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Work and/or home edition

Old thread: >>8034787
WFH/gaming setup
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Hi ferns
I need to get a couple of plants for the office. Maybe I'll do that during lunch. Is that OK with you?
>Is that OK with you?
why shouldn't it be :D
Idk.. just had to check.
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My buttstation
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Ok I bought all the plants and the fancy pots and rocks will be here Saturday. Is that OK?
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this board needs more ultrawide papers
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I got a shelve for the PC. I did this for a number of reasons, but mostly so I could have somewhere better to keep my camera, than on the shelf to the left of my desk, which was annoying to get to. I also need longer cables for pretty much everything now.
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Second picture, cable management will be fixed one day.
how are you doing Jensen huang? can you give me rtx 5090 free pls?
I like the wallpaper
What's in the terrarium?
Mealworms. Much more healthy than Lay's potato chips.
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Clean space
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A Leopard Gecko named Charlie

Superworms actually.
Fucking zoomer ass gecko
Looks neat.
What kind of keyboard is that ?
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He's technically part of Gen Alpha

Build it yourself.

If you buy it pre-built you don't deserve it.
Love the two ThinkCentres. I have thought many times about picking up one of those on the cheap to leave turned on running Linux instead of having to boot my big rig and use a bunch of power to do a little writing.
Thanks for the tip! Now I only need... a fully fitted-out workshop ...
Of course I fucked up the formatting. Read this one instead.

Oh c'mon it's not that bad.

Soldering supplies:
https://a.co/d/iANW0LN (not necessary, but recommended)

Helix supplies:

Aliexpress/google search:
Choc switches: buy a tester kit to find the ones you like, then 64 of the one you want.

Keycaps: you can either 3d print them or Google for some.

The Amazon order is your initial investment that will allow you to build as many as you want. That's like 60 bucks without the fancy arm station. Use Gerber files from github once you have enough experience and you can order PCBs from jlcpcb.com for super cheap. I've built 3 helix keebs so far.

Here's more kits and such if you don't want to wait a while on China shipping:
Actually, I shouldn't start posting as soon as I wake up. The helix kit above doesn't support choc switches, so you would have to order the PCB from here:
20 bucks.

Or, like I said, gerber.zip and order from jlpcb, get a 10-pack and you can make 5 Helix keebs. Sell 4 of them and you'd probably get all of your money back.

Here's the Gerber files:

.zip the "gerber" folder and upload it into jlcpcb.com. Set order to 10 pieces. Hit order. Boom. Done.
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My trash, it's cramped yes, just how I like it.
do those trypophobia mice get filth in their holes easily ?
put an apple on the edge of the lamp pls
I like the pape idea, NASA's dick goes through time and space to penetrate the second monitor. speaks volumes about real life...
You seem like a guy who isn't into the mindless hate thing, good for you!
Fuck yeah theta gang trips, do you really have a financial youtube channel?
get some lights behind your monitors, but you can't find a less glare spot in your place?
I would hire you just for playing Apex Legends instead of Warzone.
Really tuff looking lizz :D
Feel a bit privileged to be able to see into your room, you seem like a guy who is definitely an interesting personality
>do those trypophobia mice get filth in their holes easily?

I wouldn't know. I wash my hands a lot and keep a very clean environment as you can see in OP.
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Definitely needs more ultrawide papes.

I got the new desk set up. I find myself really enjoying my time in this space, but have many more changes in mind.
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Welcome to hell
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My cave


Those cases with wooden parts look great.
I also have that desk from Ikea.

Are those 2 mini PCs under your monitors?

Principal's office desk and armchair.
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Ohhh, nice. Thanks for the tips!
There's one more tip I forgot to mention..
No, I wash hands up to 80 times a day, it is unrelated though, obviously this kind of mouse is not for dirty dudes
Is that Jerry Seinfeld's living room as a lego set??
Yes it is. Christmas gift from my mom from a few years back
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How are the Jamos? I know they're basically Klipsch speakers but I've been thinking of getting a pair anyway.

Also, where the cans at
Disgusting. I hate it.
>>8056555 (checked)
Sennheiser HD660S I keep in a drawer nearby to reduce the cat hair stuck to the ear pads. The Jamos are decent. Nothing earth shattering, but punchy enough to enjoy in an apartment setting. I reached a point where I decided "this is good enough" and decided to just enjoy what I have rather than keep tumbling down the audiophile hole. I might do a significant upgrade when my income changes. What impressed me more is the S.M.S.L. SA300 chi-fi stereo that drives them. Impressive little device that can play Bluetooth from my phone so I don't always have to turn on the PC (helps focus). It's a nice pairing for a great price.

Forgot to tell you that yes, I checked.
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Reminds me of my Leo, Flame. Been almost 2 years since she passed away :(
How old?
5 years
How the fuck did you kill your leopard gecko in 5 years? My guy is 13 years old
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>decided to just enjoy what I have rather than keep tumbling down the audiophile hole

I aspire to reach this level of zen lol. I might have to check that out. I've been using the Topping MX3s for awhile for my speakers and headphones but I've thought of upgrading to a dedicated headphone amp and dac setup, then getting something separate for the speakers. Also I like how from your picture it looks like the amp is about the same height as your Schiit stack. Very nice.
Why is your monitor tilted down? how short are you?
Looking at new monitors, I can't believe how much improvement and price drop there has been since I bought mine in early 2020! Can't justify a new one yet, but damn! I will have to start getting cheaper monitors and upgrade twice as often if this keeps up.

Very nice color theme. I wish I had gotten a case with wood. Haven't bothered to make the light on my case yellow, can't figure out why it won't work.

Some people slouch way back, lowering eye level (I do often).
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this is before, a few hours ago
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this is now, after todays upgrade. All monitors are now floating on arms for more desk space.
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I like your setup beside faggot keyboard and cutting the top and bottom off your display
I love the wood on your PC case. I wan
Funny, these are the two things I for sure plan to change down the road. The Anne Pro 2 is overrated, I just reverted back to my Logitech K810 the other day. I was just looking at other monitors yesterday, any you recommend?
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Finally, Serbian poster
Go for it. I'm so glad I switched and toned down the RGB. It's the Fractal North case, very easy to build in too.

Not the same anon but unless you really hate the ultrawide I'd recommend getting an OLED ultrawide. Throw that bitch on an arm while you're at it and I challenge you not to love it. I have the Alienware AW3423DW now and it's amazing, I don't think I can go back to an IPS panel.
Thank you for your input. I was looking at that monitor, actually. I do want an OLED monitor if I can find the right one. I hadn't realized you can now have OLED, high refresh rate, and high pixel count with minimal downsides. But that guy is right, you are paying top dollar for a monitor while shaving off a bunch of pixels when you could have true 4K. It is a meme in that regard. When I got mine, I thought having a few less pixels would be better for gaming because I would be able to get higher frame rates and make use of the higher refresh rate of my monitor. Now, I'm not so sure.

I have formed the opinion over the years that multiple monitors are also a meme. You can really only look at one thing at a time, and it is very easy to alt+tab. More monitors are just a distraction, and there are always various issues associated with having multiple monitors. The operating system is called "Windows," after all. You can move windows around, shuffle them, and even have multiple desktops designed for specific tasks. I don't think I will go back to having multiple monitors again. What I do want is one large monitor with a very high pixel count. I like the idea of the Dell 8K monitor, but it has bad reviews. I guess there are some quality issues, and you have to run two cables to even get it to run at 60FPS. My current monitor (only 4 years old now) runs at 144Hz (overclock to 165Hz) and I have a hard time going back to 60Hz on my laptop. I think a 4K OLED monitor with high refresh rate might be the current best option. Or possibly some 5K or 6K monitor, but I haven't found one that calls to me.
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Love the monitor arms
love the colors. really like that wood panel.
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Is that the Kosovo flag on your wall?
I wish I had a lava lamp.
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Made some changes from last time
Excellent photo composition, even the Abilify.

You could buy one?
I thought of buying one but got a plasma ball instead.
For convoluted reasons, Mathmos isn't allowed to sell in the US and the lava lamp brands that can be sold aren't worth it quality-wise. I don't want to deal with expensive shipping forwarding and then a voltage converter and all that shit. Maybe someday.

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