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I'll never understand why humans stopped doing these paintings. Just because of photography? So what, that you can take a picture literally looking like >>8038642? It doesn't convey anything remotely close to a painting as a photograph. You captured a reality, a second of time. Whereas a painting captures something deeper, an expression, a manifest of reality through lens of our species. The subtle imperfection, the suble artistry, that's what makes realistic art superior over photography. I'm greatly furious, that humans simply gave up on landscape painting just because photography became available for masses. What a disaster, what a catastrophy! What a great tragedy of our time, as we're bombarded with pointless, fruitless horror of modern art which is nothing but random strokes of brush or abstract nonsense where you can't make any details should you try for 100 years. The romance is lost, the precision raped into dehuminazed fetish to undercurrent the expression of depth and character. In chase for the next great thing we leave behind the body of work of mastery, not for the sake of technological progress, but as a spitting insult which dares to slow us down. There's no honesty, no majesty, no empathy. We machine towards future like brainless destructors while being all mighty and so greatly intolerable to anything old as if the new is always the right answer. And it never is alone, as the burden of our species lies in balance, and always will.
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>based thread
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Agreed, brother. Beauty, in all areas of life, is rapidly being killed, and no one bats an eye.
Ok, so show us your paintings then.
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you put it very beautifully.
5 star post
Sadly this condition will only get worse as AI art inevitably progresses more to mock genuine art with meaning and intention behind it, just to generate soulless copies that can be "made" by any talentless person even without a slight of endeavor or hardship, removing what made the art what it is in the first place, thus making it lose it's essence.
>all this text for a bullshit reductionist all le modern art is le bad presented like you're actually an intellectual
tradfags are all the same
Representational landscape paintings are still being made. I like April Gornik's work a lot.

However most contemporary and popular/famous landscapes are less representational or realistic and more abstract and Impressionistic.

Seriously though go to any small gallery and you'll find plenty of representational landscapes usually local.

All art follows trends.
Landscape paintings are really unique and they give different vibes or perspectives on not only the style but just the overall feel. I love photography and especially great landscape and environment photography. But for me its like landscapes paintings give off a sort of "soft" comfort you really can't capture with a camera.
Where are my lighthouse paintings at?
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great thread
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very nice thread anonchans
kys tradfag.
the only one who needs to kill himself is you, faggot-faced nigger
anonchan where do you find so many landscape paintings?
From the file names a lot of these are coming off the wiki site:
As he said. Just type in an artist on wikipedia and go to the 'commons' page. You'll be impressed how many new cool paintings you can find there. When I have the time, I go down rabbit holes, clicking on any random old artists that show up and it's worth it every time. Wikimedia Commons is a Goldmine.
Almost all the images I posted are from auction sites. I don't get them from wikipedia. Wikipedia gets them from those sources as well.
Skyrim after the first village! Can you see it?
I don't play video games.
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very nice
>maximum file size allowed is 6 MB
It used to be 8, then got reduced to 7. Why does it keep going down? Stuff I saved from this board is now too high quality to repost... Are server owners getting greedy?
increasing quota for /b/ porn.
Did you scale down the image? I wanted to post this, but it was more than 7mb.
Shitty filter making ugly swirls, here's the original
What's your opinion on Baumgartner, anon?
It's a different painting. Same subject, but there are several small differences. Also not a filter, but probably reflections on the glass. I have the one you've posted as well.
I don't think it's a different painting, actually. Just a really bad filter of some sorts and it's cropped as well. The small details, angles and positions are way too same and in exact same places for it to be a different painting, zoom in to check it out.
The biggest difference is the missing lightning bolt. I don't think it's a digital filter, just odd reflections when it was photographed.
If you zoom on the top of the lighthouse here >>8042413 you can see it's a deformed filter, so it's just heavily altered original painting.
Yeah, you're right. I think I got it from /hr/, so someone probably altered and uploaded it. Thanks.
Another lighthouse painting by Melbye.
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This has been my background for months, usually I switch once a month

Great thread niggers, saved so many posts here
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Studio Ghibli why not
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Is that the place where Woody Harrelson yells IT'S HAPPENING and gets his face blown off by Yellowstone eruption?
The water reflections in this one are extraordinary.
Another excellent example from the same artist
polish painters were on another level holy fuck
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/lit/ pays a visit
More good landscape paintings are being made now than ever before. More art of every kind, really. Your inability to use a search engine doesn't mean we're all doomed. That's just you.
>graffiti on the rock
Such vandalism, such savagery.
It wouldn't require a lot of 'shop skills to remove the craquelure, but it's bloody tedious.
this one is amazing, thank you.
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Higher res
Is the yellow hint original or due to passage of time?
It's as intended, not age-worn.
Found a better resolution but it is frustrating how some details got lost
based beyond belief
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>photography is invented
>now im going to paint shitty blurry garbage to put those phototurds in place!
Wiki commons is the reason I donated for wikipedia.
The goldmine is awesome.
cheers for these
stop bitching and pick up a brush
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I like the theory that the 17thC Dutch masters used early camera obscuras to produce their most photorealistic works

In a way it feels that within popular western culture that art like this is cemented as a historical artifact. You go to a museum or echoey art gallery to view things like this and it disconnects people from the idea of it being an artform you can and should currently pursue.

Art in itself is also an after thought in education and not considered a useful skill as we live in an increasingly digital age, so the appreciation of what goes into masterpieces like this and the reward of their creation and appreciation for them in a modern era is increasingly gone.

Cause it's like "who cares, there's websites full of this stuff". It's a shame and I'm really not sure if there's a way to walk any of that back or what way we can reignite a broad public consciousness towards appreciating the noble human pursuit of scratching a stick into the dirt in tribute to the beauty of this world we find ourselves in.
Is this a real place?
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Yes, in Switzerland.
There's some artistic license in the painting, but the place is real.
Right on! Thanks, anon.
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Love it
Is dit schilderij gebaseerd op Middendelfland? Lijkt er wel op.
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this has been my pape for better part of a year now
This has been my wallpaper for over 4 years.
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You spooked me with the title of this image. I live in Bulgaria and one of my great grandmothers grew up in a village called Kazanka. I thought that was a painting from there. Alas, it's in Russia, but you took me on a pleasant journey anyway.
>432 KB
>Anonymous 05/18/24(Sat)21:39:35 No.
Here's one by Pokhitonov that depicts a Bulgarian landscape.
Hardship doesn't make something good or bad. A noob can produce absolute shit with an inhuman amount of effort and a genius could produce a masterpiece with minimal effort and hardship. You're just scared you're not good enough to compete with AI.
you are a fucking idiot and have no idea what you are saying. No artist is going to compete with AI, and that is simply because a computer is incapable of creating art. If you are too stupid to tell the difference between a painting and a machine generated image, thats on you.
Would it be nice to live there? Or too hard.
This isn't going to age well. AI from 2 years ago to today is monumentally different in terms of realism, detail, ability to actually form a coherent image, and it's still in its infancy. Now imagine 2 decades from now.
In the 1800s? Both. It'd be great to live there, but would be a hard life.
Much easier (or annoying) these days. It's a popular tourist destination.
picrel is what it looks like.
Not in sudtirol nor austria
If it can keep improving, it may plateau if there's not enough new data to train it on, plus the data itself is usually biased, by that i mean it if it is trained with internet images it will have a bias towards what's common on the internet
Computerphile did a video on this recently
I was there once, immediately recognized the tower
>Not in sudtirol nor austria
You're right. It used to be part of the Duchy of Carinthia, but later ceded to Italy. I don't know why Sudtirol was in the label. Thanks for the correction.
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Very nice, anon.
This art is by a guy called Albert Bierstadt. You can find more of his art here: https://www.arthistoryproject.com/artists/albert-bierstadt/a-storm-in-the-rocky-mountains-mt-rosalie/
Honestly, check out this whole site, especially the 1800, it's gold
lol, peeps are doing plenty of landscape paintings nowadays. maybe touch grass or get out of ur sweat den every once in a while?
artist here.
please read:

there are many manymany people painting scenes just like this.
for a guy who claims to have such strong feelings for art, how could you not know that?


pretty insulting to practicing artists that you lounge in front of your computer screen dycrying the death of art, but you've never been to see any art by living artists.
Go into ANY art gallery (these are not "museums" you understand, but places that show and sell art by living artists; every city has many, evena small town will have something).

Tell them what you want to see, and they'll be able to tell you which galleries to govisit.

There's no sales pressure or anything like that, just galleries showing art of all kinds -- including stuff you oddly believed was no longer made.
>there are many manymany people painting scenes just like this
None gets ever posted. Cool story, I guess?
maybe kys zoomer faggot, yeah?
Blessed thread, a bittersweet respite from the horrors of life.

>none gets ever posted. Cool story I guess?

Unbelievable self-own
>there are many many modern paintings!
>not a single one in a 6 months old thread with hundreds of paintings from different people
What could be the reason? Oh, yeah. They all suck and there are none. Good talk.

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