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Any chance we can get one of these going?
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here's a third one, fag
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Nobody has more? Better than 95% of bullshit on this board. Like how do you look at ugly consumerist bullshit you'll never own all day and aesthetically appreciate it?
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I find it hard to believe that people in the old days didn't jack off. Every consecutive owner of this statue must have rubbed one out to it. Even if it was in secret. I'm sure. It's a biological imperative.
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who dat? I don't know this statue and its details (reversed spqr banner and so on) just boggle my mind

this is 'Hannibal counting the rings of the Roman knights killed at the Battle of Cannae', 1704, by Sebastiaen Slodtz
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Antonio Corradini is not known as a top master because he always fucked up the legs, and made them too disproportionally short. The more you look at it, the harder it becomes to ignore.
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thank you fren
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That just means he liked longer torsos. You are a pleb if you think something which shows so much skill would have unintentional proportions mistakes.

Also if his statues were made with the intention of being viewed from bellow, as in being diaplayed above the eye level, then distorted proportion couls have been intentional, to make the statue "look correct". In the same manner Michellangelos David hands and head were made proportionally bigger to pull the attention. You arent going to claim
Michellangelo is not a top master now, are you?
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personal favorite
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This is perfect for phones
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Young Thug
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good thread so far!
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One of my favourite photographs.
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