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The new tv show is the best conversion of game to show I've seen.
Halo, LoTR should take notes
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such a sad, flat ass.
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If only we had a brotherhood in our world. An organization that prevents stupid people from using technology
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that tv show is a pile of shit kek what exactly did it adapt well? fucking nothing, retard. it was such garbage, nobody talked about it 1 week after it dropped. get fucked, amazon shill.
take your medication, go outside, take a walk
no he's right. the tv retconned several years of established lore with terrible millennial writing, diverse for no reason casting, and awful story telling. i bet you enjoyed rings of power too you fucking loser ass faggot.
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I've enjoyed the first 7 eps. Yeah it's not perfect, but it's cool to see some version of the Fallout world brought to another media
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thats just like, your opinion man

watch something else
yeah, because it has benefited so many other I.Ps in creating quality products... oh, wait... it actively makes them worse and more likely to be slop that children and retards think is "cool".
Let things die. I'm so glad I still have obscure likes that are just frozen and gather no spot light.
No offense to you personally, but fuck this mentality. Yeah dog food is food, but I'm not going to be greatful for it when presented in the presence of decent if not objectively higher quality products.
Fuck anything that isn't an original; remakes, adaptations, sequels etc are garbage those that aren't are the exceptions everyone squeals about as though it's common.
Constantly re-hashing ideas others had without starting from ground level is fucking embarrassing.
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this is a wallpaper thread for posting pictures. Not for you to post rants that no one, me included, will bother to read
this post pretty much confirms anyone who didn't like the show is a trying too hard fucking dipshit
how so?
seems like legit complaints

these two love to suck BBC when no one is looking.
>Show is not perfect but is gud
>Anyone who says otherwise is just another fanboy who takes fandom too seriously

P.S your mothers are whores.
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just a reminder to people posting their feelings, this is a fucking WALLPAPER thread, for posting pics. So just fucking post and shut up
people bitch about something in every thread
in a natsoc thread
>reee, commies
in a commie thread
>reeee, coomers
in a coomer thread
Strange, no one explained why he was wrong. Just a bunch of jewish name calling...
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WALLPAPER THREAD for posting PICTURES do you have reading difficulties?. Take your shit to reddit
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isn't it funny how the shit talkers never contribute anything besides spewing their hate?
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You still would, don't act otherwise you disgusting nigger.

When the fuck are they gonna let us join the Enclave and actually Make America Great Again? It's been hundreds of years already.
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As a tv show, it was solid, except for Maximus, who is one of the least likable protagonists I've ever seen.

As an adaptation of a video game franchise, it's worse than Super Mario Bros (1993).
The show has some moments, but it's garbage, absolute garbage that more than anything tries to shit all over the established original lore because bethesda is full of spiteful retards
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you are someone who doesn't understand this is a wallpaper thread, not a comments thread. So that invalidates your opinion
and you are someone who doesn't have the slightest idea what 4chan is
yeah Maximus was annoying as shit
kept waiting for them to reveal him as a fag or in a relationship with his troon friend
having him and Lucy fall for each other is an extremely played out trope and very predictable
at the very least they could have killed him in the season finale, that would have solved 2 birds with one stone, get rid of a shitty character and move the story foreward to season 2 with an exciting an dramatic season 1 finish
the Ghoul is the best part of the show
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I've been here since the beginning kid
>I've been here since the beginning kid
no shit!, well my dad works at nintendo
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Ghoul should've been the protagonist, imo. He's got Fallout Protagonist written all over everything he does, pure selfish chaos. He's even also seeking his family, so that thematic tie-in to the Bethesda games would still exist.
bro is desperate to look at a man rather than a woman
as usual, these people are so pathetic
yet here you are contributing with garbage wallpapers and even worse opinions, you retarded shit-eating faggots
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Fallout show has a dogshit story with bad characters that but has extreme reverence for its' source material's visuals. It's very strange and bad and I don't see how fans of the old game could be encouraged by the series new direction.
Bethesda haters rise up.
Wouldn't the quest be getting completed...
>so that thematic tie-in to the Bethesda games would still exist.
They are hacks, they use the same premise because the suck at making games. It works with TES games since you always start as a prisoner and then as an agent of one faction. But it's lazy bullshit in Fallout. All good fallout games, don't have that as the main story.
Yeah, I was just trying to pitch something that the creatively bankrupt execs might realistically go for while still being better than the dreck we got.
nice thread
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The good one
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One of my favorites.
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Ok, ragey samefag, I'll bite with some devil's advocate over here.

>What were they adapting

What they adapted wasn't Fallout 2. It was Fallout 5. I am aware we aren't at 5 yet. But the fact is that there is a lot of lore out there. Tons of it. So they took the lore, wrote some stuff, got the blessing of Todd Howard, and ran with it. This is the world the next game is going to be in. Rage all you want, it's how things are. People forget how much stupid shit is Fallout ranging from a vault where it's a guy with a ton of puppets to a ghoul that turned into a talking tree and has a cult worshipping him. If anything I think this actually has less stupid weird shit than usual. They didn't want to scare the normies off with the really weird things that are in canon.

>OMG, things that aren't white males!

Ok, so they had a few people who aren't white, some females, and one trans guy. Honestly, the fact that they aren't white, cisgender, male, or whatever else is offending your delicate sensibilities is something that could be totally ignored or written out with zero impact on the script. And that's exactly how it should be. They were all generally flawed characters living in a flawed world, not perfect snowflake token characters. And yes, people who aren't white, are gay, trans, ect live in the Fallout universe. It's not a random asspull like in Rings of Power. Here's a list: https://fallout.wiki/wiki/LGBTQ_Representation_in_Fallout
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> Continuing..

> Reconned years of stuff
List, please.

On my part, here are the changes I saw that might be a recon and my opinions.

Vault Tech dropped the nuke, not China. This one is probably the elephant in the room, but there's nothing in lore that directly pinpointed where the nukes came from. It was assumed China because of years of Chinese war. The idea of a conspiracy isn't out of the question considering how easy nukes are to get for a massive company in a nuke-happy world. Honestly, I think this change was added to both add interest for normies and not enrage China who is keen to re-enact Fallout in the real world.

Gulper biology and origin has changed. Nobody cares.

The idea of a drug helping ghouls resist going feral is new, but the idea that ghouls are extremely resistant to drugs is old. Drugs have made people into ghouls before, just ask Hancock. Not a recon, there.

Speaking of medicine, being able to do wild body repairs like that new finger or the temporary foot isn't really in the games. This is an example of a film trying to find a way to depict game mechanics. Just randomly generating after using an item won't work on screen..

The Govmint is a new faction. Every Fallout has new factions tied to their area. This change is basically a moot point. And the mall guys are just more slavers, but with a small twist to match the new medical tech on screen. Someone has to supply all those fingers.

The Brotherhood was a shitshow after the divide, so having a few chapters be a mess wasn't shocking IMHO. It's not really a change to the faction. It's more of a break from usual storytelling. Yes, they did secure cold fusion according to New Vegas.

> It sucks!

That's just, like, your opinion man. Personally, I thought it was OK. Maximus was too sheltered for 5+ years in the Brotherhood, Lucy was fine IMHO, Her dad was an interesting bastard, and everyone loves the cranky ghoul. I want to learn more about Fire Mother. She was fun.
>fuck you guys for hating shit I like
this nigga wrote a rage-splaining book
go back to rreeddiitt bietch
also, fuck the bot mod policing language
U Mad?
I think it's the opposite
seems to be mocking people who are upset that some anons criticise the show
Melaninated hands typed this post
I disagree, it did a great job adapting fallout 4 to television. Fallout 4 just isn't indicative of the franchise as a whole.
Hmm. I think I can agree with this. Except for the way ghouls heal and have to take drugs, nothing can justify those choices.
The show is average at best in a sea of shit teir shows. people are just desperate for find something half-decent to watch.

It's not good, you're just coping.

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