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Can we get a quotes thread folks? Anything goes - I'll post what I've got, and as a side request.. will someone make this into a good one?

"The people you love, the people you say you're doing it for - never asked you for any of it."
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Anyone got this with a better font? Maybe a cursive one?
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And to top it off:
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the irony of that statement coming from that man
Racist bullshit that discounts a history filled with white supremacy that effectively gatekeeps people of color under a fake meritocracy.

White people need to be slaves and colonized for at least 4 centuries to make the chance almost equal. A bit unethical but in the interest of fairness all white people who hold higher education, elders and cumulative knowledge needs to be destroyed all side white people's history.

Only then will it truly be a equal chance.
What city is this?
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Wow. I could use your post as the definitive example of a neo-marxist rant.

You seem to think slavery was invented 4 or 5 centuries ago just for "people of color". Slavery has existed since the human species moved away from a hunter gatherer existence thousands of years ago. In the entire history of slavery there have been far more white people held as slaves than "people of color". In fact I would guess that pretty much every person alive today may have had 1 or more ancestors somewhere that were slaves. The only ones whining about it are "people of color". "People of color" need to get the fuck over themselves and get on with their lives.
>Racist bullshit that discounts a history filled with white supremacy that effectively gatekeeps people of color under a fake meritocracy.

Given that white supremacy and racial "gatekeeping" was always, and indeed still is, actively perpetrated by the Democrat Party and its supporters, if you want actual meaningful change in the world you need to stop voting for self-serving Democrat politicians who only ever lie to and cheat the people who vote for them and never deliver on any promise of community and life improvement while also lining their own pockets in all kinds of shady corruption.

Also, that Democrat Party favorite known as equality of outcome (a.k.a. equity) is NEVER EVER an appropriate solution, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a marxist/communist who is actively lying to you and trying to bait you into committing serious crimes against white conservatives so that you remove not only those white conservatives, but also yourself, from society so that the marxist/communists have less opposition and more chance to spread even more of their misery-laden ideology upon those folks that remain. Remember that the Socialist utopia you were promised by your Democrat-supporting teachers and professors is not actually a land of sunshine, rainbows and lollipops, instead it's a literal hellish fucking nightmare on Earth.

So do yourself a big fat favor and stop being a useless idiot, stop spouting and regurgitating that same old commie racebaiting nonsense, with their obvious lies and tired cliche rhetoric; instead educate yourself with some actual history and also stop voting for the consistant cause of all the country's/world's problems - the Democrat Party - because if you keep going down the path you're on you'll guaranteed 100% end up in a world of deep shit you can't escape from.
>White people need to be slaves and colonized for at least 4 centuries

All throughout history white people have always been taken and traded as slaves just as much as any other race; indeed there's currently approx. 40 MILLION slaves (yes, really; just don't expect your democrat-supporting commie-wannabe friends and/or the mainstream media to openly talk about it) of all kinds and ages and ethnicities all over this shitty backwards hellhole of a planet that we all call home, and it's more than fair to suggest that some decent percentage of that approx. 40 MILLION are infact 'WHITE'.
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I have a version with the character
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I swear once there was a Mega on /fit/ full of things like this, it may be a long shot but do you have the link? I figured it would be in a motivational/whitepill thread over there but there isn't one up
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this thread is a fucking disappointment
he says, posting the most overdone quote in the history of this rotten pustule of a site
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Dog shit advice. You don't want to depersonalization.
Equality at most should just mean equal rights. Human biodiversity precludes the possibility of everyone having an equal chance.
this goes hard
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bumping this thread for more. 1/x
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stops the bloody fist fight however
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Tried to reverse search it, appearently it's Sinchuan, 2008.
Can't find the original image tho
Do you have the one that says "you can always be better"? There was a thread of papes like these but I lost my folder.
one of these i presume?
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Spelled his name wrong.
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You deserve what you tolerate.
Great reply full of insight and reason
Absolute drek from hopeless autistic shills
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It's not at all about encouraging depersonalisation (of the individual), it's actually about the individual learning an important life lesson that rather than maintaining fixed rigid perspectives on everything in their life, that they should instead develop their own personal intellectual/spiritual/physical freedom so as to be able to adapt to any situation that might present itself...

Thus the advice is not "dogshit" at all, indeed the world would probably become a much better place for all if everybody took the time to learn the lesson.

Also, that image only contains the first part of a larger quote, the full thing adds to the context and makes the lesson even more understandable.

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