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Looking for more Mess up Disney wallpapers
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Closest I have
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It's only a matter of time before Disney buys Nintendo as well.
Holy crap, these 'papes are kinda messed up. I know that this is a "red" board, but should you guys even be posting stuff like this here?
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Again, not Disney, but I really like the Alt/Dystopian/Bizarre universes pictures.
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the best
turning a big dial taht says "Messed Up" on it and constantly looking back at the audience for approval like a contestant on the price is right

If I remember correctly this is the exact image Harlan Ellison described his first day working for Disney in excruciating detail. Rob Disney overheard him talking about it and immediately fired him.
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this is amazing
Wow, this one really brings me back to the days of Gurochan.
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Lucky little fucker
Kanga - roo (1.5)



Despite being %13 percent of characters... Tiggers...
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Disney Zomibies
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Does it count if it's canon?
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The development of Lilo & Stitch is actually pretty twisted and messed up already.

Disney hired a team of Hawaiian natives to act as cultural experts and consultants, and asked for input on the script and storyboarding to do the islands justice.
The consultants proceeded to essentially go on a frothing rant about how much they hated White people and "Mainlanders." Originally it was supposed to be revealed in a deleted scene the reason Lilo took photos of obese and ugly tourists on the beach was because racist White tourists would follow her around and photograph and record her without permission, while making racist comments about her appearance and demanding she hula dance for their entertainment.
Another cut scene would have had a tour group of all-White tourists (including a uniformed soldier) ask Lilo for directions somewhere, and she would deliberately give them wrong info that would result in the entire tour group being killed. The skeletons of the tourists wearing shreds of clothing and equipment would have appeared in the background of a later scene near the climax.
They also pitched the idea of Stitch earning the trust and adoration of the locals due to his Elvis impersonation. Then, Lilo and possibly Nani would have been harassed and assaulted by a gang of all-White thugs (and implied rapists). Stitch would leap to their rescue and thrash all the thugs to defend his "ohana," only for the thugs to turn it back around on them and claim they were innocent and needlessly attacked by Lilo's aggressive "dog."

All this crap was seen as so over-the-top and unhinged that even super-liberal progressive Disney CEO Michael Eisner had every idea trashed.
>S. White
>Sexual Misconduct
What did she do
>What did she do

presumably it involved seven dwarves and a prince, all of varying ages and mental capacities, and not necessarily one at a time...
All seven of 'em.

Okay but why is Captain Hook hot?
just a glimpse into my dark mind
he always has been anon
holy SHIt this thread is epic keep em comin guys
You killed it with this comment. Jinxed it.
It's like you didn't even watch Once Upon A Time...

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