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No desktop thread?
Dead thread?
Um, RetardBro? We have 135 other Desktop threads?
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KDEGang rise up
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Thanks anon, now I can masturbate again.
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I love Gnome.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son and Word of God, Have Mercy On Me, a Sinner.
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>I love Gnome.
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can you share pape, fren?
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damn how tf do you get macos to look like that

I had a desktop with this pape awhile ago. I think it is cute
Those look great. How do you even do that?
lucio from overwatch!

Can I have the full wp friendo?
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yo, sup?
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Someone post a coomerwave desktop. Dyin' to see one.

Intredasting. I like.
what de and theme is this
tweaked it a bit
What's the font on the taskbar?
best itt
rest of you can fffffuck offffff
pls share pape
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post pape
so fucking good
ugh why gnome though
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Nice, how did you got ur vscode like that?
I get the impression I am cut from a different cloth to others who peruse this board.
That's hot
pretty basic
may I have the pape pls?
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Just installed FreeBSD and having a lot of fun :)
Nobody willingly installs BSD at home unless they have things to hide from the feds or a true unix dinosaur.
>Doki Doki enjoyer
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I need to change things, it is still a rather improvised desktop.
what are those taskbar icons?
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Its just Cinnamon with a Vertex-Dark theme & a Loki window manager theme both of which I heavily modified. Still very much a work in progress. Majority of my icon set I personally made but the folder icons came from here:
I'm the guy with the pic near the top of the thread who said KDEGang rise up.

All I did was install Nobara (or Fedora) with KDE as the desktop environment. Then I go into settings and download new themes and just gruvbox dark everything. The specific themes are in my image.

Gruvbox Plus Dark icon pack.
Why, I just wanted to learn more about the history of computers and using a BSD based system for a few days and installing it and etc seemed like a fun thing to do.

It was easier than installing gentoo.
Apologies for asking but what is the program off to the side you all have that shows all the specs and themes?
Screenfetch, neofetch, and fastfetch are the most common ones I see.
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you just keep right on learning Anon and don't you worry about it, unfortunately linux computing has its minority of elitist pricks who love to put down anyone that doesn't use linux exactly the way they do or that doesn't use the very latest version of some flavor of linux or other on the very latest most powerful hardware

in so doing these people usually completely miss the point of linux - a way to give users the fun and freedom to learn about a different way of computing regardless of linux version and available hardware and how they can customise and use linux just how they want to, not how the OS company wants you to use it - e.g. like MS and Apple do

sadly these elitist dickheads usually end up giving linux a bad name and they do put a lot of newer and potential users right off from even trying the OS, and because of that these elitist numpties can generally all go fuck themselves with a cactus
who hurt you?
This wallpaper is seriously fucking with my eyes
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>who hurt you?

no one did, I'm just kinda fed up with the minority of entitled elitist assholes within the linux community who think they're in any position to dictate how anyone else definitively HAS to use their own computer; and yes the windows and mac communities each have their own minority of asshats who delight in fucking things up for others, but today it was the linux community that stepped into the firing line

like seriously folks need to just fuck off and leave people to explore and learn this stuff in peace at their own pace without butting in and being all negative and judgemental for no good fucking reason, because this kinda thing really can be a lot of fun and inspiring as long as you don't have assholes randomly taking shots at you for at least giving it a go

and sure, if somebody has questions as they're trying to learn this stuff, then by all means people should jump in and try to positively help wherever they can, otherwise folks really should just keep any uncalled for judgements and opinions of others to themself

maybe you'd prefer something a bit more fruity and delicious instead?
>sadly these elitist dickheads usually end up giving linux a bad name and they do put a lot of newer and potential users right off from even trying the OS, and because of that these elitist numpties can generally all go fuck themselves with a cactus
We call these people Archies.
>No desktop thread?

I fucking hate these, when I find some pic I like I cant save it because its somebodies all nigger shit and desktop icons all over the wallpaper, fuck you.
>seeks out the one thread on the wallpaper board that is not about wallpapers
You could just ask people if you want their papes anon.
Or, alternatively, you could run a reverse image search with the image posted in this thread that you like to try and find a clean copy of it that way.
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what do you use to get the song playing overlay?
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early in the year long /wg/ desktop threads, lucky me
sause? source?
filename retard
Reahchan app doesn't show filenames when browsing only the images in the thread.
Anyway, thanks for telling.
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now I don't hafta blind myself before i turn in for the night.
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>wait a while before posting
:D im getting tired of this shithole
u fookin wot m8
no fucking idea what that is actually. i have 2 1080p monitors and the 1080p laptop screen. for the love of me i can't figure out what this resolution is for
for the life*
whatcha guys think?
shite or any good?
I like it
what audio player program is that?
how fuckin big is your screen brah
Arch and Gnome you need not more.
>desktop full of shit
pls leave.
you're a fucking loser, mate.

-Sent from my Nobora laptop
what is that fine piece of audio player you have?
Clean that shit up, nigga. You don't take your car to a car show covered with bird shit, do ya?

On the other hand, nice wallpaper.
Curious, on Windows whats the best way to get widget stuff like Time/weather onto my desktop without using Microsoft and being aesthetic
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Small taskbar with minimal or no desktop icons is always the way to go.
Is that Xfce?
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First time posting. You can do quite a bit to make your desktop look nice with normie environments.
Right on.

Over-riced desktops are for kids.
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I like my desktop to be empty and clean.
Running KDE. Taskbar on top autohides and only has terminal and files pinned to it.

Looks great anon
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I searched through all of /g/'s desktop thread and this one thread to find a single MacOS desktop. Why only one?
Seems like windows is very popular in 4chan as opposed to MacOS.

I want to buy a Macbook Air M1 with 16GB of memory, is there a catch? It seems even less popular than niche OSes
4chan gives you a warped sense of what's normal, Anon.

Windows has broad appeal because it's cheap, works with most applications, and can be installed on a broad range of hardware.
macOS has a desktop market share of about 15% and is in second place vs Windows. This is mainly because you cannot purchase and install macOS on custom hardware (these days, at least) and the price point for entry is relatively high compared to Windows.

I'm fairly deep in the Apple ecosystem, and when you are it's incredible. Genuinely, everything "just werkz." If you're a developer and in developer spaces (like me), you'll see macOS and Apple computers dominate. They're fantastic machines running a fantastic OS.
Keep in mind, too, that since it's a Unix-based OS, you'll be able to install nearly everything you can on Linux. That's one of the things that makes it so great for developing.

Apple tends to get a lot of flak for being locked-down and controlling of its systems. While that's true on their mobile offerings, it's objectively untrue of macOS.

The MacBook Air M1 is a fairly solid machine, but because it's meant mainly for college students taking notes and running light applications, its hardware won't be capable of more complex tasks like 3D renders, more intense video work, or gaming. Think of it kinda like an iPad that runs desktop apps. If you need a workhorse, the MacBook Pro is the gold standard for laptops. You can't really go wrong, though.

I'm posting this from a Mac Studio, personally.
This sounds like I'm fucking with you but I'm not. Here is pro tip:

>don't care

It is that easy. If someone says you are stupid because of your distro or wm/de or something else, just think. They don't know you. You don't know them. They are 99% just gaslighting you for fun. If you convert to things they like, you don't get anything from that. They don't probably even know you did all of that. They don't care about you.

I know, you read something, it makes you mad and you have that feeling. You have to write response, or you even report them. In a worst case, you create thread every day writing how their favorite is bad and why yours is good.

I had that too. Almost every anon had that when they were younger than 30. If you read something like that, just think "I don't like this, this is 100% gaslighting, let's not use time for this". It is almost funny how you know that other people are using their energy, fighting there for days, while you continue reading something better.
>Mac Studio
with which monitor?

>The MacBook Air M1 is a fairly solid machine, but because it's meant mainly for college students taking notes and running light applications, its hardware won't be capable of more complex tasks like 3D renders, more intense video work, or gaming. Think of it kinda like an iPad that runs desktop apps. If you need a workhorse, the MacBook Pro is the gold standard for laptops. You can't really go wrong, though.
I don't think I expect it to be a workhorse. I just want to upgrade my old thinkpad for college. In a few years I'm going to be doing deep learning, I hope by then I have the money to buy something more powerful. I could buy now a gaming laptop but I don't think they last very long and I don't like the style. Maybe I should save for a Macbook Pro if that works for deep learning better than the Air
what's the strawberry app?
>with which monitor?
Apple Studio Display. I did so much research into displays and I have to say that PC monitors are probably the most frustrating component to choose. Every display has some kind of major demerit. I bought and returned several different brands/models before finally settling on the Studio Display. It's expensive as hell, but it's the only display that met my criteria for sharpness, color accuracy, and panel uniformity. It's also got fantastic speakers and its ultra-wide camera with Center Stage is a cool feature. The only thing I don't like about it is that it's 60hz instead of 120+..

>I'm going to be doing deep learning
You'd definitely be better served by a MacBook Pro. That said, you'd still be able to do deep learning on an Air. It would just take significantly longer.
The nice thing about Apple computers is that they stay relevant and retain value like crazy-- the M-series especially. If you can manage it, I would recommend the "buy once; cry once" approach and spend extra time saving for a Pro. I totally understand if that's not feasible in your position, though, and if you need something more immediately and cheaper, an Air will do the job.
Strawberry, an audio player (picrel)
ty. will try it right now! looks great. I'm using Audacious rn.
it's way better. I still have audacious but only when I'm feeling nostalgic for winamp skins.
I combined the old aero style with modern blur and I'm really liking it so far. I prefer it over the regular white windows 7/vista look.
Wallpaper link?
looks amazing!
Accessibility has really come far.
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unfinished but oh well
ty fren
>You'd definitely be better served by a MacBook Pro. That said, you'd still be able to do deep learning on an Air. It would just take significantly longer.
I want to buy an Air because of MacOS but I've heard at the price point I rather have a ZenBook 14X, what do you think compared to the MacBook air m1? I would get an M2 but there's too much of a price difference where I live. I can get a 16gb MBA M1 for cheaper than a ZenBook (with much 256GB storage as opposed to 1TB on the ZenBook, which doesn't bother me as I use like 50GB at a time)
Use WizTree instead of WinDirStat.
This is the most ricing I can accept for me personally. polybar was pushing it.
retarded fucking faggot :D
Hey, not him but I found the pape through google because you said pls.

The Valley of Thor is called.
no way how'd you know
Of the two, I'd still go with the MacBook Air since it's likely to last much longer and retain higher value.
degenerate tranny kys
Do you think the 8GB of unified memory version is worth it too?
excuse me, do you which audio player >>8044019 is using? The strawberry one you said looks cool, but I like the more modern design of the other one. Thanks in advance!
Looks like cmus.
I also think it's cmus. It's a terminal based audio player.
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No. Only go 16GB and up in current year. Especially if you plan on doing any machine learning or development. That will eat your ram big time.
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I like shortcuts, it's like a reading list but for video games
Then I have to go with the ZenBook as I can't really find a 16GB version of the MacBook air anymore. It's the 8GB Mac air or no Mac for me. I found a MacBook pro m1 pro for twice the price of the MacBook air but it doesn't even ship to my country...
If you aren't trying to run LLM's the 8gb macbook is totally fine. /g/ is full of autists who think you need 64gb of ram and then run linux and use 2gb ram.

If you actually wanna use LLM's and shit yeah you'll want more ram, but for anything other than LLM's and gaming 8gb is totally 100% fine.

I have an 8gb macbook and it just works. I also have a desktop with 32gb ram and it also just works. the desktop is barely faster than the macbook for most stuff. Only times the desktop does better are GPU intensive things and LLMs
>I also have a desktop
Why not a Mac?
Overall I prefer the linux/android ecosystem to mac. The one thing mac has that I like is the hardware itself. The macbook air/pro is the best on the go computer that exists imo. The aluminium body, the keyboard is great, macos has like 9 hour battery life on it. Its just fantastic for on the go stuff.
I guess I'm going with the 8gb MacBook air. I am probably going to need to do some deep learning in a few years but by then I guess I'll have the money to get a good desktop or rent a server or use something like Google colab.
The 16gb ZenBook is quite expensive for what it is, and if I'm going to get an 8gb machine it rather be a MacBook

Also wallpaper made by me. To get the same effect from my desktop please set it to Tile mode
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Do you have the pic in the corner?
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how did you get the colours/window decoration/top bar?
Is there some program I can use to automatically make a 1920x1080 collage for a desktop wallpaper that fits the images together like stream view in the photos app? I've tried a couple but most of them didn't grid them automatically or if they did they didn't grid in widescreen resolution or the collage wouldn't actually extend to the top of the screen and there's be a ton of deadspace, and none of them would fit them together particularly intellegently like in the stream view.
what DE you're using?
good man, sharing the OG screenshot too! :-)
Any cool ideas I could do with Windows 11?
My ideal woman
Anon, is it worth it? I've been thinking about getting one for work and running my tiling setup with it, but I don't want to waste money on something as big if it doesn't provide me with THAT much benefit.

Nice colors btw
Actually same >>8050106 goes to you, tell me about your ultrawide experience.
>Seems like windows is very popular in 4chan as opposed to MacOS.
Apple is a reddit brand, anon. That should be obvious to everyone at this point.
probably XFCE, see top left
i switched hyprland recently, enjoying it
he isn't using linux though, he's using BSD, but I agree that's not an issue
any plan9 chads in here?
gave QubesOS some love, it's very slow, but the idea is cool
nice i have the same
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been a while
Pape please?
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My shit is basic. I like basic.
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I wonder if he's gonna win this year. McCain doesn't seem to be a good choice honestly
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>McCain doesn't seem to be a good choice honestly

I've heard tell from someone on the inside that obama's actually not that much better; but I guess folks'll vote for him anyway cause they think he's gonna be like a black JFK or something... let's see how that works out...
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too bad fvwm doesnt exist for wayland and x11 will be replaced.

Damn.. this gave me flashbacks to better days. Before the communist turds started hitting the fan.

Yeah, change we sure as hell didn't need...
>I am cut from a different cloth
Nigga, you are on Windows 11. You are literally homespun and stitched into the cloth.
wallpaper ?
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linux is so aesthetically pleasing too bad i like games
can literally play 98% of games now on linux lmao get with the times
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what WM?
lol windows users don't bother posting your desktop, it always look generic and shit.
captcha is hard :(
took me 5 tries and i forgot my scrot
luv me tiles
h8 floating windows
simple as
finally daily driving linux, love it but cs2 runs like shit
Im playing with you bois now
Qubes? Heh, Haven`t seen that one for a loooong time. Is it still alive?
>Qubes? Heh, Haven`t seen that one for a loooong time. Is it still alive?
I tried it, but i don't like it
Looks great!
Was just reminded of how much I fucking hate base R, but I really enjoy KDE

Nice wallpaper, can you post it?
how'd you do that to librewolf anon
not him but you can style it like css. Look up "browser toolbox" and you can inspect the browser css like a website
>eye candy on desktop
soulful and comfy
wallpaper please
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