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General thread for papes that combine porn or erotica with a popular aesthetic (i.e. vaporwave, synthwave, outrun, neon lighting, retro/nostalgia inspired, japanese text, glitch effects, etc.)

Edits and requests Welcome :)

Previous Thread
Gonna continue posting the gooning related ones I have before taking some requests
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found a tron-themed photoshoot playboy did with some gems in it
captcha was a asshole w this one
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surprised I didn't post this one in the last thread
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Anyone taking requests?

I have a ton of these pics I made on faceapp, I would love to see some Coomerwave papers made out of them

If anyone's interested I can provide more pics
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these threads have gone softer
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Here's another one I made. Unfortunately her camera isn't that great so it's a little grainy. I really like her pair tho.

The question still stands anon, I can do some edits if you point us towards the aesthethic you envision.
im not sure, just something to goon too! i will like anything you make
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Another cow.
I'm sorry, I was not aware of the term "goon". According to UD it's something like a chronic masturbator. I'll try to give your pics a try.
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Have any gooning related one with widowmaker (overwatch)? thanks in advance.
nogga get help
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Those M-cups belong to Leanne Crow. No idea how a girl can grow 'em that big, yowza! https://www.boobpedia.com/boobs/Leanne_Crow
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not sure if this is really coomerwave, but oh well. made in google slides lol
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is anon still making edits
Love these!

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I love this!
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love this one
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anyone wanna try a more muted vaporwave with her?
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any other input?
uh, snakes ig? or medusas idk
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you guys need to be more careful not to namefag while posting gay shit
>not recognising justingod on /wg/
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When writing vertical katakana you turn the ー marks vertical as well, like in this pic >>8049855
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is edit anon still around
most anons do edits on these threads anon. ask and you shall recieve
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Alright can an anon kindly make a pape of her?
Preferrably something like these >>8050333 >>8051773 >>8051562
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other pics
post the original pictures on catbox moe links, they're easier to edit that way.
This better?
sure... i'll give it a try
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damn thats really great thanks for delivering anon
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fantastic work anon
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papa anons, I have good, bad, and ugly news.

The good news is we are going to get full sole custody of /our daughter/ soon from her non bushido mother.

The bad news is /our daughter/ is very large breasted and walks around nude. We get deeply turned on by her and she knows it. What should we do?

And the ugly news, /our daughter/ has hidden aggressive, domineering, oppressive, possessive spirit, just like her non bushido mother.
We thought she was super shy, super shy, but wait a minute while we make you mine, make you mine, but she was actually super RAPE, super RAPE, but wait a minute while we get our balls blue, get our balls blue.
you're driving my cock nuts anon these are great
Gorgeous. The light, the angle, the face, the hair. It makes it look so pretty and sexy.
Beautiful stuff anon. My eyes were amazed and my nuts exploded. 10/10
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different anon here but can you make a gooning focused one for that girl?
The only one of these I like is >>8049850
Why can't there be more like this?
Is there anything specific you want? Video game related? Anime girl style? Gradients? Blondes? Short hair? Steer us in the right direction and some anon is bound to deliver.
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Don't mind me, I just need somewhere to link this pic on a blue balls, I mean, a blue board.
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whats happening at the neckline? why does she have a fold there?
anon thats a scarf
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Brother, you should take a week off or so from the internet and take some time into the forest or something.
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Anyone got some Belle Delphine stuff?
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This belongs in /w/ not /wg/
Can any anons do edits in this style using 3DCG renders of videogame characters? Mostly looking for Dead or Alive girls, Tifa or 2B. Stuff like pic related >>8057347
>This belongs in /w/ not /wg/
(1) /w/ is a strictly blue board
(2) /w/ is for anime, manga, or japanese fiction. this thread has lewds or nudes of actual real life women
don't you get tired of fucking up and being wrong all the fucking time anon?
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More 1920x1080 titties. Love this girl's huge udders, and she's not shy about popping them out up close to the camera for a lovely detailed shot.
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Cupping them in her arm
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Here's one for ass appreciators
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You sound like a cheesy dojin
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Incredible stuff anon
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Very good stuff anon
can't help but read this as those women telling me to take that cock though
Can I request something like these

using this girl?
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that says more about your mind than anything else, anon
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lots of text, can someone give out some translations?
This might be the best one I've ever seen.
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Any bondage wallpapers?
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I cropped and resized this from another photo recently. I guess it fits in this thread?
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Here's the original photo in case anyone cares.
her stomach is crazy I'd lick the sweat clean
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This is some quality photography.
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Any interest in this type of thing?
I glitched an old playboy photo with audio software.
looks alright, maybe mess with the colors more
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we need more edit anons...
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anyone know the girl in this?
literally who
fuck sweetfox as nami
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I don't know if the logo makes it worse, but I thought it was worth posting.
yeah the logo doesn't fit the vibe
I don't disagree with you, but I don't have photoshop, so I can't remove it.
Some edit anons lurk this thread and do a lot of cool shit. So you may just ask what you’d like and someone will pick it up. The IMT is an option as well.

And btw photoshop is not the only option. There are lots of free options available. Some anons use GIMP, others use Paint dot net, others use Photopea or even Pixlr. I wonder if LibreOffice also has some image editing software associated as well.
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your edits are so fucking hot anon

can you do something with this pic?
I wasn't requesting any edits.

That is actually fucking amazing, dude. Wow.

Uuh it's so uncanny I need a follow up, I kinda liked it
Anyone got anything interracial or BLACKED themed?
what do you mean? of the girl? of the text?
whenever i see this thread im reminded to be thankful i wasnt born a subhuman like you

imagine actually living like this lmao you are all spiritually brown if not physically, and if you ever achieve any sense of self awareness, will probably become extremely suicidal when you recognize yourself

luckily for you, being subhuman means the likelihood of that is probably nonexistent, since self reflection requires a soul- something you do not possess

honestly its no wonder you cope with porn; you are probably all extremely revolting people
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Would someone please make a trippy version in 16:9 plz?
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This has some assholes's name/tag/alias written in the lower left, but it's small enough to be unintrusive.
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what no pussy does to a mf
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