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Kind of shocked nobody has posted this ridic bear one yet so here we are...
Better image quality: >>8037577
Dude that's an anteater.
I will always love this one
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Nice! Somehow feel like this one is also higher clarity than OP's original original...
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Please this need a old teen titans one.

Noob here, what are the reasons/benefits to vectorize an image?

Looks great.
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Murdoch Murdoch
I'm no expert...so this may not be the greatest explanation since I'm just speaking from my personal experience, but I'd say vectorizing an image gives you clarity at the expense of detail. Image looks cleaner, but you lose finer points of detail in "sanding off the edges" if you will...In some images that extra detail is just noise, so the result looks great, but other times that detail is missed. Would welcome a professional explanation if any pro photoshop wgbros are here...
>bump i want more of this
When you vectorize an image, the program averages out the color & edge variations of a certain shape, essentially "simplifying" based on the pixels. The end result has less colors & clearer transitions between hues. There's not any real benefits to it though, since once you export it from your workstation it becomes a pixel image again. Unless you just like how the "vectorized" style looks.
the actual title is called "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" my sister had this in her room growing up.
>Winchester Tavern
Makes me want to have a nice cold pint and wait for this all to blow over.
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Does this count?
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AI Niggers for the castle
Vector images are made from (generally) mathematical curves and gradients. Like drawing with a graphing calculator. Benefits include smaller file sizes for certain kinds of images (e.g. glyphs, logos) and perfect sharpness at any zoom level. Websites use them a lot. There's not much of a point for images with arbitrary detail, like photos, which are more convenient to represent on a pixel grid.
Vectors are generally drawn from scratch using programs like Inkscape, not a converter.
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Thanks. Can you weigh in on...okay let's say we take a random pape from wp and vectorize it. Why do some vectorized versions look like you've made it high-res and others look like you've lost detail?
Because >>8039124. Vector images support gradients, but AFAIK common vectorizers just derive a limited color palette from the image, flatten the image to those colors, then fit the borders between colored areas to curves. This doesn't hurt images that are already flat and clean, e.g. Maze of Sounds.jpg over in the music thread.
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Is she a good & successful woman?
Why did this painting become so popular? I didn't even realise there were so many variations.
I get that it's a very pretty and comfy picture, but the hype seems real and inordinate.
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When I was in collage I got in a heated argument with my friend b/c I, still, believe that the door is just out of frame to the right.
What was your friend's argument? That the diner is a hell with no exit?
>When I was in collage
You mean college, right?
I have serious doubts about your claim to have attended college given the state of your punctuation.
>Needing to be smart to go to university
kek, lmao even
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>no sneed
Where's the Aardvark?
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(original uncropped)
>Where's the Aardvark?

he's off chasing the Ant somewhere
You mean this one? >>8037722
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Emperor Napoleon?
Would you happen to have a higher-res version?
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Came for this.
Sorry, that's as large as the artist posted it.

Wasn't there an interview with Edward Hopper where he admits to having forgotten to paint the door?
That's a joke from Tumblr that started circulating as fact through the usual internet game of telephone.

>June 7th, 1942: Edward Hopper completes his best known painting, the seminal Nighthawks. When asked by a Chicago Tribute reporter about the philosophical meaning behind the diner having no clearly visible exits Hopper responded, “Shit. Fuck. I did it again. Goddamnit. Fuck. Not again. I did it again. Shit." and slammed his hat on his leg.

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For printing purposes, it helps you scale down colors to a manageable number. Other than that it's basically a cheat-code for lazy highschool students stuck with a graphics elective
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Underwater? :o
bioshock inspired i presume
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Posted this in another thread recently but hey it fits here too. I really really like this one.

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