after one day of work. It has a randomized pape each time you load it
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The icons need to be adjusted, features need to be added and many more things. But I think it's a good start
Cool stuff me likey, Got very basic html knowledge from school but never touched css back then; it terrifies me.
Think I'm going to try add a simple alarm clock for extra functionality. have no idea how so it's going to be a learning experience.
It's not quite the same as others here, but I switched to this as a start page because I wanted something basically browser/device agnostic that required no hosting or local storage. The URL contains the parameters, I stick it into a link shortener and save it so I can use on any device easily.
written in lisp?
(I am not the dev)
Oh this is nice, that old feeling.
Saved by the bell
Hey, anons!

I'm kinda unsure if this was the board that an anon had updated Katgrills YouTube style before to fix some bugs that had been caused because of the updated that happened a while ago on YouTube.

There was a UI update again a few days ago and the style hides the title and description in the videos when you play them.

Is there any chance you can take a look and see if you can update the CSS once more to fix this problem?

Thank you.
where is that happening ? it's all normal for me
youtube rolls out updates gradually in waves by selecting a few users initially to try out the new features and if it goes well they add more and more people till eventually everyone is caught up
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It's when you play a video (the YouTube player).

But I didn't know what this anon said >>8047630
so it might not have been updated or never will be for everyone.

I'll just add a pic for you to see where it is, just in case.
I don't have it, so nothing I can do about it yet
Yeah, I was just showing you how it looks, I'll just post here in a few weeks if it stays and see if you got the update as well.

Thank you.
Hi guys.
I made a starter page with some ASCII anime girls (random) with a message above (random, but some are for night time and some are for day time).

Whenever you click a key, it gets it and if a shortcut was configured with it it goes straight to the page.

>The shortcuts are always with 3 letters.
>If you hit a shortcut, the letters will glow and bounce
>if you search for something that is not the a shortcut, it will search on google for you.

Here it is:
These are the shortcuts until now.

{word: 'zap', link: 'https://web.whatsapp.com/'},
{word: 'amz', link: 'https://www.amazon.com.br/'},
{word: 'git', link: 'https://github.com/'},
{word: 'twt', link: 'https://twitter.com/home'},
{word: 'net', link: 'https://www.netflix.com/browse'},
{word: 'amv', link: 'https://www.primevideo.com/-/pt/storefront/ref=atv_hm_tv_c_9zZ8D2_hom?language=pt_BR'},
{word: 'ins', link: 'https://www.instagram.com/'}

Yes, hu3 hu3 Brazil.
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updated and added bangs like ddg to directly search the correct site, a light/dark theme switch and an optional category
settings are stored in the local storage so they don't reset
this is sick
Wallpaper ? This one is for my k-on gooncave
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samefag here, i just copied what the poster above made and replaced his links with my stuff

im learning web dev and it's actually the first time i manage to make something useful

also, i'm on firefox, how do i prevent the browser from focusing on the searchbar above my startpage when opening a new page?
i'll post the github when i'm done with this, i'm using vue so a bit more complex than simple html/css/js tho

add the autofocus attribute to your input !
and maybe check the settings if you have a newtab extension
i did, but it still doesnt werk. whenever i open a new tab or press ctrl T the browser focuses on the file:///MozillaStartpage bar thing
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Sorry to have kept you waiting anon
btw on firefox you can do ctrl+shift+b to hide the bookmark tab
How do you guys come up with layouts for your pages? Do you draft on paper or just go in on an HTML file and carve your way out?
I'd recommend a process like this:

1. Write down everything you want to access/display.
2. Group what you wrote - find connections between items and organize them in a way that makes sense to you.
3. Now that you know what there is to lay out, you can start actually laying it out. I highly recommend Figma for this step, great design tool that lets you save a lot of time over trying to design in HTML + CSS directly. You can go with the classic "group header + list of links", you can find a pape you particularly enjoy and try to make a layout around it, look for inspiration on Dribbble or another platform, or try something entirely unique, it might come to mind once you have all the things you want to display in front of you.

For me personally, after step 1 and 2 I've decided there is no point in making a startpage with links for myself, because I'd rather hit Ctrl + T and type or Ctrl + Shift + B to use the bookmarks bar than open a new tab and click, so I didn't follow through with step 3 - that's plenty of time saved. I just have a falling snow animation with a centered digital clock as something neat to look at for the couple seconds between opening the tab and loading what I want.

Make sure you're designing for yourself, not to appease some anon who doesn't necessarily know what you need - don't shun feedback, but always think about in terms of whether it helps you achieve your goal(s) or not.
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Been using a custom startpage for a few years but it's a little annoying to get the new tab page working properly.

It used to work fine, but about a year ago I had to start using a custom extension on Chrome to change my new tab to a local url.

That works fine, but ever since then my weather widget is broken when I do this (pic related). It works fine on startup, but the new tab extension work around seems to break it.

Anyone have any suggestions here? I'm using weatherwidget-io.
Care to share the source code? I really like this, looks great
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Im trying to theme my firefox, but whenever i try and open the browser toolbox i get stuck like this. does anyone know why? (im pretty new to this)
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solved this by just using a new chrome profile

also first try at using svgs. things always look better in your head ;-;
still need to add details and a bit of animation but i don't think a moonrise has enough colors to look as nice as a sunrise (at least with my graphic design skills
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Anyone know why adding bulletpoints to my todo moves my searchbar down?? How do I fix
Because search bar is positioned relatively to the todo and vice versa.
You can sed the entire todo section as position: absolute and then put it on the page using "right" and "top" CSS attributes.
Make sure that the parent DOM element of your todo section has "position: relative" set so that "position: absolute" will work.
Useful links - https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_positioning.asp
fixed it!
bump lmao
lol even
this is crazy, github?
Another go at a startpage. At one point, I should change the layout a bit.
This time, the CSS might be a bit cleaner than the last time.
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nvm recreated it
(not perfectly tho)
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Using a custom rendering of Chrome's native bookmarks so I can still sync between devices and easily manage them
wow! Very cool!
Are those your bookmarks at the top?
I like this one

Somehow I think this much content makes it feel bloated. And I am all in for useful startpages. But links, with MORE links inside above, and then a lot of links below...I don't know.
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I made it into a full extension so you technically can have none of the icons, or all of the icons. Topbar is your chrome bookmarks which I happen to use heavily, and the bottom bar is custom shortctus.
has ricing fallen off a bit? i remember 6-8 years ago id see people posting their custom css for everything all the time just browsing random sites but i was just thinking about it and i dont see anything like that anymore
Now we have shit like Stylus and https://userstyles.world/
Well true is that we don't see extensions often on the thread so that's a plus.
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woeps forgot about this, didn't have time to finish what I had in mind and fucked up some stuff (zindex and dark themes)

here's the github : https://github.com/calamina/net
(it's made with vue3)

Will work on it if I find some time
is there a guide to making older style websites like these? (think 2000's era)
i think they're really cool and would like to do something similar
[spoiler]also forgive me if this is the wrong board, i'm a newfag here[/spoiler]
Is moodle actually horrible, or was the course set up in a shitty manner?
Ppl who populate wallpaper engine need to share some focus on custom homepages. I've been using /wg/ templates and DeviantArt templates for 10 years now. I know enough js html and css to fix things if given stuff, but not enough to create a site from scratch.
What's the purpose of having two search bars? Out of the sites that you have pinned, what's your favorite to visit?
>What's the purpose of having two search bars?
I'm not used to browsers being able to search things via the address bar, so I alwasy add the dedicated search bar and use that. Also, I have a couple of search engines and can choose everytime which one I want to use
hey Lark, stretching that font a little would be nicer to read I guess, otherwise its neat. whats weebpage1 and can you share the lain pape?
its peak
do not fear i is here
a little bit - css is a lot better, but it's harder to write custom css for websites sometimes

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