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1950's Atomic Age Futurism, elaborate moon bases, personal rockets, etc.
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Have you noticed how not a single tiniest thing from the 1950s future visions became true in the present day? Mindblowing.

You can thank the Civil Rights Act.
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my personal favourite
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This thread summoned a memory from deep in my head - Does anyone remember a children's book with this sort of aesthetic/artstyle that was about robots rising up against humanity but then everything works out in the end? I seem to remember there was something about flying jetpacks to school or something in it. There were giant robots, too.
There was wallpaper in this style but it had like a train station and mountain range in the distance like https://i.4cdn.org/wg/1681859868464782.png does anyone know what I mean?
I remember seeing this in an old thread, so glad to have found it again
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>Jews, not even once.
But seriously it's more about seeing how different periods envision the future than it is a blueprint.
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And the Immigration Act of 1965, and the Federal Reserve Act
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I think I remember what book you're talking about but I also can't remember the name, but I know that everything was fixed in the end because a mouse unplugged the evil supercomputer.
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This, desu.
Try /lit/
Blame the cold unceasing hand of reality. It's a lot easier to envision fantastical spaceship designs and hovering homes with gorgeous views of Mars than it is to actually make any of that physically happen. A lot of it is overdesigned bullshit if I'm being brutally honest but, it really is so pleasing to the eye, and all that optimism for the future people had... genuinely puts pain in my heart sometimes. Weird to think if it was day to day life I might be much less wowed. Do you think their world would pine for tiktok and MUAs and that awful sleek modern look every fast food place is doing now?
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I'm a big fan of ringworld concepts
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Simon Stålenhag
I love these, amazing
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thank reality for that

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