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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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08/21/20New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/
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The 2024 Spring Babby approaches, and /wg/ FC management is here today bringing /wg/ fans and supporters a new poll.

>What the fuck are you talking about
4chan has a site-wide football/soccer tournament every 3 months for 500-2000 live viewers played on Pro Evolution Soccer, AI vs AI, with teams representing each board. Players are named after things on the board, and they all have really heavy aesthetic modding to, in our case, look like wallpapers playing on the field.

This poll helps the managers incorporate your opinions and ideas into the team.
The anonymous poll: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VLiClIaP9Ia0dLViIG6hdZCj6SBlStdsqNNsBv5l5Zs/edit

Also, you can voice any suggestions or questions in this thread.
The cup qualifiers are April 12th-14th. Find more info in the poll or at implyingrigged.info.

Also, this thread is for 4chan and Cup-related wallpapers.
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Wallpapers playing meme soccer
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I love our team and the very handsome managers!
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Best of luck.
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ive been on this site since 2014 and I have absolutely 0 idea what exactly this football cup is, how and where to monitor it, is it like fantasy football or something, do you guys play FIFA or whatever and I see threads about it every single year
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It's played using different versions of PES.
Humans representing different boards come up with rosters of memes for those boards.
It's soccer, so 23 memes per board. Then they edit the save data of PES to include that team instead of say Barcelona or Liverpool. Please ignore the fame modifiers.

For the actual matches, it's left as AI vs AI for the gameplay with the only human input being when to take subs or how far up or down the pitch you want the AI to be staging your players.
ah, thank you
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so how are the poll results?
Why does this 3d render look familiar?
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The poll is still open! The qualifiers are happening this weekend, but due to various emergencies, I could not make a normal export for the qualifiers. I'll close the poll before the actual babby if we advance from the qualifiers, otherwise the results can be carried forward to the next cup.
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I've closed the poll and will compile the results soon. In the meantime, note the upcoming group stage babby matches, which /wg/ has qualified for by performing well in the qualifiers:

26 April 20:20 UTC against /y/
28 April 19:00 UTC against /cm/
4 May 17:40 UTC against /vst/
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/wg/ playing within the hour, probably
Good work!
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Next match is /cm/

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