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Somehow there is no thread for this category, so I'll start with some of my OC, and then post other papes I have.
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Cropped version.
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Very nice.
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I suppose its not forests, but still nature. I noticed these rivers in Iceland on google earth the other day, and it really is a crazy otherworldly look to everything in south east Iceland.
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The water slows down and drops sediment, but is very slow and has odd looking sediment due to the volcanos and glaciers melting. It builds up over time and gets in the water's way. It also freezes which slows things even further. There is this crazy thing in Russia too, the mouth of the Lena river is unbelievable. But I apologize for this not being a wallpaper worthy sized image.
File: usgs-qTV6c2pjbBo-unsplash.jpg (2.79 MB, 2400x2400)
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>But I apologize for this not being a wallpaper worthy sized image.
Would this help? Found it on unsplash.
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Does anyone have anything from Arizona? I've always loved Coconino National Forest, the ponderosa pine trees and sparse juniper/grassland.
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Posting in based thread
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long shot but any of you happen to have some nice closeups of juniper/cedar trees, similar to pic related?
love how they look up close, tried to find some good ones but it's been hard
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Op here. Not juniper or cedar, but I took this which is somewhat similar.
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I posted many of my favorites. Thanks for the thread; floral and greenery are my favorite thing to see in wallpapers and around my workspace. I enjoy their aesthetic, and they're a mood enhancer.
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sauce or fake image
All images are fake. That's what an image is
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It's Mount Robson in British Columbia, Canada
anyone got any good dark jungle
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absolute unit of a fucking mountain. Perhaps more so than Monte Pelmo even.
note the human for scale
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I don't want all of this to disappear bros...
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Nature and forests and natural beauty.
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4.87 MB JPG
really appreciate that.
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Taken with Moto G72
Why do the trees die around this sink hole?
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kino thread
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4.16 MB GIF
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I died there many times
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Amazing thread, I'll post some from my collection.
A personal favorite
This one is ai upscaled so it might look a bit weird.
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my new pape:)
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71 KB
Does anyone have something like this but in a higher resolution?
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3.29 MB PNG
ew nigga
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1.31 MB JPG
saved these, thanks, posting two in return
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stay fresh
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its not real, its just some art slop supposed to look like the brazilian flag
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It's a photograph. Looking at the file name I'd take a wild guess it's Karula national park in Estonia. Could be this spot (rotate the photo about 200 degrees clockwise), 57°45'39.8"N 26°27'15.4"E

It's not a sinkhole, it's a pond in a swamp or a swampy location. Not a botanist but my guess is the trees die because the roots drown.
>but my guess is the trees die because the roots drown.

that's pretty much the size of it; unless the trees are among those species specifically adapted to grow and thrive in very wet/marshy/swampy conditions they effectively drown and eventually become ghost trees much like those in that image

a much more extreme example of the effect can be seen at the Neskowin Ghost Forest in Oregon, one of many ghost forests in the region, where a long time ago the local spruce forest was inundated and quickly killed off by mud and water most likely from a massive earthquake-triggered tsunami.
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damm this's a good one
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I love these threads. I'd like to give back with some pics I've taken.
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New Zealand, a location that could best be described as "a little slice of paradise on Earth spoiled only by tectonics and politicians."
dirty hippie
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proof positive that too much wanking is bad for your eyesight... she's clearly white, she just has dreadlocks

dreadlocks also do not mean a person is a 'hippie' either, whether dirty or otherwise; and let's face it, if she said yes you and most other Anons on here absolutely would... so maybe don't judge or complain so much and just enjoy the view
>It's a photograph. Looking at the file name I'd take a wild guess it's Karula national park in Estonia
now i feel embarrassed, i thought it was ai because of the colors and the water looking artificial. my bad
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the picture was taken by a satellite not in the usual RGB colors but maybe also some IR wavelengths. That's why is looks so unusual.
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the reddit quote is unnecessary
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I took this today.
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cropped image
Would, but that's not saying much desu
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Making this one my new wallpaper. Thanks.
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Thanks Anon. Exactly what I was looking for itt.
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>posting an arid desert in the Forests, Plants, Trees, Nature thread
What did anon mean by this?
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i can see plants and nature in that pape
Love the lifeless look of nature but could do without the edgy quote.
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it looks like bliss

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