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Phone Wallpapers - https://mega.nz/folder/VhdyVRpC#lfbFqEbdvSnRsanD_2j8MA

1440p Wallpapers (newer additions) - https://mega.nz/folder/YhcUmRZC#gSYQuWnjK-JgVoyBbs4W9Q

1440p Wallpapers (older) - https://mega.nz/folder/0h1GxCCA#bQkIX_qpYf9_DYCvqFeOfw
example 2
example 3
Hey, great papes idea. All you guys great papes should be stored permanently so that we can re-view them even after this tread disappears. I have set up a topic room on depvana.com specifically for this.

So when you post a wallpaper here, pls ALSO post it on: https://depvana.com/topic/67

I typically don't permanently upload stuff due to copyright issues & DMCA takedown requests.
Thanks for the reply, but how would that be a problem for you?

Assuming you post a copyrighted image to depvana.com. In the unlikely event that someone makes a DMCA request. This would only be depvana´s problem right?
>In the unlikely event that someone makes a DMCA request. This would only be depvana´s problem right?

Best case (most likely outcome) : depvana don't store any user data, and they immediately take down any DMCA'd content to the satisfaction of the copyright owner who doesn't take the matter any further.

Worst case (less likely but does still happen) : depvana immediately take down the DMCA'd content, but they not only store user data but then share that data upon legal request, allowing the copyright owner to first check that user data against the user data of their own site(s) so they can ban any matching accounts, but they then have the legal option to start chasing after the uploader for financial compensation (potential loss of earnings) - though from memory this tends to happen more in very large and serious cases of bulk copyright theft - e.g. someone uploads a partial or full siterip of an adult site or something like that.

Either way, anyone thinking of uploading to any filehost or imagehost should ALWAYS attempt to read the hosts T&C's first, especially if the host requires the user to make an account to upload anything.

Thanks, great points. Maybe you could help me think through the difference between 4chan and Depvana when it come to user security.

Assuming the following is correct:

4chan - Stores IP and a series of other meta data. They even route traffic to 4chan through Cloudflaire who is know for serious traffic and meta data analytics.
They do not require login.

Depvana - Stores only IP. They do not route traffic through CloudFlaire. They do require the user to be logged in to upload. However, accounts are allowed to be anonymous and no verification needed. They do not have any terms of service at the time of writing.

Which one is more safe for the user and why?
>Best case (most likely outcome) : depvana don't store any user data, and they immediately take down any DMCA'd content to the satisfaction of the copyright owner who doesn't take the matter any further.

Probably. I certainly don't plan on uploading a siterip of copyrighted stuff. But still, I'd generally rather not bother with uploading copyrighted material to these storage sites. And a lot of the images I collect here come from unknown origins. I upload certain edits I do to my custom wallpaper collection on mega but I generally wouldn't want to upload a huge collection of copyrighted stuff on there.

>Either way, anyone thinking of uploading to any filehost or imagehost should ALWAYS attempt to read the hosts T&C's first, especially if the host requires the user to make an account to upload anything.

That's the thing though. The TOS of any storage site prohibits unauthorized uploading of copyrighted material. Copyright laws make large wallpaper collections impossible to host online unless its licensed or entirely OC. This is why there are no great wallpaper collections online.

>Which one is more safe for the user and why?

The major difference is that things are only temporarily hosted here. Things are usually long gone before any copyright owner takes notice. If you only share some copyrighted stuff sporadically once in a while here probably nothing will happen. And I wouldn't share a full resolution version of a stock image either so there's that.

And I am currently making efforts to distance myself from collecting copyrighted stuff like stock image photography. Copyrights are just too much of a buzzkill. Not worth it. I am now more invested in OC, either my own or from other anons.

But as it stands, if it came down to sharing a large collection, I'd go with a torrent/VPN.

Thanks for your thoughts.
In your perspective, how would you want a website`s upload functionality to look like, in order for you to be comfortable uploading wallpapers to a site that stores posts in a more permanent and more structured way?

Or do you deem this impossible in general?

The problem with torrents for sharing is that there are no structured way of finding, exploring and accessing content. Hence, in my view, the need for a place to explore user uploaded content in a structured way.

Btw, I my humble opinion VPNs are a bad choice for IP anonymity. If you pay for their services in anything other than crypto they got all your information. I would suggest using TOR instead.
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least ai generated conversation on 4chan
Sadly, I really think copyright laws make it generally impossible. You *might* be able to host a gallery on an onion site but the tale of Silk Road has shaken faith in the dark web for a lot of people. People will encounter messed up stuff on there like kiddy porn and let it get to their heads “if this stuff can stay up surely my my collection of copyrighted images will be fine”. The reality is that people care more about money. Kiddy porn is out there for the same reason hard drugs are: its the bread & butter for law enforcement - something to keep them in business. If you hosted a siterip of a major stock image company like shutterstock (assuming its possible to acquire that much images from one company) on the dark web, I'd bet almost anything they'd find a way to take it down. It's tempting to think of the dark web as a honeypot to bait people into posting illegal content and then picking out which people they want to nail.

Alternatively, you could share thumbnails of all your wallpapers and leave it to the viewer to track down HD versions. That would be really gay but i guess its better than nothing.

>Btw, I my humble opinion VPNs are a bad choice for IP anonymity. If you pay for their services in anything other than crypto they got all your information. I would suggest using TOR instead.
It's more of just a safety precaution when torrenting. It is not to suggest that its foolproof. And I wouldn't rely on it for much more than torrenting. And I don't think I'd torrent anything *too* extensive in terms of copyrights either (like a siterip).

A thoughtful conversation on 4chan? I agree, it couldn't possibly be by humans.
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Interesting idea with the thumbnails and some way of tracking down the HD version. How would that work in practice? a magnet/torrent link maybe. Although I think thepiratebay got in trouble just for hosting the torrent links.

In any case, I believe there need to be a site where you can post content like 4chan but better organized. This scrolling through 10 pages on any topic for a chance of finding a given subtopic is not optimal.

As a side note, I you won't mind, I would like your opinion on "depvana.com" 's way of structuring topics and subtopics. Is it working or would you have done it differently? Maybe compare it to 4chan and reddit. Cheers
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here anon
I didn't know how much I needed this thread, thanks OP.
Found this in your mega and modified it a bit
I don't know enough about it to make any qualified assessment but I don't want to wait any longer to leave a reply. It seems interesting. Do posts remain up indefinitely? If so you may not get away with the same things you can here. Vis-à-vis copyrights, you may have to err on the side of caution even more so.

But copyrights notwithstanding, it certainly removes the redundancy of having to see the same wallpapers over & over whenever the topic gets reposted on 4chan. Also nice is the fact that nothing is lost over time and that obscure edit some anon did 5 years ago will still be accessible. And you get one big comprehensive archive of a particular topic all in one place as opposed to temporarily hosted threads that pop up sporadically here. You'd have to frequent this site (like once a week) to get it all whereas with depvana you could just drop by once a year to get it all.

On the other hand, depvana may run into issues with how it organizes topics. You'd end up with lots of variants of topics with different rules (that is assuming everyone can post their own topic). The topic section then becomes cluttered. People get confused over the variations. Keeping track of a certain topic may become as much of a hassle as it is here.

And that's to say nothing of the moderation rules. If there's anything along the lines of hAtE sPeAcH policies I probably will only ever lurk there. And the internet is sick of being under the thumb of a spiteful transexual moderator on a power trip. That shit is already bad enough on 4chan. If the TOS is within reason & it's not run by power-hungry tranitors (and it really only takes one awful janitor to ruin a site) I would consider it.

Do they allow users to edit their posts (i.e. reupload with an updated image)? If not, they should. Reuploads should also be tagged with an edit date to give people the heads up about an update.
reply - part 1 of 2)

Nice, interesting observations. Regarding your questions I have been in contact with the team behind depvana. Firstly, it is a new site and they are very willing to make changes in response to user feedback. However as of now, the following stands. Of cause with reservations for any misunderstandings on my part.

-) Do posts remain up indefinitely? Yes, unless the original poster delete it.

-) Moderation rules? No content moderation from the site administrators. They strive for total free speech. As in all and any speech allowed. However, they are forced to delete stuff if they receive a warrant.

-) Edits of posts? Currently not possible to edit posts. Reason being that it is possible to reply to posts. Hence edits makes it unclear what was originally replied to. You can however, make a new post as a reply to the post you want to edit. This should accomplish similar effect no?

As a sidenote. Currently topic rooms supports text, images, gifs and peer voice-chat. In the future, short videos and file upload will be supported too. In addition to possible suggestions from users.
reply - part 2 of 2)

To your point:

"You'd end up with lots of variants of topics with different rules (that is assuming everyone can post their own topic). The topic section then becomes cluttered. People get confused over the variations. Keeping track of a certain topic may become as much of a hassle as it is here."

This is a great and foresighted observation. People are able to create new topic rooms as they wish, so this is not a trivial problem to solve. As of now, it is the responsibility of the site administrators to maintain a reasonable topic and subtopic structure. Topics can be moved as a subtopic under another topic with all its content and URL unchanged. Like moving a folder into another folder on a computer. The topic of most generality will be the parent topic.

For instance. Assume a topic '/Tigers' exist. Another user create a new topic 'RedTigers' as a subtopic to '/Cars'. You would have the following structure: /Tigers, /Cars/RedTigers. A site mod could move redtigers to '/Tigers' resulting in structure: /Tigers/RedTigers, /Cars. Of cause the hope is that users for the most part will create topics at sensible locations.

In the case of two variations of essentially the same topic, they would either be two competing subtopics under the same parent topic, or they could be merged into one if the topic creators agreed.

In the future this process will be more streamlined and users will be able to request a topic relocation or topic merging. If you see problems or have a better way of maintaining a sensible structure pls let me know?
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>This should accomplish similar effect no?

Two things. a.) Having multiple variations of an image results in unnecessary clutter and confusion for onlookers. b.) A person who edits an image usually does it for good reason and they will almost certainly find the previous version inferior and not want to leave it up. If edits aren't permitted what happens is that the OP will just resort to deleting the original post thus rendering the replies to that post unclear anyways.

Alternatively, you can allow users to view the edit history behind an edited post to clear up any confusion in the replies. i.e. show the previous version/s of the image. An option for an overzealous editor to remove some of the edits from the edit history would also be nice and it would save storage space on the servers. Some artists don't mind leaving up previous versions of their work but others do.

On a separate note, is there a hashtag system? Can I view everything involving #StarWars or #Nintendo?
Okay, I guess there is value in being able to edit posts then.

I do not believe there is a hashtag system, however I am not entirely sure. In any case, It is a good idea and I will propose the functionality to the team.

Would you want the ability to attach hashtags to any post or just specific topic rooms? That is, should a search for a given hashtag return posts or topic rooms?
>Would you want the ability to attach hashtags to any post or just specific topic rooms? That is, should a search for a given hashtag return posts or topic rooms?
Any post but allow a filter for selecting only topics.
Add to that the huge benefit of hashtags for specific resolutions & display ratios (i.e. #1920x1200 or #16:9 ). It would give people the option to browse all the wallpapers that fit their phone or display monitor. It spares us the redundancy of having topics for specific screen resolutions where wallpapers posted in other threads would be posted again there.

And an option to default hide hashtags when browsing threads would also be a good idea since all those hash tags get annoying.

Alternatively, you could just have the resolution data of each image you upload be registered into the system and be automatically searchable without the need of hashtags for resolution. But hash tags are still a good idea for other things like display ratios.
>And an option to default hide hashtags when browsing threads would also be a good idea since all those hash tags get annoying.
What you could have when you upload an image is a field for the author's commentary and a separate field for hashtags. And the cluttered hash tag field can be auto hidden when lurking a thread.

And how do replies work? I think they should cascade underneath the OP's post and be collapsible rather than each reply occupying a whole separate individual post that appears at the end of the thread.
Damn good fucking thread. Love you fags thanks for the papes wish i could contribute
Another good idea would be to allow reposting (or linking) of an individual post into multiple threads rather than having to reupload the same image multiple times with multiple posts. i.e. the nightime ocean wallpaper you posted in the water thread can then be linked into the night thread.

This would especially be good if they implement a collapsible reply chain feature as previously described. That way viewers across all the threads where the post is linked can be directed to a singular page where they can see all the comments from others pertaining to that image & the responses from the OP.
Nice image. Possible for you to upload an edit without the man in the middle?
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Yeah I agree, you are right. Hashtags on resolutions would be a great feature. Maybe when uploading an image, a resolution hastag should be attached automatically.
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Great and very interesting idea. I have actually never seen this concept before in a web related context. How would this work in practice?

Lets assume you are in a topic room "nighttime ocean wallpapers" and want to create a new post with a link to another post inside the topic "water". The immediate way would be to grab the post ID of the post in question. However, you would have to navigate back to that topic room, copy-paste the post ID, then return to the original topic and create the link. This seems a little involved, but I cannot see how this can be done more easily.

All in all, thanks for all the great ideas. It is highly appreciated. If you or anyone else have any suggestion pls do not hold back. I will to the best of ability propagate anything posted in this thread. However, due to the volatile lifetime of 4chan threads. If it is not too much of a hassle, then consider also posting any suggestions at the user suggestion topic room https://depvana.com/topic/4.

>Lets assume you are in a topic room "nighttime ocean wallpapers" and want to create a new post with a link to another post inside the topic "water". The immediate way would be to grab the post ID of the post in question. However, you would have to navigate back to that topic room, copy-paste the post ID, then return to the original topic and create the link. This seems a little involved, but I cannot see how this can be done more easily.

What I have in mind is something similar to what you see on Twitter when you repost a Tweet & it appears on your timeline where viewers can click on it & has a popup window where you can view the comments. But here it would differ in the sense that when you click on the repost button, it opens up a small popup window that has a field where you can enter the url to the topic you want to link it to & underneath that field is a list of all the topics it has already been reposted or linked to so that way viewers don't have to guess where it has already been linked. You can also program a blocking mechanism that prevents a post from being reposted or linked more than once to a single topic.

As for having to go back to find a post you want to repost, you could implement a bookmarking feature to keep a personal list of all the content you like and threads you want to keep an eye on. It's not a perfect solution though & there will be times when you have to go back through a big ass thread to track down an image you want to repost. Certainly a lot of users will just resort to posting the image entirely over again instead of tracking it down in another thread to repost it (provided they didn't bookmark it), Oh well. So it may be a bit of a hassle sometimes but it at least wouldn't be a hassle for the user that posted it himself since all the stuff he posts should show up on his profile page. I think it would be an especially good feature for content creators who are trying to maximize their exposure & reach a broader audience.
we love you too
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I like this image but I didn't like the little guy in it so I edited him out

I think you are right. This could probably work. After discussions with the main team behind, I am aware that implementing this require some careful consideration on the technical side. However it is a great idea they plan to implement.

If any more suggestions comes to mind pls let me know. Cheers.
Hey Mr. edit wizard. Could you also edit out the little man in the middle of the pape from post No.8049682 ?

This would make a fellow anon happy.
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Not much of an edit wizard, just very patient with the clone stamp tool.
This one was pretty easy though since it's kinda small.
Awesome, thanks a bunch!
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I can finally contribute too, anons.
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Nice one.
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Come on anons! someone must have some similar to the op poster image. That one is awesome
Who is that and what is that from?
No idea mate, but we need more nsfw glitches for sure.
Is bumping allowed in /wg?
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Selma Blair - Cruel Intentions
What techniques are used to make these?
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ALL of them
That looks like an Angel with Downs Syndrome.
Interesting. A new take. Its great.
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please post 1920x1080
Good job!
Good one. maybe the white could be repainted in another less bright color? I think that would be more suitable as a wallpaper
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guess so
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>I like this image but I didn't like the little guy in it
I was thinking the same, thanks
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