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comfy japan papes
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I got some
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Really dumb question. Isn't that a Chinese City? Not because a joke that the fog is pollution, but most of the letters look more Chinese. I only learned a little Chinese for some weeks and some letters are identical, but I know some letters that are always japanese and I don't see any of them.

But I am by far no expert and this is just a question.
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No, look closer. It's definitely Japan
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Aw shid that's one of mine, and in it's original quality too, damn
It always gives me a warm feeling to stumble on them here <3
interesting name for an establishment
best thread on /wg/ currently, thanks guys, your papes rock
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those castles do not exist, neither does this pagoda, wtf
After a little digging, it looks like >>8038548 is actually a composite of multiple photos of different locations; including a likely horizontally flipped Mount Fuji in the background, and 2 copies of Tsuruga Castle (in Fukushima) on the left side of the image, as well as what appears to be the Chureito Pagoda (in Yamanashi) in the middle of the image.

Not sure where in Japan the gardens in the foreground are actually located, if someone figures that out maybe they could share the knowledge here please.
Now I see, thanks Anon
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Indeed, should have said it didn't exist *there*

Did a bit of digging since you've done the rest, and it's probably shot at Fuji Motosuko Resort(富士本栖湖リゾート), so the foreground and Mt. Fuji are probably from the same image
Hey, someone posted a handful of very high res wallpapers of a temple garden or something a few months back in a thread that also had a giant Buddha statue in a graveyard.

Does anyone have those or know where I can find them?
It's japanese, their language has three different (technically 4, but romanji is fake) character styles
The more complex characters are Kanji, those come from china, are what the entirety of the Chinese written language are made up from
The two less complex characters are Hiragana, for japanese words that don't have kanji, and Katakana, for loanwords

Tldr it's japanese writing, ergo, it's in japan
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Good find Anon, well done. It looks like the garden/mountain portion of the composite image was likely shot from the Observation Deck on the western side of the resort. Plus finding that location shows that Mt Fuji in the background of the composite image wasn't horizontally flipped like I thought it might have been.
what would be very high res in this case?
theres a lot of what I'd call high res pictures here
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>what would be very high res in this case?

currently, probably 2560x1440 resolution or higher
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Elon no
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his name is Yilong Ma
best thread on /wg/ currently
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looks like one of my nights downtown toronto
>flipped image
tf is wrong with you
Well, the Japs read backwards anyway.
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sign me up
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recently went to japan, will post a couple of my favs
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a lot of the low light ones didnt turn out that good, sorry, maybe some AI could fix them
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showa museum in takayama, highly recommend
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these ones almost belong on /w/
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if you look closely, theres a cat walking across the street in this one
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last one. i hope there were at least a couple you liked. if theres one you really like lmk, i might have more photos of the subject or dif angles.
I like

Where are you here? >>8050437 >>8050444
Looks a bit like Koya-San or Nara

Looks like you had a good trip Anon, I hope it was nice!

If I can give some advice, you've got a lot of photos that are too blurry (in a distracting way), or with too many layers in the front hiding your subject (could also be said that it looks like you didn't know what you wanted to be the subject of the picture)

The camera or lens could be doing you a disservice, it's very soft and it looks like you shot wide open most of the time, which made it struggle more

But you also capture some really nice vibes, especially once you get some room to breathe!
good job on these
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>Looks a bit like Koya-San or Nara
the former. i only visited Nara at night, a quick trip from Osaka to see Otaimatsu, but even at night i could tell the place was gorgeous. will definitely spend a day or two there if i go back.
>If I can give some advice, you've got a lot of photos that are too blurry (in a distracting way), or with too many layers in the front hiding your subject
>The camera or lens could be doing you a disservice, it's very soft and it looks like you shot wide open most of the time, which made it struggle more
lol yea, ill be the first to say im not a photographer. the most striking thing about picking up a camera compared to a phone is that it can make things blurry, and blurry = cool, so i shot wide open basically the whole trip because i didnt really know better (and hey, you dont buy a f1.8 lens to close it). the lens itself is also super cheap, you can see the vignetting + blurry edges in most of the day photos. plus its manual, plus i was trying to take the pics quickly so i wasnt blocking anyone, plus im not just a good photographer, and i basically ended up with a $900 funsaver strapped to my neck.
thanks for sharing your favorites!
Very nice, I'd love to swing by there one of these days

Only went to Nara for one day but it's definitely worth it, and there's more than enough to spend more than a night there if you wish!

>and hey, you dont buy a f1.8 lens to close it
aaaaaaaaaaaa now it makes sense
i did basically the same thing when I got my plastic Canon 50 1.8 back in the day

But looking back through all the pictures I selected, they look really good from afar, which means to me that you've already got a good eye and a good instinct for photography and composition

Keep at it and more of your pictures will look like the keepers!
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saved most of them
>not a single tree,
>starbucks goyslop
I love the snow :)
i thought they were great!
my favorite was >>8050481 with the ducks
dont you be talkin shit about takayama, ur cruisin for a bruisin m8
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>I hope this e-mail does not find you
>I hope you've escaped
>I hope you're happy
(っ ᵔ◡ᵔ)っ
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Really, reaaaaally, feeling this one tonight

comf’d hard/10
the person just posting shit pics (DSC*.jpg) they took from their trip to japan, just stop. this is a thread of wallpapers.
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there's still room for more anon, if you care to contribute
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why do people on here complain about other people actually contributing on-topic content without adding any on-topic content themselves... if you think you can do better Anon, feel free to do so, otherwise hide the thread and shut the fuck up

and before you say anything smartass, I contributed a bunch of on-topic content to this thread already, so right now I'm fresh out of anything more in my collection that's on-topic that I could share
i stopped 18 days ago bro
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Living my whole life in a concerete jungle makes cities repulsive to me, but somehing about these pics feels warm and welcoming and gives me sense of belonging, also the photos with Japanese people walking peacefully minding their own business is touching my heart, idk why but maybe because these cities are walkable and no many cars?
anyway, thanks anons for this sweet touch to wrap my day with
I feel the same way. I despise being in cities but something I do give credit to the Japs for is making theirs so comfy looking
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My favourite city environment was Naha, it was very green and open, little plants everywhere in the streets, in pots, in the evenings you'd see locals come out to water them
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Osaka was the worst, closest to "I feel like I might get stabbed here" I had felt since I'd last went to Paris
Staying in one of the worst parts of the cities didn't help, but it was eye opening
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we're still talking about Japan though, so I won't go so far as to say I felt unsafe c':
In fact I'd go back quite eagerly
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That was a little city themed dump of my older photos, since the thread's pretty slow

I'll try to wait before hogging it more, i like to see new stuff
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These have been in my rotation for a long while. Thanks for them.
go complain somewhere else. this is a thread of wallpapers.
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I'm happy to read it! It always make me warm inside to realize others also can feel the way I do about these scenes

I want to scan them again some day though, the resolution really isn't quite up to my current standards anymore, you can't really zoom in there to catch details
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fkn saved this ones goin on all my shi
Great pics in this thread. And thanks for the OC
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saved, posting my own photo
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Here's the version that doesn't eat ass.
Something creepy about this, even knowing it's a shop.
austrian painter flawed perspective
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I think it's the shadows specifically being off and weird since those two castles are the same exact castles on different times of day. Also they're obscenely close together and at awkward angles.
why is japan so cool bros, is it just because i'm a weeb?
They managed to build a comparatively safe city. That's pretty impressive.
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Gosh I wish there was a even higher resolution version of this pic.
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because google reverse image search is so hard to use in 2024...

oh wait, no it isn't, it took about 10 seconds to find this source version of the image, and most of that time was spent scrolling through the list of search results
nta, but you could've just said "you're in luck"
No need to get pissy on a wallpaper board of all things.
which camera did you use?
>you could've just said "you're in luck"

I could have, and ordinarily I self-censor pretty well, but not today. Some days are good days, and some days are not, today was very not.

On the plus side Anon got their larger image, and very nice it is too, so score 1 for the good guys.
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A Fuji X-Pro3
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Yeah, been there, know what you mean. Just gotta keep pushin and soldier on.

Japanese 7/11s are the SHIT... why can't they be as nice in the states reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Kanji started from china but not all kanji are Japanese. There are plenty of Japanese made kanji.

There are also words that use kanji and hiragana together.

Katakana isnt only for loan words.

But yeah the picture is obviously Japan.
There are tons of words that use kanji and hiragana together. I'm just glad that kanji is a logograph. Easier to remember than I would ever have thought.
I think you know the answer.
I've got some nice convenience stores in my part of the US, but my part of the US is also Klan territory. Surely that's a coincidence.
Cool thread defininitely and thx for providing me with some new papes i was definitely getting bored with the few i currently have.
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This one scratches a very nice itch in my brain
I like it, it's comfy, so many comfy possibilities in a comfy world, I want be able to wander this image for hours, I will think about it before falling asleep in the hopes I'll go there in my dreams
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