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File: tulips.png (459 KB, 2000x1200)
459 KB
459 KB PNG
spring edition
previous thread >>8004686
there are probably going to be reposts from the previous thread in here but i will do my best to share new papes
File: aestheticshoes.jpg (3.06 MB, 7000x4949)
3.06 MB
3.06 MB JPG
File: benotafriad.jpg (229 KB, 1500x938)
229 KB
229 KB JPG
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288 KB
288 KB JPG
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850 KB
850 KB JPG
File: cotton knight1.jpg (627 KB, 2500x1579)
627 KB
627 KB JPG
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409 KB
409 KB JPG
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513 KB
513 KB JPG
File: cotton knight5.jpg (459 KB, 2400x1417)
459 KB
459 KB JPG
File: IMG_1992.jpg (231 KB, 736x1445)
231 KB
231 KB JPG
shitty phone pape
File: 1475929295890.png (1.01 MB, 3200x1800)
1.01 MB
1.01 MB PNG
i have been holding on to these for eight years
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215 KB
215 KB JPG
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1.24 MB
1.24 MB JPG
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510 KB JPG
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927 KB
927 KB JPG
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2.06 MB
2.06 MB JPG
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344 KB JPG
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216 KB PNG
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4.04 MB
4.04 MB PNG
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229 KB PNG
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258 KB PNG
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251 KB PNG
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342 KB JPG
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265 KB PNG
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111 KB GIF
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401 KB PNG
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205 KB PNG
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661 KB PNG
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1.01 MB PNG
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696 KB PNG
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205 KB PNG
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472 KB PNG
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599 KB JPG
File: molang.jpg (475 KB, 1920x1200)
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475 KB JPG
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3.81 MB
3.81 MB PNG
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221 KB
221 KB JPG
bonus wp for phone
thats all from me
This may come as a surprise...
I don't care.
File: shelookspretty.png (2.39 MB, 2000x1339)
2.39 MB
2.39 MB PNG
op here, glad that you felt you could share
File: 52675676079_e20f9f3800_o.jpg (1.28 MB, 2048x1365)
1.28 MB
1.28 MB JPG
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3.58 MB
3.58 MB JPG
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890 KB
890 KB JPG
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291 KB
291 KB JPG
File: floral1.png (1.11 MB, 2080x1170)
1.11 MB
1.11 MB PNG
File: yotsuba.png (1.21 MB, 1800x1000)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB PNG
might count as anime but i dont care, yotsuba is girly and is literally me
File: yotsubanowatermark.png (1.2 MB, 1800x1000)
1.2 MB
1.2 MB PNG
File: getting better maybe.jpg (945 KB, 3047x2047)
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945 KB JPG
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2.49 MB
2.49 MB PNG
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3.16 MB
3.16 MB PNG
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2.2 MB
2.2 MB PNG
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2.56 MB
2.56 MB PNG
File: faebruary6.jpg (764 KB, 2200x1350)
764 KB
764 KB JPG
i'm missing five and everything after day 11, sorry
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3.73 MB
3.73 MB PNG
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2.49 MB
2.49 MB PNG
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2.88 MB
2.88 MB PNG
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3.43 MB
3.43 MB PNG
File: faebruary11.png (3.89 MB, 2200x1350)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB PNG
if anyone has got the others (vickisigh) post em here, i really love her fairy desings
File: i said.png (1.66 MB, 2224x1424)
1.66 MB
1.66 MB PNG
File: 1370355.jpg (1.07 MB, 7061x5304)
1.07 MB
1.07 MB JPG
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2.08 MB
2.08 MB JPG
File: pastel dice.png (1.97 MB, 1920x1080)
1.97 MB
1.97 MB PNG
File: oceandice.jpg (78 KB, 636x900)
78 KB
phone pape moment
File: sailormoon.png (677 KB, 1800x1008)
677 KB
677 KB PNG
apologies for the dead silence, finals have been brutal.
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1011 KB JPG
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1.45 MB
1.45 MB PNG
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1.42 MB
1.42 MB JPG
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2.97 MB
2.97 MB JPG
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146 KB
146 KB JPG
nice thread, thank you OP
File: kirsti-hogan-nexuscover2.png (916 KB, 3840x2160)
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916 KB PNG
File: thefunniestthinghappened.png (1018 KB, 1800x1151)
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1018 KB PNG
thank you for contributing, im still amazed to see that there are a couple of anons who enjoy these kinds of wallpapers. it's motivated me a lot during physical recovery.
finally managed to get bottom surgery? congrats anon
File: F8K1dfnbIAAoX7i.jpg (169 KB, 859x1459)
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169 KB JPG
File: somnolentnovae.png (529 KB, 1400x850)
529 KB
529 KB PNG
no actually i got hit by a car going 50mph and almost lost the ability to walk
File: digital angel.png (3.15 MB, 2000x1200)
3.15 MB
3.15 MB PNG
File: autism.png (953 KB, 1920x1080)
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953 KB PNG
File: acgothwives.png (904 KB, 1920x1080)
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904 KB PNG
request for a friend
File: thecatisback.jpg (108 KB, 1920x1080)
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108 KB JPG
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747 KB PNG
File: 1697683878317342.jpg (3.73 MB, 1920x1080)
3.73 MB
3.73 MB JPG
this counts as a girly activity okay
File: 166.jpg (5.5 MB, 2906x1938)
5.5 MB
5.5 MB JPG
this pape has followed me across 6 different PC's over 12 years.
File: floral cats.jpg (3.78 MB, 1920x1080)
3.78 MB
3.78 MB JPG
File: vSyzio1.jpg (1.15 MB, 1928x1000)
1.15 MB
1.15 MB JPG
File: 1451473658589.jpg (1.37 MB, 1920x1080)
1.37 MB
1.37 MB JPG
other version of this
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1.62 MB
1.62 MB JPG
File: mermaid ship.jpg (4 MB, 3034x1706)
4 MB
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641 KB JPG
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292 KB
292 KB JPG
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266 KB JPG
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2.81 MB
2.81 MB PNG
File: ariel.jpg (3.81 MB, 5000x2813)
3.81 MB
3.81 MB JPG
let me guess, you're trans
File: girlies.png (877 KB, 2000x1277)
877 KB
877 KB PNG
File: ilse-harting-fall.jpg (845 KB, 1694x2000)
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845 KB JPG
captcha: GASP
File: skyberet.png (1.74 MB, 2400x1600)
1.74 MB
1.74 MB PNG
love these
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2.47 MB
2.47 MB PNG
File: witchyrosalina.png (337 KB, 1600x1000)
337 KB
337 KB PNG
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1.96 MB
1.96 MB JPG
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5.01 MB
5.01 MB PNG
File: 1695758035682065.jpg (2.44 MB, 1920x1080)
2.44 MB
2.44 MB JPG
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2.5 MB
2.5 MB JPG
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252 KB JPG
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1.1 MB
1.1 MB JPG
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1.49 MB
1.49 MB JPG
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853 KB PNG
File: 1697609492990347.jpg (5.21 MB, 5120x2880)
5.21 MB
5.21 MB JPG
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1.18 MB
1.18 MB JPG
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1.77 MB
1.77 MB JPG
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2.32 MB
2.32 MB JPG
File: fresh boba tea.jpg (833 KB, 3400x2303)
833 KB
833 KB JPG
File: 20061363266_a50b708fb6_o.jpg (1.4 MB, 3872x2592)
1.4 MB
1.4 MB JPG
File: girly-things-pretty.png (4.23 MB, 1920x1080)
4.23 MB
4.23 MB PNG
I made some collages of the wallpapers that caught my eye.
File: pretty-frontrooms-vibes.png (3.64 MB, 1920x1080)
3.64 MB
3.64 MB PNG
File: girl=2.png (3.78 MB, 1920x1080)
3.78 MB
3.78 MB PNG
File: moth mermaid.png (2.7 MB, 3640x2048)
2.7 MB
2.7 MB PNG
aww these are nice

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