Does anyone have some cool looking hindi styled wallpaper for either phone or a PC? Krisha, Shiva, Hanuman, Narayans...Most of what I could find on the internet was either low res (just like the pic related, but this was the best resolution I could find) or extremely goofy looking. I dunno why but the old pictures always try way too hard and end up looking like a caricature.
>>8049407>implying any pajeetshit doesnt look inherently goofy
"Hindi" is a language. For future reference, the religion is called "Hinduism" and the descriptor you're looking for is "Hindu".That said, based thread. I can never find anything I like as far as Hindu/South Asian desktop wallpapers go
>>8049407>>8050036Fun fact, the term "hinduism" didn't even exist until the 19th century.
I have so many, I will try to post a few I like the most.
>>8049407So this place also has pajeet infestation? :(
>>8052419>>8054023Any other of Kali?
>>8054719That is Durga maa, here is maha KaliUnfortunately the capchas on this website are so annoying that I am getting too frustrated to post my collection
>>8054745Here is another nice one, although I'm realising Christians do not share in the same spirit Haha
>>8054745Thanks, I never studied Hinduism, so I just imagined both were Kali.
>>8054746I was raised kriya yogi (SRS). krishna is crhist.
>>8049407imagine unironically worshipping these lolcows
>>8051848yeah because it's just an English translation. The religion itself is defined more by philosophical basis than by name
>>8049407DO NOT REDEEM
Disgusting shitskins
peak male physique
>>8058970Dharma is Aryan, it's just that we're in the Kali Yuga so our ancestral homeland is overrun by swarthoids
>>8063196>if only you knew how bad things really are
>>8057935it's not a religion nigger
>>8054746bro christ is just a jew that got nailed to a stick, how does one even compare that to the scheming mastermind that krishna was, if christ was half as smart as him he would have gotten judas killed before he even dreamed of selling him for 2 silvers or whatever he didim amazed this thread hasnt gotten deleted yet
Gorgeous thread.
>>8054745Don't know how I went months without seeing this thread. Just want to say thank you for sharing. These are gorgeous paintings.
>>8059641>we wuz jeetsCome on now, that's just pathetic. I admit their religion was influenced by the PIE culture but it's largely not an ethnocentric religion.
>>8074279Sublime from birth, mayst thou O Indra, Hero, with Sūrya overcome all swarthy races. He gained possession of the Sun and Horses, Indra obtained the Cow who feedeth many. Treasure of gold he won; he smote the Dásyus, and gave protection to the Āryan colour.Vaiśvānara, the Deities produced thee, a God, to be a light unto the Ārya.- Rig Veda 3.34.9
Nuke these shitskins holy shit
>>8049407street shitter thread lol
>>8054052Truly unfortunate indeed
>>8066936>Pajeet>Krishna master mind phone scammer.Checks out.
Kali in the style of russian illustration
>>8054746christianity/jews/trinity religions stem from a religion of the worship of brahman
>>8049720Watch your whore mouth. Any informed Aryan understands the significance of the Hindu religion to their ancestor's history.
>>8077847Other way around, poo-boy.The Indo-European steppe invaders (Aryans) are studied through their comparative influence upon Hinduism. Europe was tainted with Abrahamism, but Hinduism was tainted with indigenous dravidians.You can easily cut out the silly stuff from Abrahamic influence in European religion, but there wasn't ever any detail to the religion itself, as it was written about by outsiders who hated it. The details are studied comparatively through the Vedas.Reading an abrahamic perspective of European religion is like watching a news outlet put their own agenda into reporting an event. Reading Hindu sources is like watching an eyewitness recording of the event, but in another language.
>>8049720sir I am Indian
>>8067839Whoa. What temple is that?Those are the most beautiful idols I've ever come across.
Your religion, idols, and aesthetics in general are a complete eye sore and radiate evil energy. May God hasten your peoples conversion from demon worship to holy and pure monotheism.
>>8080435are you going to bomb them like you allahfags like to do?
>>8074755Me when i spread misinformationSanskrit text [Accents, Plain, Transliterated]:स॒सानात्याँ॑ उ॒त सूर्यं॑ ससा॒नेन्द्र॑: ससान पुरु॒भोज॑सं॒ गाम् । हि॒र॒ण्यय॑मु॒त भोगं॑ ससान ह॒त्वी दस्यू॒न्प्रार्यं॒ वर्ण॑मावत् ॥ससानात्याँ उत सूर्यं ससानेन्द्रः ससान पुरुभोजसं गाम् । हिरण्ययमुत भोगं ससान हत्वी दस्यून्प्रार्यं वर्णमावत् ॥sasānātyām̐ uta sūryaṃ sasānendraḥ sasāna purubhojasaṃ gām | hiraṇyayam uta bhogaṃ sasāna hatvī dasyūn prāryaṃ varṇam āvat ||English translation:“He gave horses, he gave also the sun, and Indra gave also the many-nourishing cow; he gave golden treasure, and having destroyed the dasyus, he protected the ārya tribe.”Commentary by Sāyaṇa: Ṛgveda-bhāṣyaThe ārya tribe: ārya varṇam = implies only the best tribe, or order, uttamam varṇam, or the three first castes collectively